TerlObar January 31, 2017 - 6:17am | Issue 19 of the Frontier Explorer is now available from the Frontier Explorer website and DriveThruRPG. This year is the 35th anniversary of Star Frontiers and issue 19 takes us back to where we all started, Volturnus, Planet of Mystery. We have a number of articles looking at equipment, adventures, and background material about the planet. In addition we have a number of our regular features, more robot articles, a debut article from Robert Murphey (ExileInParadise) that gives us tables for determining your character’s birth world/location based on the planetary population codes in the rules, a few book reviews, and a short fiction piece. The full article list for this issue is:
Grab your copy and start exploring! Ad Astra Per Ardua! My blog - Expanding Frontier Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine Managing Editor - The Star Frontiersman Magazine |
jedion357 January 31, 2017 - 9:23am | Nice work Terl Obar. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
JCab747 January 31, 2017 - 9:39am | I saw it posted last night. A great looking issue, especially the cover. I liked the drone and cyborg miniature articles and am looking at the other ones. Joe Cabadas |
TerlObar January 31, 2017 - 7:14pm | Yeah, I got it up on the magazine website last night but didn't have a chance (was playing RuneQuest with my kids) to get it up on DriveThruRPG and start announcing it until today. Ad Astra Per Ardua! My blog - Expanding Frontier Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine Managing Editor - The Star Frontiersman Magazine |