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Planet Laco Description
![]() January 25, 2017 - 6:28am | I like the inclusion of the braided palm tree- from AD artwork, correct? You took my work and expanded it. Very nice. I like comprehensiveness. You should note that I tried to detail 4 environments in the Digging article- I started trying to describe 3-5 environments on a planet after noticing that my book on N. American Wildlife detailed over 30 distinct environments in North America alone. My goal is to give referee's some quick environmental discriptions that allow the players to travel around within the environment and not have the experience seem flat. feel free to add new environments whether broad or localized- it is a big planet afteral. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
January 31, 2017 - 10:20pm | The Laco description now includes information on the star system. I've started to incorporate information from the mini-module "On the Rocks" along with the Raith (featured in Star Frontiersman magazine and Tch's Projects). Again, most of this brief is very much inspired by Tom Verreault's work. Joe Cabadas |
February 2, 2017 - 4:51pm | This should be my finalized version of a Laco/Dixon's Star update. One thing I heavily modified was this paragraph: "Some native Frontier races claim to be the Tetrarch’s descendants – such as the J’vaarians – while others claim to have been created or enslaved by the Tetrarchs at one time. Although no archaeological evidence exists to support such assertions except for elusive references in their culture beginning legends and ancient stories." The fan-created J'vaarians are mentioned in the Star Frontiersman magazine story about the Tetrarchs, which I based my section on. However, I can hardly find any information about them so it seemed better to cut out their mention in the brief. Joe Cabadas |
![]() February 3, 2017 - 7:37am | Query: where is the asteroid belt in relationship to the planets on the system map? Natural assumption is that it would be in line with Plutarch I like the alpha numeric you developed for asteroids and comets very good stuff. I think it should be a Frontier wide convention. and could possibly be a one page filler article for the zine which doesn't seem like much but the one page filler articles are a great aid to the guy doing layout to put the zine together. To fill out such a one page a list of plot hooks involving asteroids and comets would be nice. i could certainly help with that. Finally for the laco brief I think the alpha numeric is cool but I also think some (certainly not all) GMs are either a little lazy or time poor so perhaps a list of sample "charted" asteroids would be good for the referee that just wants to grab a generic asteroid code on the fly for the encounter he's putting together. EDIT: perhaps a comment that during the Laco war Streel, being the up and coming mega corp recruited and thus legitimized pirates to beef up its corporate fleet against PGC I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() February 3, 2017 - 8:45am | In the description for Laconia settlement when it says that star ship repairs can be expensive put a parenthesis and how expensive for GMs- (X 15-30%) or (X 25%) Also the Bi-anual festival at Laconia? since the planet's year and day are X3 of the GST calendar should it not be a Tri-anual festival? I would add that the Helena resorts was also built around some invigorating hot springs with reputed medicinal qualities. That would be the lure to go to a resort on what is known as a desolate planet. No doubt there are hover bus tours to the Xinosus ruins too. I like the comment on mount Gorgas "Numerous undocumented species are believed to live here and no where else" I always like to include the possibility for referees to create and add to material. I wonder if a clarification is called for that the tetrarch building foundation in the Eye of Ra would have had to have been built after the impact that created the crator- it certainly could not predate the the impact. On dust devils, since it says the referee shouold roll for Strength, Duration and speed perhaps a dice mechanic in parenthesis should be included for speed. either 1d5+5 m per turn or 1d2 where 1 = 5mpt and 2= 10 mpt I like that the Grolm's hide acts as a skein suit but does not ablate. Very nice. you better hope the Yazirian in the party succeeds with his battle rage roll and is carrying a sonic sword. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
February 3, 2017 - 10:26am | I like the alpha numeric you developed for asteroids and comets very good stuff. I think it should be a Frontier wide convention. and could possibly be a one page filler article for the zine which doesn't seem like much but the one page filler articles are a great aid to the guy doing layout to put the zine together. To fill out such a one page a list of plot hooks involving asteroids and comets would be nice. i could certainly help with that. Finally for the laco brief I think the alpha numeric is cool but I also think some (certainly not all) GMs are either a little lazy or time poor so perhaps a list of sample "charted" asteroids would be good for the referee that just wants to grab a generic asteroid code on the fly for the encounter he's putting together. EDIT: perhaps a comment that during the Laco war Streel, being the up and coming mega corp recruited and thus legitimized pirates to beef up its corporate fleet against PGC Hi Tom, I could come up with a list of charted asteroids. Now, if we wanted to take the "On the Rocks" adventure as "canon" then Dixon's Star doesn't have an astroid belt. I tried to make that distinction in the system description, but I'll go back and look at what I wrote and see if I can make it even more succinct and clear. I remember when I first looked at the "On the Rocks" adventure, I made the incorrect assumption that Plutarch was the only asteroid in the system, which I thought was ridiculous. But, when I reread it, the writer there only mentioned that Dixon's Star didn't have a well-defined asteroid belt (my words here), which makes it a bit harder for asteroid miners, so any discovered rock with significant minerals on it is very valuable. Joe Cabadas |
