![]() November 16, 2017 - 9:05am | My neice has driven me nuts with panic over: TSa only looks for bombs and terrorist in the ways they've already seen not for bombs and terrorist in the ways they "HAVEN'T seen" Question says I, "How do you look for something you've never seen?" Since TSA fails in screening tests and they don't actually screen for the next method of bombing her solution is as close as I can understand it: get rid of TSA. RE: Skymarshals: only a small percentage of planes covered, most arrests are drunken celebrities, each arrest cost thousands of dollars. Money better spent putting an airline paid for guard on every plane. Question says I, "you want to get rid of TSA and replace Skymarshals with rent-a-cops? Because of drunken celebrities?" "Yes." Edit: the apparent disconnect between Skymarshals being paid for by the government and air line employee s being paid for by ticket prices was lost on her. Or maybe we should just move TSA employees from the gate to inside the air plane to be these guards on every airplane. I started to point out a few problems with this and she jumped on to a new tact: "blacks are 1% of US pop but 50% of prison population" Question says I "And your point is?" Marijauna should be legalized. Really says I, how does that correlate? The system is wrong. Could it be says I that your facts are wrong? No I read it on the internet. Well says I a simple Google search tells me that blacks are 15% of the US population and only 33% of prison population and I'm reading that on the internet. Her response: George Bush Sr was being paid money by the Suadis while he was president and that's a fact! Really says I, how so? She brings up an ad for a book written by some journalist and the ad says that the author, alleges that Bush took money from the Saudis and ISis is his fault. "Well there you go," says I, "it must be true you read it on the internet." And she nods with a smile like she just won the Dralasite World Championship of Debating. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() November 16, 2017 - 2:39pm | Some guy who committed suicide once said after he had died that the "Truth is a matter of perspective" The internet is probably the greatest example of this to date. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() November 16, 2017 - 5:34pm | She has been sucked into the internet brainwashing machine, step one never question anything, step two surround yourself with people you only agree with, step three make everything about America evil, misuse statstics & use bad studies as proof... better yet fake news and fake news memes... there are several brainwashing machines on the net. Sigh. I got friends that qoute bad data still as long as it supports their political beliefs liberal or conservative... sigh. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() November 16, 2017 - 6:40pm | Starting to suspect either her boyfriend or a room mate is a component of this. Thanks for the breakdown tchklinxa I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() November 16, 2017 - 6:46pm |
... there are several brainwashing machines on the net. Your referring to Facebook by chance? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() November 16, 2017 - 8:32pm | Oh yes FB is one such place also twitter, certain forums, certain fake news sites and more… I get stuff all the time from all sorts of camps on FB, a lot is suspect at best, and out right incorrect often, most is just meant to stir strong emotions and spark hate, fear and anger or a belief one is superior politically for believing X. I refuse to pass any of it forward as I think it is bogus. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() November 16, 2017 - 8:34pm | I have seen women totally change to win a boyfriends approval. All anyone can do is wait for the love struck friend or family member to finally figure out they are datig a jerk. They usually go back to normal after the break up. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() November 16, 2017 - 9:34pm | Tchklinxa has hit the nail firmly on the head. I know that many younger folks --- re: those sporting the attention span of the modern youngster who's never actually had to sit with a club over a rabbit hole if he wanted to eat --- will either get insulted or simply lack the background to appreciate this, but I'm going to say it anyway: For all the talk of knowledge, science, gestalt, singularity, etc --- the single biggest gift of the internet has been the greatest infestation of stupid that the human race has ever seen. Why is that? Two reasons: 1> It trends against attention span, which trends against analysis, which trends against research. That is, everything can be had in a hyper-distilled two-line soundbite, so over-simplified as to be actively misinforming, yet swallowed up wholesale. Twitter is the latest confirmation: not only can you find sound bites that have no real basis in fact, but now you can speak in them yourself. 2> Confirmation bias. With everyone having the same access to a soapbox, every moron out there is screaming his head off, waiting for a reply. Nobody likes to admit that they're wrong, even when they're being beat with it. So rather than admit they're wrong, they'll stick their fingers in their ears (or eyes, mouth, nose, or whatever other orifice blocks out the science) and keep hunting for some other lunatic that agrees with them. And once they've found that person, they will take his/her very existence as proof of their own correctness. "Someone agrees with me, therefore I'm right." or "I have forty likes to your one, therefore I'm right and you're WRONG!" No research required, stupid prevails because the rest of us are outnumbered. While this has always been a problem with humanity in general, never has it been the large scale problem that the internet has promoted it to. |