Here's an idea for a SF adventure

Fu-Man_Chu's picture
July 25, 2010 - 2:28pm
I had fun of running a Star Frontiers game at a gameday last weekend. For a one-shot 4 hour adventure, I adapted the first half of the Star Wars Saga mod Dawn of Defiance. It turned out quite well, and we all had a great time.

I changed the background so that the PC's were Star Law agents infiltrating an orbiting station above Outer Reach to ferret out some information about a pending terrorist attack on Inner Reach.

I had one player who decided that her Dralasite was going to push ids limbs into "all the orificies" of one of the station guards. I made them roll grapple checks, and rules that id was successful in forcing one arm into the mouth and was strangling the guy that way. That was a first for me as a SF GM!



jedion357's picture
July 25, 2010 - 5:14pm
Nice adaption of one game module to SF setting

any more details about your game?

on the oriface penetration issue- I've been steadfastly ignoring that purely because of it leads to inter-species porn and I dont think we need to go there though in reality it'd likely be a part of the setting

Still your handling of that issue seems to be a good idea as well.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

Anonymous's picture
w00t (not verified)
July 25, 2010 - 7:08pm
Any chance you can post your adventure on this site or submit to the Star Fronteirsman?

Gargoyle2k7's picture
July 29, 2010 - 6:09pm
@jedion: two words - dralasite porn.  >>shudder   :) 
@Fu-Man_Chu: sounds like a lot of fun!  I hope that this gives you an opportunity to do more SF/sci-fi gaming.
Long live the Frontier!

jedion357's picture
July 29, 2010 - 6:16pm
@Gargoyle oohhh I dont think its just dralasite porn but that would be a major part, I'm sure that the breast arrangement of yazirians would figure in as well.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

Captain Rags's picture
Captain Rags
September 5, 2010 - 12:48am
<snip>I had one player who decided that her Dralasite was going to push ids limbs into "all the orificies" of one of the station guards.</snip>

YIKES! But...but wouldn't it take the Dralasite like 5 minutes to "extend or retract limbs" according to Alpha Dawn? Oh man, a 5 minute progressive duel gaging choke and colon check inevitably followed by the waaaay too long 5 minutes retracting "omg ewwww!" Undecided

My SF website izz:

umungus's picture
September 5, 2010 - 8:11am

My wife says next time bring some Telol, so you don't have to get your appendages dirty..

At least I got to scare an alien rabbit thingy......