![]() October 18, 2017 - 3:31pm | Its on the Port Loren map The orginal Artifacts level treasure thread had some artifact documents: http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/9836 so I figure lets make the Special Collection at the Port Loren Public Library something special. filled with rare hardcopy documents. What if the PLPL was the defacto "Library of Congress" for the Frontier? No doubt it has a level 6 Entertainment computer program filled with documents, books, holo vids, recordings and etc. from all over the Frontier making it a premier research library and a resource for enterprising PCs to look into things when starting an adventure. EDIT: with the Terledrom Treatise and the Dralasite documents and artifacts perhaps this edition of the Artifacts Roadshow should be at Fromeltar? or I can just specify that there is an exhibit of documents and artifacts on loan from institution X on Terledrom in conjunction with the DGD championship. The Dralasite Galactic Debate championship. I'm picturing the top debate winner getting a pro wrestling style belt- the illustration almost draws itself. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 18, 2017 - 3:34pm | There are actually 3 copies. The first draft
written in drallish final draft in drallish final draft in vrusk. The
final draft in both languages are considered original and kept in the
Terledrom analog for the library of Congress. The first draft in
drallish has changed hands a number of times and is considered an
important historical document. It's not that old so I'm not valuing it in the millions Last sold for 180,000 Cr. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 18, 2017 - 3:35pm | reputed to be more than 3500 years old "The Origins of Philosophy" by Mol Totle is perhaps the most ancient document of dralasite origin. Its considered foundational to the dralasite social school societal matrix, debate and philosophy. Legend has it that Mol Totle labored his whole life to establish the social school within primitive dralasite society and he ordered that upon his death his body should be flayed and the skin preserved and his writings recorded on his skin so that he might continue to instruct for generations to come. The artifact is indeed an ancient document written on tanned dralasite skin. Some of the teachings werre tatooed on and some penned on. This has at times caused some debate that originally Totle had tatooed his teaching on his body and simply ordered that his skin be preserved so that he may be able to continue to teach and that the penned portions were a latter addition. Before and for a little time after the advent of a durable paper technology dralasite master/teachers known as Mols did indeed tatoo their teachings on their bodies. It is priceless. Totle has been a popular dralasite name. A common naming convention is Totle Ne-Amirin or Totle of Amirin literally but understood to be Totle of Social School Amirin EDIT: There is another ancient document of this type called the Faugarth Falacy. Mol Faugarth had championed the "flat earth" and draliocentric philosophy that the world was flat and the center of the universe. Confident that his philosophy would stand the test of time he had it tatooed on one of his appendages. Unfortunately for him he lived in the time of Brassaloolo the famed progenitor of dralasite astronomy. Brassalolo's studies and discoveries largely disproved the the philosophical points of flat earth and draliocentric philosophy to the severe embarassment of Faugarth who cut off his own appendage and cast it away. One of his students, Sunu, not willing to give up his teacher's philosophy recovered the appendage, flayed and preserved the skin. The document is a roll or scroll made from a dralasite's appendage where 97% of the writing is tatooed. The penned additions are called the Sunu additions, notes or footnotes. Over the centuries the phrase: to "convict of the Faugarth Falacy" has developed as an idiom of speach to mean to expose another for rash decisions or an undtested philosophy in modern times it has become fashionable for dralasites in mid to higher education to hone their philosophy and debating skills by debating the faugarth falacy, either for or against. the Scroll is vauled at 10 million credits and auctions where it sold saw brisk bidding. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 18, 2017 - 3:38pm | Upon his death his telescope passed to
his social school and was displayed there for approximately 200 years
till it was donated to a [insert Dralasite name of museum] where it has
remained. Valued @ millions (one estimate is 10 million) but it has
never sold. There are other contenders for the
title Brassalolo's telescope because as he learned more and built
bigger and better telescopes he gave away his older one to students and
apprentices. One is of questionable provenance but 3 others are not. The
Segarth telescope (named for the aid and apprentice Segarth is a
possibly the very telescope he used to make his ground breaking
discoveries and invalidate the Faugarth Fallacy it last sold at auction
for 12 million. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 18, 2017 - 4:30pm | There are actually 3 copies. The first draft
written in drallish final draft in drallish final draft in vrusk. The
final draft in both languages are considered original and kept in the
Terledrom analog for the library of Congress. The first draft in
drallish has changed hands a number of times and is considered an
important historical document. It's not that old so I'm not valuing it in the millions Last sold for 180,000 Cr. -iggy |
![]() October 18, 2017 - 6:51pm | Yeah exactly like the "chop" used in the orient for signatures- unique in that its carved out of porous materials that can be identified as a finger print by unique patterns in the material. I however thought the chop was Japanese in origin. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 19, 2017 - 11:23am | Brigadier General Lady Bronwen Rashida Gwendoline Southwark's tactical battle map for the Battle of the Pyramids, planet Laco, the First Sathar War. This plasti-paper copy was in advertantly saved by a PGC company rep attached to the general's staff to advise on new equipment PGC was supplying to the war effort. Later it sold and changed hands several times before being donated to the PLPL Value: 5000 credits Its an important historical document which documents the condition of this important archaeological area prior to the fighting of a major battle of the Sathar War here and the 10 year Corporate War latter on. and it could be significant to consult by the PCs in a treasure hunt of some sort. About Lady Southwark: I wanted an obviously english shounding name, or more appropriately a British sounding name. Southwark is actually a rare British surname that is about to go extinct. Sounding British was important becasue in the ways that I spin the timeline the Royal Guard, who cannonically have never lost a battle, needed some battles to fight to justify that statement so being an organized and ready to go military unit at the advent of the SW1 meant they were the first deployed to the war zone. and thus Royal Guard commander had overall command. I tacted on Lady just to ram home her Clarion connection. Bronwen and Gwendoline had that nice British sound and I wanted at least two middle names as you sometimes get with royalty and finally I randomly pulled an Arabic name: Rashida to suggest some bigger story to her background. Most likely named after a close family friend or family member- Uncle Rashid who was an early explorer maybe Uncle may or may not denote family relationship. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 19, 2017 - 11:31am | How about the recording of the first subspace contact between Humans and the Vrusk/dralasites? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() December 5, 2017 - 4:49pm | V'rt'cks star map. 350 year old vrusk produced star chart as from Terledrom. What sigificant about it is that it depicts a star not in the Terledrom night sky. This has been called V'rt'cks star or V'rt'cks mystery. What V'rt'ck actually saw has been the subject of much debate, among dralasites, and not a few crank theories. The problem is that only reproduction of the star map are available to the public and not all of them agree. The original is in a private collection. Researchers would love to get access to it but so far this is impossible. There have been some attempts to discover what he might have saw. Including one missing adventurer/ explorer named Donnel who sent back a garbled subspace message claiming to have found a planet he named Donnel's Reach but no further messages have come from Donnel. The document last sold at auction for 379,000 credits. Its hoped that one day researchers will eventually be allowed to examibe the document and determine a possible location for the V'rt'ck star/ Donnel's Reach. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() December 5, 2017 - 5:02pm | The next document is considered a hoax or joke but it last sold for 1,100 Cr. Its a plasti-paper map of Port Loren with an X on it. Scrawled across the top is the phrase "Treasure Map" and in the bottom left corner is a hand drawn Star Devil logo. The X just happens to be on top of the Pan- Gal building. PGC alledges its a hoax and fake and that there is nothing to it. Conspiracy nuts of course take it for proof of PGC's involvement with the Star Devil. Star Law, Streel, and the government of Truane's Star have voiced no official position on the map. It surfaced in Port Loren a year after the battle of Volkos and many discount it as a hoax. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |