April 15, 2016 - 11:15pm | Explanation: I was going to post some ideas in the forums about further developing Kraatar for other adventures beyond the Dark Side of the Moon module. The original TSR adventure provides a neat, distilled story that details the darkside of Human and Vrusk interactions, but this world is ripe for other stories. But first, let's see if we can flesh out some of the Human society with a new cadre. Joe Cabadas |
April 15, 2016 - 11:16pm |
First Families of Kraatar Headquarters: Gozzorf City, Kraatar (Tristkar) When Declan Gozzorf’s exploration ship landed on Kraatar more than two centuries ago, it brought with it some 350 colonists who soon spread across the planet. They set up a number of small mining communities -- some as small as six people – to prospect for rare earth minerals. Within a year of Gozzorf’s landing, two more colonial ships from the White Light system arrived at Kraatar, bringing another 800 human colonists of different racial backgrounds. Collectively, the descendents of these three vessels became known as the first families. Sixty years ago – and after many more Human and Vrusk colonists arrived – several prominent humans formed a social organization called the First Families of Kraatar. It is a lineage-based association that is open to Humans who are the direct descendants of the first families. At first, membership was limited to the progeny of the 50 families who came with Gozzorf, but within a year the descendants of the other two original colonial ships were invited to join. Historically, the association promotes charity for the poor, raises funds for education and wellness programs, and provides scholarship programs for all Kraatar citizens, regardless of racial background. Its charter calls for preserving Kraatar’s history along with fostering harmonious relations with other Frontier races. Despite its benevolent beginnings, many have accused the First Families with creating an atmosphere that allowed for the rise of the terrorist organization known as the Kraatar Liberation Corps (KLC). In fact, the First Families has been beset with internal strife between the “harmonizers” – those who want to peacefully co-exist with the Vrusk settlers -- and the “originals” who want to see Kraatar return to a Human-majority colony. Several harmonizers have died mysteriously in recent years, leading to allegations that they were assassinated by KLC terrorists, but these charges are in dispute. While several originals have been arrested during recent years for funneling money to the KLC. At least one of the association’s charter families – the Manbellas of the Quazzt Depression – was expelled for “uncharitable words and deeds unbecoming a First Family.” In order to boost membership, the leadership of the First Families have debated opening up its membership to include the descendants of the other colonists who arrived from White Light during the settlement’s first 50 years. However, squabbling over whether or not this would increase the KLC’s influence over the association have prevented this proposal from coming to a vote of the full membership. About 4,800 Humans worldwide belong to the First Families of Kraatar. Those who claim to be among the “first of the First” – whose ancestors were on Gozzorf’s ship – trace their lineage back to one of the following families:
Joe Cabadas |