February 3, 2017 - 10:36am | Also the Bi-anual festival at Laconia? since the planet's year and day are X3 of the GST calendar should it not be a Tri-anual festival? I would add that the Helena resorts was also built around some invigorating hot springs with reputed medicinal qualities. That would be the lure to go to a resort on what is known as a desolate planet. No doubt there are hover bus tours to the Xinosus ruins too. I like the comment on mount Gorgas "Numerous undocumented species are believed to live here and no where else" I always like to include the possibility for referees to create and add to material. I wonder if a clarification is called for that the tetrarch building foundation in the Eye of Ra would have had to have been built after the impact that created the crator- it certainly could not predate the the impact. On dust devils, since it says the referee shouold roll for Strength, Duration and speed perhaps a dice mechanic in parenthesis should be included for speed. either 1d5+5 m per turn or 1d2 where 1 = 5mpt and 2= 10 mpt I like that the Grolm's hide acts as a skein suit but does not ablate. Very nice. you better hope the Yazirian in the party succeeds with his battle rage roll and is carrying a sonic sword. Hmm, a tri-annual festival for the Burning Worm? Not a bad idea. I'll incorporate that. Yes, your additional idea for the Helena Resorts sounds good. I can add a clarification for the Tetrarch "temple" at the Eye of Ra. Yes, the crater is a lot older than the Tetrarch remnant. I can make the alterations for the dust devils too. The Grohm is not my creation, but rather something from a Star Frontiersman issue. I just tried to gather together all the flora and fauna in one section, but perhaps I should note where they originated from... including the Raith description which is based on the "Raith Lair" from Star Frontiersman issue 2 and from Tch's Raith rewrite on her project. I do not imagine this being rerun in Frontier Explorer, but with the relaunch of Star Frontiersman to focus on adventures, maybe there will be some opportunity down the line to create an issue dedicated to fleshing out one particular planet/star system and compile all the adventure ideas (and add some new ones)... That's just a random thought there... As noted earlier, this project is merely here to flesh out my campaign ideas and offer it out to anyone else who wants to use it. Joe Cabadas |
![]() February 3, 2017 - 11:25am | With so much work done collecting everything together it makes for a good setting book but it should have some adventure encounters. WoWL is a good model in that respect. Ideal for the SFman relaunch I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
February 3, 2017 - 12:12pm | Ideal for the SFman relaunch yes, some other adventure ideas would be good. Like something set during Laco's War... Could also use some creature/event encounter tables I'm going to be working on some exoskeleton types after reading that old disussion in the Forums. Some of what's already posted there could be turned into an article. But, one thing I noticed is that everyone was focus on solder/iron man type outfits. For a planet like Laco, the colonists would want a low-cost, easy to slip on exoskeleton rather than the light-weight, expensive, power-hungry custom-made model presented in the AD rules. Such a thing might be a bit bulkier and weigh more than the AD version, but it would allow someone to overcome some of the effects of Laco's higher gravity and not much more. I see, someone else had the idea that exoskeletons would be used by the mega-corp troops during Laco's War. Again, they would probably be looking for something that overcomes the gravity, doesn't need to be custom-made, can be strapped on fairly quickly (not 1d10 + 10 minutes to put on), and has a few extra combat features -- polyplate -- and probably combined with some of my desert survival suit ideas. And, of course, uses a lot less than 1 SEU per minute of operation. Hey, a ground cycle has a much better range than a exoskeleton and you can mount weapons to it. Joe Cabadas |
February 5, 2017 - 9:04am | EDIT: perhaps a comment that during the Laco war Streel, being the up and coming mega corp recruited and thus legitimized pirates to beef up its corporate fleet against PGC What's probably needed is a separate Laco's War section and then this information could be inserted there. Joe Cabadas |
February 5, 2017 - 12:41pm | OK, this version has several updates to it, thanks to feedback from Tom Verreault, plus I've tried to make it a little more visually appealing and improved the footnotes so you know where I obtained some of the creatures and other information. Joe Cabadas |
February 5, 2017 - 12:47pm | Ah, I noticed that Star Frontiersman magazine, issue 19, included a reprint of the "On the Rocks" adventure along with a sidebar story about the indentured servents used by the Laco Development Corporation. I'll have to look at that a bit more. Joe Cabadas |
February 11, 2017 - 12:41am |
Ah, I noticed that Star Frontiersman magazine, issue 19, included a reprint of the "On the Rocks" adventure along with a sidebar story about the indentured servents used by the Laco Development Corporation. I'll have to look at that a bit more. OK, I was hunting through some PDFs of Star Frontiersman magazine and also noted that Richard Rose (AKA Shadow Shack) had his own version of Laco in issue 10. I kind of knew about it but had forgotten it. (I knew I had seen a previous world map somewhere but couldn't find it). I will have to note in my download text that his is another source for my expanded version of Tom Verreault's Laco description. Joe Cabadas |