April 29, 2016 - 9:36pm |
Joe Cabadas |
April 29, 2016 - 9:39pm | SKILL BACKGROUND NOTES AUTOMATIC SKILLS Agility, Charisma, Endurance, and Intelligence are all professional automatic skills. When a character chooses his profession he automatically receives is: Techex – Agility; Explorer – Charisma; Enforcer – Endurance; Espionage – Alertness, Recognize and Use Spy Gadgets, Situational Awareness; Scispec – Intelligence; Spacer – Adroitness; and Mentalist – Mental Prowess. There is no other way to select these skills and their game use is only when the character is being created. · Adroitness provides 7 points that can be split between Dexterity and Logic · Alertness gives a character a 15% bonus on Intuition rolls. · Agility provides 7 points that can be split between Dexterity and Reaction Speed. · Charisma provides 7 points that can be split between Personality and Leadership. · Endurance provides 7 points that can be split between Strength and Stamina. · Intelligence provides 7 points that can be split between Intuition and Logic. · Mental Prowess adds an immediate 5 points to Logic and allows the character to eventually increase his Logic score 20 points above his racial maximum. · Recognize and Use Spy Gadgets provides a spy the ability spot and possibly use an unfamiliar covert gadget. · Situational Awareness for a spy adds ½ his skill level, rounded up, to his Initiative Modifier (IM); adds 10% per skill level to surprise checks; and provides a skill to recognize dangerous situations. Joe Cabadas |
April 30, 2016 - 4:48am | Enforcer/Military The purpose of the enforcer profession is to provide protection and enforce federation or planetary law, corporate rules, or employer interests, whichever fits the character's occupational standing. Typical enforcers work as Star Lawmen, corporate security personnel, private investigators, and mercenary soldiersEnforcers automatically gain the Endurance skill when they start the game.
Enforcer/military professionals can chose between five starting careers including: Bodyguard, Combat Specialist, Investigator, Police or Security Specialist. These careers include ten level 1 skills for the cost of only 8 experience points. Of course, the player is free to design their characters differently without the benefits of a starting career. Bodyguard. You’ve been trained as a “close protection officer” for a corporation or government official, or you been a bouncer for a bar. Either way, your goal has been to intimidate others to the point where they don’t want to pick a fight. Initial skills: Blind-Fighting 1, Law 1, Pumping Federanium, Robotics: Identification 1, Running 1, Weapons: Beam 1, Weapons: Martial Arts 1, Weapons: Melee 1 and Weapons: P.G.S. 1. Combat Specialist. You were a soldier in one of the Frontier militaries. Now you’ve mustered out. Initial skills: Body Speak, Running 1, Climbing 1, Weapons: Beam 1, Weapons: Demolitions 1, Weapons: Melee 1, Weapons: Missile 1, Weapons: Grenades/Thrown 1, Weapons: P.G.S.1 and Vehicles: Cars 1. Investigator. Your either a CSI (crime scene investigator) or the next Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot and your goal is to solve crimes. Treat Forensic Medicine as a professional skill for terms of advancement. Initial skills: Alertness, Ballistics 1, Computers: Access & Operate 1, Interrogation 1, Investigation 1, Forgery 1, Forensic Medicine 1, Law 1, Surveillance 1, Weapons (character choice) 1. Police. You’ve worked for Star Law or one of the various planetary or municipal police forces. You hunt down criminals. Initial skills: Communication Devices: Operate 1, Computers: Access & Operate 1, Interrogation 1, Investigation 1, Law 1, Running 1, Robotics: Identification 1, Weapons: Beam 1, Weapons: Martial Arts 1 and Vehicles: Cars 1. Security Specialist. Your job’s been more behind the scenes, to monitor events, but that doesn’t mean you’re unable to defend yourself. Initial skills: Communications Devices: Operate 1, Computers: Access & Operate 1, Cryptography 1, Forgery 1, Law 1, Photography 1, Security Systems: Access & Operate 1, Security Systems: Deactivate 1 and Security Systems: Detect 1, Weapons (player choice) 1.Joe Cabadas |
April 30, 2016 - 4:51am | Techex/Technological Techex is the common name given to a member of the Technical Expert profession. The techex's job is to build, direct, maintain, and repair his employer's technical equipment, computers, and robots. Typical positions held by a techex include Star Law computer expert, corporate robotics development, research and maintenance personnel, private contractor, or technology. Techexes automatically gain the Agility skill when they start the game.
Techex professionals can chose between five starting careers including: Engineer, Gunsmith, Roboticist, Technician and Vehicle Expert. These careers include ten level 1 skills for the cost of only 8 experience points. Of course, the player is free to design their characters differently without the benefits of a starting career. Engineer. You are an engineering school graduate and ready to make your mark in the industry. Initial skills: Acoustics 1, Chemistry 1, Computers: Access & Operate 1, Engineer: Alternate Energy 1, Engineer: Architectural 1, Engineer: Civil 1, Engineer: Hydraulic 1, Engineer: Mechanical 1, Optics 1 and Physics 1. Gunsmith. You’re a technician with a military background. You know how to repair jammed guns and repair armor – and defend yourself too. Computers: Access & Operate 1, Computers: Display Information 1, Computers: Repair Bodycomp/Specialized 1, Defenses: Repair 1, Power Read, Machinery Operation 1, Machinery Repair 1, Weapons (player choses two) and Weapons: Repair 1. Roboticist. You design, build and experiment with robots – at least that’s your goal in life. Initial skills: Computers: Access & Operate 1, Robotics: Activate/Deactivate 1, Robotics: Alter Functions 1, Robotics: Alter Mission 1, Robotics: Identification 1, Robotics: List Functions 1, Robotics: Modifications 1, Robotics: Remove Security Locks 1, Robotics: Repair 1 and Power Read. Technician. You could be the next great computer hacker or computer security specialist. Initial skills: Communication Devices: Operate 1, Communications Devices: Repair 1, Computers: Access & Operate 1, Computers: Bypass Security 1, Computers: Defeat Security 1, Computers: Display Information 1, Computers: Interface 1, Computers: Program Manipulation 1, Computers: Program Writing 1 and Computers: Repair Mainframe 1. Vehicle Expert. If it flys, hovers, rolls – or doesn’t – you know how to drive it or make it work. Initial skills: Power Read, Vehicle: Aquatic 1, Vehicle: Atmospheric 1, Vehicle: Cars 1, Vehicle: Cycles 1, Vehicle: Machinery 1, Vehicle: Repair 1, Vehicle: Space 1, Vehicle: Stunt Driving 1 and Vehicle: Transports 1. Joe Cabadas |
April 30, 2016 - 4:52am | Scispec/Biosolcial Scispec is the common name given to a member of the Scientific Specialist profession who are involved in the sciences, life and health. The job of the scispec is to oversee scientific expeditions, conduct experiments, and provide medical aid. Typical positions held by a scispec include Star Law science specialist, Star Law medic, exobiologist, corporate research expedition member, and independent doctor. Scispec characters automatically gain the Intelligence skill when they start the game.
Scispec/Biosocial professionals can chose between five starting careers including: Academic/Corporate Researcher, Combat/Star Law Medic, Scientist, Physician and Psychotherapist. These careers include ten level 1 skills for the cost of only 8 experience points. Of course, the player is free to design their characters differently without the benefits of a starting career. Combat/Star Law Medic. You’re trained to extract badly wounded officers or fellow soldiers from dangerous situations and get them to the hospital. You can also provide first aid treatment. Initial skills: Medical Devices 1, Medical Diagnosis 1, Medical Treatment: Disease 1, Medical Treatment: Infection 1, Medical Treatment: Poison 1, Medical Treatment: Wounds I (First Aid) 1, Weapons (player choice of two), Vehicle: Atmospheric 1 and Vehicle: Transports 1. Academic/Corporate Researcher. You’re ready to be the next Indiana Jones or the great Vrusk exobiologist Tsk’illitti’kkl. Initial skills: Academics 1, Archaeology 1, Appraisals 1, Cartography 1, Chemistry 1, Finding Directions 1, Gemology 1, Geology 1, Geophysics 1, and Mathematics 1. Scientist. You are engaged in the systematic approach to gain knowledge. Initial skills: Acoustics 1, Biology 1, Botany 1, Computers: Access & Operate 1, Chemistry 1, Geology 1, Optics 1, Physics 1, Toxicology 1 and Zoology 1. Physician. You practice medicine in order to promote, maintain or restore the health of Frontier races. Initial skills: Computers: Access & Operate 1, Medical Devices 1, Medical Diagnosis 1, Medical Treatment: Disease 1, Medical Treatment: Infection 1, Medical Treatment: Poison 1, Medical Treatment: Wounds I (First Aid) 1, Medical Treatment: Wounds II level 1, Medical Treatment: Wounds III level 1 and Medical Treatment: Wounds IV level 1. Psychotherapist. You interact with patients to help change their patient's thoughts, feelings, and behavior through adaptation. Psychotherapists provide treatment in individual and group settings. Some therapist include drug and alcohol counselors, ordained priests, ministers, and rabbis. Initial skills: Analyze Business System/Setting 1, Analyze Social System 1, Computers: Access & Operate 1, Empathetic Understanding 1, Etiquette 1, Hypnosis 1, Persuasion 1, Psychopathology 1, Psychotherapy 1 and Theology 1.Joe Cabadas |
April 30, 2016 - 4:54am | Explorer The purpose of the explorer profession is to operate alone or in small groups on an unexplored planet or as guides or scouts for scientific or military expeditions. Typical positions held by explorers include Star Law scout, mercenary strike force or commando team member, corporate spy, and advance emissary to primitive cultures.
