April 30, 2016 - 4:38pm | Over on the wiki site is a posting about the United Planetary Marine Corps (http://starfrontiers.wikia.com/wiki/United_Planetary_Federation_Marine_Corps), it is a fan-created organization that was submitted by SpectreVA6 back in August 2015. It seems like something that should be in the game, but nothing has really been updated about it since the original posting. Spectre VA6 certainly has a good looking logo: Joe Cabadas |
April 30, 2016 - 4:41pm | I think the description, though could use a bit of work plus it could use a bit more background as to why it would have been created. I'll copy and paste the original text, some suggestions I had provide last year -- before joining this site -- and some of the pros and cons of other responders... Overall, though, Spectre VA6's creation can certainly fit with many other fan-base organizations. Would anyone else like to help give this thing a bit more life? Joe Cabadas |
April 30, 2016 - 4:43pm | Spectre VA6's text: A Primer on the United Planetary Federation Marine Corps The United Planetary Federation Marine Corps (UPFMC) was formed a few years prior to Sathar War II, it was modeled after the Clarion Royal Marines of the White Light system. Their primary role at the time was to act as security detail and boarding crew for UPFS vessels and UPF Forts and Space Stations. During the Clarion Uprisings, under UPF Security Council directive 89, ordered a detachment of Space fleet starships (only two brand new Thunderbolt class assault scouts arrived with no crew) to assist the Clarion Royal Marines in patrolling their system. Training
A Primer on the United Planetary Federation Marine Corps The United Planetary Federation Marine Corps (UPFMC) was formed a few years prior to Sathar War II, it was modeled after the Clarion Royal Marines of the White Light system. Their primary role at the time was to act as security detail and boarding crew for UPFS vessels and UPF Forts and Space Stations. During the Clarion Uprisings, under UPF Security Council directive 89, ordered a detachment of Space fleet starships (only two brand new Thunderbolt class assault scouts arrived with no crew) to assist the Clarion Royal Marines in patrolling their system. History During the Clarion Uprisings an attack occurred aboard Clarion Station. Following the attack, the UPF Security Council responded to the request of Clarion monarchy for assistance. All four Marine Regiments were brought planet side to conduct COIN operations. Within two years, the insurgents were crushed. The Coprs gained a great deal of experience in low-intensity conflicts and special operations. With the threat of SW II coming, the White Light sector requested that a new White Light fleet be formed to help cover that part of the UPF. With Prenglar and Cassidine being more likely targets Spacefleet assigned a rag tag group of ships to White Llight, the largest vessel being a light cruiser, the UPFS Aegis. Since the UPF had no standing army, and with planetary militias being the only defense against an invasion, Marine regiments were deployed to strategic locations across the Frontier. The 1st Marine Regiment was assigned to Prenglar, 2nd Marine Regiment was assigned to Cassidine, and the 3rd Marine Regiment was assigned to Truane's Star. The 4th Marine Regiment remained in the White Light Sector. In FY91 a Satharfleet arrived in White Light. The small UPF fleet together with Royal Marine ships mounted a valiant defense against the invasion force. Despite this, a few Sathar drop ships were able to land on Clarion with a unit approximately a regiment in size. Sathar spies had sabotaged planetary defenses and assassinated all of the high-ranking command officers, leaving the militia in disarray. The 4th Marines, being the only remaining organized fighting unit planet-side, were able to respond quickly to the attack. As the unit's CO was a former Clarion Royal Marines, he knew the planet very well, and was able to organize a counter attack with the remaining Royal Clarion Guards that decimated the Sathar force. During the fighting, King Leotus XIX of Clarion being killed. A small extraction team of UPF Force Recon Marines and elements of the Clarion Royal Guards were able to evacuate his daughter Leotia XX to safety preserving the royal line. The Sathar fleet was destroyed in White Light, but had succeeded in taking smaller systems where there was little or no resistance, leaving the Frontier on the brink of collapse. The Security Council ordered the formation of the UPF Landlfeet, to be the new, standing army of the UPF. As a result, the Corps would be restricted in terms of size, but would keep its role in anti-sathar operations while Landfleet was still being mustered. White Light-based company Eversafe Enterprises developed a new weapon system called Powered Assault Armor (PAA) based on an exoskeleton currently in use by Corps. The Security Council authorized the formation of PAA units, with Eversafe dictating that only UPFMC units would have access to use the armor. The Corps formed two elite units specially trained for global assault missions. All veteran UPF marines and Spec Ops personnel were ordered to attend a new training school at Camp David for Space Marine Raider training. The 