![]() June 27, 2015 - 12:36pm | Refer to: Janus . Comments welcome. Janus Wallaby: Type: medium herbivores (1.8 meters from head to tip of tail, weight 24 kg.) Number appearing: 1-100 Move: fast (90 meters/turn) IM/RS: 7/65 STA: 150 Attack: 45 Damage: Stampede strike 2d10, Leap Kick 3d10, Bite 1d10, claws 3d10, tail strike 4d10 Special: Can leap 5 meters, immune to beam weapons. Janus Wallabies have a purple and maroon stripped natural body armor that is segmented and immune to beam weapons, short forelimbs that end in viscous lobster like claws evolved for cracking into hard husked large nuts, their eyes are on stalks they can swivel around, their legs are very strong, their tail ends in a spiked club that they can strike with as well. Mobs typically stampede through and away from threats, but if cornered or attacked the mob will also form a circle around their young and launch leaping and spinning strikes aimed at the threat or a portion of the adults will break off and attack back giving the mob with juveniles a chance to flee. Once they have the attacker is down they will mob their victim pounding it with their legs, clubbed tail and using their claws and teeth to tear the threat apart. Wallabies can not climb, they can leap up but will only do so on boulders, branches or logs that will give them landing support. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() June 28, 2015 - 3:51am | One possible magazine submission could be a "Janus Geographic" Describing different ecosystems like Janus tundra, Janus jungle. what makes this environment particular, for example North America has 30 distinct ecosystem that can be explained by the environment details, common flora and fauna you could expand on the Janus material detailing 3-4 of the environments on the planet Invent subspecies of existing Janus creatures like the desert wallaby is a solitary smaller version with mottled brown carapace that leads a solitary existance covering itself in dirt and attacking from ambush Include some fresh artwork for most of the creature (but not subspecies) You'd have fleshed out Janus in greater detail making it a possible place for a referee to use for sandbox play or even to run a home brew adventure ignoring the actually janus adventure till a latter date. BTW you could equally do a Gamma Dawn Zoological Report with 6-10 GW converted critters as well I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 28, 2015 - 5:52am | I think Janus would make a great place for really unique critters as the module specifically states "two-type creatures", creatures that have multiple kingdoms mixed together... so a Janus bird is a bird has feathers but it's wings are multi-jointed (like crab legs), plant/animals, creatures with strange abilities... I actually have been working on the module, tried to upload where I am at but it was a no go last night, my computer timed out with the site. I need to work on the planet more, it is suppose to be in one of those orbits where the climate does not go through big season changes. I also need to take a stab at figuring out how big it might be. I am open to submitting GD creatures and eventually technology too. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |