![]() November 17, 2014 - 6:16pm | GW10 has stats for a heavy security robot (GW3 Rules) p124 of GW4 Rules has stats for a police robot |
![]() November 17, 2014 - 7:15pm | I will take a peak at the Robot this week, I will see what I can figure out for SF.. PS took a look at the Poly doc, nice aliens... I am sure they can be converted, I will do Robby first though. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() November 19, 2014 - 10:58am | I will and try and start Robby proper tonight, I did already peak at him. ![]() There is a difference in melee turn time between SF (6) & GW/D&D (10) & this effects the bot's shield regen, so I can either keep it the same 1 point per SF turn or make it 1 point every 2 SF turns... so in D&D the bot over 1 minute would gain 6 HP toward the shield, in SF the choice is 10 points or 5 points over a minute. Let me know what you would like. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() November 19, 2014 - 2:41pm | Is there something comparable in SF? |
![]() November 20, 2014 - 9:19pm | Well SF robots are a bit different. The shields are more specific and they don't regen as much as absorbing damage which costs power usage until the power runs out, so we either follow the conversion numbers for this unique shield or we treat this shield like the screens in SF. The force shield on this bot takes damage, but regenerates, but if a PC or group of PCs gets it to 0 it then collapses so then damage can get through... until it regens. The robot's power source seems superior to what you see in UPF tech... so I will take a look at the robot info from Gamma World and I think I have a document on Robot Info that was suppose to be in SF but got cut too. I figure this bot will probably be running on something other than parabatteries... so I want to check that out. Normally SF bots run on a type 1 parabattery = 500 SEU's and a bot with a screen will have 2 such batteries 1 just for the screen. Robby here probably should have a basic body STA of 100, plus the shield for sure. I have been looking at his weapons too per the module, ouch. In SF terms he is probably a Level 4 Bot, with a restrain program. So his basic to hit should be 70% for both ranged & melee and his IM will be 7. Generally when I convert a critter or gizmo I want it to function & feel as close as possible to the original in the new system. GW has some tech not originally found in SF but that is not a big deal and it is easy enough to add... anti-grav tech of this bot is tech not found in SF, but not a problem to convert. We can add stats for anti-grav based on what the bot can do in D&D or we make him a hover bot per SF, but seeing as he also has a pressure & tractor beam I am thinking anti-grav is consistent with that tech level. I will get him the draft done probably sometime on Saturday or Sunday at the latest. Work and my hubbies health is zapping my STA this week, but I am working on him when I have a moment and my brain is not in lobotomy mode. ![]() "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() November 22, 2014 - 1:47pm |
<!--[if gte mso 9]> Okay here is a rough draft, please read through it... I did my best to give options... Robby is a deadly bot in the original module. GW power sources are different than UPF SF ones, that is okay, especially if you are converting GW to SF rules, tech wise there can be a difference in the cultures. Robot, Police: USE ILLUSTRATION #5. <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> Type: : Medium, Mechanical Number: 1-6 Move: 54 meters plus 108 meters emergency speed IM/RS: 7/70 STA: 100 plus Special Defenses. Attack: 70% <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> No. of Attacks: 1 per Turn, see below Damage/Attack: See below Special Attacks: See below Special Defenses: 50 point force shield (restored at 1 point/every 2 turns) <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> Robot Level: 4 <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> Primary Power: Broadcast Power or Nuclear Plant A/B or SF Type 1 Parabatery Auxiliary Power: Hydrogen Energy Cell C (replaceable), Solar Energy
Cell D, Chemical Battery E (rechargeable)
or SF Type 1 Parabatery
for shield, <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> Sensors: Standard, Infrared, Ultraviolet (A/B/C) Control: Vocal (Stage iV I.D.), special electronic, programmed <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> Police robots have built-in orange or red color card capacity
(Security personnel & Police/Security Officials) [Specific to accessing
areas of ship in the module] <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> Police robots have a built in Language Translator (robots can
translate the characters’ speech in 2 turns) and an atmosphere analysis device
(detects Radiation purple gauge 18 meters, Gas green gauge 9 meters, Spores
yellow gauge 4.5 meters). They have anti-grav units built in, and the capacity
of this unit type is the robot plus 500 kilograms. Emergency speed is usable
for 1 turn every hour. Locomotion of this robot uses anti-grav support coils in
conjunction with tractor and pressor beams for movement. <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> Police robots have the following attack means: a. 2 subdual tentacles of
2 meter length and 100 STR b. 2 arms which strike for
2d10 points of damage. c. A built-in laser pistol in the cranial section which conforms
to the following specifications, but which has no limit on power use, as the
unit operates off the main power source of the robot. Effect: A thin beam projects from a smooth cone shaped red stone. Range: 54 meters Rate of Fire: 1/turn Damage: 2 d10 d. base storage capacity for 6 grenades (3 sleep gas, 1 poison gas,
1 explosive, 1 incendiary) which can be fired by compressed air to a maximum
range of 24 meters by the robot. Range: blast radius of 3 meters (You may want to use standard SF Grenades as these are more
dangerous). Sleep Gas: all creatures in the blast radius will fall asleep for
d100 turns unless they pass a STA check. The Gas Cloud is persistent for 12
turns in a stagnant area, but in ventilated areas it will last for 4 turns, in
windy situations the cloud will last for 1 turn. All air breathing creatures
with in the area of the cloud must make a successful STA check each turn they
remain to avoid the effects. Poison Gas: Anyone in the blast radius will be poisoned. The gas
acts as a an extreme poison, an one who does not make a successful STA check
will die. If a character makes a
successful check they will be violently ill and unable to engage in combat for
2-12 turns, and will only be able to move out of the cloud’s area at ½ their
normal speed and RS is 1/2. The gas cloud is persistent the same as the Sleep
Gas and as long as a PC is in the area of effect they must make a successful
STA every turn the cloud persists. Explosive: Any
creature in the blast radius suffers 8d10 points damage, the damage is cut in
half if the individual passes a RS check. All with- in the blast are stunned
for 2-8 turns and deafened for 2-8 turns. Creatures within a 6 meter radius are
stunned for 1 turn and deafened for 2-8 turns. If the grenade is enclosed in a
container of normal material (not ship’s hull metal) of less than specialty designed anti-explosive
construction, the detonation will throw
shrapnel in a 6 meter radius, and all within will take 0-20 additional points
of shrapnel damage - use dl 0, 0 means no shrapnel hit. Incendiary: All creatures in the blast radius take 4d10 of damage,
a character that passes a RS check takes only half the damage, and all
materials within the area which are inflammable are set afire. Next turn, and
for the second, third and fourth turns thereafter, each creature originally
within the blast area will sustain an additional 1d10 points of damage from
residual chemicals burning. e. chest paralysis pistol mechanism (power disc operated) Effect: 24 meter long cone with 9 meter base diameter Range: Short = 6 meters, Medium = 12 meters, Long = 24 meters Power Disc Drain: 1/use (a full power disk has 6 charges). Damage: Total paralysis or slowed movement, if the victim of the
device successfully rolls his current STA or lower he will not be paralysised
but instead will have his RS and movement slowed to one half for the duration
of the effect. Paralysis lasts 5 turns at short range, 3 at medium range, 1 at
long range. f. tractor beam which can pull an object of up to 150 kilograms
weight g. pressor beam
which can push away an object of up to 150 kilograms weight <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> Only one form of attack can be employed during a round, i.e. subdual
tentacle attacks, arm strikes, laser use,
grenade launching, paralysis attack, or tractor or pressor beam use. <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> A robot in Star Frontiers gets one melee attack for every pair of
limbs it has, thus this robot would have 2 limb attacks as it has 2 pairs of
limbs. <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> Police robots can never be surprised. They have 200% human norm for both audial and visual sensors. They
have infravisual capacity to 54 meters. <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> This force screen must be brought to 0 points before any damage
accrues to the body of the robot. <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> This number appears
cumulative as the field can regenerate 1 point every 2 turns, unlike the
Gamma World force fields which must be exceeded in one turn to destroy the
energy field, damage to Gamma World fields are not cumulative. Once the field
is down in Gamma World robots the field generator is damaged and will need to
be repaired before it will work again.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> In Star Frontiers Shields operate on their own power source, that
absorbs damage until it runs out of power. <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> They can withstand vacuum or water pressure equal to 150 meter
depth when their force screen is up. Cold does not harm police robots, nor does
gas, paralysis, poison, etc. Fire/heat attacks cause only one-half normal
damage and acid affects them only if the force shield is down. Lightning and
electrical attacks have full effect, and there is a 1% chance per hit point of
damage sustained that the robot will malfunction and cease operation due to
fused circuitry <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> At 10 or fewer hit points remaining, there is a 50% chance per
round that a police robot will cease functioning. <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> These robots are programmed to use subdual and non-lethal attack
forms initially, restraint program. There is a 25% chance that any police robot
encountered will have lost this programming, however, so that violent and
deadly attack methods will be used. For such robots, roll d10 to find which attack method will be
used, treating a 10-9 as use of either pressor or tractor beam, 8-7 paralysis
pistol, 6-5 grenades, 4-3 Laser, 2-1 Arms. Robots of this type are 10% likely
to have armed themselves with some form of human weapon (blaster pistol or
rifle, laser rifle, needler), and in this case use d10, with 10 being attack
with an additional weapon held in their manipulative digits. <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |