![]() November 27, 2014 - 11:28am | Happy Thanksgiving all. I am thankfull for yet another year of the fanzines and this site all going stron with new members contributing. For those guys working scilent that we have not head is a while, Welcome back. By Yazirian tradition I hope everyone killed their own turkey. I hope everyone has some form of pudding or soft food for the Dralasites at the table. There should good salads and juices for your Vrusk guests. -iggy |
![]() November 27, 2014 - 1:51pm | Happy T-day... it was a great act of self control not to "accidentally" kill a wild one this year, for weeks they have been mocking me with standing in the road all big, healthy birds! (And protected by law around here) And my co-worker was no help, pointing to the one he wanted saying "That one, I want that one!" Happy T-Day everyone, I wish all the more peaceful families a nice peaceful day, and to the warrior inclined families may all injuries be minor! ![]() Don't forget to sharpen your eating weapons! So you can properly do battle with dinner! ![]() "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() November 27, 2014 - 3:02pm | Happy thankgiving. May you have a joyious and happy holiday. |
![]() November 27, 2014 - 5:42pm | We're serving Minotaur Merlot here. We do surf & turf as the wife is not overly fond of turkey. |
![]() November 28, 2014 - 5:27am | We ate ribs and since I got a free turkey the spouse unit cooked that too but my Dad wanted ribs for a change and my sister in law cooked up some of my mother's famous BBQ sauce and MMMmmmmm yeah RIBS! and a Sam Adams to wash them down...brought out the yazirian in me. May blessing and success follow all good hearted Frontiersman. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() November 28, 2014 - 7:29pm | Regular Sam Adams or one of their seasonal brews? I never met a bottle of SA I didn't like... |
![]() November 29, 2014 - 12:03pm | Yeah, the Sam Adams are all great. The original still stands up. Found the Winter Lager tastes better this year on draft rather than in bottles, but that may be a Connecticut phenomenon...did I spell that right? "phenomenon"...Think I did. Actually had to google it. That's what happens when the Busch Light takes hold... |
November 30, 2014 - 3:23am | We just got back from our Thanksgiving with relatives. It was a particularly nice family event this year. My daughter tried her hand at making the big meal (with a little guidance from Mom), and it went pretty well. We had a big family game of Risk after the meal, and then watched our DVD of the Thanksgiving movie "Free Birds" (that is one silly movie, BTW). Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! ![]() |
![]() December 1, 2014 - 5:40am | Regular Sam Adams or one of their seasonal brews? I never met a bottle of SA I didn't like... Batchelor party was being held at a strip club, I let friends talk me into showing up but when I got there and discovered the rather pedestrian beer was $9/bottle and i couldn't drink SA I had one Corona Light congratulate the guest of honor on his impending ball and chain and left. To this day those friends are convinced that I didn't hang around because of the women and my religious sensibilities but what really offended me was the $9 for really crappy beer. These days I judge a sports bar and or resturant on whether they have SA and I always order the seasonal brew. Octoberfest, Winter or Summer but will settle for regular. My Dad took my sister an law and her sister to a micro brewery in Maine and brought back some interesting stuff: Alagash. 2 people can split a bottle and each have a glass and so Dad and I shared one over the holidays. I forget what the name of the particular brew was but its the one they age in former Jack Daniels barrels - like that alot- almost a chocolate hint to the taste. I have to say that I love pumpkin pie this time of year. Blueberry is nice too but man pumpkin pie is bomb and I can drop 2-3 of those bombs (slices) in my stomache over Thursday and Friday. Its even good for breakfast IMO. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() December 1, 2014 - 9:25am | Everything is expensive at the boob bars. The business moto for those places is "Everyone gets ####ed, no one gets laid". A $3.99 bottle of Jacques Bonet panther piss probably goes for $60. I'm actually surprised you found import/premium beer for under $10 there...even the regular night clubs here sell import beer at double digit prices. I haven't been to a toples bar since the early 90s but even back then they sold ButtGeyser for $7.50 a bottle...I'd hate to see what they charge these days. |
![]() December 1, 2014 - 6:18pm | @ Shadow: You have to remember that this is the Boston area and I bet our strip clubs dont even compare to those in Las Vegas. There were two around here 1 in Chelsea and 1 in Revere the next that I know of would be the Foxy Lady in RI, however the one in Chelsea closed earlier this year dont know why just that its closed up with a sign saying "Openning in March" that has been there all year. I'm sure there must be a club or two on the South shore that I just dont know about or even in outside the 128 loop west of here but it just doesn't seem to be a big seen so they probably have to make do with lower prices. Still $9/beer still feels like being ****ed to me and for what? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() December 2, 2014 - 5:58am | LOL... Here in CA if it is topless over priced crappy beer not sure what the current price is but it is high... & if it is a nudy nudy show over priced Juice only bar not even beer! I don't know what makes it all exciting, sounds like a wallet drain to me. I remember the first stripteases act I saw, it was a movie wrap party, I was working for a company supplying the boats and shuttling equipment for the big bridge FX scene and shooting site, no one asked my age ever when I was on set working on stuff, as the company was local and had never done anything with the film industry we didn't know there where special rules for people underage and the film folks forgot to mention that, so I got sent down to do the water safety for the film crew & shuttle them about and equipment... so latter here I was at the wrap party (as part of the film crew) on a boat that was chugging along, surrounded by alcohol and saying no to all the spirits (they had some good stuff too) sipping my sprite, and no to some drugs, when the entertainment starts and it dawns on me the chick & dude are going to strip not just dance, so I say to the actress closest to me, "So this is what adults do for fun? Look at body parts they already got?" & she goes "Adults?" and I respond "Yeah, I am 14." Oh my god she freaked... I told her to calm down and asked if they where leaving the underpants on, she said yes, I yawned and said then "I ain't seeing anything I haven't seen already, ever heard of speedos?" She then preceded to freak about the alcohol being served & the folks with drugs... I pointed out I was not getting drunk or high (I was never into drugs) on a boat with no life vest on, and I had been part of their water safety crew for the film, so sprite it was for me as the adults where clearly too drunk already (someone needs to be able to swim to the dumb ass who falls over board), then she freaked I was on the boat with no chaperone, I pointed out it would take hours to get back to dock. She then freaked out about my age and being on set, apparently there are rules about kids on set (even if not acting) and I was suppose to have some sort of adult supervising me or something... I found the whole thing funny and the strip show really boring... Oh the film was about cows eating irradiated grass, the town drinking the milk and then everyone going crazy... ![]() "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() December 2, 2014 - 6:38am | sounds like a wallet drain to me. Hence Shadow's apt witicism "everyone getting F----d and no one getting laid." I suppose its not really about seeing boobs as there is always the internet and that is on your phone these days. Rather its probably about an experience. Beer is seriously cheaper to buy and bring home, yet people pay more to drink it at a bar? I think its about the experience and what you are willing to pay for it. I dont mind dropping $20-30 at a sports bar while catching the news and having food and a drink- i could do the food and the drink cheaper at home and the news if free there too as I dont pay for cable. Thus strip clubs are probably the same: selling the experience. Although, since men are prone to think with their penis over thinking with their head I suppose that the strip club experience is addictive and that frequently men find they have blown their whole paycheck and its 5 or 6 days to the next infussion of cash. Side note: First time I attend Historicon wargaming convention after friends at the wargame club talked me into going I went with the perception that it might be a lot like what my window washing boss had attended industry conventions for: boozing and women (the . I assumed that with 5ooo men attending a convention packing into all the local hotels that you would see hookers trying to discretely work hotel lobbies (I say discretely because I use to work in a hotel and being at the front desk I would alert security to help said escort find the door). Yet this activity was noticably abscent and I figured that from past experience I would spot it if it was going on. I commented on that to a buddy and he pointed out that wargamers would rather spend the money on more lead figures that they may never paint than pay for a sex- which is true: "Hello, my name is Tom I am a wargamer and its been 3 months since I last spent money on a metal miniatrue that I have not painted." The value of more miniatures to a wargamer or collector exceeds the value of sex it would seem. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() December 2, 2014 - 7:34am | Back when we used to get the ComDex show here, the saying about convention crowds was "They come to town with one shirt, one $20 bill, and for the week they're here they don't change either one". |
![]() December 2, 2014 - 8:59am | My wife would cut it off if I went to a strip club I think. ----------------------------------------------- |
![]() December 2, 2014 - 10:05am | Hey! I was one of those ComDex guys. I was worse too. I would use the trip as an excuse to visit my parents so I stayed with them and ate their food. For the first time ever I will be staying in a hotel this year when I come down for CES. I am with a group and running off to home for the night isn't gonna fit with me being one of the leaders. So I will be buying food and such this time. Come to think of it, this will be the first time I have ever stayed in a hotel in Vegas. I guess that makes sense to have to move away from Vegas to find the need to use a hotel in Vegas. Then again there are a lot of things in Vegas I have never done, some because I lived there as a kid and learned from others that they were not for me. -iggy |
![]() December 2, 2014 - 2:12pm | The irony of it is a few years after the last ComDex show, the recession hit and we all started missing that business. Not that we suffer from a lack of conventions --- far from that as we're still the convention capital of the world --- but when you're standing around with nothing to do you start to contemplate these things. Alas the business has changed significantly, and not just in recent times. It wasn't a decade ago I could waltz into any restaurant and flash my Captain certificate to get a deep discount --- this was a tradition as Captains wear a concierge hat and recommend restaurants etc to our guests. But in this past decade the Captain positions have been phased out in favor of know-nothing managers, and if I were to flash that certification today I'd get the "WTF" treatment. |