![]() February 8, 2019 - 7:32am | ![]() was thinking of this picture and inspired by it for an illustration (I've actually seen the WIP version of how he put it together) got me thinking of a group of SF characters surronded by and being swarmed by Sathar. If you think about it the sathar are possibly a good fit for swarm attacks from a game desing or referee perspective: they are never presented with a lot of equipment. Certainly a sapient creature would look to preserve itself and find advantages to make up for lack of equipment but we also know the sathar dont care to preserve their own lives and frequently suicide. I suppose maybe the "swarm" could be slave bots? as well. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() February 8, 2019 - 7:35am | And then there is the work on the sathar done on this site about the caste system with lower middle and upper caste sathar. The lower caste sathar would also be ideal for a swarm attack. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
February 8, 2019 - 1:48pm | If the Sathar are prolific breeders and they have a bunch of brain-damaged lower caste types, then yes, I can see them using swarm tactics. Joe Cabadas |
![]() February 8, 2019 - 5:32pm | Agreed but I'm just thinking of playing out a swarm battle from a game or referee perspective, like portrayed in recent Hobbit movies with dwarves escaping goblin tunnels: 1 hit knocks out 1 goblin (this case is a running battle ) or a last stand pile them up like cord wood battle. I suppose you could create a special small creature that is knocked out with 1 hit for this sort of thing in game. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() February 9, 2019 - 8:44am | The thing is, a Sathar swarm would be more dangerous because they're armed. However, an alternative could be a creature they've created that is designed to carry out assaults in this way. They use them as the spearhead of an attack and follow it up with regular troops. I have some swarm creatures called 'Diggers' in an adventure I'm writing for the White Star RPG, and these might fit as rules for a Sathar swarm creature: Diggers will tend to operate (attack, dig, overcome an obstruction, etc) in packs of 6-36 (6d6). Treat a pack as having 2 hit points per individual and multiply that value by the amount of diggers. This is the pack's total hit points - for example, a pack of 12 diggers has 24 hit points. A pack will retreat once they have been dealt that amount of damage. A retreat will entail their returning from whence they came or escaping in the opposite direction, if possible, or both. However, this will only be a temporary rout as a new pack will soon return unless measures are taken to prevent it. When overcoming obstructions (i.e. walls) diggers will form into a pile of sufficient size, up which other individuals can climb. I also have Digger varieties that are slightly bigger and with more hit points, and these increase the swam's hit points if they are within it. Of course, the big difference would be that the Sathar swarm creatures have no flight instinct and therefore will fight until killed or put out of action in some way. |
![]() February 9, 2019 - 8:52am | ![]() These guys come to mind too. If its something like these furry little guys I'm imagining explorers (playing with Exploration Archive ideas for FE) landing on planet and 1-6 are encountered by party, later its 20 or so later its a hundred at some point its run for the scout ship and fire up the atomic engines. @ KRingway: it doesn't have to be sathar but if it is the slave bots of the sathar are an analog to zombies sure enough. swarm of cyboslugs? these can be dangerous because of the spitting flame thing. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() February 9, 2019 - 12:23pm | I like the idea of a creature created in bulk by the Sathar, with a single purpose in mind. It'd be like a swarm of piranhas or locusts. Possibly they're dropped on cities to eat everything in sight, as well as being used as shock troops during Sathar assaults. |
![]() February 10, 2019 - 5:25pm | I like the idea of a creature created in bulk by the Sathar, with a single purpose in mind. It'd be like a swarm of piranhas or locusts. Possibly they're dropped on cities to eat everything in sight, as well as being used as shock troops during Sathar assaults. This sounds like a new sathar clan tactic. Not Clan X or Sathar clan Y I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() February 11, 2019 - 2:25am | That's probably because I don't have Sathar clans in my version of SF. Or, at least, it's not a factor when using them in the past. I tend to see them as a general 'nefarious alien' trope in my games, and haven't really explored the idea of clans etc. |
![]() February 11, 2019 - 3:48pm | That's probably because I don't have Sathar clans in my version of SF. Or, at least, it's not a factor when using them in the past. I tend to see them as a general 'nefarious alien' trope in my games, and haven't really explored the idea of clans etc. I believe the first mention of Sathar clans comes in the Beyond the Frontier modules and that clan is designated clan Y and an underdog to clan X which was declared the clan of the volturnus series maybe at that point. I believe we learn from those module that there are different clans out there and the jockey for importance and prominence to lead. What's happening in the Beyond the Frontier campaign is a power move by clan Y to improve their position. It also seems from that new intell, IIRC, that each clan has a technological focus. So taking all that and incorporating the Von Neumann machine article from Polyhedron or Ares mag would mean the Von Neumann article represents a whole different clan. My judgement is clan X is west of rim and Starmist and the clan that has traditionally harassed the Eorna and Rim. Clan Y is obviously east of Frontier as per modules and when the Zine did the Saurian Sector articles we placed the saurians homework and colonies just beyond the Liberty System and thus the Sathar clan Y have been the traditional harassers of the sapiens in Liberty and of the Saurians. We assume with a clan X & Y there is a clan X somewhere in close proximity to the Frontier most likely north. And since south is designated Great Expanse I assume no Sathar in the direction but its not guaranteed. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() February 11, 2019 - 4:36pm | Now that I think about it attack creatures have been the defining feature of clan X throughout the Volturnus series. So we are probably talking about clan X. SW1 would have been a group effort by Clans X, Y, and Z at least with one of those clans in power posisition able to force the others to its will although not clan Y in my judgement. And the successful run of the Beyond the Frontier campaign could be treated as a potential trigger leading to the SW2 because of destabilization of Sathar politics. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
February 13, 2019 - 7:10am | Your topic caused me to brainstorm a few ideas last night. Not all Sathar clans are created the same. Their civilization is divided into several spacefaring nations of which the Frontier has only had contact with three roving and hostile bands known as Clans X, Y, and Z. Bitter rivals, these three clans have only come together on a few occassions to attack rivals of a common interest including the Eorna and the Frontier. The social structures of these clans are similar, but they have many internal differences. But, of their similarities, they place a high value on the success of the clan with rigid caste structures that greatly devalues the individual if one is not part of the upper caste. Joe Cabadas |
February 13, 2019 - 8:06am | Other discussion threads cover the Sathar, though I looked up this one for help: http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/7759
From member Jaxon, Oct. 10, 2013: Sathar Clan Z tends to focus on robotic technology (the Ares article on von neuman machines would suggest this.)
The Sathar space vessels of Clans X, Y,and Z appear to be the same because these are actually centuries-old, out-of-date designs, but they’ve mostly been effective against civilizations of lesser technologies.
While Clan Z focuses on robotics, they also use swarm attack methods.
Now for a look at the castes.
Clan Z Upper Caste: these are the top 2-4 percent of the population. They are the smartest, most educated, and the most valuable. They are the ones who automatically have the hypnotic ability. A very few also have Mentalist powers.
Typical Clan Z Upper Caste stats:
STR/STA: 40/40, DEX/RS: 40/40, INT/LOG 50/60, PER/LDR: 45/65
Non-Combat Skills (pick one of the groupings): Computers or Robotics 3-5; Medical or Environmental 2-5; o rPsychotherapy or Technician 2-4.
Combat Skills (all): Laser 3-5, Gyrojet (rocket) 3-4, Melee 4-6, Thrown 2-4. One in five will have Martial Arts 2-4 or Demolitions 2-4.
Mentalist (the Enlightened)
STR/STA: 35/35, DEX/RS: 40/40, INT/LOG 45/85, PER/LDR: 45/45
Powers: to be determined
Typical Upper Caste War Gear
Serpentine Armor: Part powered suit, this is among the best personal armor for Upper Caste members of Clan Z. While taking about 5 minutes to don or take off, it provides protection against lasers, inertia, sonic, maser, and rafflur attacks. It will absorb a maximum o f80 points, passing on one-fourth of the damage to the wearer.
Serpentine Armor uses a hydraulic-based exoskeleton that is powered off of the wearer’s movements. It uses no energy (no SEU packs). Also provides limited radiation protection up to 5 rads per hour. It has a built-in gas mask with 2 hour air supply
Its effects include: +2 to punching damage, +1 to IM, Walking: +2 m/t to 12 m/t, Running: +4 m/t to 24 m/t, Hiking (hourly) + 1 kph to 4 kph, Crawl rate: 6 m/t, Rope climbing: 4 m/t, Vertical climbing: 2 m/t, Standing Horizontal Leap: 4 meters, Running Horizontal Leap: 8 meters, Standing Vertical Leap: 2 meters, Running Vertical Leap: 6 meters, Swimming: no improvement. Carrying capacity: +10 kg without encumbrance, total carrying capacity increased three-fold.
Note, serpentine armor is elaborately decorated to give the upper caste wearer a ferocious look. Provides a +15 percent modifier to leadership checks.
Ultra Screen: This defensive energy screen will protect against most energy attacks (laser, electrical, sonic, rafflur, maser, and bolt). For every 1 point of damage absorbed, it drains 1 SEU. Powered by a specialized (meaning it is incompatible with Frontier technology) 50 SEU power pack.
Melee Weapons:
The Buzz Saw: fits onto the lower tentacles. It is used to cut through armored opponents and security doors/walls. Will cause massive damage to unarmored opponents. While climbing, provides the wearer a +20 percent bonus to checks to prevent falling.
Type: powered inertia melee weapon. Damage: 3d10+10. Usage 2 SEU/hit. Power: 20 SEU clip.
Ceremonial Short Sword: damage 2d10+2, modifier +5, defense: inertia, mass: 1 kg.
Thrown Weapons:
2-4 grenades.
Ranged Weapons:
XLR-5 Burning Laser Rifle
The high-end laser rifle of Clans X and Z, this weapon has a similar range to a Frontier laser rifle. Damage: 1d10+5 per SEU (once the target has suffered half-STA damage, it becomes incapacitated). Power Settings: 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10. Power: 30 SEU clip (not compatible with Frontier technology).
Disposable Rocket Launcher: fires 1 rocket similar to that of the Frontier.
Upper Caste War Equipment:
1 CCU (Command Control Unit): similar to a Frontier Bodycomp, this is a wearable and armored computer unit. It includes a cryptography progit to scramble communications and hooks into a 500-kilometer radiophone.
A targeting progit gives the wearer a+20 percent modifier for ranged combat and +10 percent modifier for melee combat.
Joe Cabadas |
February 13, 2019 - 8:18am | Clan Z Middle Caste
The Middle Caste represents 10 percent of Clan Z’s population. They are divided between the technical and the warrior groups.
Has average Sathar stats
STR/STA: 40/40, DEX/RS: 40/40, INT/LOG 45/45, PER/LDR: 45/65
Only one in four middle caste members have hypnotic powers.
Technical Group has Non-Combat Skills (pick one grouping): Computers or Robotics 1-4, Medical or Environmental 1-4, Technician 1-4. Weapon Skills: Melee 0-1, Laser 0-1. The technical middle caste tend to concentrate on their specialty rather than combat.
Warrior Group has the typical combat skills: Laser 2-4, Gyrojet (rocket) 2-4, Thrown 2-4, Melee 2-4. One in five will have Martial Arts or Demolitions.
Mid-Caste Warrior Equipment
Defense Suit: similar to a 40-pointskeinsuit.
Albedo Screen with a 50 SEU beltpack (compatible with Frontier technology)
Melee Weapons: 1 ceremonial short sword (see upper caste), 1 sonic knife with 20 SEU clip
Thrown: 2 grenades
Ranged Weapons:
ARL Advanced Laser Rifle. The statistics are similar to a Frontier laser rifle but it causes 1d10+2 points of damage per SEU. Powered by a 20 SEU clip. Settings 1-10 SEU.
1 disposable rocket launcher.
Equipment can include: magnigoggles, 100-km radiophone with scrambler.
Joe Cabadas |
February 13, 2019 - 8:45am | Clan Z Lower Caste The lower caste represents about 86-88 percent of Clan Z’s population. Out of these 1 out of 20 are known as “Cohort Leaders” with superior training. The remainder, the “Cohort Tails,” are considered expendable. Cohort Leader (NCO) STR/STA: 40/40, DEX/RS: 40/40, INT/LOG 40/40, PER/LDR: 40/50 Defense Suit: 40-point inertia suit (skeinsuit)
Defense Screen: none
Melee Weapons: 1 short sword, 1 sonic knife (20 SEU clip)
Thrown weapons: 2 grenades
Ranged Weapons: 1 laser rifle (Frontier-style), 1 20 SEU clip with 2 spares. 1 disposable rocket launcher
Equipment: 100-km radio phone with scrambler, Medkit, magnigoggles.
Typical Cohort Leader skills: laser 2, Gyrojet (rocket) 1, Melee 2, Martial Arts 1-2, Medical 1-2, Thrown 1-2. Joe Cabadas |
February 13, 2019 - 8:39am | Clan Z Cohort Tails The lowest skilled Sathar that tend to be ill-equipped.
A cohort is composed of 20 Sathar. One is the cohort leader. If the leader is killed, the group suffers -10 percent penalties for all skill and ability checks – including attack rolls – and a -2 IM.
STR/STA: 40/40, DEX/RS: 40/40, INT/LOG 30/30, PER/LDR: 30/30
Skills: Melee 2, Laser 1.
Defense: 20 point inertia vest (skein)
Melee: 1 knife or 1 polearm or 1 short sword
Thrown weapons: only four of the 19 Cohort Tails have 2 grenades.
Ranged weapons: Only four of the 19 Cohort Tails have a ranged weapon – a Frontier-style laser with a 20 SEU clip and 1 spare clip.
Cohort attacks: The cohort leader and the four others with ranged weapons will provide cover fire while the remaining 15 members of the cohort rush opponents for a swarm attack. If one of the tails or the leader is incapacitated or killed, one of the cohort is expected to pick up their rifles and continue fighting. They may or may not be supported by combat robots or attack monsters. They will never surrender. They are equipped with a bio-hypnotic suicide device that is virtually indetectable to Frontier science. For example, if a cohort member is stunned and later awakens to find itself captured, it will instantly die (blood flow cut off to the brain).
Joe Cabadas |
February 13, 2019 - 8:42am | Anyway, those are a few thoughts. An idea about superior eyesight -- taken from some of Tch's postings -- with their four pupils, Sathar can "fire from the hip" without the need of gunsights. They can also attack opponents at range as if they were one range closer -- this includes thrown weapon (grenade) attacks. That way, Sathar appear to be superior soldiers although their skill levels and stats may be poorer than a typical Frontier citizen. Joe Cabadas |
![]() February 13, 2019 - 11:03am | I think sathar might trade amongst themselves- while clan X has quickdeath as their thing they might trade this technology with other clans. So that while a clan might have its focus on some other tech you might still encounter a quick death or slitherer or cybo dragon but just not with high frequency. something you can also consider from other discussions on this site. the sathar over mind. controlling and manipulating the clans and its role in sahtar politics. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
February 13, 2019 - 2:52pm | I think sathar might trade amongst themselves- while clan X has quickdeath as their thing they might trade this technology with other clans. So that while a clan might have its focus on some other tech you might still encounter a quick death or slitherer or cybo dragon but just not with high frequency. something you can also consider from other discussions on this site. the sathar over mind. controlling and manipulating the clans and its role in sahtar politics. Oh, yes, this is not a be-all, end-all musing about the Sathar. It's just to move the ball a bit on swarm tactics. Mind control would be a big thing, hence the idea of upper caste mentalists. I'll post a few more musings here in a bit. Joe Cabadas |
February 13, 2019 - 8:48pm | A few more thoughts here. Upper Caste Equipment: Dragoon Armor An uprated form of Serpentine Armor. In this case, it is biomechanical. In a sense, it is alive. Dragoon Armor is powered by a 10 kilogram nutrient gel pack, which provides power for 50 hours. It has an outer hard shell (which is replaceable) that provides 50 points of protection from all most attacks (laser, electrical, melee, rafflur, bolt, maser, sonic, etc.). Once that hard shell is burned through, the inner armor provides 80 points of protection against lasers, inertia, sonic, maser, and rafflur attacks. For every four points of damage that the suit takes, three are recorded on the armor and one damages the wearer. The inner armor is self-repairing! It will heal 2 points of damage each hour, even while in use, but it will use up 1 hour's worth of nutrients from the gel pack. It takes a Sathar only 1 minute (10 turns) to put on Dragoon Armor. It's exoskeleton abilities include: +4 Punching Score, +2 IM, Walking 15 m/t, Running 30 m/t, Crawling 8 m/t, Climbing 8 m/t, Vertical Climbing 4 m/t, Swimming no improvement (yes, Sathar can swim in it), Jumping +5 meters, Carrying capacity +10 kg w/o incumberance (the suit does not count against encumberance when powered and neither does the gel pack), plus the wearer can carry 4 times its normal carrying capacity,. Comes with gas mask and 10 hours of air. Has vacc suit capabilities -- can operate in space or in water depths of up to 100 meters,. Protects wearer from up to 20 rads of radiation per hour. Joe Cabadas |
February 13, 2019 - 9:02pm | Upper Caste Equipment: Wing Attachment Mass: 10 kilograms This is a compact, winged mechanical bio-form that is often used in conjuction with Serpentine or Dragoon Armor, though it can be used separately. On planets with a dense enough atmosphere, it permits the Sathar to fly at a Fast speed of 80 m/t, though cruise speed is 40 m/t. It is powered by a nutrient gel pack (another 10 kg), which permits it to function for up to 50 hours at cruise speed. For every hour (or fraction there of) of use above cruise speed, it reduces the Wing's operating time by 3 hours. Joe Cabadas |
February 13, 2019 - 9:08pm | Clan Z Attack Monster Vimyte Nicknamed "furballs" by the Landfleet, this is a bipedal, furry creature with sharp teeth and claws. They are often used to suppliment a Sathar cohort to overwhelm enemies. Type: Omnivore Number: 1-10 Size: Small (16-20 kg), 1 meter tall Speed: Medium, 20 m/t STA: 20 IM/RS: 5/50 Attack: 50 Damage: claws 2d10 or bite 2d10 + poison (S2/D4) Joe Cabadas |
February 13, 2019 - 9:15pm | Clan Z Sathar Light Attack Support (SLAS) Robot Type: Light Combat STA: 50 Power: type 0 parabattery, 250 SEO Movement: Tracked, 120 m/t (72 kph) Level 2 Attack (to-hit): 50% IM: +5 Melee: limbs, 1d10 Ranged: Various, usually laser pistol w/ one 20 SEU clip Programs: Attack/Defense 2, Computer Link 2, Security Lock 1. This is a fairly cheap, expendable combat robot that may be used to support Cohorts, either with or without Vimytes. It is used to rush a target and inflict as much damage as possible. Many cohorts operate without the SLAS, but those that have them can have 1-10. Joe Cabadas |
![]() February 14, 2019 - 10:10am | All of this messes up my proposed article on Sathar weapons that I've previously posted elswhere in these forums ![]() Unless they have some common ground with certain equipment - but the clan stuff suggests that they usually do not... |
![]() February 14, 2019 - 10:28am | All of this messes up my proposed article on Sathar weapons that I've previously posted elswhere in these forums ![]() Unless they have some common ground with certain equipment - but the clan stuff suggests that they usually do not... pull together your material and submit it. having multiple sathar articles in the cue makes for an easy theme. anything fan written is optional any how. Have at it! I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
February 14, 2019 - 10:51am | All of this messes up my proposed article on Sathar weapons that I've previously posted elswhere in these forums ![]() Unless they have some common ground with certain equipment - but the clan stuff suggests that they usually do not... Well, I do not wish to blow up your article. Some of this is just a bit ouf out of the box thinking ... or maybe it's in the box? ... about some alternative Sathar weapons. Joe Cabadas |
February 14, 2019 - 11:09am | All of this messes up my proposed article on Sathar weapons that I've previously posted elswhere in these forums ![]() Unless they have some common ground with certain equipment - but the clan stuff suggests that they usually do not... Dear K Ringway: Are you the one who originated the following info below? (Or at least most of it. A bit of background, before I officially joined this website and before I ever thought of submitting stories to the magazine, I was just mining this site for information. So, I never bothered to think of recording who originated what. The weapons info came from someone, but the physiology info comes from some of Tch's -- Laura M's -- posts.) Sathar Physiology and Weapons Design Sathar physiology and the manner in which it governs the design of their weaponry is a subject that continues to be plagued by a variety of unknowns. What follows in this paper is an attempt to describe and rationalise what is currently understood. The design and layout of Sathar weapons, like those of the Frontier races, is governed by ease of use and practicality. However, the Sathar only share a few basic physiological similarities (i.e. limb and digit/pseudopod flexibility) with some of those races. This means that their weapons can appear somewhat odd when first encountered, but on close inspection several underlying principles become more obvious. General Overview Sathar weapons, especially rifles and pistols, can be broadly separated into two varieties: 'Type1': those weapons carried by the Sathar during the first part of the Second Sathar War. 'Type2': those weapons carried by the Sathar in the second part of the Second Sathar War and in more recent conflicts with the UPF. In general, there is little functional difference between these types. Type 2 weapons now appear to be the most dominant as far as their general issue to Sathar forces, but it seems that a certain amount of Type 1 designs are still in use. The reason for the differences in design are not clear, but it's possible that combat with the UPF led to either refinements or reworking in order to best suit the demands of the new combat situation. There are two obvious differences between the Type 1 and Type 2 weapons. Firstly, although both types have an exterior structure made from some form of rugged polymer, this structure seems more robust and refined in Type 2 weapons. There has been a definite change in the overall design of Type 2 rifles. Secondly, all Type 1 laser and gyrojet pistols and rifles feature what UPF troops have called a 'bayonet'. This feature is a sharp pointed sheath made from some kindof ceramic-like material that fits over the weapon muzzle. Combat reports have described how some Sathar used such objects in a bayonet-like way when engaging in hand-to-hand combat, whilst others have also noted that this object cani nflict burns. Tests on Type 1 weapons with this feature do seem to confirm that it becomes very hot when exposed to fire from the weapon and can retain this heat for some time. It is unclear as to whether this is a design flaw or has some combat purpose for the Sathar. Eyesight No Sathar weapons feature gun sights of any kind. The reasons for this are not immediately clear from the outset, but by considering information gleaned from both forensic and combat reports several theories have been developed. Initially, the study of captured weapons assumed that certain features resembled foresights, but further testing has shown that these are instead a type of cooling mechanism or fin (and more recent captured weapons even omit this feature). This counter intuitive lacking in Sathar weapons may be explained by the aforementioned combat reports. Sathars have not been observed bringing weapons to bear in a way that places them into line of sight - instead, all Sathars seem to fire their weapons 'from the hip' (to use a human phrase). To be more precise, when 'aiming' Sathars brace their rifle-type weapons on their chests (i.e. an area situated approximately between their upper limbs), whilst pistol weapons are held to one side in line with that area. Opportunity andgeneral fire with rifles seems to involve a similar looseness. Despite this, no-one would claim that Sathars are generally poor marksmen. One theory as to why this is so is derived from studies of Sathar eyes and brains. It is well-known that Sathar eyesight is quite remarkable in itself, but it may also possibly mean that their depth and range perception may be acute in a way that aiming (in the sense that we understand it) is carried out in a differen tmanner. Studies have shown that the Sathar visual cortex seems much more developed than those of the Frontier races, and that neural pathways from the eyes are much more complex. This in turn suggests that Sathar eyesight and brain visual processes may involve a very highly developed level of hand-eyeco-ordination, although the reasons why the Sathar have evolved in such a way is not yet clear. Weapon Handling - Rifles and Pistols In general, Sathars are usually seen to use their upper limbs and hands when performing any combat functions with their weapons. Their lower limbs seem to be used more for carrying and using heavier weapons, although in general such weapons appear rarely in field use. In overall outline Sathar rifles and pistols seem somewhat organic, and it seems that this is related to the ergonomic needs and limitations of Sathar hands. First and foremost, no pistols or rifles seem to include any obvious triggers nor safety features. Early trials of captured weapons by UPF and Star Law troops in the field were largely unsuccessful, with some weapons being fired successfully, albeit inconsistently, whilst others seemed completely inactive. Initially it was thought that they included some form of disabling function that prevented their use by non-Sathars. Such ideas were quickly abandoned whenthe weapons were scanned and dismantled. It is now apparent that safety and firing features are embedded within the weapons themselves, and that this is related to the way that Sathar hands apply grip to certain bulbed or curveds urfaces. As has been mentioned previously, all Sathar weapons are sheathed in a rugged polymer. These all feature a flexible area at one key point, roughly akin to a trigger. This 'trigger' area controls several functions, as it not only initiates and prevents the firing mechanism but is also used to change power (akin to SEU) settings for laser weapons. To make matters even more complicated this 'trigger' differs in form from rifles to pistols, although ostensibly it performs the same functions. With rifles, the 'trigger' is positioned midway along the front surface of the handgrip; with pistols it lies within its curved underside. However, the 'trigger' is not an obvious feature to both casual nor close inspection, and seems highly calibrated to only two digits of the Sathar hand. The middle pair of digits on both Sathar hands appear to be the strongest and most dominant. Dissections have shown that nerve and tissue mass are concentrated in this area and close inspection of holo-vid footage of Sathars in combat also suggest as much. Although it is currently unclear as to how much pressure and twist these digits can apply in normal use, tests of the 'trigger' seem to infer that is activated and adjusted by them. Generally speaking, a certainamount of pressure deactivates the safety catch and initiates firing, whilst twisting pressure adjusts energy settings. To date, only the pseudopods of Dralasite researchers have been able to replicate the correct 'pull' and adjustments. That said, these results have been inconsistent and require a great deal of concentration. This means that Sathar weapons are effectively unusable in any realistic sense for any of the Frontier races (even Dralasites), requiring more co-ordination and attention than is practical in acombat situation. This problem is particularly more pertinent to Sathar pistols, as their more organic shape is poorly suited to the hands of all Frontier races, aside from Dralasites. Weapon Handling - Bracing As there is an apparent preference for recoilless weapons (lasers and gyrojets), Sathars seem only to brace rifle-type weapons when aiming, as has been previously noted. Their rifle stocks end in a flattened pad, which is placed centrally on the chest area and has some degree of flexibility. When using grenade rifles, Sathars always use this bracing technique - although they alsoseem capable of bracing such weapons on the ground and using them in a similar fashion to a mortar. It is unclear why the Sathar eschew the use of weapons similar to automatic rifles and pistols, or needler-like weapons. One theory is that, as they have become a space-faring race, they have excluded any recoil-operated weapons from their inventory. Another theory is that their bodies are poorly suited to using such weapons. It has been observed that Sathars seem to take some care bracing themselves when using grenade rifles, and either lean back on their lower limbs or some solid surface in order to help absorb the effects of recoil. Weapon Handling - Ammunition Ammunition clips for Sathar weapons are differentiated , like those of the Frontier races, between those that need a power supply and those that hold some form of physical ammunition. However, Sathar clips for either type appear to be of a strikingly similar bulb-like design and thus are difficult to identify until inspected at close hand. The reason for this seems to be one of functionality of handling, as all magazines are used as a form of fore grip on Type 1 and 2 rifles. Only close inspection of the round/energy feed part of the clip reveals whether it is an energy or gyrojet clip - the former has a chamfered hole at its centre, whilst the latter has a rectangular slot. It is not clear how the Sathar differentiate between the two, as crated clips in captured stockpiles look exactly the same until inspected more closely. Tests of both have shown that the energy clips have a slightly more bulbous cross section, although tothe naked eye this difference is not visible. All clips are easily inserted into their respective clip feed areas, and only required a small amount of twist in order to be released. This does make them seem somewhat fragile, but tests have shown that it does require a great deal of force to separate a clip from a weapon if this method is not used. One possible but unconfirmed feature of the Sathar energy clip is that it can been made to function as short-duration incendiary device. Anecdotal reports describe Sathars occasionally using them to start fires or to burn through materials. However, tests have not revealed how this is done or whether it is actually possible and it is unclear how this function is initiated. Weapon Handling - Grenades Sathar grenades seem to fulfil similar functions to those used by the UPF. However, as they share a similar 'trigger' mechanism to other Sathar weapons, their use by non-Sathars is extremely limited and therefore of little practical combat use. Another problem is there is no outward difference between the shape of the various different grenade types although (as with the Sathar energy clip) closer inspection has shown that there are extremely subtle differences in the shape of each type. Weapon Handling - Rocket Launchers Although uncommon, the Sathars do make some use of what could be called a rocket launcher. However, all Sathar rocket launchers are self-contained one-shot disposable weapons and are reliant on an individual soldier wearing a mounting harness. The launcher unit is attached to this harness in order for it to be fired, otherwise it remains inert. It is currently unclear as to how these weapons are fired once launcher and harness are united. Functionality Although very robust designs, Sathar weapons do appear to have certain functionality problems. The most pronounced of these is the complete inability for a Sathar soldier to clear weapon jams. There is nothing within the design of their gyrojet weapons, either Type 1 or Type 2, that allows a jam to be cleared. The difficulties encountered during tests of the Sathar trigger mechanism has meant that it is not certain how often weapon jamming occurs, and so the assumptionis that jamming is extremely rare or that a Sathar is expected to use someother means of attack. The prevalence of laser weapons amongst the Sathar ranks suggests that this problem is either ignored or is unimportant as far as combat operations are concerned. Another problem is that Sathar weapons are completely self-contained units. There is noway that a Sathar soldier can disassemble their weapon. UPF testing of captured weapons has been plagued by this inconvenience, as pistols and rifles have to be almost destroyed in order to access their internal workings. Sensor scans ofthe internal structures have, however, gone some way in helping researchers understand how the weapons work. It seems that they Sathar consider their weapons to be disposable and/or so inexpensive to mass-produce that there is no need for their maintenance in the field.
This is great. Can't wait tosee the finished sketches. Once you're done, we'd love to publish it asan article in the Frontier Explorer. I just wish we had had it in time toput into our last issue as that one was focused on the Sathar. (Note: I think this aside here came from jedion357)
Joe Cabadas |
![]() February 14, 2019 - 11:23pm | Yeah, the main body text is mine. I think it's had a bit of a rewrite since then, but nothing too significant - I took out the stuff about bracing and some other things WRT recoil factors. The original post about it all is somewhere on the forums, but I'm not sure how to track it down. It also had some sketches. |
February 15, 2019 - 7:36am | Yeah, the main body text is mine. I think it's had a bit of a rewrite since then, but nothing too significant - I took out the stuff about bracing and some other things WRT recoil factors. The original post about it all is somewhere on the forums, but I'm not sure how to track it down. It also had some sketches. I have all of this in a Word document. I can e-mail it to you if you want, but where should I send it to? Joe Cabadas |
February 15, 2019 - 10:26am | I was reviewing the "Catalog of Sathar Military Equipment" that jedion once posted under the Sathar Project. I came across a few extra tidbits: Sathar Patrol table (random encounters) Gyrojetweapons, laser weapons, sonic disrupters, combat robot with machine gun. Sathar miniatures from the box set: mortar tube, radio equipment. SFKW-3 Face of the Enemy wrote: Sathar artifacts fall into two categories- those designed for useby both the sathar and their subject races, and those designed exclusively forsathar use. Most distinctively sathar designs will be incomprehensible to thepeoples of the Frontier worlds. Character skills cannot be successfully appliedto these. (This permits the referee to deny the use of certain captured satharartifacts in the interest of preserving the mystery of the sathar). ... SFKH-3 Face of the Enemy On the mother ship- everyone on the mother shiphas a personal robot (spider 2)- its a distinguishing feature of clan Y. Officers have laser pistol, tangler, frags andskien suit Scout crew carries: vibroknife and laser pistol,skiens suit and anti shock implant but could carry hvy laser and grenade rifle
Joe Cabadas |
February 15, 2019 - 10:28am | So, equipment levels can vary. I would say my Sathar cohort proposal would be the second or third line troops. First line Sathar soldiers and space crews are far better equipped, as they might be the elite of the Second and Third Castes. Joe Cabadas |