![]() March 14, 2016 - 3:51am |
Propulsion Five types of spaceship drives (also called engine for propulsion) are available: chemical fuel engines, ion engines, HEPRE, atomic engines and Energy Conversion Thrusters. Each of these types has certain limitations and requirements which are discussed in detail here.
In addition to a drive, each ship must have a drive program for the on-board computer. Information on Drive Programs is included at the end of this section.
Sizes. Engines of all three types come in three sizes, ranked from size A to size C. Size A is the smallest, and size C the largest. A hull must be equipped with the engine size appropriate for that hull size, as shown on the Hull Size/Engine Size Chart.
All engines are equipped with maneuver jet nozzles. These are used to take the ship through delicate maneuvers, such as docking with a station.
Chemical Drives Chemical drives are the cheapest and simplest spaceship engines. They come in two types; solid and liquid fuel. Chemically driven ships must carry a lot of fuel, and cannot accelerate long enough to achieve interstellar speeds. Therefore, there main use is for interplanetary travel.
Any hull that is outfitted with chemical engines must have the full complement of engines for that hull. For example, a ship with a hull size of 13 needs four chemical engines. These engines are mounted at the tail of the ship, instead of away from the ship on struts.
All ships with chemical engines have an ADF of 1.
The Chemical Drive Price Table lists the prices of the three types of chemical engines. Because these engines are simple and easy to build, the cost is the same at all construction centers.
Solid Fuel rockets are the most common type of rockets. They are used in fireworks, munitions and booster rockets for the space shuttle. Solid fuel rockets burn a solid propellant to create thrust. Once they are ignited they can't be stopped and there rapid burn rate depletes the fuel quite rapidly. This rapid usage of fuel gives an aircraft or spacecraft an extra 'burst of speed" when taking off . They can also be used to aid a rocket with a large payload achieve orbit.
On spacecraft solid fuel rockets are used as booster rockets that enable spacecraft to achieve orbit. Booster Rockets are rented. They are mounted to the hull by special equipment or permanent fixtures bought at time of spacecraft construction. Once the propellant has been used up during launch, the rocket is ejected, after a delay meant for the spacecraft to clear the area a parachute opens and the rental company recover it. The number of Booster Rockets needed is the same as the full complements of engines for that hull. The cost to rent one these is 250 Cr x the hull size of the ship for each Booster Rocket.
Liquid Fuel Rockets fuel of choice is Liquid Hydrogen and Oxygen (HyLox for short). The hydrogen and oxygen are stored in two different tanks, with the hydrogen being the largest of the two. The fuel is mixed and ignited in the engine to create thrust. The engine can be switched off and on as needed. Ships using chemical drives burn a load of fuel on every voyage, as a general rule. The cost of one load of fuel is 250 Cr x the hull size of the ship for each engine.
Ships design for planetary reentry, such as shuttles and landing craft, must carry twice as much fuel for landing and takeoff. Ships designed for long range exploration must carry 1/3 or 33% more fuel if they are expected to make the return trip. Extra fuel tanks can be mounted on the hull with specialized equipment or with permanent fixtures bought at time of the ship's construction. Additional fuel tanks cost 100 Cr per hull size.
Chemical engines cannot produce their own power, it is therefore necessary for the ship to have solar panels or a large complement of Para-batteries to power the ship's systems.
Ion Drives Ion engines work by ionizing (electrically charging) particles of fuel. These charged particles are then released from the rear of the engines at tremendous velocity. Even though the particles are extremely small, there are enough of them to provide a ship with a steady and long-lasting thrust. Ion drive engines require very little fuel.
Ion engines must be mounted on struts, away from the hull of the spaceship. Any ship equipped with ion drives must have the full complement of engines for that hull size in order to accelerate and decelerate normally. The ADF of a ship with ion drive is always 1.
Prices for ion engines are listed on the Ion Drive Price Table. Note that ion engines are not available at Class III Construction Centers, and that they are more expensive at Class II Centers.
Ion Drive Cost Chart
The drive uses liquid hydrogen as a propellant. The engine can be switched off and on as needed. Since they use so little fuel they can make multiple trips on a single load of fuel. Ships using Ion drives burn a load of fuel depending on their Engine Size. The cost of one load of fuel is 100 Cr x the hull size of the ship for each engine.
Fuel Usage for Ion Drives
Ships that are intended for combat missions burn one load of fuel during combat, as a general rule.
Ion drives require a lot of power to operate the engine, it is therefore necessary for the ship to have solar panels or a large complement of Para-batteries to power the engine and ship's systems.
High Efficiency Plasma Rocket Engine High Efficiency Plasma Rocket Engine (HEPRE for short) is a rocket engine that uses the heat of an atomic power plant to heat liquid hydrogen to a plasma state, contain it in a magnetic bottle then release it to create thrust. The reactor's shielding prevents radiation from escaping from the power plant making the exhaust of the HEPRE free of radiation associated with atomic engines. Since the power plant of the HEPRE runs hotter than normal atomic engines, there is heat risk associated with these engines and they must cool down before being approached by the crew.
The struts that house the HEPRE are mounted on are equipped with explosive charges. These charges enable the pilot or engineer to jettison the engines if this should become necessary. This obviously will be done only in extreme emergencies, such as an engine meltdown or overload.
Ships equipped with a full complement of HEPRE both its ADF and MR will be the number indicated on the Hull Specification Chart. For each engine less than the maximum, however, either the ship's ADF or MR (player's choice, at time of construction) must be lowered by 1. The ship's MR cannot be more than one higher than the ADF. Also, the ship's ADF and MR never will be less than 1, even if the ship has only one engine.
Prices for HEPRE are listed on the HEPRE Drive Price Table. Note that HEPRE are not available at Class III Construction Centers, and that they are more expensive at Class II Centers.
HEPRE Drive Cost Chart
The drive uses liquid hydrogen as a propellant. The fuel can be turn off and on as needed, however will remain extremely hot for 1d10 hours before it reaches an idle state. The cost of one load of fuel is 100 Cr x the hull size of the ship for each engine.
Fuel Usage for HEPRE Drives
Ships that are intended for combat missions burn one load of fuel during combat, as a general rule.
Atomic Fuel HEPRE reactors use atomic reactors to produce the heat necessary to turn the hydrogen into plasma and to power the ship. Because the reactor is run at high temperatures fuel rods are depleted at a much quicker rate than normal ground based reactors. Therefore it is necessary to replace these rod once every year at a cost 50,000 Cr per engine size times the number of engines. These rods are replaced at special facilities at Class I or Class II Construction Centers.
Inspections The reactor shielding must be inspected each trip for damage caused by the extremely cold liquid hydrogen coming in contact with the shielding and warping do to the extreme heat caused during plasma generation. All shielding is replaced during the refueling process.
As already stated there is 1d10 cool down time for the reactor before anyone can approach it. Engineer must use anti-radiation suits or work pods during the inspection process. To determine how long this inspection takes roll another 1d10 and subtract the engineers skill level from that roll.
During normal operation cycle of the engine there is a 10% chance that there is some damage to the shielding. If defective or damaged shielding is found it must be replaced. If an inspection is not made after each trip the risk of damage increase by 10% every trip missed.
Drives should be inspected if they have not been used for longer than 30 days.
Replacing Damaged Parts If a shield or reactor become damaged due to normal operations, accident or combat, a qualified ship's engineer must replace or supervise the replacement of these parts. To determine how much time is required for this task to be complete, use the following formula. 60 hours minus 1d10 times skill level. People performing these tasks must use anti-radiation suits or work pods.
If repairs are not made there is a 60% chance of the reactor melting down during the next operational cycle.
Since HEPRE engines run so hot during their operational cycle that energy sensor are able to pick them up at 1,000,000 km.
Energy Conversion Thrusters Energy Conversion Thruster (ECT) or Thrusters are drives which convert energy into thrust by charging two specially designed plates in the exhaust nozzle of the engine. These plates then emit a strong static discharge which is confined by a field generator and expelled out the exhaust nozzle. The exhaust produced by one of these engines is 400 times more powerful than an Ion Engine. Ship equipped with these engines have the capability of taking off from a planet and achieving orbit as well as landing on a planet surface.
Thrusters are safer than other propulsion system due to the fact they cannot explode but they can overheat and melt down the plates inside the nozzle. Therefore, the advantage is they can be mounted in the main hull of the ship. They can also be used in fighter and aerospace craft. Vehicles and aerospace vehicles must be equipped with Type 4 Parabatteries or Generators. Starships using these engines must have a nuclear or fission onboard reactor on board. At present, Starships equipped with thrusters can only be mounted on vessels with hull sizes of less than 12.
Ships equipped with a full complement of ECT both its ADF and MR will be the number indicated on the Hull Specification Chart. For each engine less than the maximum, however, either the ship's ADF or MR (player's choice, at time of construction) must be lowered by 1. The ship's MR cannot be more than one higher than the ADF. Also, the ship's ADF and MR never will be less than 1, even if the ship has only one engine.
Prices for ECT are listed on the ECT Drive Price Table. Note that ECT are not available at Class III Construction Centers, and that they are more expensive at Class II Centers.
ECT Drive Cost Chart
Thruster also follow a different hull size chart for the engine size as well:
Use in Vehicles Vehicle equipped with ECT and are using Parabatteries or Generators have a limited range as well. If the vehicle is using Parabatteries the flight time is 4 hours then they must be recharged. Generators have an 8 hour flight time. In the case of fighter aircraft drop tanks can added range at a cost of 1,000cr for the complete system plus the 800 cr/day cost adding an additional 4 hours flight time per every 2 drop tanks installed. Generator equipped craft can also have an in air refueling system installed for 2,000 credits.
Inspections After every flight the Thruster must be inspected carbon build up on the plates will slow degrade the performance of the ECT over time.
During normal operation cycle of the engine there is a 5% chance carbon has collected between the plates and this will cause the plates to short out. For every inspection missed, there is an addition 5% of this happening.
Clearing the carbon out the plates takes 1d10 per engine minus engineering skill.
Replacing Damaged Parts If a Engine become damaged due to normal operations, accident or combat, a qualified ship's engineer must replace or supervise the replacement of these parts. To determine how much time is required for this task to be complete, use the following formula. 60 hours minus 1d10 times skill level. People performing these tasks do not need specialized gear.
Energy Conversion Thruster can be detected by Energy detector up to a range of 500,000 kilometer.
Power Plants Chemical, Ion Drives and Energy Conversion Thrusters do not produce their own power. Only HEPRE can produce enough power to power a starship and it associated systems. These limitations require that a power plant is need to power the ships internal system or any additional equipment that maybe added later.
Parabatteries These batteries are Type 4 and will provide a ship with enough power for 20 hours (ship's day) before needing recharged. The chart shows the minimum amount of parabatteries required for one day's operation. In most case however, parabatteries are used as emergency power sources. They do not have enough stored energy to operate lasers or beam weapons.
See Alpha Dawn for costs.
Generators These Generators at Type 4 and provide a ship with enough power for 20 hours (ship's day) before needing recharged. Unlike parabatteries they can be provided with their own fuel tank and oxygen supply to produce power. They can also be installed as an emergency power source as well.
Fuel for these generators cost 125 Cr per day. The size of the tank to store the fuel in is number of day x .5 = tons, which must be removed from the interior of the ship. Cost of the tank is 100 Cr per Hull Size.
Ships with Generators are limited in the number of laser and beam weapons they can install on their ships. Only ships with hull sizes 5 and above can out fit their ships with these sort of weapons. 5-14 Hull Size may only mount one weapon, 15-20 may mount two weapons.
Solar Panels Solar panel are the most common source of energy production in outer space. They do this by harnessing sunlight. They are the cheapest system to power a ship or a station. There only requirement is they have the required amount of Parabatteries per Hull Size.
Additional panels may be bought at 10,000 credits per panel. If you wish the panel to retract, it is an additional 5,000 Cr.
The drawbacks to Solar Panel is the further away you get from a star, the less power you receive from sunlight. They can also be easily damaged by weapons fire and meteorites.
Laser and Beam weapons must have there own dedicated solar panel and it must be deployed for the weapon to fire. Distance from a star must be taken into account when the weapon is used.
Atomic Power Plant Atomic Reactor are used to provide power in ships on long range mission or equipped with Ion Drives or ECTs. There energy output is great enough to power, several engines, optional systems and weapons without restrictions. However, radiation concerns have driven up the cost because of the additional cost of shielding.
Atomic Reactor Cost Chart
Reactors are installed at the time of the ship's construction. They can only be removed at Class I and II if they need to be replaced due to damage or age.
Atomic Fuel Fuel road must be replaced every two years. Replacing these rod cost 50,000 Cr per Hull size. These rods are replaced at special facilities at Class I or Class II Construction Centers. Under normal conditions, a reactor will last 20 years.
On long range mission last more than two years a qualified ship's engineer can replace the fuel rods (Replacing Damaged Parts).
Replacing Damaged Parts If a shield or reactor become damaged due to normal operations, accident or combat, a qualified ship's engineer must replace or supervise the replacement of these parts. To determine how much time is required for this task to be complete, use the following formula. 60 hours minus 1d10 times skill level. People performing these tasks must use anti-radiation suits or work pods.
Fission Reactor (aka Plasma Reactor) Fission Reactor differ in the fuel used by replacing uranium with hydrogen. The reactor use this to create a miniature star contained in magnetic field, the rest of the works just like an atomic reactor by turning the coolant into high pressure steam to turn turbines which then product the power. They are safe than atomic reactors in the fact they don't product as much radiation.
Fission Reactor Cost Chart
There is an additional cost for the fuel tanks need for the Hydrogen fuel. The cost of one load of fuel is 100 Cr x the Hull Size of the ship. Fuel tanks cost 100 Cr x hull size.
Ships using this type of reactor do not have to refuel for 20 days or 400 hours. Adding a Bussard ram to the ship allow the crew to farm Hydrogen from space, and gas giants.
The reactor must remain in an idle state (i.e. using fuel) if the ship wishes to take off quickly. If the reactor is shut down, it will take 12 hours to bring the reactor up to temperature without causing damage to it.
Inspections The reactor is inspected every trip for signs of wear and tear do to the extreme inside the reactor housing. There is a 12 hour cool down time before the inspection hatches can be open. To determine how long this inspection takes roll another 1d10 and subtract the engineers skill level from that roll. There is no need for protective equipment.
During normal operation cycle of the reactor there is a 10% chance that there is some damage to the shielding or magnetic coils. If defective or damaged part is found it must be replaced. If an inspection is not made after each trip the risk of damage increase by 10% every trip missed.
Reactor should be inspected if they have not been used or shut down.
These reactors must be overhauled once every 2 years at a cost of 75,000 Cr
Replacing Damaged Parts If reactor become damaged due to normal operations, accident or combat, a qualified ship's engineer must replace or supervise the replacement of these parts. To determine how much time is required for this task to be complete, use the following formula. 60 hours minus 1d10 times skill level. |