![]() February 13, 2021 - 7:00pm | PC's ship embarks on a long jump that takes 12,000 hours to compute the void jump 1,200 light year jump to reach Earth. or experiment at Ebony Eyes twin black hole system causes a gate to open. Or some other hand wavium effect propells the PCs ship to earth BUT the PCs arrive in King Arthur's time. Yes I am ripping off A CN Yankee in King Arthur's Court A member of the PCs crew is a sathar agent and he gets with Mordred and Morgan Le Fay Probably need sathar ship to somehow come to earth too. PCs must aid King Arthur and Merlin against the worms, their agent and Mordred and Morgan Le Fay Morgan Le Fay is known to be a witch but in reality she is a mentalist. One of the other Knights of the Round table is suspicious of the PCs- not Lancelot as he is too caught up in his affair with the queen. PCs get to take part in a massive mideval battle near the conclusion of the adventure. Call this the Back in Time campaign (working title) Sequel is called "A Star Frontiersman in Frankenstien's Castle" Immediately follows the King Arthur adventure and is the sathar in a European castle creating slave bots OR the cyborg skin jobs from the Trouble on Janice module. 3rd adventure involves stealing/obtaining item they need from the sathar ship to return to future (in earth space) or Frontier. they also need to destroy the sathar presence to protect their own future. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() February 13, 2021 - 8:02pm | Getting to Earth is the intro Scene A The PCs must be forced to land in Cronwall England or presented a compelling reason to land in cornwall England. 1. ship is damaged and forced to land in the proper spot 2. sathar scout ship heads for Cornwall. they probably need to pursue it lest the Sathar change the future and potentially wipe out their existance. Sathar scout ship cant be found because its in a lake- same deal as in Face of the Enemy or was it Mutiney on the E. Mores. Sathar are now in communication with Mordred and Morgan Le Fay Scene B PCs must befriend Arthur and Merlin. Encounter Sir Kay same as Twains novel Merlin's magic is that he is smart, understanding chemistry and some engineering as opposed to Morgan Le Fay's witchcraft (ie mentalism) They certainly have the flashy tech to accomplish this. Merlin will snoop and try to devine their secrets. I dont want to do the crash on volturnus route with the with forcing the PCs to land in Cornwall. While the PCs are openning diplomacy with Arthur the sathar agent in the crew steals key components from the ships engine (I assume atomic and or assault scout). This strand the PCs they they can recover, fabricate replacements, or steal and modify from sathar components. Scene C ? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() February 13, 2021 - 8:04pm | Catholic church is a thing in Twains novel. best to minimize or ignore it I suppose. OR just make it vague and the "clergy" and not engage in any catholic bashing. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 12, 2022 - 5:28am | Skip sathar agent in case crew. New set up: pC s are hired to crew ship that is on a research mission with old professor who wants to do an experiment at the Ebony Eyes black hole. They have a decommissioned modified assault scout. Chosen for the mission because the mission does involve going close to black holes and extra thirst is desired as a safety measure. Professor has been studying tetrarch gate technology and potential to return to earth estimated to be 2,500 light years away. He's the experts on ancient earth and can advise the PCs on dire consequences if the don't protect the time line. Might even have Merlin die in this and the professor stay behind to replace Merlin and protect the timeline. As a vignette scene have the players play out the battle of Ebony Eyes. This happens years before they are hired for this expedition and is part of the reason that they are hired- prior experience maneuvering a Star ship in and around the black holes. After the battle pick one of the surviving ships and tell the players that was the ship they were on. Also had one player an index card that says during the battle the witnessed a giant ring hanging in space between the black holes but that it vanishes. Perhaps they even saw it twice during the battle. When the meet the professor he questions them about this ring that he believes is real and is tetrach tech. He has obtained funding from PGC and other investors including the UPF & space fleet to do experiments with Pi Tachyon particles to potentially reveal the ring although the professor calls it a gate. Special permission has been received for the professor's ship to accompany a space fleet protected science mission to the Ebony Eyes. The Sathar show up, naturally, and the PCs ship is too close to center to just rocket out of range although Space Fleet commander orders the civilian science vessels to flee while they handle the Sathar. This battle can be abstracted. Space fleet is out numbered and one Sathar destroyer screened by 3 scout ships makes straight for the area that the pi tachyon detector has been localizing the suspected ring/gate. The PCs tachyon detector tells them that the Sathar are sweeping space before them with our tachyon beams to which the professor exclaims in concern that they're trying to activate the gate and tells them to follow the Sathar in. Clearly we are ripping off Star Trek First Contact for this but so what. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |