April 30, 2016 - 8:06am | Spaceship skills are divided into four areas: Astrogation, Gunnery, Piloting and Spaceship Engineering. Gunnery is further divided into Energy Weapon and Rocket Weapon fields. Characters from other professions can learn Starship skills if they have the necessary basic skills. There is a special breed of Spacers – those who were born into the profession. They automatically receive the skill Adroitness (see below) and other benefits. General Spacer Skills Please see the downloads section of this project where you can get the latest, up-to-date version.Joe Cabadas |
August 6, 2016 - 8:13am | Astrogation Characters trained in astrogation can make the complicated calculations required to take a starship on a safe course through the Void. Astrogators also have a chance to pinpoint their location in the galaxy if, for some reason, an interstellar jump deposits them somewhere other than their intended destination. All of the skills listed below are sub-skills of astrogation; because of its complicated nature, this skill costs more than other Knight Hawks skills. Please see the downloads section of this project for the most up-to-date version.Joe Cabadas |
August 6, 2016 - 8:14am | Spaceship Engineering Spaceship engineers are trained in the construction, maintenance and repair of spaceships. A skillful engineer often can save a damaged ship from destruction. Please see the download section for the most up-to-date versionJoe Cabadas |
August 6, 2016 - 8:19am | Spaceship Gunnery A ship's weapons can be fired by the ship's computer if no characters with Gunnery skill are aboard, but ship gunners increase a spaceship's effectiveness in combat. The gunnery skills are: · Please see the download section for the most up-to-date version. Joe Cabadas |
April 30, 2016 - 8:10am | Piloting Piloting skill allows a character to fly a spaceship. Rising levels of piloting skill represent both an improvement in flying ability and the ability to handle larger craft. Star Pilot 1 (Hull Size 1-3) Success Rate: ½ RS + 10 percent per level Pr: Computers: Access & Operate 1, Vehicles: Atmospheric 3 This skill enables a Star Pilot to fly any spacecraft of hull size 3 or smaller. Excelling in this skill means the pilot is adept at maneuvering smaller, faster vessels as well as leaving and re-entering an atmosphere. Other skills include docking and refueling the ship. Ships that can operate within an atmosphere are controlled using the Vehicles: Atmospheric skill when in an atmosphere. Many Star Pilots specialize in this skill to become crack fighter pilots or operate smaller commercial or smuggling ships. This skill covers the expertise of operating a space vessel in complex maneuvers including docking, landing, and take-off from planets (not including flying the vessel as an atmospheric craft), acceleration and deceleration, orbiting, evading missile fire, improving accuracy of forward-firing weapons, and improving the MR of a space-vessel in a Zero-G environment. By dividing the separate skills into the operation of progressive hull sizes, pilots could become very adept at flying a huge capital ship, which doubtless involves its own distinct considerations, but have little experience piloting a snub-fighter and vice-versa. Star Pilot 2 (Hull Size 4-8) Success Rate: ½ RS + 10 percent per level Pr: Star Pilot 1, level 2 This skill specializes in the techniques necessary for piloting space craft with hull sizes ranging from 4 to 8. Excelling in this skill means the pilot is adept at maneuvering larger ships like frigates and destroyers. Star Pilot 3 (Hull Size 9-12) Success Rate: ½ RS + 10 percent per level Pr: Star Pilot 2, level 2 This skill specializes in the techniques necessary for piloting space craft with hull sizes ranging from 9 to 12. Other skills include docking and refueling the ship. Excelling in this skill means the pilot is adept at maneuvering even larger ships like assault transports and spaceliners. Star Pilot 4 (Hull Size 13+) Success Rate: ½ RS + 10 percent per level Pr: Star Pilot 3, level 2 This skill specializes in the techniques necessary for piloting spacecraft of hull size 13 or larger. Other skills include docking and refueling the ship. Characters at this level could become very adept at flying a huge capital ship, which doubtless involves its own distinct considerations. Star Pilot: Evasion Success Rate: - 3 percent x SL from ship's chance of being hit Pr: Star Pilot 1 This skill need only be purchased once for use on any starship the pilot has expertise in flying. The pilot of a fighter or assault scout can increase the ship's inherent ability to avoid enemy fire. As explained in the Knight Hawks rules, fighters and scouts can try to evade enemy torpedoes by using their full maneuver rating to dodge. Besides the enemy's usual modifier for shooting at an evading target, there is an additional modifier of -3 percent x the evading pilot's skill level. EXAMPLE: Jason Rhegra is a 2nd level fighter pilot. If he evades, the total modifier is -31 percent: -25 percent because the fighter has an MR of 5, and (-3% x2) = -6% because of Rhegra's pilot skill. Star Pilot: Increase Accuracy of Forward Firing Weapons Success Rate: +5 percent x skill level Pr: Star Pilot 1 This skill need only be purchased once for use on any starship the pilot has expertise in flying. The pilot of a ship that carries assault rockets, a laser cannon or a disruptor beam cannon can add 5 percent x his skill level to that weapon's chance to hit. This reflects the pilot's skill in lining up the weapon for an accurate shot Star Pilot: Increase Maneuver Rating Success Rate: 10 percent x skill level Pr: Star Pilot 1 This skill need only be purchased once for use on any starship the pilot has expertise in flying. On a given turn, a pilot has a chance to turn his ship more than its MR will allow. This chance is 10 percent per level of the pilot. If the skill check is successful, the pilot can make an additional 60 degree (one hexside) facing change during that movement. This skill and the evasion bonus cannot be used during the same turn. It cannot be used by a pilot whose ship has no MR points (due to damage, etc.). Joe Cabadas |
August 6, 2016 - 8:20am | Hey, you should know the routine by now. Please go to downloads. Joe Cabadas |