![]() December 17, 2015 - 8:11pm | I'm gong to try to not spoil anything but I highly recommend any Star Wars fans not wait to see Force Awakens and go see it right away before the internet blows up over this movie. In fact you should probably unplug from social media till you see it and probably call in sick tomorrow and go see it. There are some momentous things afoot and best you go see it than have them spoiled. Abrams produced a fitting sequel to episode 4, introduced new characters, integrated old characters and produced an action movie that paid homage to the original. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() December 17, 2015 - 8:51pm | You are too late, it's already blown up. And with out trying to spoil it as it has been for me I am very dissappointed in this movie, so much so that I refuse to see it. I didn't like Abrams' Star Trek and quit his TV series Lost near the end of it's 2nd season. It's like another Josh Whedon, watch a few of their stuff give them a chance and after a while come away very dissappointed every time. The spoiler blew the doors shut and I now hate Jar Jar Abrams and his work. This movie is going one of two ways, you will either like it or hate it. I am already well in the hate camp and refuse to see it. Don't try to reason with me there is NOTHING you can say that will change my mind on this. One man's heaven is another man's hell. To hell with disney, screw Abrams this movie and the horse he rode in on. I should probably blame Spielberg as well as he's the moron that discovered Abrams. In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same. |
![]() December 17, 2015 - 10:08pm | I was all set to see it Friday afternoon, but I am going to have to wait until next week now...you now, during Christmas break for schools when it will be even more crowded. Despite all the rants and raves I am excited to see this, Disney has done a fine job resurrecting the Marvel Comics franchise and I have equal faith they will do the same with Star Wars. |
![]() December 17, 2015 - 10:21pm | Well Disney has had some misses with the Marvel franchises. Anyone see the Fantastic Four? Agents of Shield (which I like) has struggled. Antman was fine but just how many short jokes can you have in a movie. I agree you are either a Star Wars fan or not by this point so not likely this movie will change anyone's overall opinion. I just wonder if it is not a case of a good or great movie that has been so overhyped it can never live up to expectations. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() December 17, 2015 - 10:57pm |
Well Disney has had some misses with the Marvel franchises. Anyone see the Fantastic Four? Agents of Shield (which I like) has struggled. Antman was fine but just how many short jokes can you have in a movie. The recent FF reboot is from 20th Century Fox, the original pair was from Sony. I've not seen the reboot and the trailers do nothing to make me want to, the Sony pair was campy and corny much like their mishandling of Spiderman: popcorn flicks at best and they got worse with each installment. I don't know who does the TV series although I would guess Disney is somehow tied into it since it derived from/uses characters (as well as the same actors) from their Avengers movie, but it is doing very well judging by IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes ratings. I've only seen a few early episodes and have to ay they were well written. I've not seen Ant Man yet but intend to, I'm no fan of the character but I am also no fan of Thor either and those renditions have been done well by Disney's Marvel. I agree you are either a Star Wars fan or not by this point so not likely this movie will change anyone's overall opinion. I just wonder if it is not a case of a good or great movie that has been so overhyped it can never live up to expectations. Assuming the off-chance it's an utter crap fest, it will still be far better than Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. Even Revenge of the Sith was poorly executed compared to the original trilogy, but it's still the best of the worst that comprised the prequels, and I fully expect Force Awakens to blow that one out of the water as well. There simply is no possible way that Force Awakens can be as crappy as the combined crappiness of the prequels let alone match the crappiness of any single flick of that run. In other words, we've already witnessed utter failure (three times) and considering the extravagant price that Disney paid for the SW franchise, failure is not an option. And anyone claiming not to be a Star Wars fan must have tried watching them starting with Episode 1 and gave up before making it to the original trilogy. Anyone old enough to have seen New Hope on the big screen before it was rebadged as Episode 4 knows otherwise. ![]() |
![]() December 18, 2015 - 1:31am | If you don't like Abrams you will not like this movie. It has some suck factor for fans, Abrams penchant for doing violence to a well established franchise ala blowing up Vulcan. If you're at all a fan inspite of the prequels I would urge you to see it and avoid sources of spoilers. Abrams tries to pull some surprises and you'd be better off experiencing them organically. Shadow I'm sure you'll enjoy spotting easter eggs that are a tip of the hat to the first movie. @ Sargonarhes: you're probably going to hate Abrams even more, if that is possible. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() December 18, 2015 - 5:53am | I plan to see it over Xmas break. I am trying to be positive about it. We can all be mad at Lucas but first he is getting up there and probably needed to look at retirement & his studio was on the local upity hit list by local poltical people so he could not expand, basically blame the good short sighted idiots who refused building permits. Abrhams is Abrhams as long as we are not doing alternate universes & time traveling as a major plot theme I will be happy. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() December 18, 2015 - 12:48pm | Lucas had two things going against him. First and foremost being his (dis)association with the various movie guilds, while that was a perk in certain facets it also worked against him in many ways. Secondly, he sucks as a director, as is evident in the three prequels. In those regards Disney had a lot more going for them this time around. |
![]() December 18, 2015 - 3:14pm | @jedion you have no idea how much hate I have for Abrams at this point. Jimmies have been rustled.![]() In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same. |
![]() December 18, 2015 - 4:31pm | I just saw it and both love and hate it. I can't say why without spoiling it so I'll wait until after Christmas when everyone has seen it to list my loves and hates. However I do not feel it is a waste of time to see this movie on the big screen. -iggy |
![]() December 18, 2015 - 8:19pm | @ Sargonarhes: LOL I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() December 19, 2015 - 1:59am | I ended up seeing it tonight. This was the movie we wanted to see the last three times, and as such we will now have three generations worth of SW fans for life. Disney did not disappoint, much as I predicted based on their success with the Marvel franchise I knew SW was in safe hands. Force Awakens broke opening day records at $57 million (compared to the prior $40-something million) on a Thursday no less. I am happy I saw it on the opening weekend and have every intent to see it again in the near future. The new characters melded well with the old guard and there was very little that disappointed (although I may find more nits to pick with future viewings). |