Asher Abernathy
Bobo Scribbs
Brook Oberhausen
Dorbo Jarvis
Chester Cryohal
Cryzak Ch’tock
Cygnus Bor’man
Dol’tred Yangolzi
Drohn Flux
Glebb Yorvin
Granger “Old Yazzi” Deemus
Graylo Demorgol
Hamish Blastworthy
Hurf’l Grulog
Joobs & Stretch
Krrrk Krrk
Magra Zuum
Magra’s Team - “The Mag Squad”
Ray Campos
Sandy Nitelight
Thrax Plastar
Trudy Shivers
Zu Shen
Service Robot
Security Robot
Combat Robot
Zarbatt Klagnitt [Deceased]
Flickle Ores. LLC
Found at Speedy Logistics dead.
STR 45/45 | DEX 45/45 | INT 45 /45 | PER 45/45 | PS 3 | IM 5
Brass knuckles/chain/club/crowbar
STR 35/35 | DEX 50/50 | INT 50 /50 | PER 45/45 | PS 2 | IM 5
STR 50/50 | DEX 40/45 | INT 45 /45 | PER 45/45 | PS3 | IM 4
STR 40/40 | DEX 50/50 | INT 45 /45 | PER 45/45 | PS 2 | IM 5
Asher AbernathyAsher Abernathy (AKA. Zerom (sehr-rum), 0m), Human
Echelon Enterprises
Oversight Minister of the Procurement Policy Division
Bobo Scribbs
Bobo Scribbs (Dralasite) - Vendor/Street Hawker - sells SEU clips 130 cr
Brook Oberhausen
Brook Oberhausen, Female Director of Events, Operations Division, Brixton Corporation | 
STR / STA | DEX / RS | INT / LOG | PER / LDR | PS | IM |
45 / 45 | 45 / 45 | 45 / 45 | 60 / 60 | 3 | 5 |
| Residence: High end flat in Corpo-town |
Dorbo Jarvis
Dorbo Jarvis (Dralasite) - Vendor/Street Hawker
Chester Cryohal
Detective Chester Cryohal, Human Brixton Corporate Police, Investigator |
STR / STA | DEX / RS | INT / LOG | PER / LDR | PS | IM |
50 / 50 | 45 / 45 | 55 / 55 | 55 / 55 | 3 | 5 |
PSA: Military | |
Cryzak Ch’tock
Cryzak Ch’tock (vrusk)
STR 40/40 | DEX 50/50 | INT 45 /45 | PER 45/45 | PS 2 | IM 5
Cygnus Bor’man
Cygnus Bor’man, Human (aka “Smiles”) (43 yo), human Owner and Manager of Xylers Mechanics | 
STR / STA | DEX / RS | INT / LOG | PER / LDR | PS | IM |
40 / 50 | 45 / 45 | 55 / 55 | 50 / 45 | 3 | 5 |
Technician L6 Psycho-Social L6 Projectile Weapons L3 Melee Weapons L2 Beam Weapons L2
| Residence: The Village Level 4 |
Dol’tred Yangolzi
Dol’tred Yangolzi (Yazirian Bounty Hunter)
Drohn Flux
Drohn Flux (Drawn Flux) Male Human
Was in the 2nd Sathar Wars with Strike Force Nova
Is a native to Pale and a Frostlander. Realized how corrupt the corporations were and how they were destroying his home planet. So he joined the Rebellion.
Fap-Gonga (Dralasite) - Sad Wife Story (Robotics lvl 3, Computer lvl 2, Technician lvl 1 )
str/sta 50/50 dex/rs 40/40 int/log 45/45 per/ldr 45/45 PS 3 IM 4
110CR per day for hire (90CR as discounted price)
Glebb Yorvin
Glebb Yorvin, Dralasite
Leader of N.F.F.
Granger “Old Yazzi” Deemus
Granger “Old Yazzi” Deemus, Yazirian 135y.o.
Drinks at the The Rusty Servo (tavern) near Zaggits
Graylo Demorgol
Graylo Demorgol, Yazirian Aristocrat, Emissary for the Intergalactic Relations Dept. |
STR / STA | DEX / RS | INT / LOG | PER / LDR | PS | IM |
35 / 35 | 45 / 45 | 50 / 50 | 60 / 60 | 2 | 5 |
PSA: Military Gyrojet (Level 3) Beam Weapon (Level 2) Psycho Social (Level 3)
Battle Rage:10% | On the side he does illegal operations Has a client named Zerom he works for. Procures Stolen vehicles for Zerom Uses his clients for leverage in climbing the corporate ladder.
Gyrojet Pistol |
Hamish Blastworthy
Hamish Blastworthy, Human Pirate, O.N.F.
Hurf’l Grulog
Hurf’l Grulog, Dralasite
Jr. Director of Core Drilling
Joobs & Stretch
Joobs, Dralasite
Street Urchin and prophetic lyricist
Stretch, Dralasite
Street Urchin and “busta’ move instigator”
Krrrk Krrk
Krrrk Krrk (Link) Vrusk Melee Attack: Vibro Knife: 30% | Walk 15m | Run 35m | | Current Stamina 40 |
40/40 | 50/50 | 45/45 | 45/45 | 2 | 5 | | |
| | Comprehension 15% Ambidexterity |
Magra Zuum
Magra Zuum, Female Yazirian A soldier in Drohn’s command. |
STR / STA | DEX / RS | INT / LOG | PER / LDR | PS | IM |
40 / 65 | 65 / 60 | 55 / 55 | 60 / 60 | 3 | 5 |
PSA: Military | Battle Rage 25% Gliding Night Vision Anti-shock Implant
Laser Pistol Gyrojet Rifle Smoke Grenade Dose Grenade Frag Grenade Tangler Grenade Tornadium D-19 50grams =5d10 (additional 50grams add 25) blast range 1 meter/100gams Detonator
Military Skein Suit |
Magra’s Team - “The Mag Squad”
“Shaky” Collins, Pilot (vrusk, M) - Technician 7 | Computers 3 | Robotic 3 | Beam 2
STR 60/60 | DEX 55/55 | INT 60 /60 | PER 55/55
Brady Johnson, Sniper (human, F) - Environment 7 | Beam 4 | Projectile 4
STR 55/55 | DEX 65/65 | INT 55 /55 | PER 55/55
Needle rifle - sleep
[ wife of Laslo ]
“Doc” Hu’Bel, Medic (dralasite, Neutral) - Technician 3 | medical 7 | Beam 3 | Psycho 2
STR 60/60 | DEX 55/55 | INT 60 /60 | PER 45/45
Sonic stunner - stun
Laslo Korbochev, Tech (human, M) - Robotics 5 | computer 5 | martial arts 2 | Beam 3
STR 60/60 | DEX 55/55 | INT 60 /60 | PER 45/45
Sonic stunner - stun
[ husband to Brady ]
Ray Campos
Ray Campos (57 yo), human General Manager of Bestway Recovery | 
STR / STA | DEX / RS | INT / LOG | PER / LDR | PS | IM |
50 / 50 | 45 / 45 | 55 / 55 | 55 / 55 | 3 | 5 |
PSA: Military | |
Calls his employees “Recos” (short fort Recovery Agents)
78 F.Y - 88 F.Y. Ray Campos was in the 2nd Sathar War under Strike Force Nova, where he met Drohn Flux. They were in a squad together.
83 F.Y. Ray and Drohn were stationed at the Strike Force Nova Pale outpost. Where they met the 16yo Trudy Shivers. She was a prodigy communications specialist that would direct Ray and Drohn’s missions. She sometimes played undercover parts.
86 F.Y. Drohn, by this time, had left the Force to join the F.N.N.. for his native people. Ray and Trudy would help Drohn out from time to time.
90 -117 F.Y. At 30 y.o employed by Brixton Corporation |
Sandy Nitelight
Sandy Nitelight - Bartender at the Old 69er- Bee Hive and as old as the walls.
Thrax Plastar
Thrax Plastar, Vrusk Strategist, O.N.F.
Trudy Shivers
Trudy Shivers (49 yo), human Secretary of Bestway Recovery | 
STR / STA | DEX / RS | INT / LOG | PER / LDR | PS | IM |
40 / 40 | 50 / 50 | 55 / 55 | 45 / 45 | 3 | 5 |
PSA: Military Beam Weapon (Level 5) Computer (Level 7) Psycho Social (Level 7) Environmental (Level 2)
| |
83 F.Y. Ray and Drohn were stationed at the Strike Force Nova Pale outpost. Where they met the 16yo Trudy Shivers. She was a prodigy communications specialist that would direct Ray and Drohn’s missions. She sometimes played undercover parts. |
Zu Shen
Zu “The Designer” or “The Shèjì shi” Shen can be referenced (phonetically) Zjee Tu Shi), Z2-SHI | 
STR / STA | DEX / RS | INT / LOG | PER / LDR | PS | IM |
40 / 40 | 50 / 50 | 55 / 55 | 45 / 45 | 3 | 5 |
PSA: Military Beam Weapon (Level 5) Computer (Level 7) Psycho Social (Level 7) Enviro
| |
Service Robot
Service Robot (Level 3) R/M Attack: 30% + 30 = 60% | Walk 10m | Run 120m | | Current Stamina 100 |
STA | | | | | IM | | |
100 | | | | | 6 | | |
2 arms 2d10 damage each
| Parabattery Type 1 (200/500 SEU)
Scanner | Mission: To catalog vehicle registration numbers and information to send them to a computer to create the shipping manifest and invoice.
Functions: Document registration numbers/vehicle info Upload data to computer
Robot Programs: Security Lock Computer Link Self Defense |
Security Robot
Security Robot (Level 2) R/M Attack: 30% + 30 = 60% | Walk 10m | Run 120m | | Current Stamina 100 |
STA | | | | | IM | | |
100 | | | | | 6 | | |
2 arms 2d10 damage each
| Gauss Screen
Parabattery Type 1 (230/500 SEU)
In its charging station
| Mission: Stop all unauthorized personnel from entering the building
Functions: authorized = Whitelisted by Crysak Say Warning Restrain Call Cryzak
Robot Programs: Security Lock Restrain Self Defense |
Combat Robot
Combat Robot (Level 3) R/M Attack: 30% + 30 = 60% | Walk 10m | Run 120m | | Current Stamina 84 |
STA | | | | | IM | | |
100 | | | | | 6 | | |
2 arms 2d10 damage each
Laser Pistol Beltpack 50 SEU (35/50) 26
Needle Pistol 1 clips (7/10)
| Albedo Suit (20/100)
Gauss Screen w/ Power supply (4 SEU)
Tracks for movement
“Die corporate scum!” | 1 parabattery
Security Lock
Mission: To eliminate all entities in the vicinity of the acquired assets
Functions: Attack/Defense Computer Link
Programming has a signature of the O.N.F. |