Explorers automatically gain the Charisma skill when they start the game.
Explorer professionals can chose between four starting careers including: First Contact Specialist, Infiltrator, Marine and Wilderness Expert. These careers include ten level 1 skills for the cost of only 8 experience points. Of course, the player is free to design their characters differently without the benefits of a starting career. First Contact Specialist. You are trained in the art of making not only the first contact with new civilizations, but also to maneuver through the Byzantine politics and societies of the Frontier. Initial skills: Appraisal 1, Bluff 1, Communication 1, Communications Devices: Operate 1, Dramatics 1, Empathetic Understanding 1, Haggling 1, Persuasion 1, Politics 1 and Society 1. Infiltrator. Whether by land or water – or sometimes air and space – your job is to get in close and scout out potential enemies and sometimes leave a nasty surprise. Body Speak, Camouflage 1, Climbing 1, Communication Devices: Operate 1, Concealment 1, Demolitions 1, Stealth 1, Swimming 1, Weapons: Beam 1 and Weapons: Melee 1. Marine. You’re an expert at water operations. Body Speak, Climbing 1, Concealment 1, Demolitions 1, Survival 1, Swimming 1, Vehicles: Aquatic 1, Weapons: P.G.S. 1, Weapons: Melee 1 and Weapons: Repair 1. Wilderness Expert. You could be the next famed explorer like Alorne Zebulon. The wilderness – any wilderness in the Frontier and beyond – is your home. Initial skills: Analyze Animal Behavior 1, Animal Taming 1, Animal Training 1, Climbing 1, Find Directions 1, Making Items/Structures 1, Ride Mount 1, Stable Mount 1, Stealth 1, Survival 1 and Tracking 1. Joe Cabadas |
April 30, 2016 - 4:55am | Espionage Espionage professionals cover a wide-range individuals from those who research open information published in the Frontier media, to electronic gathering of encrypted data and conduct codebreaking (also called cryptanalysis or cryptography), to interpreting images. But then there are those who conduct prisoner interrogations, to covertly gathering information either directly or through a network of informants. The nature of the profession often requires require espionage professionals to lie, hide information, or use covert tactics to protect their "cover," access, sources, and responsibilities. Intelligence agencies expect, teach, encourage, and control these tactics so that the lies are consistent and supported – a term known as "backstopped." Espionage agents teach others to lie, deceive, steal, launder money, and perform a variety of other activities that are certainly be illegal and condemned by Star Law. These tactics – known as the "tradecraft" – are conducted by all the Frontier’s governmental and corporate intelligence services. Many agents are motivated by the sheer excitement of spying and the promise of steady extra income, but others – notably Sathar agents – engage in espionage out of deep-seated antagonism toward their native regimes. Espionage is the disclosure of sensitive information (classified) to people who are not cleared for that information or access to that sensitive information. Different types of espionage professionals include those working for mega corporations such as Pan-Galactic, Streel or the the Cassadine Development Corporation to planetary or system governments, then national governments found on divided worlds such as the S’sessu, Gorlian and others, and the various departments of the United Planetary Federation. Because of the nature of their profession, espionage agents get to choose from a variety of skills. They automatically start off with Alertness, Recognize and Use Spy Gadgets and Situational Awareness. Espionage professionals can chose between four starting careers including: Deep Cover Agent, Industrial Spy, Military Spy and Surveillance Expert. These careers provide eight initial level 1 skills for the cost of only 8 experience points (remember, spies start off with three skills automatically instead of one). Of course, the player is free to design their characters differently without the benefits of a starting career.
Deep Cover Agent. This is the social spy who excels at being suave in public gathering, parties and similar situations. Initial skills: Bluff 1, Empathetic Understanding 1, Entertaining 1, Etiquette 1, Persuasion 1, Politics 1, Society 1 and Weapon (player’s choice) 1. Industrial Spy. You’re working for a mega-corporation or one of the planetary governments trying to get an edge for its industries. Initial skills: Communications Devices: Operate 1, Computers: Access and Operate 1, Computers: Defeating Security 1, Computers: Display Information 1, Security Systems: Activate & Operate 1, Security Systems: Deactivating Alarms/Defenses 1, Security Systems: Detecting Alarms/Defenses 1 and Security Systems: Open Locks 1. Military Spy. You’ve mustered out of the military with an expertise in fighting. Initial skills: Blind-Fighting 1, Body Speak, Computers: Access and Operate 1, Demolitions 1, Stealth 1, Weapons Skill (player chooses between Beam or P.G.S.) 1, Weapons: Martial Arts 1 and Weapons: Melee 1. Surveillance Expert. You’re a spy with an expertise in doing electronics surveillance. Initial skills: Communications Devices: Operate 1, Communications Devices: Repair 1, Computers: Access & Operate 1, Cryptography 1, Photography 1, Security Systems: Activate & Operate 1, Security Systems: Deactivating Alarms/Defenses 1 and Surveillance 1. Joe Cabadas |
April 30, 2016 - 4:56am | Spacer The characters who live and work on starships call themselves "Spacers." They include members of all four races, united in an elite group that is not bound by the restrictions of a single planet or even a single star. Spacers live with danger, never knowing what peril waits for them at the end of a jump. But they live with mystery and excitement as well. It is said that once a person has tasted the thrill of crossing the Void, charting a world never seen before, or guiding a mighty starship on a trip to the stars, no tiny bit of planet will ever again be called his home. Although anyone can learn spaceship skills, Spacers get a distinct learning advantage as they advance in level. Spacers also automatically receive the skill Adroitness. Spacer professionals can chose between four starting careers including: Astrogator, Engineer, Gunnery and Pilot. These careers include ten level 1 skills for the cost of only 8 experience points. Of course, the player is free to design their characters differently without the benefits of a starting career. Astrogator. You’re not an official astrogator yet, but that’s your career aspirations and you get the background skills to achieve that goal. Initial skills: Computers: Access & Operate 1, Mathematics 1, Optics 1, Physics 1, Ship Onboard Systems Operations (SOSO) 1, Sensor Operations 1, Survival: Zero-G 1, Weapons: Melee 1, Weightless Combat 1 and Vehicle: Atmospheric 1. Engineer. You’ve got one of the most important duties on the “floating tin cans in space” – the task of finding and repairing damaged components and stop air leaks. If you don’t succeed, your ship and crew could be doomed. Initial skills (same as the “Technician”): Communication Devices: Operate 1, Communications Devices: Repair 1, Computers: Access & Operate 1, Computers: Bypass Security 1, Computers: Defeat Security 1, Computers: Display Information 1, Computers: Interface 1, Computers: Program Manipulation 1, Computers: Program Writing 1 and Computers: Repair Mainframe 1. Gunnery. Ship gunners increase a spaceship's effectiveness in combat. Initial skills: Computers: Access & Operate 1, Ship Onboard Systems Operations (SOSO) 1, Sensor Operations 1, Survival: Zero-G 1, Vehicle: Atmospheric 1, Vehicle: Space 1, Weapons: Beam 1, Weapons: Missiles 1, Weapons: P.G.S. 1 and Weightless Combat 1. Pilot. Entry-level space pilots are affectionately called “Space Cadets.” You’re not quite ready to drive a big starship, but you’re on your way there. Initial skills: Computers: Access & Operate 1, Mathematics 1, Ship Onboard Systems Operations (SOSO) 1, Sensor Operations 1, Survival: Zero-G 1, Vehicle: Atmospheric 1, Vehicle: Machinery 1, Vehicle: Space 1, Weapons: Beam 1 and Weightless Combat 1.
Joe Cabadas |
April 30, 2016 - 5:03am | The Espionage profession originated with an Alpha Dawn PSA presented in a Star Frontiersman magazine. The Spacer profession was create by the people who came up with the Alpha Dawn conversions for the Zebs character creation rules. I had to tweak the design a bit, especially by keeping the Astrogation subskills together instead of breaking them into separate skills. You'll see this in a separate posting. Joe Cabadas |