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    The Eorna of Old

    Version: 3.5
    Project: Volturnus Revisited
    File Name: ancient eorna v3.5.rtf
    File Size: 84.40 KB
    File Type: application/msword
    Updated: October 22, 2016 - 8:43am
    Submitted: JCab747
    This is the third draft of a story to look at the Eorna's civilization before the Day of Doom. It is a counterpart to my story on Volturnus Before and After the Day of Doom.

    Again, please point out any typos, areas to trim, redundancies, etc.

    jedion357's picture
    November 20, 2016 - 7:24am
    I skimmed this document and something popped into my head on the peace loving art front and prior secret dealing with one eorna government.

    What if the eorna government in secret contact with the sathar were actively trying to direct or re-engineer society to be peaceful and thus not challenge the sathar and court destruction? Sort of how Repulicans view socialist trying to change American society. They might have even been using their mind control tech on the population as well.

    Naturally some would raise alarm and conspiracy theories. and eventually a segment of society would break itself off as separatist. This group developed space flight and their ships leaving Volturnus is what triggered the Warth of the Worms.
    I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

    JCab747's picture
    November 20, 2016 - 8:39am
    jedion357 wrote:
    I skimmed this document and something popped into my head on the peace loving art front and prior secret dealing with one eorna government.

    What if the eorna government in secret contact with the sathar were actively trying to direct or re-engineer society to be peaceful and thus not challenge the sathar and court destruction? Sort of how Repulicans view socialist trying to change American society. They might have even been using their mind control tech on the population as well.

    Naturally some would raise alarm and conspiracy theories. and eventually a segment of society would break itself off as separatist. This group developed space flight and their ships leaving Volturnus is what triggered the Warth of the Worms.

    That's another interesting view. Maybe you could forward it to Tom Stephens? I already submitted my story for consideration... it's rather long already as you can see, but if he wants me to add that in -- and see if I can trim it somewhere else -- I'll do it and you would get credit in the story.
    Joe Cabadas

    jedion357's picture
    November 26, 2016 - 7:33am
    Your story is your story. I just gave feed back.

    at most we could present an alternate view but I think that might muddle the waters
    I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!