![]() July 24, 2019 - 9:50am | Was reviewing the mentalism rules before writing up an idea for a "psychic" creature/encounter that I had and suddenly realized the mentalism rules are still in the hated/despised column shift mechanic even in Bill Logan's digitally remastered Zebs Guide. So I thought I'd throw mud on the wall discussing issues with the mentalism rules as I come across them. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() July 24, 2019 - 10:05am | 80 LOG for enlightened and 75 for mentalist Note ability score table only goes to 70 and then racial ability score mods -sucks to be a Dralasite with a -5 for LOG/INT. I question if it shouldn't be INT instead of LOG. After all it would be intuition not logic that helps you, "sense a great disturbance in the force" I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() July 24, 2019 - 10:22am | The permissible skill list for a mentalism obviously should be adjusted to match AD skills and or Skilled Frontier rules (SFman #9). It seams to me psych-social skill is right up a mentalists alley. Why use mental powers when Persuasion and Hypnotism subskill will work just as well? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() July 24, 2019 - 10:27am | Need to look up how the column shifts relate to AD mechanic since mentalism attack disciplines are modified by 1 or 2 negative column shifts depending on whether you are attacking an enlightened character or a full mentalist. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() July 24, 2019 - 10:38am | Skills: weapons beam is permitted but no other weapons skill besides martial arts? I would allow most other shooting skills and melee weapons. What does it matter if a mentalist shoots a laser or a gyrojet weapon? 2ndly there are many computer and technician subskill on the Zebs list so might as well allow Computers, Robotics, and technician skill. Same for the bio-social skills. I would say allow tech & bio social skills and martial arts and melee wespons. Exclude demolitions and all shooting skills. (Need to pull out a copy of SFman 9 later and review its skill list. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() July 24, 2019 - 10:48am | Now just kicking around an idea just because many people are thinking Jedi Knights, the force and light sabers- what if there was a mentalism discipline that allowed a mentalism to modify his sonic sword blade into a "force blade"? Although why? Sonic swords are already deadly. Yet a force blade could be used to deflect shots taken at the mentalist? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() July 24, 2019 - 10:52am | Before I dig into the disciplines: there was a comment: "future volumes of Zebs will have creatures that communicate or attack with mentalist disciplines." Some of these creatures would be nice additions. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
July 24, 2019 - 9:42pm | Well, here's some ideas for you. You are free to reject them. Mentalists andEnlightened Characters This section, dealing with theMentalists and Enlightened Characters, is optional because it deals with theconcept of mental powers, often referred to in other role-playing games aspsionics. Some referees and playing do not carefor the concept and use of mental powers in their game; others like it.Therefore, it is set aside to be added at the referee's discretion. Mentalist Disciplines Discipline is the term used for thepowers Mentalists can learn and develop. While the discipline structure issimilar to the skill structure of the normal professions, disciplines shouldnever be confused with skills. Almost anyone can learn a skill, only certainindividuals can learn disciplines. There are two types of characters whouse mentalist disciplines – Enlightened characters and those who are officiallyknown as Mentalists. A normal character belonging to one of theregular professions but who has a Logic score of 75 or more is considered anEnlightened individual. Enlightened characters can learn some Mentalist disciplines(those denoted by an asterisk). All other characters can never choose Mentalistskills. A character with a Logic of at least 75who wants to devote his life to the study of psionic skills is referred to as aMentalist. Mental disciplines add a differentaspect to the game, but they require more care in balancing the campaign. Thedecision is up to the referee. Enlightened Character Creation After a normal character is created andhas a Logic score of 80 or greater, he can learn some Mentalist disciplines, eventhough he belongs to another profession. These disciplines are designated by anasterisk. No unusual ability adjustments may be made to increase the character’sLogic ability during creation. There are very few enlightenedcharacters. If discovered, they are sometimes persecuted or driven out of acommunity. Some settlements that accept Mentalists are leery of an enlightened character,perhaps because they can easily identify a Mentalist, but not an enlightenedcharacter. People often fear what they do not know. For every five points above a 75 Logicthat an enlightened character has, he can add one asterisked discipline or onemore level to an asterisked discipline he already possesses. For example, a character with a Logic scoreof 84 can choose one asterisked discipline. A character with an 85-89 Logiccould choose two established disciplines or two levels of one discipline. An enlightened character can increasehis levels or number of disciplines over the course of his adventuring if heincreases his Logic. If his Logic score is increased past the new 5 point mark anda new level or discipline is chosen, it can be used automatically, as if thecharacter suddenly had a revelation of his powers. Once a discipline has been establishedthe character will always have it, even if his Logic drops below the requiredscore. A character who has chosen a power, had his Logic score lowered, andthen raises it back up again cannot choose a new discipline or level. Enlightened disciplines include:Analysis, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Detection: Immediate Area,Electrascreen, Empathy, File, Heal Self, Infrascreen, Read Thoughts, SendThoughts, Static, Suggestion, Telekinesis, Timeread and Trance. Experience points may never be used toincrease an enlightened character's disciplines or levels though they can beused to increase his Logic score. Mentalist Character Creation A player who wishes to play a Mentalistmust state his desire when his character is created because of the peculiarnature of the ability score adjustments that must be made. When a Mentalistcharacter starts the game he receives 20 experience points, gleaned from yearsof study, practicing and apprenticeship. Immediately, 10 points are spent onjoining the following. The remaining 10 experience points maybe used to raise ability scores, purchase normal skills, or for purchasingextra disciplines or advancing current ones (also see “The MentalistDiscipline” and “How Mentalists Advance Disciplines and Skills”). For a Mentalist to be able to use psionic powers, the player’scharacter must have a Logic score between 75 and 90. There are several ways todo this during character creation including a boost from the Mental Prowessstarting discipline, shifting points from Intuition to Logic and then shiftingpoints from other abilities to Logic. Mental Prowess is a starting discipline that all Mentalistscharacters receive for free. It adds an immediate 5 points to Logic and allowsthe character to eventually increase his Logic score 20 points above his racialmaximum. For example, a Human character can have a maximum Logicscore of 120 while a S’sessu’s maximum Logic score would be 130. Note: see theAbility Score XP Improvement chart in Section I. Creating Characters for theamount of experience points it takes to raise the Logic score. Mentalists can also raise their Logicscore by shifting up to 10 points from their Intuition score. If that stillisn’t enough, the Mentalist character can adjust other ability scores,transferring these points to increase his Logic to between 75 and 90. However,the first abilities that must decrease for the purpose of this transfer areStrength and Stamina. Any points used to increase Logic mustfirst come from either of these two abilities until they both have reached 30, thenthe points can be taken from any other ability. It up to the player to decideon how many initial disciplines he wants versus how physically weak he wisheshis character to be. A Mentalist uses and choosesdisciplines similar to how other professionals pick their skills. He begins thegame with any three disciplines or three levels of a single discipline. Forevery five points above a 70 Logic score, he can add one discipline or one morelevel to a discipline he already possesses. For example, a beginning Mentalist with a 79 Logic can haveeither four disciplines (three for the following plus one for Logic), or fourlevels of one discipline, or two levels of two disciplines. A Mentalist mayincrease his disciplines or levels by increasing his Logic accordingly or byusing his experience points. The Mentalist Discipline Mentalist is the common name given tothose characters who discovered they have strong mental powers and potential. Itis not so much a religion as it is a dedication to learning to use thesetalents. Their purpose in life is to fulfillsome type of useful function that they are suited for, considering theirdisciplines. Typical positions held by Mentalists include Star Law Psi-Corpofficers (a branch of Star Law specifically created for Mentalists), corporatespies or advanced men on planets, private consultants, mediators and embassysecurity employees. In the Frontier, Mentalists almostalways wear some type of distinctive uniform (usually light blue) or medallion tosignify their profession. This is not only a source or great pride for them,but required by law on many planets. Mentalists are more apt at using somedisciplines than others, which is akin to the professions studied by normalcharacters. Over time, various names – or nicknames – have been used todescribe those who study specific disciplines. These names include Empath,Metabolic Controller, Psychoenergist, Psychomaterialist and Telepath. Thedisciplines listed with each of these “callings” are the Mentalist powers thata character can purchase with experience points at a professional cost. Theycan learn other powers, but must use the non-professional skill cost rate. An Empath(“Sensitive”) devotes his time to studying disciplines that include Amnesia/Remember,Analysis, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Confusion, Empathy, File, Infatuation,Mental Invisibility, Paralyze, Shield, Shield Self and Others, Suggestion, andTimeread. A MetabolicController (“Augmenter”) focuses on disciplines that enhance their physicalabilities such as: Density, Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Physique, EnhancedSenses, Fortify, Heal Self, Heal Self Fully, Hyper Movement, Pheromone Emission,and Trance. Psychoenergists (the slang term is “Generator”) would concentrate on havingthe following disciplines: Channeling: Energy Barrier, Channeling: InertiaBarrier, Cryokinesis, Electrascreen, Infrascreen, Levitation, Pyrokinesis, Static,Telekinesis, Telekinetic Flight, Telemanipulation, and Truesight. A Psychomaterialist(“Manipulator”) would have studied disciplines such as Density, Disruption,Heal Others, Heal Self, Heal Self Fully, Telekinesis, Telekinetic Flight, Telemanipulation,Teleportation: Limited, Teleportation: Unlimited, and Trance. A Telepath(“Dominator”) is the only mentalist character that can learn Telepathy. Allothers must learn the separate disciplines of Read Thoughts and Send Thoughts.Telepaths also study Amnesia/Remember, Beam, Confusion, Detection: Immediate Area,Detection: Long Range, Fear, Illusion, Infatuation, Link, Link: Focal Point, MentalTag, Possession, Shield, Shield Self and Others, Stunning Force, Suggestion, Summoning,and Trap. MentalistLimitations The termlimit is introduced for the first time with Mentalist disciplines. This refersto the number of attempts or successful uses of a discipline the Mentalist cantry or use in a given time frame or because of his level. For example, adiscipline listed as "Limit: Two successful uses per day" means thatonce the user has successfully used the discipline twice, he cannot attempt itsuse again for 20 hours. Mentalist powers also have a range and a duration, which mayincrease as the character gains more experience. The“Known Mental Disciplines Chart” page lists the psionic abilities currentlyavailable to Frontier races. The asterisked disciplines are the professionaldisciplines the Mentalists can learn at half cost (round fractions up) and alsothe only disciplines an enlightened character can learn. Not all of thesedisciplines are known. Some disciplines, such as possession, are considered“dark powers” and their practice was outlawed by the UPF. Anyone discoveredusing them on Frontier-controlled planets may be subject to imprisonment oreven personality restructuring.
Joe Cabadas |
July 24, 2019 - 9:43pm | How Mentalists AdvanceDisciplines and Skills Unlike enlightened characters, Mentalistscan use experience points to gain disciplines and skills. They increase theirskill and discipline levels the same way as a normal characters use experiencepoints. The success rate of the disciplines are expressed the similar as normalskills. Mentalists can learn and advancedisciplines within their calling using the professional experience point cost.All normal skills and non-calling disciplines can only be purchased andadvanced using the non-professional experience point cost. A referee may approach Mentalistdiscipline training in one of two ways. Either treat Mentalists as enlightenedcharacters – the discipline comes naturally to them when their experiencepoints have been spent – or decide that they need training or practice first,as is applicable to normal skill learning. While no Mentalist can join anotherprofession, he can alter his occupational standing, just like his non-Mentalistbrethren by advancing his powers. Mentalist Combat Modifiers: When a Mentalist attack discipline is used, the targetusually receives no chance to evade the attack (such as a Reaction Speedcheck). If there is a check allowed, it will be included in the disciplinedescription.
Damage:Unless otherwise stated, any damage done by mental attacks is considered thesame as damage done by physical attacks and is reduced from the character'sStamina in the same fashion. Options and Notes on Sources of Disciplines Listed The referee can use Mentalists andEnlightened characters as NPCs only. Some intelligent races and creatures (suchas the Eorna) may be able to use psionic powers without the same restrictionsas player character races. If the referee wishes to limit theMentalist to an NPC race or character type, he might want to create a cultaround it and center them on one planet or geographic location. They may be malevolentor benevolent, as the referee desires. Many of the Mentalist disciplineslisted below first appeared in the Zebulon’s Guide, but have been modified.Others originated from the Star Frontiers Alpha Dawn Remastered rules or areinspired from Gamma World mental mutations. The referee is free to add to, changeor ignore some of these powers if they do not fit his campaign. One couldeasily imagine a character having precognition – the ability to predict futureevents – or even a time travel power, but those disciplines might be reservedfor a very powerful non-player character or an alien race. Entry-LevelEquipment: Psy-Crystals Like other characters, Mentalistcharacters receive a “free” item when starting their adventuring. These arePsy-Crystals which often appear in the form of a beautifully crafted pendant.These crystals detect the use of psychic energy nearby – a range of up to 30meters – and turn blue. The drawback is that they will also glow when thewearer uses his powers. Cost: 500 Cr, Weight: N/A[1] [1]Source: Mentalist Equipment, http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/3957,post by jedion357 on June 11, 2016. Joe Cabadas |
July 24, 2019 - 9:43pm | Mentalist Disciplines Disciplines whose names are followed byan asterisk are the only disciplines available to Enlightened Characters andare also the disciplines that may be chosen by Mentalists at half cost. Amnesia/Remember Type: Empath, Telepath Success Rate: ½ LOG/INT + 10% per level – target’s PER Limit: One use – successful or not –per day. Range: This disciplinerequires physical contact with the subject Duration: Indefinite Pr:Confusion or Suggestion 2, Empathy or Telepathy 2 Acharacter using this discipline can make a target forget a recent memory, suchas a combat encounter, Mentalist possession attempt/success, etc. Characters who’ve suffered from thisattack will be confused about their “blacked out” moments. After effects typicallyrange from a mild shrug to crying or if they are interrogated about notremembering an event, they might become violent. Theamount of time that the Mentalist can “blackout” equals 10 turns times theirdiscipline level. A Mentalist can also use this skill against himself, thoughwith a more refined result. He could, for example, blackout a specific memory.Such an effort would make a character resistant to routine interrogations oreven a use of the telol drug. More invasive methods would then need to beemployed to cause a memory to return. A successful use of amnesia on oneself isautomatic Logic (LOG) check unless an automatic failure results. Anautomatic failure makes a memory more vivid so it cannot be hidden away throughan Amnesia attack. An automatic success roll means that efforts to break theamnesia receive a -30 percent modifier. Also called a “mental block,” amnesiacan be treated by characters using psychotherapy and psychopathology. Hypnosismay be another way to unlock memories that have been masked by the use ofamnesia. A sub-disciplineof Amnesia is Remember, which aMentalist can use on himself or others. The success rate is the same as above,even if the target – even if it is oneself – is willing to remember. Anautomatic failure means that future efforts to break the amnesia receive a -30percent modifier. An automatic success makes the forgotten memory very vivid. Analysis * Type: Empath Limit: One use – successful or not –on a particular object per day Range: The character needs to have physical contact withthe object Duration: While concentrating Pr:None This disciplineallows a character to pick up an object and figure out its intended use and isone that spies and Star Law Psi-Corps officers often learn. A sub-discipline ofthis power also allows the character to read the psychic impressions left bythe last user/handler.
Sub-discipline: Awareness SuccessRate: ¼LOG/INT + 10% per level Acharacter using this sub-discipline has a chance to touch an item and figureout its intended use. If the artifact is alien, a negative modifier may beimposed by the referee. Once an artifact's purpose is identified, a specificskill may be needed to operate it (Communication Devices, Machinery, Weapons:Beam, etc.). If the item is not covered by one of the existing skills, then asecond discipline check is needed, using the discipline level with +10 percentfor the success rate.A character making this check will know how to operate or use the artifact. If the analysis check is unsuccessful,the Mentalist will have to wait another day to determine what the object is;however, he can check out other objects. The time needed to use this disciplinevaries from a few minutes to hours, days, or even weeks of concentrationdepending upon the unusualness of the object or other factors. A critical success means the Mentalistwill not only know an object’s intended use but will automatically know how tooperate it. A critical failure could mean a variety of things. For instance, ifthe object was a bomb or energy device, it may explode, or the character maybreak the item if it is normally harmless. Sub-discipline:Impressions SuccessRate: ¼LOG/INT + 10% per level This sub-discipline allows a characterto read psychic impressions left on an object by the last person who used it.Information that can be gained includes what the user looked like, what hethought while using it, what he was doing for the last few hours before theitem was lost, stolen, or otherwise left his possession. The longer the item has been untouched,the dimmer the impression. If it has been years or centuries since an item waslast handled, then no impressions may remain. A critical success means the Mentalistpicks up another distinguishing clue about the last user. A critical failuremeans that the Mentalist cannot ever retrieve the psychic impressions from thatobject about the previous user. Beam Type: Telepath Success Rate: ½ LOG + 10% per level Limit: Onesuccessful use per level per day Range: 10 meters per level Duration: 1 turn Pr: None A character with this discipline canattack another character's mind. The target must be a line of sight. The damagecaused by a successful discipline check is 3d10+10+1 point per level. Thismental attack can work on any creature of at least animal intelligence,including cyborgs. For example, aMentalist with a level 3 in Beam can make three attacks in one day. Asuccessful hit will cause 3d10+13 points of damage. A critical hit roll means that thetarget will take double damage. A critical failure leaves the Mentalist stunnedfor 1d5 turns. Channeling: Energy Barrier Type: Psychoenergist Success Rate: ½ LOG/INT + 10% per level Limit: Twosuccessful uses per level per day Range:Self Duration: 5 turns + 1 additional turnper level Pr: None A successful use of this disciplineallows the user to channel energy attacks directed at him (beam weapons,electrical current, sonic waves, etc.) around him so as not to be harmed bythem. If someone is standing directly behind the user, the attack should berolled again with a -30 percent modifier to determine if that character wasaccidentally hit by the attack. Each successful discipline use lasts 1 turn perdiscipline level. Criticalsuccess and critical failure rolls have no additional effect. Channeling: Inertia Barrier Type: Psychoenergist Success Rate: ½ LOG/INT + 10% per level Limit: Twosuccessful uses per level per day Range: Self Duration: 5 turns + 1 additional turnper level Pr: None A successful use of this disciplineallows the user to manipulate magnetic and gravitational patterns around him,so as to affect any melee or ballistic attacks. If someone is standing directlybehind the user, a ballistic attack should be rolled again with a -30 percentmodifier to determine if that character was accidentally hit by the attack.Each successful discipline use lasts 1 turn per discipline level. Criticalsuccess and critical failure rolls have no additional effect. Clairaudience * Type: Empath Success Rate: ½ LOG/INT + 10% per level Limit: None Range: Special Duration: While concentrating Pr: None A character with this discipline can"listen" through anything up to a distance of 10 meters per level (ifthe area is known to him) or 5 meters per level (if the area is unknown). Thislistening is directional and does not cover a large area. The area listened tocannot be larger than a 5-meter radius. Sounds from the area can be heard as ifthe user was there himself. Any sound attack in the area has full effect on thecharacter using this discipline. The clairaudience effect lasts as longas the Mentalist concentrates on this discipline, though he can take one otheraction per turn, such as combining this discipline with the use of Clairvoyance,Link, etc. or a non-Mentalist skill use or walking. Critical success or failurerolls have no additional effect. Clairvoyance * Type: Empath Success Rate: ½ LOG/INT + 10% per level Limit: None Range: Special Duration: While concentrating Pr: None A character with this discipline can"see" a distance of 20 meters per level (if the area is known to him)or 10 meters per level (if the area is unknown). This directional sight focuseson an area that is no larger than a 5-meter radius. This power is affected assight would be by darkness or by light attacks – such as temporary blindnessfrom a flash grenade. Optical enhancement devices cannot be used with this discipline. Clairvoyance lasts as long as theMentalist concentrates on this discipline, though he can take one other actionper turn, such as combining this discipline with the use of Clairaudience,Link, Teleportation, etc. or a non-Mentalist skill use or walking. Criticalsuccesses or failures have no impact. Occult practitioners– some with dubious psionic skills – may use a medium such as a gazing orcrystal ball or a pool of water to help them watch an area, but this isunnecessary. The one advantage to using such a device is that the Mentalist canshow others what he is observing. If a character has both Clairaudience andClairvoyance and uses a medium, then others can also hear and see what is goingon in the area observed. Confusion * Type: Empath, Telepath Success Rate: ¼ LDR + 10% per level Limit: Twosuccessful uses per level per day Range: 10 meters per level Duration: 1d10 turns Pr: None This discipline allows a character totry to confuse the enemy; the target must be within a line of sight. The playermust roll 1d10 and the referee consults the Confusion Table to determine howthat confusion will manifest itself. The duration of the confusion is 1d10turns. This discipline can only be used to affect a single target.
A critical success roll means that thetarget is confused for twice the normal duration. A critical failure means thatthe Mentalist is stunned for 1d5 turns. Cryokinesis Type: Psychoenergist Success Rate: ½ STA + 10% per level Limit: Charactermust concentrate on the target to the exclusion of all other activities Range: 5 meters per level Duration: Special Pr: None With this discipline a characterconcentrating on a creature or item can eventually do damage to it by slowingdown the surrounding molecules, thus freezing it. Every time this discipline isused, the character must concentrate completely on the item or creature forthree consecutive turns before damage will take place. The damage caused by asuccessful discipline check is 2d10 + 2 points per skill level. Oneach successive round of concentration, cryokinesis causes an additional 1d10 pointsof damage. Thus on the fourth round of concentration, the damage rises to 3d10 + 2 points per skill level. A Mentalist cancontinue concentrating for three turns plus one additional turn per disciplinelevel. During the three turns preceding thedamage, the temperature surrounding the target is noticeably lower than normal.Any creature or item impervious to cold (artic creatures, federanium) takes no damage.Any creature, plant, or item that the referee determines is especiallysusceptible to the cold (tropical plants and animals) will suffer double damagefrom this discipline. For example, aMentalist with Cryokinesis, Level 3 can concentrate for a total of six turns.Only during the last three turns does the target take damage at the rate of2d10 + 6 points for turn four, 3d10 + 6 for turn five and 4d10 + 6 for the lastturn. Acritical hit roll means that the Mentalist has made an instant cold snap anddamage starts right away on turn one. A critical miss leaves the attackerstunned for 1d5 turns. Joe Cabadas |
July 24, 2019 - 9:44pm | Density Type: Metabolic Controller, Psychomaterialist Success Rate: ½ STA + 10% per level Limit: None Range: Self Duration: 1 minute per level Pr: None A character using this discipline mayadjust his body density – to seemingly increase or decrease his weight. Thespeed in which he can do this is one-tenth his normal body weight per turn. Themaximum increase or decrease of his body weight is 80 percent of normal. If the character's density isconsiderably lightened, the character can move faster, climb easier, and floatin water without effort. If the character's density is sufficiently increased,he can act as a rope anchor, easily crash through windows or doors, and ignoreminor wounding influences (thorns, broken glass, small animal bites). Thereferee must decide, for his own campaign, what actions are available to acharacter during the different degrees of density control. Critical success and failure rolls haveno additional impact. Detection: Immediate Area * Type: Telepath Success Rate: ½ LOG/INT + 10% per level Limit: None Range: 40 meters + 10 meters per level Duration: 4 turns + 1turn per level Pr: None A character with this discipline maydetect the presence, direction and range of all Mentalist disciplines beingattempted or used during the duration of this discipline. Purchasing thisdiscipline normally allows the character an initial Intuition check to sensethat it might be time to “switch on” this power. The maximum duration of this disciplineis four turns plus one turn per discipline level. During this time the charactercan use no other disciplines; even a Mental Shield will not work. However, theymay take some limited physical actions such as walking, talking, taking cover,pulling out a weapon, etc. The direction and range of Detection ImmediateArea extends to 40 meters plus an additional 10 meters per level beforebecoming too vague to pinpoint. This does not define what disciplines are beingattempted or the type of mind attempting them. Critical success and failurerolls have no additional impact. Detection: Long Range Type: Telepath Success Rate: ½ LOG/INT + 10% per level Limit: None Range: 1 km per level Duration: 1 minute per level Pr: Detection: ImmediateArea 4 Detection: Long Range is practicallythe same as Detection: Immediate Area, but the Mentalist can now perceive thepresence, direction and range of all Mentalist disciplines being attempted orused within a distance of 1 kilometer times the user’s level. Thus, a characterwith Detection: Long Range 6 can notice other Mentalist powers being used up to6 kilometers away before the impressions become too vague to pinpoint. Thisdoes not define what disciplines are being attempted or the type of mindattempting them. Purchasing this discipline normallyallows the character an initial Intuition check to sense that it might be timeto “switch on” this power. The maximum duration of this discipline is fourturns plus one turn per discipline level. During this time the character canuse no other disciplines; even a Mental Shield will not work. However, they maytake some limited physical actions. Critical success and failure rolls have noadditional impact. Disruption Type: Psychomaterialist Success Rate: ½ STA + 10% per level Limit: Onesuccessful use per level per day Range: 5 meters per level Duration: 1 turn Pr: None A character with this discipline canexplode inanimate objects. The size of the targeted object can be no largerthan a 40-cm cube (a little smaller than a 16-inch cube). Any item made offederanium or other heavy elements (such as uranium or plutonium) will notexplode. The object must be clearly seen by the user and be within 20 meters ofhim. If the object is moving, the refereeshould impose the movement combat modifiers (see the Combat section). Anyexploding item causes 1d10 points of damage + 1 point per user level to thosewithin 3 meters of it. If the item has any energy in it (even one shot or use leftin a powerclip) its explosion is identical to that of a fragmentation grenade. A critical success roll means that theobject will explode for double damage. A critical miss result leaves theMentalist stunned for 1-5 turns Electrascreen * Type: Psychoenergist Success Rate: ½ LOG orSTA+ 10% per level Limit: None Range: 5 meters per level Duration: 5 turns plus 1 turn per level Pr: None A character using this discipline cancreate and project a shape in the electromagnetic spectrum. Anyone scanning forthe tell-tale electromagnetic pulse of a force field will believe they see one.The shape and size are up to the user, but the larger or more intricate thedesign, the longer it takes to create. Examples of this discipline's useincludes tricking the enemy into seeing a character surrounded by a force fieldwhere none exists, covering an enemy's vehicle with an electromagnetic dome sotheir own troops will not recognize them, or putting up a force wall to hideactual force fields behind it. TheElectrascreen’s effect lasts for five turns plus one additional turn per thementalist’s discipline level; the Mentalist can have other disciplines in use –except for those that require total concentration – while Electrascreen is inuse. Critical success and failure rolls have no additional impact. Empathy * Type: Empath Success Rate: ½ LOG/INT + 10% per level Limit: Onetry per encounter Range: 20 meters per level Duration: Indefinite Pr: None This discipline is very similar to theEmpathic Understanding skill. But it not only allows the character to gain ageneral impression of the mood and intentions of individuals or groups; it alsoallows him to broadcast his emotions to an individual or group. Broadcastingemotional attitudes like friendship, love, caution, helpfulness, and so forth cansometimes prove invaluable in clearing up a misunderstanding. The Mentalist cannot broadcast theseemotions unless he truly feels them. These feelings should help dictate hisactions. As with the skill, this discipline only allows vague and undefined informationto be learned and only one attempt at it can be made per encounter. Criticalsuccess and failure rolls have no additional impact. Enhanced Agility Type: Metabolic Controller Success Rate: Automatic (DEX/RS) Limit: Once per day per level Range: Self Duration: 2 turns per level Pr: None The character must concentrate for afull turn before attempting this discipline. If successful, he is permitted toadd 5 times his current discipline level to all Dexterity and Reaction Speed (DEX/RS)checks for the duration of two turns per level. Critical success and failurerolls have no additional impact. Enhanced Physique Type: Metabolic Controller Success Rate: Automatic (STR/STA) Limit: Once per day per level Range: Self Duration: 2 turns per level Pr: None The character must concentrate for afull turn before attempting this discipline. If successful, he is permitted toadd five times his current discipline level to all Stamina and Strength (STA/STR)checks for the duration of two turns per level. For example, Uphameetathe Dralasite Mentalist has a Stamina score of 55 and level three in EnhancedPhysique. Using its discipline, Uphameeta receives a 15 percent bonus for STAchecks for six turns. This discipline also allows theMentalist to carry more weight without being encumbered; a character to run anumber of minutes equal to his Stamina score divided by 5, rounded up evenafter the duration of Enhanced Physique ends. (See “Hyper Movement” to see howthis power impacts the use of that discipline.) Critical success and failure rolls haveno additional impact. Enhanced Senses Type: Metabolic Controller Rate: Automatic (INT) Limit: Onceper day per level Range: Self Duration: 2 turns per level Pr: None The character must concentrate for afull turn before attempting this discipline. If successful, he is permitted toadd 5 times his current discipline level to all Intuition (INT) checks for the durationof two turns per level. Critical success and failure rolls have no additionalimpact. Fear Type: Empath Success Rate: ¼ LDR + 10% per level Limit: Onceper day per level Range: 10 meters per level Duration: At least 2 turns before target can make LOGcheck Pr: Empathy 2 A character with this discipline canattack an enemy's id (the unconscious mind), releasing a horrifying fear withinthe foe. The frightened character will desire to run away and hide. He willevade or even attack anyone attempting to stop him from escaping. Furthermore,any actions the target attempts to take – ability and skill checks – will be madewith a -10 percent penalty while under the influence of this discipline. If a subject is cornered, however, hemay “curl up into a ball” or fight anyone in the area in a desperate – ifimpossible – attempt to escape. The character may perform an irrational,suicidal act such as jumping off a bridge, go out an airlock or plunge througha window of a high rise to flee from his fear. The target gets a Logic check witha +10 percent modifier to avoid such a fate. After the first two turns of being afraid,the frightened character is allowed a Logic check every turn to regain hiscomposure. Once made, it still takes two turns to get complete control ofhimself. While frightened the target character can only perform actions thathelp him to escape (including disciplines). The direction of the escape isalways away from the attacker, even if the attacker cannot be seen. A critical success roll adds twoadditional turns that the target is afraid before they can make a Logic checkto regain composure. An automatic failure roll results in the target noticingthe Mentalist (if the player is hidden when this attack started) plus receivinga +10 percent combat bonus against the Mentalist for 1d5 turns. File * Type: Empath Success Rate: 100% (LOG) Limit: None Range: Self Duration: Indefinite Pr: None This discipline allows the character tomentally file away any information he hears or sees in the following fiveminutes. The memory of the material is perfect, if the discipline check ismade, and may be retrieved whenever the character desires. Some characters whospecialize in this discipline and who willingly subject themselves to teloldoses and/or at Telepathy/Read Thoughts scan can act as professional witnessesin some legal proceedings. The user can store 9 “files” plus 1extra memory per discipline level at any one time. Critical success and failurerolls have no additional impact. Fortify Type: Metabolic Controller Success Rate: Automatic (STA/LOG/PER/LDR); +5% per level skill/abilitycheck bonus Limit: Onceper day Range: Self Duration: 20 hours GST Pr: None Similarto Iron Will and the Mentalist discipline Shield, this mentalist power allows acharacter to fortify his mind against hypnotic and mental attacks, along withdefending against efforts to mislead by characters using Bluff/Haggle,Dramatics, Interrogation, Politics, etc. It is also useful against attempts touse torture, telol and other drugs. This discipline adds a bonus of 5 percentper level of resistance to any appropriate skill and ability checks and lastsfor one hour per level. It can be used once per day. Critical success and failure rolls haveno additional impact. Eventually,however, time is usually on a determined interrogator’s side when it comes togetting information out of a subject. Heal Others Type: Pyschomaterialist Success Rate: 100% (STA) Limit: Oneuse per day per level Range: Touch Duration: 1 turn Pr: Heal Self 2 This discipline is identical to theMedical Treatment: Minor Wounds sub-skill, except that the healing can only be appliedto a character other than the user and no use of biocort is necessary. However,it temporarily drains the user’s Stamina by 5 points per use for 20 hours. Thisdraining effect cannot be countered except by another Mentalist using a HealOthers on the character – or possibly some alien technology. Heal Self and HealSelf Fully will not help. If the Mentalist’s own stamina drops tozero, he will die unless treated with a Stay Dose and advanced medicalattention. A critical success roll means that theMentalist can heal twice the normal amount of damage to a being, but is notleft drained by the result. An automatic failure means that the healingdiscipline did not work, but the Mentalist’s Stamina is reduced by 10 points. Heal Self * Type: Metabolic Controller, Psychomaterialist Success Rate: 100% (STA) Limit: Twouses per day Range: Self Duration: 1 turn Pr: None This discipline is identical to theMedical Treatment: Minor Wounds sub-skill, except that the healing can only be appliedto the user and no use of biocort is necessary. An automatic success roll meansthe Mentalist can heal twice as much damage to himself; a critical miss resultsin a loss of 1d10 points of Stamina. Joe Cabadas |
July 24, 2019 - 9:45pm | Heal Self Fully Type: Metabolic Controller, Psychomaterialist Success Rate: 100% (STA) Limit: Onesuccessful use per day Range: Self Duration: 10 turns Pr: Heal Self 3 When a character uses this disciplinesuccessfully he can completely heal all his wounds in 10 turns, no matter howthey were caused. This healing can only be performed on himself and can only beattempted once every 20 hours because it greatly drains the character's mentalreserves; he operates at a -20 percent modifier for all skill and ability checksfor 1d10 hours following the effort. An automatic success roll means thatnormal draining effect is negated and this discipline can be used again within10 hours. A critical miss means the character takes an additional 1d10 pointsof damage while having an exhausting impact on the character – taking a -20percent modifier for all actions for 2d10 hours. Hyper Movement Type: Metabolic Controller Success Rate: 100% (DEX/RS) Limit: Once per day per level Range: Self Duration: number of minutes = STA/10 Pr: None After concentrating for a full turn,the character can increase their running, leaping and jumping distances by 10extra meters for every level of discipline that he has. For example, a Vrusk Mentalist with a level 3 in Hyper Movement willincrease his top running speed by an extra 30 meters a turn to 65 meters. Thecharacter, however, cannot keep up this level activity for any longer than hecould normally run (a number of minutes equal to his Stamina score divided by10 and rounded up). If this power is used within theduration of when a Mentalist has used Enhanced Physique, it would allow thecharacter to run a number of minutes equal to his Stamina score divided by 5,rounded up. This benefit occurs even after the Enhanced Physique effect ends. Illusion Type: Telepath Success Rate: ½ LDR + 10% per level Limit: Onesuccessful use per day plus one extra use per level Range: 5 meters per level] Duration: 20 turns Pr: Confusion 2 This discipline gives the user theability to create illusions in the mind of those creatures within the area ofeffect. The illusion they see must be the same. Such illusions have all theverbal, visual and olfactory aspects they normally would, but can cause nodamage. It automatically fades after 20 turns. The user must concentrate on theillusion for the entire duration of its existence to be believable but canperform other non-strenuous activities. If the illusion is of something silly,confusing, or extremely contradictory, then the referee should secretly roll anIntuition check for the target to disbelieve it. Infatuation Type: Empath Success Rate: ½ PER + 10% per level Limit: None Range: 2 meters per level Duration: Special Pr: Empathy 2 and Suggestion 2 This discipline provides a unique aurato the user. If the check is made, a character attacking the user quicklychanges his mind because there is something about the user that he likes.Instead, he attacks another character is one is available (he will not attackone of his comrades). Once the aura is established – usually atthe start of an encounter that involves combat – the attacking characters ignorethe Mentalist for two turns. After that they are allowed a Logic check everyturn of combat to shake the infatuation. Each opponent must individually shakethe infatuation aura in order to attack the user. The effect lasts until theend of the combat encounter. An automatic success roll results inthe attackers within the range of the infatuation aura to surrender unless theymake a successful Logic check. If the target(s) pass the Logic check, theaura’s effect lasts as normal. A critical miss results in the opposite effectof infatuation – hatred. The Mentalist suddenly becomes “the” target foropponents. They will practically ignore all other characters to attack the Mentalistuntil he is out of range, knocked unconscious or killed. The effect of thisunreasonable hatred again lasts for two turns before the attackers get to makea Logic check to shake off the effects. The infatuation’s aura is equal to theMentalist’s discipline level times 2 meters. Any characters that leave theaura’s range can immediately make a Logic check at +10 percent to shake theeffects. If a character uses this power inconjunction with Pheromone Emission, opponents receive a negative 5 percent modifierper the user’s level in Pheromone Emission (-5 percent per level) when makingLogic checks. Infrascreen * Type: Psychoenergist Success Rate: ½ LOG or STA + 10% per level Limit: None Range: 5 meters per level Duration: 5 turns plus 1 turn per level Pr: None A character using this discipline cancreate and project a shape in the infrared spectrum. Anyone scanning forinfrared security beams or the infrared heat images that most creatures andsome machines put out will believe they see one. The shape and size are up theuser, but the larger or more intricate the design, the longer it takes tocreate. Examples of this discipline's use include tricking an enemy usinginfrared optics into seeing a character's heat pattern where none exists, orcausing infrared flares in the scanner's field of vision that are so brightthey cover hiding characters. Leach Life Type: Psychomaterialist Success Rate: ½ LOG + 10% per level Limit: Oneuse per day + 1 additional use per level Range: 2 meters per level Duration: 1 turn Pr: None One of the so-called dark psionicabilities, this discipline has been called the opposite of Heal Others, thoughit acts differently. It saps a target’s Stamina by 10 points and gives theMentalist a 5 point boost. If the Mentalist’s Stamina is already at fullstrength, it temporarily increases his Stamina score – even if it is above hisracial limit – for 10 turns. An automatic success roll results inthe Mentalist doubling the amount of damage to the target (20 points), whilereceiving a 10 point Stamina boost. A critical miss results in the characterlosing 5 Stamina points and being stunned for 1-5 turns. The range is 5 metersper user’s level. Levitation Type: Psychoenergist Success Rate: 100% (STA) Limit: Twoturns of rest needed after each use Range: 1 meter per 5 points of LOG Duration: 9 turns + 1 turn per level Pr: None A character may levitate himself usingthis discipline. The maximum height a levitating character can ascend is onemeter for every five Logic points he has, rounded down. For example, a Mentalistwith an 83 in Logic can levitate 16 meters (83 divided by 5 = 16.6, roundeddown to 16). The maximum rate of ascent or descent a levitating character canachieve is no more than 20 meters per turn. The clothing the user is wearing has noeffect on his levitation, while the amount of equipment he is carrying does.While levitating, a character may not have in his possession equipment weighingmore than one-half his normal carrying capacity. His carrying capacityincreases by 5 kilograms per level after level one. Hence, a Mentalist withLevitation at Level 8 can lift half his weight plus 35 extra kilograms. Forevery 5 kilograms over his maximum weight limit, the Mentalist loses one turnof levitation and one meter of height. The user may perform one other actionwhile concentrating on his levitation. The maximum duration a character canremain levitated at any one time is 9 turns plus 1 turn per level, followed bytwo turns of rest. If a character is still in the air when his power fails, hemay suffer falling damage (See Movement: Special Situations: Falling, Jumpingand Diving). Conversely, a Mentalist character whohas leaped from a tall building can use levitation to stop their “deathdescent” and come to “feather light” stop on the ground. The referee shouldtake care to take into account any factors that may still result in a characterreceiving fall damage or even death from such a plunge. Levitation only allows verticalmovement. Sideways movement is only achievable by the levitating characterpulling himself along an object. A levitating character cannot createforward momentum to affect the direction of his ascent – they can useartificial means to accomplish this effect. Otherwise, the character always movesstraight up. While wind has no effect on a floating user's ascent direction, itcan slow him down if the referee feels it is strong enough. If knockedunconscious while levitating, a character falls. An automatic success roll allows theMentalist to levitate at twice their normal level for twice the duration. Anautomatic failure results in the character needing 10 turns of rest before hecan attempt to use this discipline again. GravitationalEffects: Sincelevitation is a form of influencing gravity, it is impacted by the environment.For every tenth of gravity (0.1 G) less than 1.0: · Thecharacter’s carrying capacity is increased by 5 kilograms · Thedistance the character can levitate is increased by 5 meters · Theduration of the levitation is increased by 1 turn because it is less strenuous For every tenth of gravity (0.1 G)above 1.0: · Acharacter’s carrying capacity is decreased by 2 kilograms · Thedistance a character can levitate is decreased by 5 meters · Andthe duration of the levitation is decreased by 1 turn In a weightless environment, levitationhas limited value, but may allow a character to “push away” from a nearbyobject. If the character is in a spacesuit and falling toward a planet, it willnot stop the character from burning up in the atmosphere upon re-entry. Link Type: Telepath Success Rate: ½ LOG + 10% per level Limit: Twoturns of rest is needed after each use Range: 2 meters per level Duration: 2 turns + 1 turn per level Pr: None A Mentalist may wish to link his mindto that of another Mentalist, thus giving him additional strength. Up to fiveMentalists can be linked in this manner. The other Mentalists do not need to bephysically touching, but they must be within close proximity to the character(2 meters plus 2 meters for every level of Link that the character has). Forevery Mentalist linked to his mind, a character gains a +5 percent modifier forthe discipline he is attempting. If the discipline involves a range factor, theoriginal range is increased by 50 percent for every mind linked. If thediscipline inflicts damage, the original damage is increased by 25 percent forevery mind linked. Thus, if four Mentalists are linked toa Mentalist using an attack discipline, he would have a +20 percent modifieradded to the success rate, the range (if any) would be three times normal, andthe damage would be double the normal amount. Mentalists who are linked to the user cando nothing else other than support the power; the character who initiated theLink is then free to use other disciplines. There are several drawbacks,however. If the character that the supporting characters are linked to sustainsdamage, they absorb one-tenth of that damage too, rounded down. The characterscan remain connected for two turns plus one turn for each level of the Mentalistwho initiated the Link. Automatic success/failure rolls for using Link have noadditional effect. Two turns of rest is needed after each use of Link. Link: Focal Point Type: Telepath Success Rate: Automatic (LOG) Limit: Oneuse per day + 1 additional use per level; requires five turns of rest aftereach use Range: 10 meters + 5 meters per level Duration: 2 turns + 1 turn per level Pr: Logic 95+, Link4 A potent power, ahigh-level Mentalist can join with others that also have the Link discipline tolink his mind to others who are also linked. The Mentalist who joins thesegroups together becomes a focal point. For every Mentalist linked to the focalpoint, the character gains a +5 percent modifier for the power being used, theoriginal range is increased by 50 percent for each character in the link whileany damage is increased by 25 percent (or the duration/effect of the power isenhanced by one-fourth). The character withLink: Focal Point can only connect with as many groups of Mentalists as he haslevels. Thus, a character with a level two in this discipline can link up totwo groups of Mentalists for a total of 10 (including the Focal Point user). The characters can remain connected fortwo turns plus one turn for each level of the Mentalist who initiated Link:Focal Point. Automatic success/failure rolls for using Link have no additionaleffect. The linked groups must be within closeproximity to the Mentalist with Focal Point. The range is 10 meters plus 5meters for each level of Link: Focal Point. Only the character with Focal Point isfree to use other disciplines, the other Mentalists who are joined aresupporting the link and can do nothing else. If the character they are linkedto sustains damage, they absorb one-tenth of that damage too, rounded down. Thecharacters can remain connected for two turns plus one turn for each level ofthe Mentalist who initiated Link: Focal Point. Automatic success/failure rollsfor using Link have no additional effect. The character using Focal Point can onlyuse it once per day plus one additional use per discipline level. This power isalso tiresome, requiring a character to rest at least five turns – they areunable to use other mental powers but may walk and take cover. Mental Invisibility Type: Empath Success Rate: LOG + 10% per level – target’s LOG Limit: Doesnot affect robots or characters observing an area using remote sensors Range: 20 meters + 5 meters per level Duration: While concentrating Pr: None Thecharacter can mentally force all creatures within range to not notice him. Thisincludes friends or foes. The character makes an attack roll against allcreatures within range (a Logic check contest between the Mentalist and hisintended victim, but the player gets a 10 percent bonus per skill level. Anycreature successfully attacked cannot sense the character. The others are ableto sense him. The range for mental invisibility is 20 meters plus 5 meters forevery skill level. Inthe event of new creatures entering his sphere of invisibility, a new attackroll is made for each one. Characters who previously sensed the Mentalist but areforced not to when they enter the area of effect get a +20 modifier whendefending against the invisibility. Characters and creatures attacked in meleeby the player immediately sense him. However, the character does get one freeattack. Automaticsuccess/failure rolls have no additional effect. Mental Prowess** Type: Starting discipline Success Rate: Automatic (LOG) Limit: Once Range: N/A Duration: N/A Pr: Only available during MentalistCharacter Creation A Mentalist starts the game with theMental Prowess discipline, which adds 5 points to Logic and allows thecharacter to increase his logic score 20 points above his racial maximum. For example, a Human character can havea maximum Logic score of 120 while a S’sessu’s maximum Logic score would be130. Note: see the Ability Score XP Improvement chart in Section I. for theamount of experience points it takes to raise the logic score. Mental Tag Type: Telepath Success Rate: ½ LOG + 10% per level – target’s LOG orAutomatic (LOG) Limit: None Range: 100 meters per level Duration: Indefinite Pr: Telepathy 2 TheMentalist can place a “tag” on another character, creature or cyborg so theycan track them from a distance or detect them when they come within range. Ifthis discipline is used against a willing character, the success rate isautomatic. If this is done as an attack against an unwilling target, it becomesa battle of wills. The Mentalist’s tracking range is 100 meters per disciplinelevel and the target must be within a line of sight. Automatic success/failure rolls have noadditional effect. Paralyze Type: Empath Success Rate: ½ STA + 10% per level Limit: Onesuccessful use per day per level Range: 10 meters per level Duration: 1d10+2 turns Pr: Confusion 2, Empathy 1 This discipline allows a character tomentally attack the motor system of an enemy's brain. If successful, the targetbecomes completely paralyzed for 1d10+2 turns. He cannot move or speak, but hecan see, hear, smell, and use Mentalist disciplines (if applicable). Only acreature with a brain can be paralyzed (including; cyborgs). No drug canoverride this mentally inflicted paralysis. Automatic success/failure rolls have noadditional effect. Pheromone Emission Type: Metabolic Controller Success Rate: ¼ PER + 10% per level Limit: Onesuccessful use per day per level Range: 2 meters per level Duration: 1 minute per level Pr: None When the character invokes this power,he emits a psychic attraction to members of the opposite gender and of the samespecies. Unlike the Infatuation discipline, this power may affect anyone withinthe immediate proximity of the character; a separate success roll is requiredfor each being. The area of effect is 2 meters per the user’s discipline level. Anyone who picks up on the mental“scent” becomes enamored with the character, seeing him as an object of sexualdesire for as long as the Mentalist continues using the power. The duration is oneminute per user’s discipline level. An enamored character(s) will generallydo what is asked of him/them – as long as certain promises and/or favors areoffered and/or provided. An enamored character may act to protect the Mentalistif it is within his nature to do so. Keep in mind that the individual is not inlove, but rather in lust and won’t willingly die. Once the duration of the pheromoneemission ends or the affected character moves out of range, the targetcharacter can make a Personality check to break control. If a character makes acritical success roll while resisting this discipline, they will be immune toits effects from any Mentalist in the future. The use of this particular mentalpower, because of its great potential for abuse, has been prohibited by theUPF. The problem is proving someone has used it in a court of law. Some victims of constant pheromoneemission attacks have been known to become addicted to the effect, thusbecoming corrupted by the user. The discipline’s control can be amplified withthe successful use of other psychic powers, such as Suggestion, Infatuation,etc. or psychosocial skills including hypnosis, psychotherapy, etc. ThePsi-Corp, spy agencies, mega-corp security departments and criminal syndicatesare very keen on recruiting or somehow obtaining the use of Mentalists who havedeveloped these powers. Possession Type: Telepath Success Rate: ¼ PER + 10% per level – target’s PER Limit: Onesuccessful use per day Range: 10 meters per level for an unknown/hostile mind;500 meters per level for a mind that was successfully possessed before Duration: Special Pr: Suggestion 4, Telepathy 4 Another dark Mentalist discipline, thisallows the character to temporarily take possession of the target’s mind. Thetarget must be within a direct line of sight and also within a distance equalto 100 meters times the attacker’s discipline level. The Mentalist must totallyconcentrate on the target for three turns before the attack becomes effective.It then becomes a battle of personalities. If successful, the target’s willbecomes completely bent to the character’s desires; he will do and say anythingthat the character wants for 1d10 turns plus 1 turn per user’s level. Afterthat, the target may make a Personality check each successive turn to break thepossession. Once a target has been successfully possessed by a Mentalist, thecharacter receives a +20 percent chance to invade the target’s mind again. Additionally,the possession time grows by 1 minute per discipline level for each successfuleffort. This ability can also be used againstcyborgs and animals; they can break control by passing a Stamina check with a-30 percent modifier. For those creatures and cyborgs with STA scores above100, assume that the Mentalist only has a 30 percent chance of success to establishthe possession; thereafter, the animal or cyborg has a 70 percent chance tobreak the control. Unless the Mentalist does anythinguntoward, if the character successfully uses a Suggestion, Amnesia or Confusionattack, the target may not realize he was possessed. An automatic success roll increases thepossession time by 1 minute per discipline level. An automatic failure rollresults in the target being alerted to the possession effort and receiving a+20 modifier to resist future efforts. Dangers: While possessing another character’sbody, the Mentalist’s own body cannot take any action and is vulnerable toattack. The character might not even feel that he is being attacked. If theMentalist’s body is killed while he is in possession of another creature, hewill die once the duration of the attack ends. There are rumors, however, thatsome dark Mentalists have perfected this discipline to stay alive by swappingbodies constantly, but that may be stuff of myths. Pyrokinesis Type: Psychoenergist Success Rate: ½ STA + 10% per level Limit: Charactermust concentrate on the target to the exclusion of all other activities Range: 5 meters per level Duration: Special Pr: None A character with this discipline whoconcentrates on a creature or item can eventually cause it damage by speedingup the surrounding molecules, thus heating it up and possibly even causing itto burst into flames. Each time this discipline is used, the character mustconcentrate fully on the item or character for three complete turns beforedamage occurs. During the three turns preceding thedamage, the temperature surrounding the target is noticeably higher thannormal. Any creature or item that is resistant to heat such as desert ortropical creatures and plants, takes no damage until it is ignited. Objectsthat are impervious to fire damage, such as a vault made of federanium, mayonly get warn or hot to the touch, but may take no damage. Interior components,such as a paper book inside a federanium vault may or may not take any damageat the referee’s discretion. Any creature, plant, or item that thereferee determines is especially susceptible to the heat (artic creatures)suffers double damage from this discipline. The initial damage is 1d10+10+1 pointper user level to the target, but this damage increases by 5 points if thecreature/item is ignited (see below). Like Cryokinesis, the Mentalist can keepconcentrating on the target for a number of turns equal to 3 plus their skilllevel while the damage inflicted increases by an additional 1d10 per turn. For example, alevel 2 character with pyrokinesis can concentrate for a total of five turns.On turn four, the target takes 1d10 + 10 + 2 points of damage; on turn five,the target will take 2d10 + 2 points worth of damage. An item can catch fire if it is highlyflammable. A creature can ignite if it is successfully attacked with thisdiscipline for three consecutive turns. These 5 points of flame damage isrepeated each turn that the item or creature is on fire. A critical hit rollmeans that the Mentalist has caused an instant heat wave and damage starts immediatelyto the target on turn one. A critical miss leaves the attacker stunned for 1d5turns. Read Thoughts * Type: Telepath Success Rate: LOG + 10% per level – target’s LOG Limit: Nonefor surface thoughts; for deep scans, see description Range: 10 meters per level for an unfamiliar mind; 1 kmper level for a known, willing target Duration: As long as the characterconcentrates Pr: None Note: only aTelepath can learn Telepathy. All other Mentalist and Enlightened charactersneed to learn Read Thoughts and/or Send Thoughts to approximate that powerfuldiscipline. Read Thoughts is one of the earliestMentalist powers that was cultivated by intelligence agencies and occult practitioners.For pioneering Enlightened characters, this power might have been limited tobeing able to “read” the backs of cards that someone else was holding. With this discipline, a character can readthe surface thoughts of another character. This is relatively easy when theother is a willing participant (the target’s Logic score is not used as anegative modifier). The duration is up to a full minute per level with thesuccessful use of this discipline. An unwilling target can resist using theirLogic in a battle of wills. Keep in mind that the skill Iron Will also providesa benefit to the target to resist such probing. Unless a non-Enlightened ornon-Mentalist character has experienced this form of mental probing before, hemay not fully understand that someone is attempting to read his thoughts andmay experience a headache. Enlightened, Mentalists and characters with IronWill training or previous experiences will know that someone is attempting toprobe their minds. If desired, this ability can be used todelve deeply into the subconscious mind of the target. This allows for theMentalist to divine the answer to one question per discipline level per day.Unwilling targets can use their Logic score to resist. The answer to a question can be assimple as a yes or no, which might give the Mentalist a positive modifier. Themore complex a question – such as the identity of someone, where the person hasbeen, etc. – then there will be a penalty applied. Other modifiers: If the Mentalist istrying to read an alien’s or animal’s mind, there is a -20 percent modifier. Ifthe target is a known and willing mind, the Mentalist can read thoughts up to 1kilometer away per level. If the target is an unfamiliar and/or resisting mind,the range is 10 meters per level. If the user has an automatic failure onhis discipline check, he may be disoriented, stunned, at the alien's mercy, oreven mortally wounded, depending on the alien and the referee's discretion. Send Thoughts * Type: Telepath Success Rate: LOG + 10% per level Limit: None Range: 10 meters per level for an unfamiliar mind; 1 kmper level for a known, willing target Duration: As long as the characterconcentrates Pr: None Note: only aTelepath can learn Telepathy. All other Mentalist and Enlightened charactersneed to learn Read Thoughts and/or Send Thoughts to approximate that powerfuldiscipline. A limited form of telepathy, SendThoughts only allows the Mentalist the power to transmit send a message toanother character or creature in one of two manners. One option is a general broadcast,which travels outwards to all minds near the character – 10 meters per level.The communication is one-way. The second method of sending thoughts is to reachout and touch the mind of someone far away – up to 1 kilometer per level – aslong as the mind is a familiar one. Once the power is invoked, thecommunication can continue for up to one minute, but again it is only one-way.The character using this discipline cannot hear anyone else’s thoughts unlessthey have the Read Thoughts discipline. If the target mind is aware of thecommunication’s attempt and wishes to shut it out, he can do so with a Logiccheck. This check cannot be made until the Mentalist character starts sending athought and after the target character is aware of the effort. If the targetsuccessfully shuts out the Mentalist, the character must wait an hour beforeattempting to contact the mind again. Shield Type: Empath, Telepath Success Rate: Automatic (LOG or STA) Limit: None Range: Self Duration: As long as the characterconcentrates Pr: None This discipline automatically allows acharacter to know when someone is trying to intrude on his thoughts or mentallyattack him. It does not indicate who is doing the intruding or attacking. Nordoes it define what discipline is being used. If he desires, the character can,in the next turn, put up his mental shield. A successful use prevents Telepathy,Empathy, Illusion, Infatuation, Suggestion, Possession and similar disciplines fromworking on him. It also protects him against all other mental attacks – anopposing Mentalist or psionic creature receives an additional -30 percentmodifier. The character can maintain the shield for as long as he is conscious,but he can perform no other Mentalist disciplines while concentrating on hisshield. He can perform other non-disciplineactivities while keeping his shield up. The referee should make sure that thisdiscipline is not abused. A character who has the shield up most of the timewill become easily exhausted and can even suffer Logic loss because of thedamaging effects of trying to be always mentally protected. An automatic success roll may reflectthe force of a mental assault back on the attacker while a critical miss rollleaves the user more vulnerable to an attack (a -10 percent penalty to defensechecks for 1d5 turns). Shield Self and Others Type: Empath, Telepath Success Rate: ½ LOG or STA + 10% per level Limit: None Range: 2 meters per level Duration: As long as the characterconcentrates Pr: Shield 2 Similar to Shield, this disciplineautomatically allows a character to know when someone is trying to intrude onhis thoughts or mentally attack him but with an Intuition check, they can alsodetermine that someone is trying to intrude or mentally attack another nearbycharacter (range 2 meters per level). It does not indicate who is doing theintruding or attacking. Nor does it define what discipline is being used. If he desires, the character can, inthe next turn, put up a mental shield to protect himself and others withinrange. A successful use prevents Telepathy, Empathy, and Illusion from workingon any character that remains within the range of the Mentalist. It alsoprotects him and other characters and creatures within range against other mentalattacks – an opposing Mentalist or psionic creature receives a -30 percentmodifier. The character can maintainShield Others for as long as he is conscious, but he can perform no other Mentalistdisciplines while concentrating on his shield. He can, however, perform other non-disciplineactivities while keeping his shield up. The referee should make sure that thisdiscipline is not abused. A character who has the shield up most of the timewill become easily exhausted and can even suffer Logic loss because of thedamaging effects of trying to be always mentally protected. An automatic success roll may reflectthe force of a mental assault back on the attacker while a critical miss rollleaves the user and those he is trying to protect more vulnerable to an attack(a -10 percent penalty to defense checks for 1d5 turns; roll for each affectedcharacter). Static * Type: Psychoenergist Success Rate: ½ LOG + 10% per level Limit: None Range: LOG score + 5 meters per level Duration: As long as the character concentrates Pr: None With this discipline a character cansend out a disruptive field of mental energy which interferes with broadcasttransmissions, including communications transmissions, scanner transmissions,and robots operating from a main power supply station or computerized control facility.The area affected extends out from the user up to a radius in meters equal tothe Logic score of the user plus 5 meters per level. For example, a character with a Logic scoreof 83 could expand this interference area anywhere from within a fewcentimeters or himself up to an including 83 meters. The duration of this discipline,once the check has been made, is four turns per the user’s level. Automaticsuccess/failure rolls have no additional effect. Stunning Force Type: Telepath Success Rate: ½ LOG + 10% per level – ½ target’s LOG Limit: Onceper day per level Range: 10 meters +2 meters per level Duration: 1d5 turns Pr: Telepathy 3 Thecharacter makes a mental attack on everyone within the area of effect. This mentalattack is a Logic contest between the Mentalist and his intended victims. Thisstunning force attack is rather like a mental shout. All affected creatures arestunned for 1d5 turns. Roll separately for each victim. Creatureswhich are stunned are incapable of attacking, defending, moving, or usingmental attacks. This power affects friend and foe alike. Once he has used thispower, the character must rest for an hour before attempting to use it again.During this time, the character can walk or perform non-strenuous skills but ifhe has to use other Mentalist disciplines or perform strenuous tasks, he hasa -30 percent modifier to all skill andability checks until he rests. Anautomatic success roll doubles the length of time that victims are stunned. Acritical miss stuns the Mentalist for 1d5 rounds. Suggestion * Type: Empath, Telepath Success Rate: ¼ LOG + 10% per level – ½ target’s LOG Limit: None Range: 10 meters per level Duration: Special Pr: Telepathy or Empathy 1 or SendThoughts 1 This discipline allows a character tomentally suggest something to another character who is within a line of sight andhave him agree with it. If the check is made, a reasonable mental suggestion(we are harmless, look the other way) to a character will be obeyed. The trickhere is to be brief and reasonable. This differs from the Hypnosis skill inthat it is instant and does not possibly alter a character's perception ofreality. If the referee believes a suggestion ismildly unreasonable because of extenuating circumstances, he should add anegative modifier to the discipline check. Otherwise, in the case of outright unreasonablesuggestions (give me you gun, strike your comrade) there should be no check atall. A check is made for every suggestion, but once a specific Suggestion checkis missed it cannot be used again during that encounter. Automaticsuccess/failure rolls have no additional effect. Summoning Type: Telepath Success Rate: LOG + 10% per level – ½ creature’s STA score Limit: 10turns of rest after each use Range: 1 km per level Duration: 1 turn Pr: Telepathy 2 or Send Thoughts 2 Thecharacter can send out a telepathic call for a particular species of creaturehe is familiar with. To do so, he must have a firm mental image of what thecreature looks like. When the creature arrives and first makes eye contact, thecharacter must roll an attack with this power (a Logic contest between the Mentalistand the Stamina of his intended victim, with a bonus of 10 percent perdiscipline level). Ifsuccessful, the creature is under the control of the character for the next2d10 turns. Otherwise the creature is free willed and does whatever comes naturallyin the situation. This can include attacking the summoning character. Thecharacter can give the creature simple commands, such as "kill them,""break that," "carry us," etc. If the same individual creatureis ever summoned again that year, it may ignore the call. Only one type ofcreature can be summoned and controlled at a time. Anycreature of low intelligence (Logic 25 or above) can ignore the call orwillingly follow it to its source. When it arrives, it is immune to the controllingpower of the summoning Mentalist. The range of thispower is 1 kilometer per discipline level. Automatic success/failure rolls have no additional effect. Telekinesis * Type: Psychoenergist, Psychomaterialist Success Rate: ½ LOG or STA + 10% per level Limit: 10turns of rest after each use Range: 10 meters + 2 meters per level Duration: 9 turns + 1 turn per level Pr: None Telekinesis permits a character canmentally lift an object into the air or move it along a surface. The range ofthis discipline is 10 meters plus 2 meters per level from the user. The amountof weight (in kilograms) that can be lifted is equal to half the user's Logicscore, rounded down, plus 1 kilogram per discipline level. The maximum time that an item can betelekinetically levitated is 9 turns plus 1 turn per discipline level. Thediscipline then cannot be used again for 10 turns. The success rate is modifiedby a -20 percent modifier when trying to telekinetically move or lift ananimated object, like a dog. This skill allows for no more manipulation than pushing,pulling, lifting, or lowering. Alternatively, this power could be usedto knock over an opponent. The victim would have to make a Strength check witha -10 percent modifier for each discipline level of the Mentalist. Other factors, such as gravity orspecial equipment – say an opponent is wearing magnetic shoes and is standingon a metal deck – may nullify or enhance the Mentalist’s telekinetic power. Alternatively, the Mentalist can usetelekinesis to stop and hold an object in place, slow it down, or even shove itoff its course. If the object is a person, animal, or robot, they get a Strengthor Stamina check with a -10 percent modifier for each discipline level of theMentalist. The referee will have to determine if the Mentalist’s telekineticpowers can stop “a speeding bullet” but it is doubtful that a single personcould stop the proverbial “run-away train.” GravitationalEffects: Similarto levitation, telekinesis is impacted by gravity. For every tenth of gravity(0.1 G) less than 1.0: · Thecharacter’s maximum range is increased by 2 meters · Theamount of weight that can be lifted is increased by 5 kilograms · Theduration of the telekinesis is increased by 1 turn because it is less strenuous For every tenth of gravity (0.1 G)above 1.0: · Acharacter’s maximum range is decreased by 1 meter · Theamount of weight lifted is decreased by 5 kilograms · Andthe duration of the levitation is decreased by 1 turn In a weightless environment, acharacter with telekinetic powers might pull off some amazing feats, such aspushing large objects, such as space fighters and such, and getting them tostart moving, depending upon their mass. Remember that an object in motion willremain in motion in a weightless environment until it is affected by anotherforce, such as slamming into another object. An automatic success roll extends theduration of the power by 1d10 turns. A critical failure roll temporarilypenalizes the Mentalist’s powers with a -10 percent modifier for 1d5 turns. Telekinetic Flight Type: Psychoenergist, Psychomaterialist Success Rate: ½ LOG or STA + 10% per level Limit: 10 turns of rest after each use Range: Special Duration: Character’s running limit Pr: Levitation 3, Telekinesis 3 TheMentalist is able to lift only himself with Levitation, but with thisdiscipline he can fly at a maximum speed of 10 meters per discipline level perturn. Using this power is as taxing as running. If he is moving at his maximum speed,he suffers the same fatigue as if he ran as fast as he could for the sameamount of time. A slow, “walking” pace can be maintained almost indefinitely. Specifically,movement using this discipline incurs fatigue as if the Mentalist were runningfor maximum speed, jogging for two-thirds speed, and walking for one-thirdspeed. The character can carry 50 + (10 x discipline level) in kilograms of extraweight. The maximum height a character with thispower can reach is one meter for every five Logic points he has, rounded down. Forexample, a Mentalist with an 83 in Logic can levitate 16 meters (83 divided by5 = 16.6, rounded down to 16). The maximum rate of ascent or descent alevitating character can achieve is no more than 20 meters per turn GravitationalEffects: TelekineticFlight is also impacted by gravity. For every tenth of gravity (0.1 G) lessthan 1.0: · Thecharacter’s maximum range is increased by 2 meters · Theamount of weight that can be lifted is increased by 5 kilograms · Theduration of the telekinesis is increased by 1 turn because it is less strenuous For every tenth of gravity (0.1 G)above 1.0: · Acharacter’s maximum range is decreased by 1 meter · Theamount of weight lifted is decreased by 5 kilograms · Andthe duration of the levitation is decreased by 1 turn In a weightless environment, acharacter with telekinetic flight can negate the negative impacts of Zero-Gcombat while he is using this ability and move at a normal rate. An automatic success roll extends theduration of the power by 1d10 turns. A critical failure roll temporarilypenalizes the Mentalist’s powers with a -10 percent modifier for 1d5 turns. Telemanipulation Type: Psychoenergist, Psychomaterialist Success Rate: ½ LOG or STA + 10% per level Limit: None Range: 3 meters + 1 meter per level Duration: 4 turns + 1 turn per level Pr: Telekinesis 2 This discipline is similar toTelekinesis, except the range is shorter and the ability to manipulate is better.The maximum distance an object can be telemanipulated is three meters from theuser plus one meter per the user’s discipline level. The amount of weight (in kilograms)that can be held and telemanipulated is equal to one-tenth the user's Logicscore, rounded down, plus 2 kilograms per skill level. The success rate is modified by a -20percent modifier when trying to telemanipulate an item that the user cannotsee. In all other aspects, this disciplineis the equivalent of the user having a third, invisible, mentally controlled hand.The hand can do no damage by itself and cannot be damaged. GravitationalEffects: Telemanipulationis also impacted by gravity. For every tenth of gravity (0.1 G) less than 1.0: · Thecharacter’s maximum range is increased by 0.2 meters · Theamount of weight that can be lifted is increased by 0.5 kilograms · Theduration of the telemanipulation is increased by 1/2 turn (rounded up) becauseit is less strenuous For every tenth of gravity (0.1 G)above 1.0: · Acharacter’s maximum range is decreased by 0.2 meters · Theamount of weight lifted is decreased by 0.5 kilograms · Andthe duration of the levitation is decreased by 1/2 turn (round up) because itis more strenuous In a weightless environment, acharacter with telemanipulation: · Hashis maximum range increased by 10 meters · Theamount of weight that can be manipulated is increased by 10 kilograms · Andthe duration has been increased by 10 turns An automatic success roll extends theduration of the power by 1d10 turns. A critical failure roll temporarilypenalizes the Mentalist’s powers with a -10 percent modifier for 1d5 turns. Note: There are rumors of darker usesof this power, such as using the telekinetic hand to choke a character, squeezeshut an artery to the brain, or crush some other vital organs. Such practices are condemned by StarLaw and offenses are severely punishable, though most Mentalists report thatthey are unable to use telemanipulation in this manner. Telepathy(R) Type: Telepath Success Rate: Varies with Aliens, Animals and Characters Limit: None Range: 10 meters per level for an unknown/hostile mind; 1km per level for a known, willing target Duration: As long as the characterconcentrates Pr: None Note: Only aTelepath can learn this discipline. This power allows a character to enterthe mind of other characters, intelligent aliens and animals for the purpose ofcommunication. It is more powerful than similar disciplines such as ReadThoughts and Send Thoughts. The chance of success and the amount of informationthat can be communicated depends upon who or what is being contacted, see thesub-disciplines below. Range: If the target is a known andwilling mind, the Mentalist can read thoughts up to 1 kilometer away per level.If the target is an unfamiliar and/or resisting mind, the range is 10 metersper level. Note: if a character has learned SendThoughts and/or Read Thoughts, they cannot learn Telepathy. Likewise, acharacter with Telepathy cannot learn those disciplines. Sub-discipline:Telepathy Aliens Success Rate: ½ LOG/INT + 10% per level – ½ target’s LOG – 20% For this sub-discipline, an alien isdefined as a creature of at least human intelligence that is not one of theplayer character races. If the alien is not receptive, the success rate becomesa battle of Logic, with the alien having an additional -20 percent modifier. Aliens,in this case, are considered to be sentient beings that are unknown or have hadvery little contact with the Core Four races, such as the Sathar. Once contacted, the alien is not forcedto be pleasant, but he cannot shut out the user's attempts at conversation. Analien who has undergone telepathic linking numerous times can mentally conversequite well; otherwise the character must keep his conversation short and basic.If the alien is extremely evil, or has a mind that could be incomprehensible tothe character attempting to reach it, the referee might decide that a Logiccheck is in order before any communication is attempted. If the user fails the check, he may bedisoriented, stunned, at the alien's mercy, or even mortally wounded, dependingon the alien and the referee's discretion. Sub-discipline:Telepathy Animals SuccessRate: 100%(LOG/INT) This sub-discipline allows theMentalist to form a telepathic link with creatures of animal intelligence. The usertries to enter a creature's mind and converse with it through only the mostbasic concepts. Unless provoked, the creature does not usually attack a characterduring the telepathic conversation. If the creature is a monster – such asa Sathar cybernetic organism – the referee might decide that a Logic check isnecessary before any communication is attempted. If the user fails the check,he may be disoriented, stunned, at the creature's mercy, or even wounded, dependingon the creature and the referee's discretion. Sub-discipline:Telepathy Characters SuccessRate: 100% (LOG/INT) or ½ LOG/INT + 10% perlevel – ½ target’s LOG This sub-discipline allows a characterto enter another intelligent being’s mind only for the purpose of conversation.The success rate is automatic if the recipient is receptive. If the characteris not receptive, the success rate is the user's discipline level and thenmodified by the target’s Logic score and any resistance training, such as IronWill. Once contacted, the character is not forced to be pleasant, but he cannotshut out the user's attempts at conversation. A character who has undergonetelepathic linking numerous times can mentally converse quite well; otherwisethe character must keep his replies short and basic. This discipline onlyallows for telepathic contact with intelligent player and non-player characters(including cyborgs). Teleport Limited Type: Psychomaterialist Success Rate: ½ LOG or STA + 10% per level Limit: Onceevery two turns Range: 20 meters per level Duration: Instantaneously Pr: None TeleportLimited givesthe character a chance to teleport himself up to 20 meters for each level ofthis discipline that he possesses. The area he wishes to teleport to must beclearly seen by the user. For example, aMentalist with a level 2 discipline can teleport himself up to 40 meters, alevel 3 up to 60 meters, and so forth. To teleport, the Mentalist must concentrate for a full turn beforehe rolls the discipline check. During this time, he can walk and take onenormal. An automatic success roll has no other effect. If the use is unsuccessful,the teleportation simple does not work, unless the roll was a critical miss,98-00. The automatic miss roll means that the character is stunned by thefailed attempt for 1d5 turns and cannot attempt this discipline again for 10hours, minus one hour per discipline level. Sub-discipline:Teleport Other Limited Instead of teleporting one’s self, theMentalist can teleport another character, creature or object (roughly equal tohis size) away from him. The character or creature must be in physical contactwith the Mentalist and the destination spot must be within a direct line ofsight and within range – even if it a spot in the air, which would causefalling damage – and possibly damage to any person, object, or creaturedirectly underneath. Characters and creatures get a Reaction Speed check toavoid such a falling object. The same chances of success or failure apply tothis sub-discipline as it does to Teleport Limited. Teleport Object Type: Psychomaterialist Success Rate: ½ LOG or STA + 10% per level Limit: Onceper level per hour Range: 20 meters per level Duration: Instantaneously after threeturns of concentration Pr: Teleportation: Limited 2 TheMentalist can teleport any object from one place to another if he spends threeturns of concentration on it before rolling a discipline check. He must be ableto see the object – he does not need to be in physical contact with it – andthe thing to be teleported must be no more than 10 meters away. Therange of this power is 10 meters per the Mentalist’s discipline level. Theobject (or person or creature) cannot weigh more than the Mentalist’sdiscipline level multiplied by 5 in kilograms (DL x 5). If the object is beingheld by another character or creature, the Mentalist must make a mental attackagainst the opponent to teleport his object. Thedestination of the teleported object must be within the Mentalist’s line ofsight and within range. Again, this could even be a point in the air where theobject may suffer falling damage along with anything directly underneath it(see the description in Teleport Limited). Thecharacter can use this power once per level per hour. Automaticsuccess rolls have no additional effect. If the discipline check is unsuccessful, the teleportation simpledoes not work, unless the unsuccessful roll was a 98-00. Theautomatic miss roll means that the character is stunned by the failed attemptfor 1d5 turns and cannot attempt this discipline again for 10 hours, minus onehour per discipline level. Teleport Unlimited (R) Type: Psychomaterialist Success Rate: ½ LOG or STA + 10% per level Limit: Onesuccessful use per level per day Range: 3 km + 2 km per level Pr: Teleportation: Limited 2 Note: Only aPsychomaterialist can learn this unusually strong discipline. This power allows a character to teleportanywhere he can clearly see (including those areas seen with opticalenhancement devices) or is familiar with (has spent one entire week in the location,studying it) within five kilometers of himself. The distance that can be teleportedincreases by two kilometers per level over level 1. For example, a Mentalistwith a level 1 discipline can only teleport a maximum of 5 kilometers, but acharacter with a level 2 and teleport up to seven kilometers, with a level 3 upto 9 kilometers and so on. A rolled automatic miss, however, ispotentially much deadlier with this discipline. If a 98-00 is rolled for the disciplinecheck, the player must roll again on the Misteleportation Result Table.
Timeread * Type: Empath Success Rate: ¼ LOG + 10% per level Limit: Onesuccessful use per level per three days Range: 5-meter radius Duration: Special Pr: None When a character uses this disciplinesuccessfully, remains immobile, and concentrates on a space he is occupying(5-meter radius), he can look back in time at what took place there. He cannotbe seen by those shades of the past and he can hear no sound. He is, in fact, completely helplessduring this discipline. After the discipline check is made, another percentileroll is required to determine how far back through time he can see. The maximumtime traveled back is three months for every point of Logic the user has. A roll of 1-2, the character can lookback the maximum amount of time, a roll of 3-4 means can look back 90 percentof the maximum time, a roll of 5-6 means the character can look back 75 percentof the maximum time, a roll of 7-8 means the character can only look back halfthe maximum time, a roll of 9 means he can look back only 25 percent of themaximum time, while a roll of 10 means the Mentalist can only look a 10 percentof the maximum time. For example, a characterwith an 83 in Logic can look back a maximum of 20 years, nine months and he issuccessful in reaching back that far into the past. The user starts at the farend of the time span and comes forward toward the present. He can returnthrough time as fast as he wishes, but once he passed a date, he cannot go backagain without a new discipline use. He cannot interfere in any way in the spacehe concentrated on. The referee must use his discretionwith this discipline and may have to ad lib a great deal, as a lot ofinformation may be required. This is a good chance for storytelling, however,and a perfect opportunity to lay the groundwork for an upcoming adventure. Thisdiscipline is usually used for gaining clues and evidence in crimes. A critical success roll means that theMentalist automatically can start reviewing events from his maximum amount oftime. An automatic failure means that not only didn’t the power work, but he istemporarily stunned for 1d5 turns and cannot use the power again for three days. Trance Type: Metabolic Controller, Psychomaterialist Success Rate: ½ LOG or STA + 10% per level Limit: None Range: Self Duration: As long as the characterconcentrates Pr: None With this discipline a character can gointo a trance to slow or increase his metabolism. Sub-discipline: Slow Metabolism The Mentalist can slow his metabolism almostto the point of death, but this offers several benefits. It prevents poisonfrom spreading rapidly throughout the user's system (though it eventually willcause damage). The character can almost hibernate, thus lasting longer on fewersupplies – including food and water plus air – in harsh climates. The character can feign death and has achance (discipline check) to fool even the best doctors (though not med-bots).Once the character has started the trance, he cannot move nor do any action exceptconcentrate. He can come out of the trance whenever he desires, but it takesthree turns for his body to wake up after he has announced the end of thetrance. While the user's body metabolism is slowed down, healing is alsoslowed. A critical success roll means thecharacter can easily feign death from doctors – and med-bots – without anyfurther need of discipline checks. An automatic failure roll not only meansthat the trance did not work, but stuns the character for 1d5 turns. Sub-discipline:Increase Metabolism A character using this sub-disciplinecan go into a trance and increase his metabolism, which can also offer several benefits.It speeds up medicinal drugs injected into the user's system, thus acceleratingtheir healing effect. The character's natural healing time is cut in half when hismetabolism is accelerated. The character can feign a fever, heart attack andother maladies. The heat impression given off is morelike that of a machine than a bioform and this sometimes leads characters ormachines using IR optical enhancement devices or scanners to ignore the user,considering him a piece of machinery or heating duct. Once the character hasstarted the trance, he cannot move nor do any action except concentrate. He cancome out of the trance whenever he desires, but it takes three turns for his bodyto cool down after he has announced the end of the trance. While the user'sbody metabolism is accelerated, he can perform no other discipline. A critical success roll means thecharacter can easily feign a fever, heart attack or other maladies oraccelerate the healing effect of medicinal drugs. An automatic failure roll notonly means that the trance did not work, but stuns the character for 1d5 turns. Trap Type: Empath Success Rate: 100% (LOG) Limit: None Range: Special Duration: 20 turns Pr: Beam 2 This discipline is set by a Mentalistwho expects to be attacked mentally. Once set, the trap lasts for 20 turns oruntil the character is successfully struck by a mental attack or another formof mental probe. When this happens, the user's stored mental energy lashes outas a retributive mental beam. If the check is made, the trap"springs" the opposing Mentalist as if they've been attacked by theBeam discipline. See the Beam discipline for the statistics of the damage. Automatic success and failure rollshave no other impact. Truesight Type: Psychoenergist Success Rate: ½ LOG/INT + 10% per level Limit: Canonly be used when normal sight will not work Pr: None A character uses this discipline whenhis normal sight is impaired because of temporary or permanent blindness causedby a sealed prisoner's helmet, flash grenade, completely dark night, or beingunderwater. If the check is made, the character has the equivalent of perfectsight for combat, avoiding obstacles, or finding directions. The user cannot identify someone he doesnot know, operate a machine or computer, or perform other detailed visual work.Truesight is only checked at the beginning of the impairment and lasts as longas the character's normal sight is impaired. Automatic success and failure rollshave no other impact.
