![]() September 12, 2017 - 10:25am | They should hold an open season on internet trolls maybe? Could even offer a bounty. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() September 12, 2017 - 8:12pm | He left on his own accord a few years ago due to the trolls that were slamming him, but he eventually returned and was posting sporadically. It appears things haven't changed since his return. The mods there tend to be dickish anyways, I've earned a few one to three day bans for my off color humor, most recently for using the word "whore" (meanwhile "wench" is perfectly acceptable there) so I can't say I am surprised that someone that waxes poetically about the situation utilizing the "Village of Dragonsfoot" as a taunt would earn a ban. I will say this much: Frank does occasionally misinterpret posts and can come off rather harshly. I recall one instance where the discussion was based on spellbook size. Now keep in mind my sig there proclaims quite clearly that I am a B/X Enthusiast (meaning Moldvay/Cook Basic & Expert, not to be confused with Mentzer's BECMI edition that followed afterwards). The discussion wasn't edition specific, and when I dropped a comment regarding how I didn't see the need for a spellbook to be the same size and mass as what can be held in a horse saddlebag, he interjected with something to the effect of "Well I wrote the rulebook, it's not my fault you can't read or interpret it". I don't caree who you are, I can dish crap out at the same level it gets served to me and I don't care who is doing the serving, so my response was a simple "It's not my fault you can't read or interpret my signature". Which was followed by a mod post of "play nice". You know how it goes, don't speak out when royalty does it but wait until it gets returned to the royalty before taking action. Why be proactive when it's so much easier to be reactive... Which isn't to say that Frank is entirely dickish either, as there have been numerous other times where he has praised my posts --- most memorable was when I stated that despite being a B/X Enthusiast that I love the Companion dragons, because they make AD&D dragons look like HD:1 orcs by comparison, to which his response was along the lines of "That was the idea, glad you love the lethality of Companion dragons". My guess is following the "Village of DF" post (which I thought was beautifully written by the way, and honestly can not find any fault in it) there was a bit of back and forth PM sessions that went south...I've challenged each and every lame ban I earned and they can be pretty hostile about their pettiness when others are permitted to speak freely in a similar fashion. Perhaps when royalty started taking shots at their fickle-factor they didn't like it and acted accordingly. |
![]() September 12, 2017 - 9:42pm | I'm not on Dragon's foot and the subtext suggested a lot of tension under the surface thanks for the clarification. I also suspected there was a lot of kingdom building going on by the mods "this is my kingdom and I'm chief dick" seen that before and ran a foul of it. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() September 13, 2017 - 6:59am | There's the full thread. You can see where Frank was getting hammered early on and when the hammer wielder realized that one of the project writers was a member of DF he backpedaled, but the general trolling still continued unchecked. I rarely post in the general forum discussions there anymore because that's where all the fence-straddling drama ends up taking place. About the only issue where the mods are universal would regard political discusiions, but religion bashing is apparently okay as long as religion defending is not invoked. Believe me, with a "cleric" class as a part of the core discussions this happens quite frequently. |
![]() September 13, 2017 - 7:49am | There's the full thread. You can see where Frank was getting hammered early on and when the hammer wielder realized that one of the project writers was a member of DF he backpedaled, but the general trolling still continued unchecked. I rarely post in the general forum discussions there anymore because that's where all the fence-straddling drama ends up taking place. About the only issue where the mods are universal would regard political discusiions, but religion bashing is apparently okay as long as religion defending is not invoked. Believe me, with a "cleric" class as a part of the core discussions this happens quite frequently. Sounds like a happy community. I'll be sure to rush over there and register a log in. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() September 13, 2017 - 6:23pm | The only reason I remain there is the "Classic" section of the board dedicated to the original boxed sets of D&D...and even that ha sissues: the AD&D section will rip you a new one if you ever reference the boxed set games/rules/etc but AD&D is freely referenced in the Classic section without question. |
![]() September 13, 2017 - 6:57pm | I tend to just read such sites as people get pretty dickish. I take notes track down info, but do not usually post... only other site I post on is run by WotC concerning new D&D and then I still read mostly. Too many jerks on the net forget this is suppose to be fun first. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |