Manager: Obispe
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Description: A Windows-based application that will allow the Knight Hawks board game rules to be played over the Internet.

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This application is a Windows fat-client written in C# 2.0. I currently have the business rules complete for the Basic Rules and am working on the user interface. I'll soon need people to review the user interface.

My release plan is as follows:
  1. Implementation of Basic Rules
  2. Implementation of Advanced Rules
  3. Implementation of Role-Playing Rules
Implementation of Basic Rules

The Basic board game rules will be implemented in their entirety. This will include the following:
  • Two players
  • Ability to play on a single computer or with two computers connected through TCP/IP
  • All ships available will be from the Basic Rules
  • All weapons and defenses available will be from the Basic Rules
  • A scenario creator will be implemented
  • The two Basic Rules scenarios will be available
Implementation of Advanced Rules

The Advanced Board game rules will be implemented. The following additional features will be added:
  • All ships available will be from the Advanced Rules
  • All weapons and defenses will be available from the Basic and Advanced Rules
  • Users will be able to select between the Basic and Advanced Rules for their scenarios
  • In application chat will be implemented
Implementation of Role Playing Rules

The Role Playing rules that affect the board game will be implemented. Changes will include:
  • Asteroids
  • Use of PC and NPC skills
  • A ship creator will be implemented
  • A weapon system creator will be implemented
  • A defense system creator will be implemented
It is possible that I will have later, feature enhancements at a later time. (e.g., Dragon Magazine items that require additional coding, such as the Energy Shield and Cloaking Device.) This will depend on interest in the application.