1st Space Marine Raider battalion and 2nd Space Marine Raider battalions were organized under the command of a Colonel. These units would lead the way in liberating those systems that were taken by the Sathar. The UPFMC was now four divisions in size. Each was assigned a sector in the Frontier. The 1st Space Marine Raider battalion was assigned to the White Light sector and would attempt to liberate Theseus. That would be where they found intelligence about the existence of Outpost 1. With Landfleet 90% combat ready, it was decided to have the them spearhead the global assault on Outpost 1. The Corps was ordered to sit the engagement out, except for the 1st and 2nd Space Marine Raider battalions. Their mission was to insert into Outpost 1 and destroy planetary defenses standing in the way of Landfleet's landing zones. Landfleet succeeded in landing 80% of their forces while the Raiders took 60% casualties. The Raiders were send back to White Light for refit but were no longer reassigned to Outpost 1. After SW II all Marine divisions were reorganized to regiment-sized units with battalion sized expeditionary forces scattered iacrossf the Frontier. All will use Powered Assault Armor. There are three types, the Command Suit, the Marauder Suit, and the Scout Suit are being built. Only Marines from MEU Force Recon (SOC) will be initially trained on these suits. Joe Cabadas |
April 30, 2016 - 4:46pm | My original critique (with any typos): Overview The United Planetary Federation Marine Corps (UPFMC) was formed in a few years before the Second Sathar War (SWII). Modeled after the Clarion Royal Marines of the White Light System, the UPF Marines’ primary role at the time of its inception was to act as security detail and boarding crew for UPFS vessels, UPF Forts and Space Stations. Since the Second Sathar War, the marines have been deployed throughout the Frontier. It is organized to rapidly respond to developing crisis – faster than the Landfleet. Origins The genesis of the UPFMC dates back to just before the Clarion Uprisings. Realizing the need for a specialized force for Spacefleet vessels, the UPF Security Council issued directive 89, which ordered a detachment of Space Fleet starships, consisting of two brand new Thunderbolt Class Assault Scouts plus crews of handpicked junior lieutenants from Gollwin Academy, to White Light to train with the Clarion Royal Marine Space Command on Clarion Station. These Spacefleet officers would form the nucleus of the UPFMC. They attended 20 days of Marine Combat Training which was composed of Visit, Board, Search and Seizure (VBBS), Personal Security Detail (PDS), Hostage Rescue (HR), Close Quarter Combat (CQB), Zero G Combat (ZGC), PGS and Beam Weapons Training plus Martial Arts Training. After training, these officers were sent on their first assignment on CMS Osprey, a famed Clarion Militia Ship before SWII. After completing almost a month of duty and learning from the royal marine officer in charge, Spacefleet officers were aboard the CMS Osprey when it began what initially appeared to be a routine cargo inspection; instead, the mission turned into a Sathar attempt to board the assault scout. After the crew successfully repelled the Sathar attack, the UPF Security Council decided to create its own version of the Clarion Royal Marines. It authorized the formation of the UPF Marine Corps. Originally the UPFMC had four regiments plus various marine detachments for security aboard UPF Spacefleet (UPFSF) vessels and space stations. Placed under Spacefleet Command, the marines were assigned to White Light as their headquarters (HQ) and mustering facility. Training All marines attend 32 weeks of Basic Marine Training and 3 weeks Advanced Training. It is the longest basic infantry training course in the entire Frontier with the Clarion Royal Marines running second. They are trained to operate in the many different environments of the Frontier. Once they completed 20 days Marine Space Combat training at Clarion Station, midshipmen from the Academy had a choice between going into the Spacefleet or the Marine Corps after their graduation. Disappointingly, the many members of the first few classes of midshipmen opted to join the Spacefleet rather than the UPFMC. It seems the promise of being a commander of a starship in eight years was more appealing. Most of the UPFMC’s first commissioned officers came from its ranks of non-commissioned officers (NCOs) who attended the Marine Officer Command School (OCS). Clarion Uprisings During the Clarion Uprisings, rebels attacked Clarion Station. UPF Marines and Royal Marines fought side by side and thwarted the planned takeover of space station. As the situation in White Light grew tense, the Clarion monarchy asked the UPF for help. The Security Council answered the request by sending in all four UPFMC regiments to Clarion to conduct counterinsurgency (COIN) operations. Within two years, the insurgents were crushed. During the conflict, the UPFMC gained much experience in low Intensity conflicts and special operations during their stay in Clarion. With the threat of SWII coming, planets in the White Light Sector requested the UPF to form a new fleet to help cover that region. Although Spacefleet command deemed Prenglar and Cassidine to be the more likely targets of a Sathar strike, White Light also seemed vulnerable. The UPFSF assigned a ragtag group of ships to White Light with its largest vessel being the light cruiser, the UPFS Aegis. Since the UPF had no standing army until the creation of the Landfleet, planetary militias and the marines were the only defense against a land invasion. The UPFMC Regiments were deployed other important sectors of the Frontier. The 1st Marine Regiment was assigned to Prenglar, 2nd Marine Regiment was assigned to Cassidine, the 3rd Marine Regiment to Truane’s Star and the 4th Marines remained in the White Light Sector. Second Sathar War In FY91 a Sathar fleet arrived in White Light which turned out to be an invasion force. The small UPF fleet together with the Royal Marine ships put a valiant fight against the invading worms, yet the Sathar landed a regiment sized force on Clarion. Later it was learned that Sathar spies had sabotaged Clarion Defenses and assassinated all its high command officers, leaving its planetary militia in disarray. The 4th Marines were the only organized fighting unit planet side and they responded quickly to the attack. The marines’ CO was formerly of the Clarion Royal Marines and he knew the planet very well. He organized a counter attack with the remaining Royal Clarion Guards, decimating the Sathar assault force but at cost of the King Leotus XIX of Clarion being killed. A small extraction team of UPF Force Recon Marines with elements of the Clarion Royal Guards sprinted Princes Leotia XX (King Leotus’ daughter) to safety thus preserving the royal line. Although the Sathar fleet was destroyed in White Light, the worms conquered smaller systems where there was little or no resistance. With the Frontier was on a brink of destruction, the UPF Security Council ordered the formation of the UPF Landfleet as its standing army. The UPFMC was restricted in size but kept its role to conduct anti-Satharian operations in the Frontier. A White Light-based company – Eversafe – developed a new weapon system called powered assault armor (PAA) based off an exoskeleton used by UPF Marines. The UPF Security Council then authorized the formation of PAA units, but Eversafe insisted that only UPFMC units would use it. The UPFMC formed two elite units that were specially trained for global assault missions. All veteran UPF marines and Spec Ops personnel were reassigned to attend a new training school Camp David for Space Marine Raider training. The 1st Space Marine Raider battalion and 2nd Space Marine Raider battalions were placed under the command of a colonel. These units lead the way in liberating the small systems that were taken by the Sathar. During SW II, the UPFMC grew to four divisions in size and its units were assigned each a sector in the Frontier. The 1st Space Marine Raider battalion was assigned to the White Light Sector to liberate the Theseus system. During that operation, they discovered the intel about the Sathar forces on Outpost 1. Once the Landfleet reported it was 90 percent combat ready, its leadership decided to spearhead the assault on Outpost 1. UPFMC was ordered to sit back except for the 1st and 2nd Space Marine Raider battalions. The raiders’ mission was to insert into Outpost 1 and destroy any planetary batteries and other defenses around the Landfleet’s landing zones. Although the Landfleet succeeded in landing 80 percent of its forces, the Raiders took 60 percent casualties. The marine raiders were send back to White Light for refit but were not reassigned to Outpost 1. Postwar Developments After the SW II all marine divisions were downsized to regiment size with battalion expeditionary units scattered in different sectors of the Frontier. The marines now have three basic types of PAAs, the Command Suit, the Marauder Suit and the Scout Suit. Only Marines from Force Recon from MEU (SOC) will be the first trained with these new powered armor suits. Joe Cabadas |
April 30, 2016 - 4:49pm | Other Critiques Worth Noting: The primary issue is that the “canon” Star Frontiers setting (Alpha Dawn, Knight Hawks, and even Zebulon’s Guide) does not support the existence of a dedicated Spacefleet Marine Corps as presented herein; articles would be speculation on fanon, which is beyond the scope of this Wiki. You could delve into the Spacefleet Security (FleetSec) issue to explain why a UPF Marine Corps would be different.
A “space marine”—as mentioned in the Alpha Dawn rule book – could just be a slang term for an NPC with a beam weapons skill. This does not preclude the later creation of a UPF Marine Corps. Much like a “mall cop” doesn’t prevent a city from having a police force.
On the surface, the creation of the Landfleet may seem to make a Marine Corps redundant, but we can look at real life to see that isn’t necessarily the case. The US Marine Corps does many functions that the US Army does, but it specializes in certain types of combat missions. The same could be true for a UPF Marine Corps.
One could argue that a UPF Marine Corps for boarding actions isn’t necessary because the Sathar tend to blow up their ships. Except the UPF faces other space borne threats, such as pirates, the Zuraqqor and the Clikk where a specialized boarding force might come in useful.
Now for some questions to ponder. What would the status of the UPF Marine Corps be after the Second Sathar War? If the marines distinguished themselves well during the war, would they still be under the Spacefleet or might they not be given their own separate command structure?
What kind of ranking system would they use? Would it be the Spacefleet’s naval-type ranks such as Admiral, Captain, etc. or the more typical General, Colonel, Major, etc. I would tend toward the ground pounder ranking system.
Joe Cabadas |
April 30, 2016 - 4:49pm | So, is this a topic worth tackling in this setting? Joe Cabadas |
![]() April 30, 2016 - 8:51pm | I'm liking this. I favor a small marine force attached to space fleet. This would make space fleet self sufficient in space and when dealing with open territory that is not part of any government. I fancy them attacking Sathar listening posts. -iggy |
May 2, 2016 - 12:08pm | I sent a message to Spectre VA6 through the wiki site and asked if he would join the discussion here, since he is the originator of this organization. One of my thoughts is to help come up with a bit more of a background story for why the UPF Marine Corps would be formed. It needs to fill a need that Star Law and the Spacefleet personnel can't or don't do well. Again, boarding actions and ground operations come to my mind. Perhaps Spacefleet Security (FleetSec) suffers a scandal and some bright officer sees the opportunity to create his/her/its (if a Dralasite) own fiefdom. If recent history is any guide -- with the creation of the FBI, ATF and more recently the growth of the Department of Homeland Security -- once a governmental organization is created, it is rarely, if ever, disbanded. Joe Cabadas |
![]() May 3, 2016 - 4:35am | The primary mission of the Marine Corp is the security and safety of Navy personnel and equipment. They were the loyal force a captain had to keep the crew in line. It was John Paul Jones who first used them as ground troops. They have since expanded that role to a larger combat role but still perform security on naval vessels and installations and are the primary security at embassies and consulates for the US. If you are looking for UPF Marine history that could be a good start. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() May 11, 2016 - 8:04am | As to roll, ship board security is obvious, hitting the beach style operations IE hostile landing and securing LZ from orbit, Recon scouts, snipers, etc. Clearly we're talking about the USMC as a model but we might also consider the navel infantry deployed by some European powers notably during colonial times. However, any use of the word marine will bring about an automatic association with the USMC. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() May 15, 2016 - 12:52pm | How about UPF Star Corp, Stellar Corp, Cosmic Corp, Astro Corp: Marine refers to sea/ocean. Stellar/Star/Space/Cosmic/Cosmo/Astro and ilk would refer to space the same way. ??? "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() May 15, 2016 - 1:45pm | They change over from Marine to something else is not something military does too often. The military is very tradition bound so may not change even if the original purpose does. One example would be the term cavalry. There are extremely few horse equiped units left in any armed force there are many units equiped with tanks, infantry carriers and helicopters who call themselves cavalry. The military units of the United Kingdom still use many of the Napoleonic military terms in their names like Dragoons, Fusiliers, Queen's Rifles (from when the rest of the army was armed with muskets) Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
May 15, 2016 - 2:09pm | Dear Tch and Rattraveller: You both raise good points. Keep in mind that the UPF Marine Corps is not my creation... If we changed the name then we loose the neat logo that Spectre V6 created. I'm inclined to keep it as the marines because we know what they are -- troops for the navy or in this case, the Spacefleet. Even the Star Trek universe uses Marines... and then there are those unfortunate soldiers from the movie Aliens. I doubt we could use "Starship Troopers." What I'd like though is to come up with a ranking system for this group. I think the general, colonel, lieutenant colonel... on down would work rather than using the Spacefleet's ranking system just so this keeps in the flair of being a separate military organization. How about coming up with some reasons why the UPF created a separate branch for its Spacefleet. If UPF ships were relying on their gunners to be the so-called "space marines," maybe there's been a few horrible incidents where most of a ship's gunners were killed in a boarding action, leaving the Spacefleet vessel vulnerable when another enemy/pirate ship appeared? Maybe Spacefleet Security is beset by some scandal(s) which allows some ambitious people within Spacefleet to create their own "kingdom" -- i.e. the UPF Marine Corps. And, even after the creation of the Landfleet, as we can tell about government entities, they rarely are abolished or folded into other organizations. An example would be the ATF (bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms). Anyway, just some random thoughts. Joe Cabadas |
![]() May 15, 2016 - 5:25pm | I agree about the logo. Well, ships fly around a blow each other up, but in war you need ground forces to deal with other ground forces, to deal with populace of a planet. Ships used to have marines as security too. So a land force or landing force is just a fact, you need them. So I would bill the Marines as that. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() May 18, 2016 - 2:40pm | The term I think you're looking for is SPACE RANGER. ;) I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |