Jedion's take on the Khad'dan

Game stat wise the Khad'dan is little different than a sword.

Sword: damage 3d10, modifier +10, Defense-inerita, Mass 2kg, Cost 30 Cr

It can be thrown as a knife or tomahawk but must be recovered as loss of the weapon would be a great dishonor. Use knife or axe throwing ranges.

The Khad'dan is meant to be something special so the cost should reflect this. A 30 Cr khad'dan would be a mass produced robotic factory made cheap Pan Gal knock off. Whereas true khad'dans would carry greater value and potentially special abilities. A true khad'dan should run anywhere from 100 Cr to priceless depending on its age and lineage and stories and warriors connected to it.

The Khad'dan is usually presented to a warrior by his clan and represents his honor and the honor of the clan. Loss of a Khad'dan is a great dishonor. There is the idea that the khad'dan and the clan are eternal and that the weilder of the weapon is just a caretaker that carries it for a time and passes it on to a new generation when his battles are done. A yazirian who carries a khad'dan is keanly aware of the spiritual presence of all the warriors that have carried the khad'dan before him or her.

Special Abilities
My discussions with Mathew Crymbal covered the stats and abilities of this sword. His view seemed to be that it was identical to a sword. His vission for the weapon was a sword length kukuri or ghurka knife that would, like the kukuri's ability to chop through a limb sized tree would lop a limb off an opponent in one chop. The reasoning for this was that the yazirian abiltiy modifiers in game is a penalty to STR/STA and bonus to DEX/RS which would translate to a yazirian warrior wanting a combat over with  fast. They are not brusiers that slug it out toe to toe for 15 rounds but agile killers that strike fast.

I felt then and now that the khad'dan should have some special ability and suggested a bonus to Battle Rage attempts of +5% with the caveat that it must be a Khad'dan of the yazirian's clan and that the attempt at battle rage is a sort of religious communion with past warriors of his clan. Mathew somewhat agreed with my suggestion but I consider it by no means authoritative since this was his creation.

Another option for special abilities was that in the hands of any character, not just a yazirian, it would do maximun damage or chop a limb off (referee's choice) on the roll of a critical hit: 01-02. Yazirians with melee weapons skill would use the expanded critical hit of the martial arts skill for this ability. Example a yazirian with melee weapons of 4th level and a DEX of 40 would do maximum damage or chop a limb off (and roll damage) on a roll of 01-06, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60. This ability applies to true Khad'dans due to quality and craftsmanship.

A true clan Khad'dan would have the critical hit ability but also have the +5% bonus to battle rage for a yazirian issued this weapon by his clan but only if the Khad'dan has history connected to the clan from previous warriors.

Cheap Pan Gal knock offs: 30-50 Cr, no special abilities

A True Khad'dan (new with no history): 100-150 Cr, Abilities- critical hit, Battle Rage Bonus +1%
Newly hand forged and presented by the clan.

A Clan Khad'dan: 1d10 x 1000 Cr, Abilties- Critical hit & Battle rage bonus +5%
Previously owned by another warrior(s) and may or many not pre-date the Yazirian Star Exodus

A Storied Clan Khad'dan: 1d10 x 10,000 Cr, Abilities- Critical hit & Battle rage bonus +10%
Probably predates the Yazirian Star Exodus with many stories attached to it of deeds of honor and only given to great clan warriors of high standing to be the custodian of this blade.

A Legendary Clan Khad'dan: Priceless, Abilities Unknown but certainly Critical Hit and battle rage bonus
Dates to early ages in Yazirian history, a cherished artifact carefully guarded and usually kept in a museum