Adventures in Gamma Dawn

Tchklinxa's picture
January 3, 2016 - 11:31pm
Well as you all know I wanted to start playing some after doomsday scenarios, so I ran a little encounter (nothing major) very basic to start really testing out the Gamma Dawn stuff, see what I need to fiddle with more and so on.

Starting from the little community of survivors of a Core 4 settlement; two town's folk strike out to find two missing hunters from the town...

It went well the new monster I converted took 4 characters to kill (I am pretty sure the extra NPCs met along the way made the difference between life & death for the searching party). Right now I am keeping it pretty much baby steps as we are getting used to the "mutations" and more primitive setting that will require careful considerations on skills & how to present a Frontier world gone to hell in a hand basket as we progress. It was just my husband and I right now but we had a hoot, he is playing a non-human for the first time (in previous SF games which where stand alone games he has always been human). So he has a bit to learn to get the most out his mutant Yazirian. He has pretty much only played D&D besides a few SF games I have talked him into and Pathfinder, and he has no Gamma World background. So good person to get feed back from before adding more people to the play sessions. He had fun. So success on that.

One thing I noticed in rolling up NPCs and PCs with Gamma Dawn it seemed the number mutations was a lot to deal with if new to the whole mutation thing. I am sure a few more quick games though the different mutations will get easier to deal with. 

General background:
I decided  the home community is a mix of surviving Core 4 UPF folks both mutated and not mutated. Basically a farming community with hunting as a supplement. 

(World wise other races where about). The planet had a mixed economy of industrial and agricultural when the end came. Some folks where able to escape the Blue Plague or get far enough away from the population centers to avoid all the mayhem and destruction that occurred when civil authorities lost control of the colonial planet. Cities where gassed, at least a few suffered a nuclear attack, escaping ships where destroyed by UPF ships in the final days, the moon base and space station in orbit ended up in a shoot war with the UPF blockade over the destruction of the civilian ships... the moon actually was split in two. The amount of destroyed ships in orbit is still significant, and occasionally stuff falls out of orbit still. Basically the planet is messed up now and a dangerous place. 

(I know not in Zebs per say, but so what, this is a combination martial law and quarntine blockade that went wrong and turned into a massive fire fight between the UPF and the planetary militia and the civil authorities even turned on their own populations). 

I have a few background issues to resolve:

I need to work up some monetary form/barter system as UPF credits are pretty useless for these folks right now... so I am thinking fuel cells/seus/other energy/fuel sources, medicines & food are top priority items for day to day living. Maybe certain metals are wanted or other materials... I want something other then the gold coin deal. 

Basically lots of autonomous communities spread about, there is now trade, and with trade always comes those folks who want to forge bigger governments usually by force or take what is not theirs to take. A lot to explore, destroyed cities, areas that have been avoided for at least a hundred years and so on. 

 "Never fire a laser at a mirror."

rattraveller's picture
January 4, 2016 - 5:31pm
Gammaworld went through many variations with the number of mutations varying quite alot. Find a suitable numberror for the style of play you are doing. One important note mutations do not improve. What was really powerful at 1st level gradually becomes useless.  That is something to think about when challenging your players. Of course your players may find new ways to use their mutations but some of them are not that adaptable. 
Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go?

Tchklinxa's picture
January 4, 2016 - 11:10pm
In  the Gamma Dawn rules some can be improved... which is different from the GW I remember or have rules for. So in theory a player can become more powerful over time.

Well this time we are testing the "rules" as presented for rolling up PCs in the GD supplement.

I need to work on my Mutation Summation some more... some mutations have been lost, split into separate mutations, renamed and or are simply missing in GD from my 1st ed GW, plus whole new ideas developed. I am thinking GD maybe is based on a latter edition of GW which is okay as some new cool stuff has been developed (been lurking about the various mutant lares on the net, researching). 

I would like to use this as an opportunity to develop useful stuff for refs playing SF in general, I got to get back converting all monsters in 1st ed GW to SF, I am part way through that. 

I think it will get easier with play as the players (myself included) get used to what they can do.

The Sunrise Cliffs will be in my next sortie so the Yazi PC can practice some abilities he has. I think the backstory will be that the Yazi's originally where living in the cliffs but something happened and when one of the traders from the nearby farm community went there to trade they where gone and all he found was an abandoned child which he brought back and raised, this child is of course the adult PC Yazi now, so it's time to solve the mystery of what happened to the Yazirian village and explore the PCs culture and past. Anyway that will be the hook.. 

 "Never fire a laser at a mirror."

rattraveller's picture
January 5, 2016 - 5:10pm
Try this look up X-men comics history and character development. There you have mutants who learn to use their powers.
Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go?