Various Codexes of Stuff

SmootRK's picture
August 15, 2007 - 8:50am

Has anyone thought to create a comprehensive set of documents of the rules.  What I mean is one document for equipment that is as inclusive as possible, gathering bits from various sources such as fansites, Star Frontiersman, Modules, etc.  Another document could be a race compilation, while another could be a creature codex, and another a skill booklet that includes each and every skill/language/profession (star law, UPF personel)/etc.

Basically a compartmentalized treatment of the rules, yet as inclusive of materials as possible.  My own opinion is for each of the documents be actual doc files rather than pdf, so that individual referrees can edit out or add to their individual campaign documents.  For instance, I would like Cinematic Martial Arts added to the main docs but another referee might not want this, and could easily just remove the entry.  This method of editing works well with rules that include lots of individual entries such as equipment lists, skills, etc.

If the tomes are divided up by dedicated folks to keep updated as much as possible, then it will be quite easy to have a dynamic rule base created.  A little up front work might be necessary to produce the documents in a consistent manner using some basic rules for how entries should work, fonts/sizes to be used, how sections are divided, and so forth.  I am not sure I would want the onus of trying to come up with the layout/rules for entries, but I would certainly be happy to be the compiler for a particular section.  Each Editor/Monitor could be the contact point for folks wishing to submit entries.

Anyhow, interest? Ideas? 

<insert witty comment here>

CleanCutRogue's picture
August 15, 2007 - 9:04am

Cool idea!

As a project, it would be great.  You could build the individual sections in the design documents, then when viewing a top-level of a document hit "Printer Friendly Version" and it spits out text that can easily be put in Word.  Alternatively, bypass the design documents for such a project and instead have one comprehensive word document as a Downloadable.  Alternatively, have each Section as a separate downloadable (Races, Equipment, etc.) and let people download/edit as desired.

Wishful Thinking Option:  I was wondering about dynamic creation of PDF files based on search & select criteria (though this would be a ton of work).  Imagine going to a Design Document (of a nature you described) and being able to look at the table of contents and check/uncheck whatever you want, then hit a button "Create PDF" and have it build it for you with the optional rules and components you selected.  That would be cool, but a ton of work to set up, and paging would become an issue (dividing images and tables up between pages would be unattractive, and I fear that's what such a project would do).


3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time.

-top 11 reasons to be a Yazirian, ShadowShack

Anonymous's picture
Corjay (not verified)
August 16, 2007 - 12:15pm

Well, maybe a person could choose their own images, and as far as tables, they should be attached to specific information. You could also choose tables in a similar way to the images or turn them off if attached to specific information.

I would recommend this project as a website that you go through, choose your options, and then choose what type of preformatted document you want (PDF, DOC, RTF, etc.), even choosing the formatting (page borders, table styles, and table auto-placement styles).

CleanCutRogue's picture
August 16, 2007 - 5:08pm
wow that's a lot of work.  I thought THIS site was large in scope and vision :-P
3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time.

-top 11 reasons to be a Yazirian, ShadowShack

SmootRK's picture
August 16, 2007 - 5:31pm

All I really had in mind was basic documents that the average joe could edit himself using word.  All that other stuff will need to be database driven, and a lot of behind the scenes maintenence and data entry. 

In my mind, I could for instance maintain the Races.  While Bill could maintain the equipment section.  Someone else might maintain the doc with the combat rules, and another maintains the skills doc.  Each 'editor' can accept contributions directly or he can scoure the web/books/etc for stuff. 

If some big wingding database machine can be setup easily then all that other stuff is certainly an option. 

<insert witty comment here>