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    Star Frontiers Zebulon Sunset 2: Library of Skills, 2nd ed.

    Version: 2
    Project: Joe's Half-Baked Ideas
    File Name: 2Library of Skills2nd ed2.doc
    File Size: 7.21 MB
    File Type: application/msword
    Updated: March 22, 2018 - 6:50am
    Submitted: JCab747
    This updated Library of Skills combines several former independent skills into one. For example, the Political and Diplomacy skills are combined; the Medical treatment skills of controling diseases, infections and infestations have been combined; Geology and Geophysics are now under the skill Sciences: Planetology, etc.

    Some skills can now be purchased as one-time modifiers for other skills.

    For example:


    Type: Biosocial, Espionage,Spacer, Criminal

    SuccessRate:Automatic (Special)

    Pr:  None

    Thisskill gives the character the ability to manage others in some sort of businessor bureaucratic structure along with in-depth knowledge of management practicesand theories. A character with this skill receives a +10 percent bonus modifierwhen using other skills such as Persuasion, Bluff/Haggle, etc. or a Personalityor Leadership check when dealing with individuals in a business environment.The character also receives a +10 percent bonus when using the BusinessAdministration sub-skills.

    Oh, yeah, Business Administration combines the former separate skills such as Analyze Business Systems, Economics and Finace.


    JCab747's picture
    February 17, 2018 - 9:39pm
    Feb. 17, 2018: New version cleans up several typos, revises some of the "soft skills" such as politics/diplomacy so they provide a bonus to ability checks.
    Joe Cabadas