![]() January 18, 2015 - 6:45am | Assuming the crash is on Volturnus and that is after the Volturnus campaign who would send the PCs to look for a lost ship, resumed to have carshed and determine the reason for the crash: I've proposed Native protective police much like in the Honor Harrington novel "On Basilisk Station" in the past but perhaps a more generic Volturnian Ranger Service in the employ of the eorna or the UPF governor of Volturnus might be the ticket. Their mandate could be broad enough to cover police duties in general, search and rescue, managing problems with the primitives and keeping an eye on the mega corps. The eorna might be the best bet at they are concered with beauty and rebuilding their decimated society so having an agency staffed with UPF citizens to handle things they'd rather not have to bother with would be a good fit. The benifit of an agency with a broad mandate is that the PCs can be tasked with a variety of missions without a logical inconsistency like what are paramedics on a SAR mission doing investigating the bombing of a space ship? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 19, 2015 - 2:14pm | The Megacorps are supposed to have a heavy presence on or at least around Volturnus. Since they love to spy on each other a troubleshooter team sent to "help" the survivors would work. Of course who the PCs are should play a big part in who hires them. Since this was a quick intro adventure alot was left up to the GM so go with anything. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() January 19, 2015 - 2:45pm | Of course who the PCs are should play a big part in who hires them. Since this was a quick intro adventure alot was left up to the GM so go with anything. I'd like to move this along and produce a module that could be a STar Frontiersman issue. So some decisions need to be made on some things. Not sure if it should be by poll or simply that I pick a majority response from peeps posting in a thread. Or I could just write what I want and imput be damned however I think I would rather have the imput. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() February 16, 2017 - 9:03am | CDC majors in insurance. A CDC insurance adjuster will hire the PCs. There is a dral in black executive from CDC Security Division who is working in the background. Except security is use euphemistically here his department within the security division is really corporate espionage. He has suspicions concerning Bio-gen and while the insurance adjuster knows Mr dral in black is important within the company he does not know his real position. So the PCs are a cut out independent team since no other suitable CDC assets are on planet. Just coincidentally they are on shuttles for the Truane's Star Express starliner for a corporate conference on Pale being hosted by Streel banking division. Mr Dral in Black is certain that Bio-Gen is a front for one of the bigger players and hopes this investigation will reveal that. He doesn't want to trigger a hostile response by one of the big players against CDC but wouldn't mind embarrassing one of them or even gaining a marker to be played latter in the corporate espionage and negotiation dance. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |