Shadows of Fear

jedion357's picture
September 19, 2021 - 7:34pm
Came across an sci fi adventure module that I liked the premise of and thought I would steal.

An investigation needs to happen into a moon where numerous mysterious disappearances have occured.

There is a ruined & abandoned hi tech research facility in the vicinity where the disappearances have occured. 

Investigation starts to point to some sort of technological thing being involved in the disappearances.

Locating it in the Frontier : 
There are no moons with a Hi-tech economy

There three with industry economies: Leen of Terledrom, Fromeltar and Shang-Ti of Kdikit, Madderly's Star and Bigoo of Homeworld Capella. 
I feel like the two in the Frontier proper are good choices for this but no the Capella system- my opinion. I like both Leen and Shang-Ti

There are three moons with Education which could mean research
Belv of Genesis, Pan Gal and Inti of Hakosoar, Scree Fron and Weskin of Wonma, Osak
Pan Gal would tightly control anything going on in its little feifdom of Pan Gal system while the PCs could be a PGC team I think Belv is inprobable. Inti and Hakosoar are far more open as a setting for this and much much easier to write in any PC team to investigate. Weskin in Osak is obscure and that might make it perferable that is distant and obscure. 

Moons with the purpose of colonization are inumerable across the frontier and rim. Easy enough to hand wave an abandoned and ruined research facility on a colonization orientated moon. so there is a lot of possibilities. 

Military purposed moons: many of these at Moonworld, one in the Pan Gal System but its probably not under Space Fleet or Ground Fleet control- a mercenary base for PGC

Resource moons- could have a LV-426 feel but I'm not feeling it. 

My top candidates are Leen of Terledrom, Shang-Ti of Madderly's Star, and Inti of Hakosoar
Leen and Shang-Ti have the benefit of no real prior development of these location Inti has the benefit of what I consider a really good system brief written by me in the FE: "Soaring to New Hieghts on Hakosoar"

I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

jedion357's picture
September 19, 2021 - 7:45pm
Spoiler alert: 

The plot is that cybots are abducting people/sapients and turning them into cybots. Goals could be whatever- world domination! or liberation of their "species" and rights of self determination within the Frontier. 

One might craft a mechanon angle if in Hakosoar (see my system brief for details of a mechanon story line)

For this story we're going with at least one cybot has had its sapient donor's memories resurface. 

Regular robots might be used as serfs or servants. Could be that a damaged mechanon has been repaired by the cybot but its not 100% so you have a weird marriage of a cybot and a damaged mechanon.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

jedion357's picture
September 19, 2021 - 7:46pm
Ruined/abandoned Research facility is in essence a dungeon crawl of sorts. 

All the abductees become canon fodder mooks to throw at the PCs although one might also have had their former memories emerge and they might beg the PCs to kill them to end their pain. 
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!