I am a long time gamer, and Star Frontiers fan. I liked the flexibility of the game universe and quickly molded it to what I liked in terms of sci-fi. I had help during college and it evolved into what is on my web site today. I don't play that version very much but I do play a lot of sci-fi these days.
I bought SF when it first came out because my parents would not let me play D&D. Science Fiction was more my forte anyway and I dove right into it. Influence by Star Wars, BSG, Flash Gordon the animated series, Thundarr the Barabarian, Krull and stuff like that, I ran my own kinds of games they way I liked to. I never stuck to any script and hardly ever ran the canned adventures published by TSR. I have only recently been able to complete my collection of those adventures.
I now run in a custom game setting that is one part Star Frontiers and one part Star*Drive. I am customizing the classic adventures and inserting my own story arch to enhance them. I am using the True20 system published by Geen Ronin, which is my favorite system right now.
My game/GM style is storytelling and character roleplay over combat and technical stuff, but I try to keep things realistic. I like epic plot lines and love systems that do not get in my way of telling a good story with my players.
I help run two conventions - a gaming con and a sci-fi con, both in the Carolinas.