![]() February 10, 2016 - 12:11pm | Note: in Fantasy Frontiers there are two types of gnomes and no halfling/hobbits. Both types of gnomes are genetically identical the differences (and "racial abilities) spring from culture. Shire gnomes stand in for hobbits and halflings while Tinker gnomes are analogous to typical D&D style gnomes. Tinker gnomes are excellent engineers and valued builders of seige engines, they excel in tinkering, machinery and alchemy. Most nobles seek to have a Tinker on staff . The Tomb of the Tinker King is a trap filled Tomb deep in the sewers of the city. The PC first hear of it from a one handed one eyed gnome offering to sell a map to its location in the sewers. Any gnome PCs will not have heard of the Tinker King. Thematically TotTK is very much like the tomb in the opening of Raiders of the Lost Ark. With one major hall full of working traps that will require PCs to time their oath through the mayhem or stop things from working like anything blades, or a pendelum etc. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() February 10, 2016 - 12:23pm | The One eyed one handed gnome is the leader of a small local tinker's guild who built the tomb and stocked and maintained its traps. They sell maps to it and loot the bodies of dead treasure hunters. Working name: One eye: has a mechanical looking eye patch with magical properties: it allows the wearer to see magic in items but its cursed in that using it causes it to consume the eyeball and eye lids of the wearer leaving a gaping hole and leaving the wearer in pain suffering the same penalty for wounds as for all action for one week after its first use. The eye patch may be removed and gotten rid of but the eye is gone and the pain persists for one week regardless. One eye has a hook for his left hand. When selling the map he will use his eye patch to assess the PCs potential for looting and claim he's only selling his map because of his debilitating injuries and in hopes of raising the money to pay a Tinker for a clasping claw for his left hand. The "Tinker King" is a bit of fiction he created but latter in a final show down he will say something like "I am the Tinker King!" Of course latter he will be equipped with a clasping claw that is fairly dangerous and accompanied by his minions for a boss encounter show down. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() February 10, 2016 - 12:39pm | A starting PC might begin with a mini quest of a charge to find out the fate of a family member that sent a letter stating he was going in search of the tomb of the Tinker King and then was never heard from again. Gnome PC can roll against gnome knowledge but will not have heard of any Tinker King. Local thieves guild gets a kick back from one eye to look the other way and not mess with the "tomb". Gnome PCs looking for info or rumors of the Tinker King who end up talking to a thrives guild member might be mistaken to be part of one eye's team and get an odd comment, "the stears clear of the tomb" or something along those lines. Other PCs looking for info or rumors that happen to ask a thief will be told that for an equal amount of money that they paid for the map he'll tell them the secret to the tomb of the Tinker King: its all one big trap best to burn the map and walk away. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() February 10, 2016 - 12:50pm | One eye sells off equipment and possessions of dead treasure hunters so the PC with the quest might have found one such item of his family member and back tracked its sale to the city. His family member is likely dead but he must still located a missing heir loom. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |