Digitally Remastered

documents for the Digitally Remastered project

Alpha Dawn Core Rulebook

Alpha Dawn cover


The Rules.................................................. 1
History........................................................ 1
Today’s Frontier ........................................... 1
Picture Story ............................................... 2
The Basics................................................... 3
Abilities....................................................... 4
Skills .......................................................... 6
Race Abilities ............................................... 6
Movement ................................................... 7
Combat..................................................... 10
Damage .................................................... 18
Vehicles .................................................... 19

Characters............................................ 27
Character Generation.................................. 28
Races ....................................................... 32
Skills ........................................................ 40
Improving Characters ................................. 52
Equipment................................................. 53

The Frontier .......................................... 69
Space Travel.............................................. 70
Time in the Frontier.................................... 71
Languages of the Frontier............................ 71
The Frontier Worlds .................................... 72
Map of the Frontier Sector ........................... 73

Referee ................................................... 75
How To Prepare for Play.............................. 75
How To Be a Referee .................................. 76
How To Control the Adventure ..................... 76
The Referee’s Golden Rule........................... 77
Example of Play ......................................... 78
How To Reward Characters.......................... 79
How To Be a Good Referee .......................... 79
How To Referee Creatures ........................... 80
How To Referee NPCs ................................. 92
How To Referee Adventures......................... 99

Crash on Volturnus..........................105

Optional Rules....................................141


Welcome to STAR FRONTIERSTM game, TSR's roleplaying game of science fiction adventure. If you have never played a role-playing game before, a great experience is waiting for you. STAR FRONTIERS adventures are as limitless as space itself.


Each player in a STAR FRONTIERS game plays a character, either a human or an alien living far in the future. In some ways characters are like the pieces used in other games, but players in a roleplaying game do not simply roll dice and move pieces around on a board. Characters can do anything a real person could do if he was living in a STAR FRONTIERS world: shoot a laser, drive a skimmer, chase dangerous interstellar criminals, explore alien worlds, or anything else the player wants the character to do. Players are not limited to only a few actions by the rules. A player has complete control over his character, and makes all the decisions for him. In fact, you can think of your character as being you, placed in a science fiction world. Your character may not be like you at all -- it may even be an alien, unlike anything you've ever seen before -- but you make all the decisions, and act through your character. This is part of the fun of role playing, even if you are not a hero in real life, you can become one in a STAR FRONTIERS game.

Unlike many other games, there is no clear winner or loser in a STAR FRONTIERS game. In most games, the players will have a goal, such as capturing a group of terrorists who have kidnapped a politician or recovering a rare medicine that was lost when a spaceship crashed on an alien planet. If the players cooperate and reach their goal, everyone wins. A skillful player who uses the same character in several adventures will see that character rewarded, becoming richer, more powerful and able to handle more difficult missions.

Two dice are included in STAR FRONTIERS games. They are numbered from 0 to 9. They are called tensided dice (abbreviated d10). If the rules tell you to roll one ten-sided die (abbreviated 1d10), roll one die to get a number from 1 to 10. A zero is read as a 10. If the rules tell you to roll two ten-sided dice (abbreviated 2d10) roll both dice and add the results to get a number from 2 to 20. A zero is read
as a 10.

For example, if the rolls were 0 and 4, the result would be (10 + 4 =) 14. More dice can be rolled to give results of 3-30 (3d10), 4-40 (4d10), etc. If the rules tell you to roll a 5-sided die (abbreviated 1d5), simply roll a normal 10-sided die and divide your result by 2, rounded up. A roll of 1 or 2 is treated as a result of 1, etc. If the rules tell you to roll percentile dice (abbreviated d100), roll both dice. Instead of adding the results, read the dark-colored die as the first (tens) digit and the light-colored die as the second (ones) digit. A zero is read as a zero.

The following table shows several examples of rolls.

Dark Die
Light Die
53 53


One player plays the role of the referee, a special kind of player responsible for storytelling, laying
side characters (non-player characters, or NPCs), and judging situations in which the player's
characters find themselves. Refer to the referee's section for further details on this important job.

All characters have eight abilities, arranged in four pairs. These are Strength/Stamina, Dexterity/Reaction Speed, Intuition/Logic and Personality/ Leadership. These eight abilities tell players how strong, fast, smart and masterful their characters are. They are explained below. Each of these abilities will have a score from 1 to 100. An ability score of 1 means the character is very poor in that ability, while a score of 100 means the character has very high ability in that area. Players find their ability scores by rolling dice. This is explained in the Characters section.

Strength is a measure of how strong the character is. A character with a low Strength score is scrawny and weak. A character with a high Strength score is very strong. A character with a Strength score of 100 may be one of the strongest characters on that planet. Strength is a physical ability score and is often abbreviated STR within these rules. Stamina measures a character's physical fitness and general health. A character with low stamina will get tired easily and will be prone to injury and disease. A character with high Stamina could work hard all day without getting tired, and might never be sick a day in his life. Stamina also measures how badly a character can be wounded before he passes out or dies. Stamina is a physical ability score and is often abbreviated STA within these rules.

Dexterity measures a character's coordination. Character's with low Dexterity scores are clumsy, while characters with high Dexterity scores are very agile. Dexterity is very important in combat. Dexterity is a physical ability score and is often abbreviated DEX within these rules. Reaction Speed measures the quickness of a character's reflexes. If a character with a low Reaction Speed is attacked suddenly, he probably will fumble with his weapon and react slowly. A character with a high Reaction Speed could draw and fire a weapon quickly, jump out of the way of falling boulders, etc. Reaction Speed is a physical ability score and is often abbreviated RS within these rules.

measures a character's alertness and ability to draw conclusions from what seem to be unrelated facts. Characters with high Intuition scores are more likely to solve problems by having hunches or making guesses than by carefully considering all the evidence. Intuition is a mental ability score and is often abbreviated INT within these rules.

is a character's ability to solve problems in an orderly, step-by-step way. It is the opposite of Intuition. Characters with high Logic scores make good scientists and computer experts. Logic is a mental ability score and is often abbreviated LOG within these rules.

Personality measures how well a character gets along with other intelligent beings. Characters with high Personality scores are friendly, pleasant and persuasive, while those with low scores may be grouchy and hard to get along with. Personality is a mental ability score and is often abbreviated PER within these rules.

Leadership measures a character's ability to give orders that other people will understand and obey. It also measures how willing other people will be to work for the character, take his advice or follow him into a dangerous situation. Leadership is a mental ability score and is often abbreviated LDR within these rules.

Whenever the referee decides there is a chance for your character’s action to fail, he calls for an ability check. The appropriate ability to be checked is determined by the referee, but is obvious once you have an understanding of the role each ability plays in defining the capabilities of your character.


To make an ability check, simply roll d100. If you roll less than or equal to the ability in question, your check is successful. If you roll higher than your ability score, your action fails.


Example: Garrison is running from security bots, trying to stay away from their identity imaging cameras. He steps out a window on the second story, and sees a wall upon which he could walk to get to safety. The referee informs him that this requires a Dexterity check to make it safely to the other side, warning that failure might result in falling off the 5 meter high wall! Fortunately, Garrison has a DEX score of 65, so you confidently toss the dice and roll a 4 and a 7, a success! The security robots won’t try to follow, as their simple programming doesn’t define the top of a wall as floor space upon which to tread.

Your referee may assess the situation and determine there are bonuses or penalties associated with any given ability check. Difficult terrain, favorable winds, good tactical position, and any number of other factors may help him determine this. When he determines this is the case, he will tell you when he informs you that an ability check is necessary.
Example: Rhainah is a hacker and is trying to break into a computer network protected by fairly simple security software. The referee informs Rhainah’splayer that she must succeed in a LOG check with a bonus of +10, to represent the simplicity of the security software. Rhainah’s player must roll less than or equal to ten higher than her character’s LOG score.


Sometimes you must pit your abilities against another player’s character or non-player character. The rules work normally, but both parties must make a roll and compare success. Whoever succeeds by more (rolls the greatest amount under his score) wins the contest.

Example: Yinang, an assassin character working for Streel Corp, is trying to palm his sonic sword handle to conceal it from the quick search of his boss’ thug. The referee determines that palming something that size and shape will require a Dexterity check at -10. Yinang’s player has to roll less than or equal to ten less than his Dexterity score, and must succeed by more than the thug’s Intuition check.

In addition to the basic ability scores, characters are defined by a few other numbers. These are specifically created to help facilitate action-packed combat scenes. They are: Initiative Modifier, Punching Score, Ranged Weapons accuracy, and Melee Weapons accuracy.

Initiative Modifier is not really an ability, but a character's Initiative modifier is important. It is equal to the character's Reaction Speed divided by 10, and is used to determine which character acts first in a fight. Round in favor of the character, thus a Reaction Speed score of 51 results in an Initiative Modifier score of +6. Initiative Modifier is a combat ability and is often abbreviated IM within these rules.

Punching Score is a modifier, just like Initiative Modifier is. It is determined by looking at the following table (simply, Punching Score receives a +1 for ever 20 points of Strength the character has). Whenever your character successfully punches his opponent, or uses a melee weapon such as a club or sword, he adds this number to the damage total. Punching Score is a combat ability and is often abbreviated PS within these rules.

Punching Score Table



Ranged Weapons accuracy score is the base chance to hit when aiming a weapon (whether that weapon is hurled or aimed in hand or targeted using advanced targeting systems). It is equal to half your character’s Dexterity score, since it is purely a function of hand-eye coordination. List it as a percentage instead of a bonus like the other nonability score values. Ranged Weapons is a combat ability and is often abbreviated RW.

Melee Weapons accuracy score is the base chance to hit when wielding a hand-held weapon or punching someone. It is equal to half your character’s Dexterity or Strength score, whichever is higher. List it as a percentage instead of a bonus like the other non-ability score values. Melee Weapons is a combat ability and is often abbreviated MW within these rules.


There are 13 different skills that a player character can learn. These 13 skills are organized into three Primary Skill Areas (PSAs): Military, Technological and Biosocial.

SkillsMilitary skills deal with combat. There are seven different Military skills: Beam Weapons, Demolitions, Gyrojet Weapons, Martial Arts, Melee Weapons, Projectile Weapons and Thrown Weapons. The Characters section goes into detail on each of these. The referee may allow the player to add +10 per level in this skill to any ability check dealing with military operations and red tape.

Technological skills deal with various types of machines. There are three different Technological skills: Computer skill, Robotics and Technician. The Characters section goes into detail on each of these. The referee may allow the player to add +10 per level in this skill to any ability check dealing with technology.

Biosocial skills deal with the intelligent races and their surroundings. There are three different Biosocial skills: Environmental, Medical and Psycho- Social. The Characters section goes into detail on each of these. The referee may allow the player to add +10 per level in this skill to any ability check dealing with biology, health, fitness, and social interaction.

At the start of the game, each player must choose one Primary Skill Area as his character’s career. This will never change. The player then chooses two skills for his character. One skill must be from the character's PSA, but the other can be from any PSA. The character starts with Level 1 experience in both skills. More information, and a step-by-step example, can be found in the Characters section.

As a character adventures and succeeds in his missions, he will be awarded experience points that his player may then use to purchase additional skills or to improve ability scores.

In the Characters section you will find details on specific applications of each of the thirteen skills. Each skill encompasses several sub-skills, each of which will have a score that increases with level. Skill checks work just like ability checks: roll d100 and try to roll less than or equal to the skill’s chance to succeed.

Players can choose to make their characters members of one of four races: Human, Dralasite, Vrusk or Yazirian. These are described in greater detail in the Characters section.

SkillsHumans are similar to Earthmen, but these Humans developed on another planet closer to the center of the galaxy. Humans are considered the average characters in STAR FRONTIERS games, so their abilities are not modified when the character is created.

Dralasites are rubbery, elastic aliens sometimes called "blobs." They can change their shape at will creating as many artificial arms and legs (pseudopods) as they need at the moment. They are stronger than Humans, but are also slower. They enjoy philosophical debates and have a very strange sense of humor; they love telling old jokes and puns they hear from Humans.

look like large insects, and are sometimes called "bugs." They are quicker than Humans, but are not as strong. Vrusk are excellent businessmen and merchants. They love art, beauty and music.

Yazirians are tall, light-boned humanoids with furry manes around their necks. Humans nicknamed them "monkeys" because they look a little like chimpanzees. Thin membranes that stretch between their arms, torso and legs allowed Yazirians to glide between the trees on their native planet. They are generally smarter and quicker than the other races, but are not as strong. Their eyes are very sensitive to light, so they usually wear dark goggles during the day. Yazirians were very warlike in the past, and are still considered pushy and aggressive by other races.

Each of the non-human races have special abilities that cannot be defined by the standard eight abilities and thirteen skills. These abilities are explained in detail in the Characters section.

Some of the special race abilities possess a score, expressed as a percent. Characters attempting to invoke their special ability simply roll d100 and must roll less than or equal to their listed chance of success. Note that these special race abilities can be increased through character development, and can be assessed bonuses and penalties based on situational modifiers just like making any other ability check or skill check.





How to Referee Adventures

Adventures are the stories to challenge the players and their characters. The referee can use published adventures or he can create his own. The first thing you must do as a referee is create
adventures for your players. Adventures can be as simple or as complex as you want to make them. You can design them completely from your imagination, or take ideas from books and movies.

