Ground Vehicle Variations

Base model vehicles and performance specs are as described on page 29-30 of the Star Frontiers/Alpha Dawn "Expanded Game Rules" book. The only exception is a hovercycle top speed should read 180kph, not 120kph. Variations are as follows:

Table A: Size Variations (Cars & Cycles)
applicable to both ground and hover vehicles

Top SpeedCruise SpeedAccelDecelTurn SpeedPassengersCargoCost
Intermediate-10- n/a --10+10- n/a -- n/a --25%-10%
Mid-Sized- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -
Large+10+10+10- n/a --10+50%**+50%+15%
Heavy- n/a -+20- n/a --10-20+100%+100%+30%
*round up
** round down

Table B: Style Variations (Cars & Cycles)
applicable to both ground and hover vehicles

 Top SpeedCruise SpeedAccelDecelTurn SpeedSPECIALCost
Standard- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -
Cruise-10kph+10%- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -+10%
Utility*-10kph- n/a -- n/a -- n/a - -10- n/a -+20%
Luxury- n/a -+20kph- n/a - - n/a --10- n/a -+25%
Sport+10kph-10 kph+10 +10+10- n/a -+40%
Super Sport+20kph-20kph+20+20+20- n/a -+50%
Dual Sport- n/a -- n/a -+10-10 -10 +0.1 Terrain+30%
Adventure- n/a -- n/a -- n/a --20-20+0.2 terrain+40%
Vintage/Classic-10kph-10kph-10- n/a --10- n/a --50 to +500%
Custom**variesvariesvariesvaries varies varies varies

* Utility vehicles may alternate passenger and cargo space by any combination of 50%/50% (e.g. a standard utility ground car may convert 75kg/0.5cubic meter of cargo space to 3 passenger seats, can't exceed the 50% on either end)

**CUSTOM variations allow for combinations, such as sport/standard. Use the lesser applicable modifier and average the cost modifiers. Use common sense where applicable, such as a longer wheelbase vehicle (chopper or stretch limo) would have a turn speed penalty etc

Table C: Size Variations (Transports & Explorers)
applicable to ground & hover transports and explorers

 Top SpeedCruise SpeedAccelDecelTurn SpeedPassengersCargoCost
Standard- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -
Large -10kph+10kph-10-10-10+33%+50%+50%
Heavy Duty*-20kph+20kph-20-20-20+100%+100%+100%

*TRACK MOBILE chassis available @ +25% cost, not permitted in city streets

Table D: Style Variations (Transports & Explorers)
applicable to ground & hover transports and explorers
 Top SpeedCruise SpeedAccelDecelTurn SpeedPassengersCargoCost
Sport+20kph-10kph+10+10+10- n/a --25%+25%
Utility*- n/a -- n/a -+10- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -+30%
Passenger- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -+10- n/a -+20-75%+20%
Cargo- n/a -+10- n/a -- n/a -- n/a --50%+100% +10%
a standard style is also available, no additonal cost or variables

* Utility vehicles may alternate passenger and cargo space by any combination of 50%/50% (e.g. a standard utility explorer may convert 3 passenger seats to 1000kg/3 cubic meter of cargo space)

Appendix 1: Modifications

Sidecar (cycles only): +1 passenger/+50% cargo, -10 accel/decel/turn speeds --- Cost: 500Cr

Detachable Luggage (cycle or car): +50% cargo space --- Cost: 75Cr

Utility Trailer: +100% cargo space, -10 accel/decel/turn/top speeds for each trailer added --- Cost: 250(cycle)/750(car)/2500Cr(transport)Cr

Air Brakes/Hard Brakes (hover/ground): +10 decel; --- Cost: 1000Cr

Re-geared Transaxles(any): +10 accel/decel & -10 Top/Cruise OR -10 accel/decel & +10 Top/Cruise --- Cost: 50Cr

GyroStabilizers: +10 turn speed --- Cost: 2500Cr

+1 Powerplant Rebuild: +10 to Top/Cruise/Accel/Decel/Turn speeds --- Cost: 15000Cr*

+2 Powerplant Rebuild: +20 to Top/Cruise/Accel/Decel/Turn speeds --- Cost: 25000Cr*

+3 Powerplant Rebuild: +30 to Top/Cruise/Accel/Decel/Turn speeds --- Cost: 35000Cr*

High Performance Racing Chip (HPRC, any): +20 top speed & accel, +10 decel & turn speeds --- Cost: 20000Cr

*Powerplant rebuilds may not exceed the +3 category. A +1 rebuild can be performed initially, followed later by another +1 or a +2 rebuild but can never exceed the +3 bonuses.

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