![]() April 29, 2017 - 2:02pm | Dark Nemesis the movie has what appears to be a mutant vampire bat creature... would make good alien or mutant critter for SF... Observation Notes So based on movie the creature has on the right and left side of head 3 eyes and then on the top of the head six more 3 on each side of the top of head, ten side teeth 5 each side and two front huge canine fang type teeth. Big ugly scary mouth. It does not breath fire like the movie poster shows. It's forearms end in a single nasty claw it impales it's victims with, the forearms are winged and it can fly, it will swoop down a grab people and fly away with them too. Nests in caves, tunnels etc, sleeps like a bat. Hunting pattern was a bit confused I suggest it should be nocturnal like bats perhaps encountered at dusk and dawn as well as night, heightened sense of smell towards blood... will track a wounded person animal for long distances. Fears silver which is toxic to it, survives on the blood of victims, likes to hang prey in trees or take back to lair. Probably high resistance to radiation now that it a stabilized creature. Bigger than humans in bulk and height about the size of a black bear perhaps. Seems to live in radioactive areas or areas once dangerous for that reason, the movie lair had nuclear missiles in it. Sort of a furless light brown-tan to fleshy color... So that is the basics now to work it up into a viable critter... for gaming. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() May 1, 2017 - 5:17am | Plot hook: it snatches an NPC that the PCs can't write off. They are froced to track it to ruins that have "leaking nuclear batteries" (mentioned in the rule book once) toxy rad gauge is going off hard! Anyone carrying a insuit or neutrarad dose? Nope didn't think so. (And why not? Because no one respects Zebulons guide so why eould y ou carry Zebs guide equipment?) You can enter the ruins but risk radiation sickness (dust off my article in FE #? For rules on radiation sickness). I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() May 1, 2017 - 5:35am | Potential here for stalking and swoop ambush attacks. Never a stand and fight that would let the PCs kill it out right; unless cornered in it's layer. To the PCs benefit toxy rad gauge would detect it's presence if and when nearby. It's blood would be radioactive. PCs on run from party of Sathar only to discover that the Sathar have been decimated. What killed the worms? Potential for a Ravenloft like adventure here. Nemesis rips open atomic drive housing and steals key component to take bake to nest. PCs can't leave without recovery. Similar situation for Sathar scout ship (6-8 plus quickdeath). Desperate lost colony. Alien ruins with the infamous "leaking nuclear batteries". Alien cyborg, Nemesis bat, Borg like zombies of dead colonist. Planet called Nemi after it's discoverer, independent colony. No one knew about the alien cyborg or the Nemesis bat. PCs are just visiting or sent for some reason. PCs could be delivering food with an Ag ship since it's a new colony. Colonist came for what reason? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() May 1, 2017 - 5:48am | Maybe the Sathar ship hasn't been damaged by Nemesis so that it might be a method of leaving the planet. -20% for operating alien equipment. And who's to say the Sathar ship won't that them back to it's base on automatic?. Lots of problems. Sarthar are only incidental and there for complications . I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() May 1, 2017 - 6:25am | Nemi colonist last subspace communication was an agreement to have livestock delivered by ag ship as the Lost their original livestock. (They have been offering them up as sacrifice to the bat. The alien cyborg was in stasis but has now awakened because of event X? He can control or manipulate the Nemesis bat? Things are getting dangerous on Nemi. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() May 1, 2017 - 6:40am | Axial tilt means colonist have a summer solstice with only 4 hours of darkness and winter solstice with only 4 hours of light. Nemesis bat hibernates in summer. During winter the night is long. What about hanging prey in tree or lair? Does it have silk spinerettes like s spider? Or some other method of Immobilization? Perhaps it vomits up a resin that hardens in seconds and cements the victims feet in place. (Solvaway dissolves it). Resin is radio active and will lead to mild poisoning if victim but greater danger is of course being eaten. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() May 1, 2017 - 8:45am | for stringing people up in tree or lair: it has resin it can spit onto them that hardens and is chemically similar to tangler threads. it simply injects the "hardener" agent as it spits the resin foam. Alternately it can switch to a different bio-chemical and the resin foam will not harden but instead ignite on fire The foam sticks to the target like napalm and burns for X amount of damage/turn Solvaway works on the resin whether hardened or the fire version. can set it up where bat has spit resin on a PC's skien suit no damage from initial attack but fire damage is being applied to PC and to skien suit. PC can take the skien suit off to stop taking burn damage. it burns out after Y number of turns. This makes the nemesis bat very dangerous and have a wide arsenal of weapons: Passive attack: radiation exposure Direct attack: bite and claws Prolonged attack: burning resin (spit requires a to hit roll) Constrictive attack: hardening resin (Spit requires a to hit roll but is automatic if hanging a captured/unconscious victim in lair or tree) Now a large carnivore such as this would have to have prey. Are there prey creatures in the environment. Or did the alien cyborg bring the nemesis bat with it? has it been in hibernation for decades or centuries sustained by the radiation from thge "leaking atomic batteries"? perhaps it was intended as a guard for the alien cyborb who was sleeping in suspended animation. it killed all the native wildlife in the region and when it lacked fresh meat it went into hibernation. The advent of the colonist triggered it's coming out of hibernation after decades or centuries of inactivity. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
May 9, 2017 - 3:01pm | Anyone carrying a insuit or neutrarad dose? Nope didn't think so. (And why not? Because no one respects Zebulons guide so why eould y ou carry Zebs guide equipment?) You can enter the ruins but risk radiation sickness (dust off my article in FE #? For rules on radiation sickness). Actually the inssuit I think originates in "Bugs in the System" ... and isn't in Knight Hawks too? No I don't respect Zebs, but it has some usable things anyway. ![]() Joe Cabadas |
![]() May 10, 2017 - 7:11am | Anyone carrying a insuit or neutrarad dose? Nope didn't think so. (And why not? Because no one respects Zebulons guide so why eould y ou carry Zebs guide equipment?) You can enter the ruins but risk radiation sickness (dust off my article in FE #? For rules on radiation sickness). Actually the inssuit I think originates in "Bugs in the System" ... and isn't in Knight Hawks too? No I don't respect Zebs, but it has some usable things anyway. ![]() Anything not AD equipment list feels like Zebs but I believe you're right about the insuit. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() May 10, 2017 - 7:11am | Anyone carrying a insuit or neutrarad dose? Nope didn't think so. (And why not? Because no one respects Zebulons guide so why eould y ou carry Zebs guide equipment?) You can enter the ruins but risk radiation sickness (dust off my article in FE #? For rules on radiation sickness). Actually the inssuit I think originates in "Bugs in the System" ... and isn't in Knight Hawks too? No I don't respect Zebs, but it has some usable things anyway. ![]() Anything not AD equipment list feels like Zebs but I believe you're right about the insuit. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() May 21, 2017 - 11:40am | Wow... great bad batty ideas... Sorry been busy exhausted with work, finally caught the current plague so bad could not even read, today finally hurting less and can really think straight... thanks to modern drugs. I think the Nemisis Beast should have something to eat in nature... some critters that have defenses against it that make the colonists and sathar easier targets. Nemi native life form, maybe a creature that can shoot quils at them, maybe another that is platted or hard exoskelton large ground insects. Maybe all the medium to big life is nocturnal? So durring the day mostly small critters are about or active. We should definetly work this up as an article for a planet of adventure... "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |