System ship travel

Stormcrow's picture
December 31, 2013 - 2:30pm
Has anyone worked out how long it takes a system ship to travel various distances, including acceleration and deceleration? I could use the ship travel calculations from GURPS Spaceships, but it would take some conversion. Even a simple rule of thumb would be welcome.

The rule on page 12 of the Knight Hawks campaign book about saving fuel by traveling at 10,000 km per hour is obviously wrong: going from Earth to the closest part of the middle of the asteroid belt at that speed, neglecting acceleration and deceleration, would take five and a half Frontier years.

Tchklinxa's picture
January 7, 2014 - 11:36am
Aerospace Musuem Of California.

The AAS meeting sounds cool.  

 "Never fire a laser at a mirror."

Tchklinxa's picture
January 7, 2014 - 11:37am
 "Never fire a laser at a mirror."

Shadow Shack's picture
Shadow Shack
January 7, 2014 - 4:33pm
Tchklinxa wrote:

FYI --- the  icon at the bottom right of your posts allows editing of said posts.
I'm not overly fond of Zeb's Guide...nor do I have any qualms stating why. Tongue out

My SF website

Tchklinxa's picture
January 7, 2014 - 6:29pm
Oh I see it now Thanks how do you guys do the links by the way?
 "Never fire a laser at a mirror."

jedion357's picture
January 7, 2014 - 7:16pm
Tchklinxa wrote:
Oh I see it now Thanks how do you guys do the links by the way?

The rich text editor feature mangles copy and paste operations such that you have to disable it do the paste post the comment then edit it to put back in proper spacing. However, you can copy and paste a link no problem. As to the text codes for putting a word that will link to a web site I never learned that.

I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

TerlObar's picture
January 7, 2014 - 8:51pm
If you just paste the URL it will automatically convert it to a link.  If you want to make a phrase in a post be a link, you highlight the words, then click on the link button in the tool bars below the editor window.  It's the third from the right on the top row (looks like this: Insert/edit link).  It pops up a window and you can enter the URL there.
Ad Astra Per Ardua!
My blog - Expanding Frontier
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Tchklinxa's picture
January 8, 2014 - 5:41am
Thanks I tried it out over on another thread.

AU's: I am going to try and keep system distances managable by rounding and using averages for game play: versus RL flex of the distances. I should probably do a few more.

1 AU = 149,600,000 km = 14,960 hexes

½ AU = 74,800,000 km = 7,480 hexes 

 ¼ AU= 37,400,000 km = 3,740 hexes 

 1/8 AU= 18,700,000 km = 1,870 hexes 

 1/16 AU= 9,350,000 km = 935 hexes 

 1/32 AU= 4,675,000 km = 468 hexes 

 1/64 AU = 2,377,500 km = 238 hexes 

 1/3AU = 49,870,000 km = 4,987 hexes

 2/3AU = 99,740,000 km = 9,974 hexes   

 "Never fire a laser at a mirror."

Sam's picture
January 8, 2014 - 10:31am
Another vote for a jump device.

late to the thread ... but one quick idea in support of the jump drive device is the MR mechanic. KH starships turn without regard to vector. An inertia/jump device would be a great way to explain this. If done, it would be necessary on all space ships that use MR rules, without it they are stuck with pure vector/momentum.

Depending on how you GM the jump mechanic, the development of the inertia damper device may have led to the discovery of jump drives.

Not sure what is in SFman 11. I'll check.

Stormcrow's picture
January 8, 2014 - 3:14pm
I consider the impossible physics of the board game to be a simplification for ease of play. When not running a space battle the real laws of physics are in force.

TerlObar's picture
January 9, 2014 - 7:19am
Stormcrow wrote:
I consider the impossible physics of the board game to be a simplification for ease of play. When not running a space battle the real laws of physics are in force.
That's my take exactly.
Ad Astra Per Ardua!
My blog - Expanding Frontier
Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site
Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine
Managing Editor - The Star Frontiersman Magazine

Tchklinxa's picture
January 9, 2014 - 6:40pm
I am happy with Alternate Reality Physics Tongue out In this Galaxy in the SF Universe this is how it works.

 "Never fire a laser at a mirror."