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Zebulon Sunset: Weapons Charts
November 3, 2016 - 10:09pm | And there seems to be a problem with the updated PDF of the weapons chart. I think it might be a problem with the website. Joe Cabadas |
November 4, 2016 - 6:35pm | Ah, finally I was able to upload an update, though it needs a few corrections. Bad page breaks when it was converted from Word to a PDF. I'll fix it later. Joe Cabadas |
November 15, 2016 - 10:50pm | Version 7 is still a work in progress (WIP) but it has some significant revisions from the previously posted charts. Notably, I've included some information from an old Dragon magazine article, "Here Comes the Cavalry" while also altering the statistics for the Zebulon missiles. Under Zebs, the missiles seemed to be way too lightweight but had a significant range and lots of firepower compared to other vehicle weapons such as cannons, howitzers and normal rockets. So, I increased the weight and cost of these missiles. I started, but have not finished, a chart to provide a few standardized missile designs. Oh, and there's the new Weapons: Dropped Ordinance skill for bombs. As you increase your level, the range categories increase. Joe Cabadas |
February 19, 2017 - 2:02pm | Here is version 11 of my weapons charts. I tried to make this more printer friendly. I removed the advanced vehicle rules, figuring I will make a separate document to post those. Please point out any typos, but I've tried to make these charts compatible with the Alpha Dawn rules. The document includes weapons and equipment that have been posted in the Dragon, Star Frontiersman and Frontier Explorer magazines as well as converting the weapons in Zebulon's guide to AD weapons ranges and the damage system. Joe Cabadas |
May 19, 2018 - 7:16am | Update 5/19/2018: Since this site is not allowing me to post new Word docs or PDFs to the downloads section -- I can post picture files, however -- I uploaded a revised version of the weapons charts tothe Star Frontiers: Alive & Well group on Facebook. --JC Joe Cabadas |