![]() March 5, 2017 - 6:26am | Decided to bring along Knight Hawks for visitation with the kids but it was almost a bust because I forgot the rule books in Maine. (My kids reside in another state so I travel for visitation). We downloaded the KHs quick reference to my phone and one of their laptops and proceded. I decided a bigger battle would be nicer, the last was 2 sathar destroyers vs 4 assault scouts with a win for the girls. This time it was 4 sathar destroyers vs 4 assault scouts 1 frigate, & 1 light cruiser. The UPF players had a small moon with a space station orbiting to defend (station had 50 PH, LB & RB X2). I also over looked the LB for the frigate when copying over its stats so it fought with one less weapon. I completely forgot to take pictures of the battle so that's a second dope slap after the one for forgetign the rule books. I gave the child that was most likely to use strategy the assault scouts and briefed her that she wanted to get behind the destroyers and stay there so as to nullify the laser cannons which are forward fire but can shoot twice- when they move and when the opposing force moves. The torpedos while devistating are only moving player only (the evasion abiltiy of the assault scout was over looked). There was no difference in ADF/MR for the frigate and CL so they flew together and I figured the older child would simply opt for flying straight at the enemy and smashing away for which the CL is well suited. I changed all the weaponry on the CL to weapons in the basic game and we just used basic game rules to keep the game moving. During the game I kept for getting to shoot the space station and end the game- my objective was to destroy the station their objective was to stop me. The last turn they moved so I shot first and took out the space station with my last two destroyers and then they shot and finished off my ships. Apparently I need to explain victory conditions and partial victories to them as they think they won. At this point the older child's attention span was flagging although the younger was still into gaming so we went back to their house and cooked pizza. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
March 5, 2017 - 10:27am | Yes, it's always good to explain what the objective of the defender is. Joe Cabadas |
![]() March 5, 2017 - 2:15pm | My daughters are more than a little blood thirsty in these sorts of games they really want to shoot something. It was a very hard concept for the youngest playing a Doctor character in an Alpha Dawn game to understand that she probably shouldn't be the frontline warrior. The youngest loves the TV show Burn Notice and identifies with Fiona Glenanne who is a skilled sniper and they would occassionally play sniper in the back seat of the car while I was driving. I'm sure the PC crowd and left leaning liberals would condem me for allowing this as it would have dire consequences for my daughters. To which I say rubbish. I played army men and cowboys and indians with toy guns and the other boys in the neighborhood running around shooting each other. I believe it leads to a healthy imagination. Buddy of mine's sister has taken the position of keeping violent toys from her kids but he tells me that at family get togethers the first thing her kids are drawn to is the toy guns. Ah but I rabbit trail. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
March 20, 2017 - 3:32pm | It was a very hard concept for the youngest playing a Doctor character in an Alpha Dawn game to understand that she probably shouldn't be the frontline warrior. The youngest loves the TV show Burn Notice and identifies with Fiona Glenanne who is a skilled sniper and they would occassionally play sniper in the back seat of the car while I was driving. I'm sure the PC crowd and left leaning liberals would condem me for allowing this as it would have dire consequences for my daughters. To which I say rubbish. I played army men and cowboys and indians with toy guns and the other boys in the neighborhood running around shooting each other. I believe it leads to a healthy imagination. Buddy of mine's sister has taken the position of keeping violent toys from her kids but he tells me that at family get togethers the first thing her kids are drawn to is the toy guns. Ah but I rabbit trail. I suppose there are people who are PC who played wargames... but somehow I think they are a minority. Joe Cabadas |