  1. Choosing a theme or basic story and the goal of the adventure.
  2. Selecting the settings where the story takes place.
  3. Designing the events that lead to the goal, and the obstacles that must be overcome to reach the goal.
  4. Creating the non-player characters and creatures that the characters will meet, and deciding how they will affect play.
  5. Writing any special rules that are needed for unusual events
  6. Writing a final outline of the adventure to guide the referee through the action.
  7. Create any maps needed to define the adventure areas.


When choosing a theme for your adventure, you should consider these three things:
  • What has happened before that led to this adventure?
  • What must the characters do to complete their job?
  • What sorts of obstacles do you want the players to face during the adventure?
Some suggestions beginning referees can use to
create simple adventures are listed below:

  • Explore a New World: The player characters are hired to explore an undeveloped planet. This theme can be used many times by creating new planets with new challenges.
  • Obtain Information: The player characters must search for special information about a place, group or thing and return to their employer with the information.
  • Retrieve a Stolen Item: The player characters are hired to locate and bring back to their employer something that has been stolen perhaps secret plans or an invention.
  • Catch Criminals: The player characters must find and capture space pirates, thieves or other criminals.
  • Rescue Someone: The player characters must locate and rescue someone who is being held prisoner -- a hostage, kidnap victim or a person in prison.
  • Mad Scientist: The player characters must prevent an evil scientist from taking over a planet, setting loose terrible robots or performing some other evil.
These are only a few examples of possible adventures. You could even combine several of these themes into one adventure. You could also create an adventure based on something discovered by the player characters in an earlier game. This adds excitement as players use information they have found in earlier adventures to solve the riddles of another.

The settings or locations of an adventure determine the events that can take place and what animals and events can be encountered; guards and robots can be encountered while searching a secret outpost, but wild creatures and dangerous terrains are more likely if characters are exploring a new planet. Your settings can be as big or small as you want to make them. An entire adventure could take place in a single building, or it could require the characters to travel halfway around a planet.

The settings you select should have a purpose in the adventure. The players should be able to complete some part of their objective at each place. For example, when searching for someone lost in the wilderness, searchers can find important clues at the spot where the lost person was last seen, at the site of an old campfire, at a spot where they find a dead beast with a trail of blood leading away, etc. At each setting, players can discover the direction the person traveled, how long ago he was there and what has happened to him.

When designing a setting, you should try to answer these questions:

  • What is the setting's purpose? When during the adventure will the characters arrive there? Whatinformation are the characters supposed to findthere?
  • What does the setting look like? What are the most important features: where are trees and streams, doors and furniture?
  • What types of creatures, characters and events will the characters meet there? Are there any important plants or weather conditions, alarms or robots? These are not necessarily challenges to the players. They can be used to identify the area.
  • Are there any other important features about this setting? Does it limit movement in some way or hide things from sight? Does it have obstacles the characters must overcome?
As you decide on each setting, write it down, including all special information about the setting.

Once you have chosen the theme and settings for an adventure, you must design the adventure itself. An adventure is divided into several smaller challenges that the players must overcome. Each of the challenges must be placed in a specific setting. When designing an adventure, first determine what events or challenges you want. Each event should provide an obstacle to overcome, a lesson to be learned or an opportunity to gain something that will aid the characters in reaching their goal. Events should always be exciting or provide a puzzle that the players must overcome with their wits. Follow each of these four steps when designing events.

  • Decide what purpose the event will fulfill. Is it an obstacle to fight or overcome? A puzzle to solve? A chance to gain something helpful? Or an event just to add excitement?
  • Determine all the elements needed in the event. Will the player characters encounter NPCs, creatures, robots, foul weather, physical obstacles or security systems?
  • Decide how NPCs, creatures or robots will react to the player characters, and what actions they will take.

Random Events.
Sometimes, referees may want to set up encounters or events that occur randomly, instead of being pre-planned. Usually, random encounters are tied to die rolls that are made at certain time intervals or when characters enter an area. For example, the referee could decide the
characters have a 20% chance of being attacked by wild animals every night they spend in the
mountains, or a 30% chance of meeting a criminal in a seedy part of town.
Random events should be created when the adventure is designed. If you have only one random
event, you can simply give it a percentage chance of happening. If you have more than one random event, you can arrange them on a table and assign a percentage chance that one will happen. Then, if there is a random event, you roll a second time to see which specific event happens. If you have more than one event, you can let each one happen only once, or let an event happen whenever it is rolled up.

[ to be continued ]


Content of Port Loren Public Library project

Astro Catalog of the Frontier Circa First Sathar War

 Araks      Yellow
 Y HI.7
 Athor      Orange
 Y MA 1.0 2 15 
 Cassidine      Orange-Yellow
      Rupert's Hole
 H MIA .9 0 20 
 * HI 1.1 1 30 
 Dixon's Star
 H O 1.41
 Dramune      Oragne-Yellow
      Inner Reach
 D LA 1.2 0 45 
      Outer Reach
 * MIR 1.0 5 35 
 Fromeltar      Yellow
 D LA 1.2 0 45 
 D/V HI 1.0 3 60 
 Gruna Goru
 Y HR 1.1 1 20 
 K'aken-Kar      Red-Orange
      Ken'zah Kit
 V MA .9 0 25 
 Kizk'-Kar      Yellow
 V MIR 1.0 0 65 
 K'tsa-Kar      Orange
 V LE 0.7 0 30 
 Madderly's Star G3, Yellow
 Prenglar      Yellow
      Gran Quivera
 * HI 1.0 0 15 
      Morgaine's World
 H 0 1.5 4 40 
 Scree Fron
 Y O .6 7 25 
 Y LAI .9 5 50 
 Theseus      Yellow-Orange
 H HI 1.2 0 15 
 Timeon      Green-Yellow
 H LFI .7 0 70 
 Truane's Star
 * MIR .9 3 55 
      New Pale
 H LA 1.4 0 20 
 White Light
 H HR 1.0 0


Population/Trade Table
 HHeavy Population. The planet has many large cities that are very
crowded, and hundreds of smaller cities.
Individual cities may cover hundreds of square kilometers.
 MModerate Population. The planet has several large cities and numerous smaller cities, but they are not overcrowded.
 LLight Population. The planet has only a few cities, and most would be considered small on a planet with Heavy population
 OOutpost. The planet is a small outpost or new colony. It has only one city, but there may be small settlements scattered nearby.
 I Industry. Most of the planet's economy is based on manufacturing.
Cities are built around factories and these plants, and most of the inhabitants work in these factories. Raw materials may be minded on the planet or shipped in from other planets.
 R Resource Mining. The planet is rich in natural resources like metals, fossil fuel, gems, crystals or radioactive materials. Most of these raw materials are shipped to Industrial planets because there are not enough factories to process them where they are mined.
 A Agriculture. The planet's economy is based on farming. Any renewable resource can be farmed: grain, lumber, livestock, fish, fruit, textiles, etc.
 E Education. The planet's chief industry is educational or scientific study.

 D Dralasites
 H Humans
 V Vrusk
 Y Yazirians
 * a mixture of several races

Hentz (Araks) is ruled by a religious clan, the Family of One. Everyone who lives there wears a uniform showing his job and position.
Triad (Cassidine) is a major industrial planet where very high technology items are manufactured and sold.
Inner Reach (Dramune) has an unusual local custom. The dralasites that live there dye their skin various colors to show their mood for the day. The dyes wash off easily.
Outer Reach (Dramune) is a gathering place for criminals and outlaws of all types. People there do not ask strangers how they earn their livings.
Terledrom (Fromeltar) is ruled by a council of vrusk companies and elected dralasites. The companies control all trade with other planets, and consider smuggling a serious crime. The planet has rings that are visible from the ground during the day.
Zik-kit (Kizk'-kar) has very rich mining deposits. These are exported mainly to Terledrom for manufacturing. Zik-kit is controlled as a colony by the Terledrom government.
Gran Quivera (Prenglar) is the hub of the Frontier Sector. The Star Law Rangers, Pan Galactic Corporation, and the United Planetary Federation all have headquarters at Port Loren, the major city.
Morgaine's World (Prenglar) is a UPF and Star Law base. The planet has rings.
Pale (Truane's Star) is the starting point of the only possible starship route through the Zagyg dust clouds. The route to Zebulon was just recently opened.
Used with permission from jedion357
Content of Zebulon's Guide Expanded project

Astrography of the Rim

Rim Star Systems
Star (Class) & Planet
 Capella (G6)
 If Mod B 0.7 45 DS Astraa A
 If Mod A 1.5 15 TS Flaund -
        Bigoo I
 If Mod BT 0.6 22 RRS Haasan -
        Kleevor M
 Cryxia (K5)
      Pi'Ka'Nair * Hvy A 0.5 12 - Bu'd -
      T'zaan * Mod A 1.0 20 TS  
 Fockrik (F9)
      Forge Hu Hvy I 0.8 40 - Anvil M
      Hum Hu Hvy R 0.9 30 TS Kran C
        Glak M
      Larg Hu Mod RI 1.1 35 - Clud -
 Kazak (G1)
      Stenmar * ModRA
 DS,RRS Brount M
        Bernt M
        Bilf -
        Brunmt M
 Klaeok (G8)
      Point Go
 * Lt R 1.6 90 DS,TS - 
 Osak (G4)
 O Out M 0.8 20 - - 
 O Hvy I 1.1 25 FSS,TS Obladee C
        Ontair R
        Octon B
 O/If Out E 1.0 35 - Onmar -
      Reanee * Mod B 1.0 20 - - 
 * Lt AT 1.2 30 ASS Weskin E
        Weot -

Table Footnotes

PR (Primary Race): If= ifshnit, Hu= humma, O= osakar, * + mixture of races
Pop (Population)
     Hvy-- Heavy population: The planet has numerous large cities and hundreds of smaller cities. Individual cities may be considered "maxi-cities" that cover thousands of square kilometers.
     Mod-- Moderate population: The planet has several large cities and numerous small cities.
     Lt-- Light population: The planet has only a few small cities.
     Out-- Outpost: The planet has only a small outpost or colony. At most, it has only one small city and possibly some small settlements located nearby.
TR (Trade)
     I-- Industry: Most of the planet's economy is based on manufacturing. Cities are built around factories, processing plants, or robo-plants, and most of the inhabitants work there. Raw materials may either be mined on the planet or shipped in from another planet.
     R-- Resource Mining: The planet is rich in natural resources like metals, fossil fuels, gems, crystal, or radioactive materials. Most of these raw materials are shipped to industrial planets for processing.
     A-- Agriculture: The planet's economy is based on farming, whether natural or synthetic. This includes grain farming, fruit or vegetable farming, livestock, fish, lumber, textiles, and other such businesses.
     M-- Military: The planet is an ideal location for a huge military complex. This requires some industry and resource mining to be conducted on the planet and the planet is under the tightest security. Military planets are usually developed by a mega-corp that needs room for development, growth, and testing (like WarTech's Solar Major) or by a large planetary system that needs to heavily fortify a sector in space (like the UPF's development of Moonworld in the Lynchpin System).
     E-- Education: The planet's chief industry is educational or scientific study.
     B-- Business: The planet's chief product is mercantile operations. Such a planet usually has offices on it for middle sized companies and mega-corps along with massive showrooms and demonstration areas. Also in abundance are thousands of bazaars where one can find almost everything imaginable. Some planets, such as Minotaur, are tourist centers that make a large amount of their planetary income on vacation sites and amusement parks.
     T-- High Tech Industry: The planet excels in research or development of, manufacturing of, or advanced use of highly advanced technology. Wonma, Osak is a great example of a high-tech center.
Grav (gravity): given in PanGal's "Sol standard"
Sat (artificial satellites): Only lists the major stations
     FSS-- Fortified Space Station
     ASS-- Armed Space Station
     TS-- Trading Station: These "malls in space" are usually found in very secure space sectors. Trading stations have facilities for restocking spaceships.
     RRS-- Rest & Relaxation Station: These space stations specialize in entertainment facilities such as holo-shows, live theatre, casinos, lounges and sporting events. They also cover recreation facilities such as zoos, adventure parks, and on some of the planets with more hostile environments, "outdoor" parks that offer hiking, biking, climbing, boating, etc. Usually there is a wide range of packages for onboard hotel facilities so it is possible for people to vacation there over extended periods of time.
     DS-- Docking Station: These space stations provide facilities for repair, refurbishment, and complete overhaul of spaceships. Some are also shipyards where new spaceships are built. Every type of space station can handle light repairs on space ships, but only a docking station can handle seriously damaged ships.
Moons: Uses the same letter codes as TR with one addition.
     C-- Colonization
Used with permission from jedion357

Alpha Dawn Expanded - Remastered Page Conversion

This table references the page in the Alpha Dawn Expanded book to 2007 Remastered PDF.

Topic |Alpha Dawn |Remastered
Vehicle Combat

Published Material

Alpha Dawn Boxed Set
        Basic Rules
        Expanded Rules
        Map, 2d10, Counters
       SF0 Crash On Volturnus Module

 Knight Hawks Boxed Set
        Tactical Operations Manual
        Campaign Book
               Map, 2d10, Counters
               SFKH0  Warriorsof White Light  

SFAC1  Character Sheets (AD)
SFAC2  Referee's Screen + Assault on StarshipOmicron Mini-Mod
SFAC3  Zebulon's Guide to Frontier Space
SF1  Volturnus Planet of Mystery
SF2  Starspawn of Volturnus
SF3  Sundown on Starmist 
 SF4  Mission to Alcazzar 
 SFAD5  Bugs In The System 
 SFAD6  Dark Side of the Moon 
 SFKH1  Dramune RunSFKH2  
Mutiny on the Eleanor Moraes 
 SFKH3  Face of the Enemy 
 SFKH4  The War Machine 
 2001 A Space Odyssey 
 2010 Odyssey Two   

#8   Villains of Volturnus 
 #17  Captive Planet 

Blastoff! First Look atSF      AD: Review                      Dragon  65The SF 'Universe'               AD: Detailed Review             Dragon  74Zethra, The                     AD: New Race                    Dragon  84StarQuestions                     : Q&A (fromPolyhedrons)      Dragon  85Fast and Deadly                 KH: Starships                   Dragon  86Freeze! Star Law!               AD: Law Enforcement             Dragon  87Battle of Ebony Eyes            KH: Mini-Mod, Black Holes       Dragon 88StarQuestions                     : Q&A                         Dragon  88Yachts and PrivateersReturn    KH: Starships                   Dragon  88The MightyMega-Corporations    AD: Mega-CorpsHistory(in Zeb)  Dragon  89Mega-Corporations o.t.Frontier AD: Mega-Corps History(in Zeb) Dragon  90Careers in Star Law             AD: Law Enforcement             Dragon  91Day of theJuggernaut             : Mini-Mod, HugeShip         Dragon 91StarQuestions                     : Q&A                         Dragon  92Rare Wines and ReadyCash       AD/KH: Agricultural Trade       Dragon 93From Anarchy toEmpire          AD: Governments                 Dragon  94Zuraqqor Strike Back,The       AD/KH: New Race, Mini-Mod shipsDragon  95Coming of the S'sessu,The      AD/KH: New Race,Sathar-like    Dragon  96StarQuestions                     : Q&A                         Dragon  97StarQuestions                     : Q&A                         Dragon  98Volturnus Connection,The       AD: Volturnus                   Dragon  98Tanks a Lot!                    AD: Vehicle Combat              Dragon  99SilverTwin                      AD: Star LawVehicle/Enforcemnt Dragon 102Saurians, The                   AD: New Race                    Dragon 103Tanks Again!                    AD: Vehicle Combat              Dragon 103Star Law Returns                AD: Law Enforcement             Dragon 104Expanding theFrontier          AD: Exploring                   Dragon 105Tote That Barge!                  : Interstellar Economics      Dragon 107Old Yazirians NeverDie         AD: Age and Aging               Dragon 108Patriots, Terrorists,& Spies   AD: Cults                       Dragon 109Going For a Swim?               AD: Underwater Adventures       Dragon 110For a Fistfull ofCredits       AD: New Items                   Dragon 112Interstellar Armory,A          KH: New Starship Arms           Dragon 115Here Comes the Cavalry          AD: Warfare                     Dragon 120Leader of the Pack,The         AD: Leadership                  Dragon 122Whole-Earth Ecology,The        AD: Aliens                      Dragon 123Shot in the Arm, A              AD: Damage System               Dragon 124Second Look at Zebulon'sGuide  ZG: Zeb Guide Errata            Dragon 125Armored andDangerous             : PoweredArmor               Dragon 129Frontiers of Design,The        KH: Starship BuildingSystem    Dragon 132Sage Advice                     AD/ZG: Q&A                      Dragon 135DamageControl--Report!         KH: StarshipCombat             Dragon 136"Jetboots, Dont failme now!"   AD: revised movementrules      Dragon 139Sage Advice                       : Q&A                         Dragon 144From Freighters to FlyingBoats AD: Ships, Boats, Ocean        Dragon 149    

9       SF review:pg5 
9       Encounters:pg8 
10      dispel confusion:pg7 
11      dispel confusion:pg9 
12      Knight Hawks: A New Dimension(review):pg14 
13      Raid on Theseus KH:pg20 
13      dispel confusion:pg7 
14      Ambush on Lossend SF:pg22-23 
14      dispel confusion:pg1115      dispel confusion:pg13 
16      dispel confusion:pg32-3318      Layover at Lossend SF:pg2518      dispel confusion:pg30-3119      The Laser Pod KH:pg28-2919      dispel confusion:pg32 
 20      The Proton Beam:pg8-9 
 20      dispel confusion:pg30 
21      Take Command of a Titan!:pg10-11 
22      Of Great Ships and Captains:p26-28 
22      dispel confusion:pg25 
 27      dispel confusion:pg26 
 31      dispel confusion:pg29  

Ares Magazine 
17      Yazirian Cultural Weapon 
 17      Miniature Use Imagine Magazine 
 29           The Sarafand File        

Alpha Dawn Expanded RulesBookletSage Advice                     Q&A, DD, ADD, SF                Dragon 144From Freighters to FlyingBoats Ships, Boats, Ocean            Dragon 149 POLYHEDRON NEWSZINE (RPGA)10      dispel confusion:pg718      Layover at Lossend SF:pg2518      dispel confusion:pg30-31 POLYHEDRON NEWSZINE(RPGA)12      dispel confusion:pg1217      dispel confusion:pg32-33  POLYHEDRON NEWSZINE(RPGA)15      cardstock reference sheet KH Ares Magazine15      Von Neumann machines, Into the VoidmoduleAres Special Edition#2         Frontiers of theMind(psionics) Imagine Magazine__ 4            AramaxOne                                          pages:     21-2818           The East Indiaman Class Freighter                       27-3018           On the Rocks: Star Frontiers mini-module           25-26,31-3229           The Sarafand File                                                  25-32 StarFrontiers MiniaturesPlayer Characters (box12)                                                                                  5331    Sathar w/weapon, Vrusk w/weapon, Yazirianw/lasers,    Male explorer, Human in spacesuit,    Dralasite w/weapon, Dralasite in spacesuit,    Sathar in spacesuit, Yazirian in spacesuit,    Woman explorer, Human in power armor,    Vrusk in spacesuitFederation Starships(box6)(with miniatures rules conversions)        5332    Destroyer, Frigate, 2 Assault Scouts,Battleship, FreighterSathar & Pirate Ships(box6)                                                                               5333    Sathar Frigate, Sathar Light Cruiser, SatharHeavy Cruiser,    Pirate Frigate, 2 different Pirate AssaultScoutsSpacefarers (box11)                                                                                                          5334    Sathar w/rifle, Human, Dralasite w/rifle,Human, Yazirian,    Dralasite w/pistol, Vrusk w/rifle, Vruskw/grenade,    Yazirian crouching, Human, Sathar w/mortarRobots (smallbox6)                                                                                                           5401  Privateer Starships(smallbox6)                                                                         5404  Yachts and Privateers(6)                                                                                  same?  Pure Strain Humans (b-pack3)                                                                                         5502  Mutants / Aliens (b-pack3)                                                                               5505  Androids (b-pack3)                                                                                                          5508  Cyborgs (b-pack3)                                                                                                           5511  Queequeg (b-pack1)                                                                                                       5801  Funnel Worm and Korvarrs (b-pack1&2)                                                                          5802  Winged Ripper and Sand Shark (b-pack2&1)                                                    5803  Megasaurus (b-pack1)                                                                                                     5804  Edestikai (b-pack2)                                                                                                          5805  Quickdeath (b-pack2)                                                                                                      5806  ?                                                                                                                                      5807  Sathar Light Cruiser (b-pack1)                                                                          5808Federation Frigates &Scouts (b-pack4)                                                             5809Pirate Frigates &Scouts (b-pack4)                                                                     5810Sathar Frigate &Cutter (b-pack2)                                                                       5811  Starship bases and rods                                                                                   5812       

Remastering Status

This page will help track the status of the Digtially Remastering project.

If you want to work on a task, update the box to contain your name.  When the Published column is filled, we're all done!!! Text files can be either uploaded to the Download sections of this project or sent directly to (tom at and I'll add them.  When a task is done, let me know I can keep this chart updated.


Grammer &
Put document
in layout template 
 AD Basic Rules        
 AD Expanded Rules        
KH TOM        
KH Campaign Book        
Zebulon's Guide        
Ref Screen/Assault on Starship Omicron        
SF0: Crash on Volturnus        
SF1: Volturnus, Planet of Mystery        
SF2: Starspawn of Volturnus        
SF3: Sundown on Starmist        
SF4: Mission to Alcazzar        
SFAD5: Bugs in the System        
SFAD6: Dark Side of the Moon William
SFKH0: Warriors of White Light        
SFKH1: Drammune Run    CJ    w00t    CJ/w00t    w00t
SFKH2: Mutiny on the Eleanor Moraes        
SFKH3: Face of the Enemy        
SFKH4: The War Machine        
2001 - A Space Odessey        
2010 - Odessey Two        

Note: There are several OCR scans found in the Port Loren Public Library project. 

Other Re-Mastering Projects:
Project Assigned To Status 
Aramax One w00tIn progress