Joe Cabadas |
July 24, 2019 - 9:49pm | Please excuse the words running together. That happens when I do a cut and paste from Word. As noted, you can reject this idea of handling Mentalism, but maybe it might spark an idea of simplifying it? I tried to make it compatible with Alpha Dawn. You may note, I ditched the idea that Mentalist characters can't advance in other skills... or only in a limited number. I figure that a Mentalist is probably one of the smartest characters around. Why would they be prevented from learning starship skills? Because of some D&D idea of balancing characters? You can't get Bester with the way it was done in Zebs. ![]() Joe Cabadas |
![]() July 25, 2019 - 8:41am | IIRC Zeb's claims that STR/STA can be heisted to improve LOG for mentalists. That being the case, one major factor exists for such weaker types: a laser does not kick when it is fired. Gyrojets and slug throwers do...ever seen videos of naive folks firing a .44 magnum for the first time? Yeah, that would pretty much happen all the time for a mentalist. |
![]() July 25, 2019 - 4:52pm | IIRC Zeb's claims that STR/STA can be heisted to improve LOG for mentalists. That being the case, one major factor exists for such weaker types: a laser does not kick when it is fired. Gyrojets and slug throwers do...ever seen videos of naive folks firing a .44 magnum for the first time? Yeah, that would pretty much happen all the time for a mentalist. Real world argument and quite valid but I dont remember AD having a penalty for firing such weapons with low strength. That said mentalist choosing a laser naturally in a real world situation is a choice I dont see the point of excluding a skill. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() July 25, 2019 - 5:11pm | Another thing: Zebs fractured the AD skill system and made every subskill a separate skill, something I dont agree with. The mentalist discipline list resembles the Zebs skill list as well and I wonder if it should not be condensed to Resemble the AD skill list? Also certain features of the AD (and KHs) skills list have progressive unlocking of abilities: Technician- can drive ground vehicles at level 1 and flying vehicles at higher levels. so my thought was AD Empath discipline would incorporate the Empath, Confussion, Infatuation and Fear from Zebs where empath abilities are at level 1, infatuation at level 2, confusion can be used at level 3 and fear at level 4. Channelling 1 would be grouped with other energy manipulation discplines like disruption and electrascreen Channelling 2 with other dsiciplines that do similar things and so on. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
July 26, 2019 - 5:26am | Another thing: Zebs fractured the AD skill system and made every subskill a separate skill, something I dont agree with. The mentalist discipline list resembles the Zebs skill list as well and I wonder if it should not be condensed to Resemble the AD skill list? Also certain features of the AD (and KHs) skills list have progressive unlocking of abilities: Technician- can drive ground vehicles at level 1 and flying vehicles at higher levels. so my thought was AD Empath discipline would incorporate the Empath, Confussion, Infatuation and Fear from Zebs where empath abilities are at level 1, infatuation at level 2, confusion can be used at level 3 and fear at level 4. Channelling 1 would be grouped with other energy manipulation discplines like disruption and electrascreen Channelling 2 with other dsiciplines that do similar things and so on. That could work to make it more AD like. I'll re-look at this system to provide you some options. Joe Cabadas |
July 26, 2019 - 3:37pm | It seams to me psych-social skill is right up a mentalists alley. Why use mental powers when Persuasion and Hypnotism subskill will work just as well? As noted earlier, and I'll expand on it here, I would favor ditching the "permissible skill" limit for mentalist characters. If someone were lucky enough to roll high stats -- or has a GM that allows it -- the Mentalist would be one of the select few smartest characters around. Are they too wedded to psionics that they can't learn other skills if need be? And, they aren't necessarily physically weak either, especially if a player is good with their rolls. I realize this is some sort of "balance" issue, like in D&D where they weaken wizards, but some of the mentalist skills aren't all that impressive. Joe Cabadas |
July 26, 2019 - 3:37pm | 2ndly there are many computer and technician subskill on the Zebs list so might as well allow Computers, Robotics, and technician skill. Same for the bio-social skills. I would say allow tech & bio social skills and martial arts and melee wespons. Exclude demolitions and all shooting skills. (Need to pull out a copy of SFman 9 later and review its skill list. Yes, you are thinking along the lines I have. Joe Cabadas |
July 26, 2019 - 3:40pm | Some of these creatures would be nice additions. Yes they would be nice additions. Joe Cabadas |
July 26, 2019 - 4:33pm | A More Alpha Dawn Look at The Mentalist Discipline
Looking at Bill Logan’s printer-friendly, Alpha Dawn Expanded Rules, he did include Mentalists. He calls it the Mentalist PSA, though I might still argue calling it the Mentalist Discipline... or even Mentalist Disciplines (plural).
Logan only provides 3 Mentalist skills – Metabolic Control, Psychokinesis, and Telepath. I think these could be expanded as I’ve had above to:
An Empath (“Sensitive”) devotes his time to studying disciplines that include Amnesia/Remember, Analysis, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Confusion, Empathy, File, Infatuation, Mental Invisibility, Paralyze, Shield, Shield Self and Others, Suggestion, and Timeread. A Metabolic Controller (“Augmenter”) focuses on disciplines that enhance their physical abilities such as: Density, Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Physique, Enhanced Senses, Fortify, Heal Self, Heal Self Fully, Hyper Movement, Pheromone Emission, and Trance. Psychoenergists (the slang term is “Generator”) would concentrate on having the following disciplines: Channeling: EnergyBarrier, Channeling: Inertia Barrier, Cryokinesis, Electrascreen, Infrascreen, Levitation, Pyrokinesis, Static, Telekinesis, Telekinetic Flight, Telemanipulation, and Truesight. A Psychomaterialist (“Manipulator”) would have studied disciplines such as Density, Disruption, Heal Others, Heal Self, Heal Self Fully, Telekinesis, Telekinetic Flight,Telemanipulation,Teleportation: Limited, Teleportation: Unlimited, and Trance. A Telepath (“Dominator”)is the only mentalist character that can learn Telepathy. All others must learn theseparate disciplines of Read Thoughts and Send Thoughts. Telepaths also study Amnesia/Remember, Beam, Confusion, Detection: Immediate Area, Detection: Long Range, Fear, Illusion, Infatuation, Link, Link: Focal Point, Mental Tag,Possession, Shield, Shield Self and Others, Stunning Force, Suggestion,Summoning, and Trap. Joe Cabadas |
July 26, 2019 - 4:42pm | OK, what is above still needs some work to make it more Alpha Dawn like. Let's say a Mentalist character needs to chose one of these disciplines as their Primary Discipline Area (PDA). These skills can be advanced at the normal "skill rate" while all others use the secondary discipline cost. An Empath would have the following skills and sub-skills: Sensitivity Basic sub-skills: Empathy, Confusion, Paralyze, Shield, and Suggestion Sensitivity Advanced sub-skills: Amnesia/Remember, Analysis, File, Infatuation, Shield Self and Others Third Skill (Sorry, I've got to come up with a better name) sub-skills: Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Mental Invisibility, and Timeread Joe Cabadas |
July 26, 2019 - 4:45pm | Above is an example. I suppose Enlightened characters would still only be able to get a couple of powers, but not the full group of disciplines. For instance, an enlightened character might only learn empathy, but not the other sub-skills, or might be a clairvoyant, but not know mental invisibility. Joe Cabadas |
![]() August 5, 2019 - 6:33pm | Interesting.... and I was trying to think of how to bring some aliens from the gone MMO game Wildstar to SF and it seems most Aurin players made them Espers, even would like to translate some of the abilities to SF as well, but you have some like heal already covered. In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same. |
August 6, 2019 - 5:04pm | Interesting.... and I was trying to think of how to bring some aliens from the gone MMO game Wildstar to SF and it seems most Aurin players made them Espers, even would like to translate some of the abilities to SF as well, but you have some like heal already covered. Yes, I tried to convert some of the Gamma World mutant abilities and D&D spells into the SF system. But, since it hasn't been play tested, it's been more of a mental exercise for me! Joe Cabadas |
August 6, 2019 - 5:04pm | I'll have to get back to posting on Jedion's topic here... if he's interested. Joe Cabadas |
November 5, 2019 - 9:35pm | I found this on the .com site. It was an article on psionics called "Frontiers of the Mind." Maybe this might be a good basis for relooking at Mentalism for Alpha Dawn? Joe Cabadas |
![]() November 6, 2019 - 8:10am | I found this on the .com site. It was an article on psionics called "Frontiers of the Mind." Maybe this might be a good basis for relooking at Mentalism for Alpha Dawn? That was a dragon mag article. There is also a FE issue with a mentalism theme. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
November 6, 2019 - 10:26am | I found this on the .com site. It was an article on psionics called "Frontiers of the Mind." Maybe this might be a good basis for relooking at Mentalism for Alpha Dawn? I'll look for that. That was a dragon mag article. There is also a FE issue with a mentalism theme. Joe Cabadas |