![]() December 13, 2019 - 9:26am | Working on the vrusk hustler archetype and I believe some special rules need to be crafted to cover activities like a 2-3 hour poker game where you would not want to play it out in real time but would rather jsut say it was a 2-3 hour poker game, roll the dice 1 to 3 times and say X was the result. Mechanism for the Vrusk Hustler to employ cheating as well as his comprehension- false shuffles, false cuts, bottom dealing, second dealing (second card from the top) similar to the above. and for running a short con or rigged game of chance: shell game or 3 Card Monty. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() December 13, 2019 - 9:45am | Characters with empathy(psycho-social skill) rolls a skill check to successfully read their opponents. success means bonus to gamboling result roll. Failure by more than 20 means penalty to gamboling result roll. Bonus/penalty +or-5% Vrusk with comprehension make an ability check @ + 20% (due to prolonged obserance of targets) and success means bonus to gamboling results roll (GRR) failure by more than 20 means a penalty to GRR. Bonus/penalty +or- 5% Vrusk with Psycho-social skill and comprehension make a comprehension check modified by +20% for prolonged observance and +10/level of skill. Bonus/Penalty +or- 10% A character employing slieght of hand cheating makes a DEX roll for a every hour for a +5% bonus to the GRR. Failure by more than 10 means the cheater is suspected and failure by more than 20 means the cheater was caught. Gamboling: Player puts up a "stake" which is credits/cash on hand. A roll is made on the GRR modified by the special circumstances discussed above. Results go from loss of % of stake to break even to gain of % of stake. critical failure means loss of whole stake regardless of bonuses discussed above. Critical success 98-100 means gain of 100-500% of stake. 1d5 If a player makes a critical success all NPCs at table MUST PASS a PER check OR get aggressive with the winner. If NPC have no PER stat use 35% and modify for alcoholic consumption -5 to -10% I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() December 14, 2019 - 1:31am | I have two issues: 1) poker is an Earth-based game, which seems out of place in Star Frontiers, 2) this system seems a bit complex just to resolve a relatively simple situation. It may be enough to say that the Vrusk hustler is better at spotting cheating in many different forms of game. This could even include sporting events and things on a bigger scale, if the hustler's skill is more developed. |