![]() August 25, 2014 - 9:58am | It suddenly occured to me that shard grass (SF-1) is tailor made to keep the ul-mor away. Its likely that the ul-mor are the most susceptable to the damage it does. Its almost as if the eorna desired a fire break between the ul-mor and kurabunga. Maybe not "desired" but perhaps it had been considered desirable. There dosent appear to be any other "fire break" measures in place so perhaps it was just developed the one time and later it was decided that this was unneccessay thus the measure was not repeated. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() August 25, 2014 - 6:00pm | I can buy this idea. the treasure of Zebulon is all the bio engineering and bio knowledge that the Erona have. Megacorps like GodCO and SynthCorp would have a vested interest in being there and in gaining the upper hand over each other with Erona technology. -iggy |
![]() August 28, 2014 - 5:10am | I can buy this idea. the treasure of Zebulon is all the bio engineering and bio knowledge that the Erona have. Megacorps like GodCO and SynthCorp would have a vested interest in being there and in gaining the upper hand over each other with Erona technology. Perhaps this is the trigger for the mechanon uprising? They were uncomfortable with bilogical life but realized that their form of life was also threatened by the sathar and thus worked with the eorna to save Volturnus. As time goes on the eorna work at rebuilding Volturnus and mega corps move in with the UPF governor and a thriving star base, commercial and mercenary outpost develops. However, the mega corps are researching into bio-engineering makes the mechanon uncomfortable and then mega corps desirours of unravelling the secrets of mechanon evolution really makes them uncomfortable. Perhaps one of their conditions in their treaty with the eorna/PCs for joining the battle for Volturnus against the sathar was that the eorna were to cease from creating anymore sapient life forms "What is; Is what will be" The mechanons consider the treaty binding on both the eorna and all the races of the PC's party as well as the NPC Col. Jamison. Naturally, mega corps wont see it that way, and even the UPF governor and the Council of Worlds will likely not see the negotiation done by the PCs/Jamison/eorna as binding on the UPF. The mechanons of course will see activities by mega corps as a treaty violation. Enter "55 Days to Peking" as a model for the mechanon uprising. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() August 28, 2014 - 5:33am | "What is- Is what will be" This is a line from the agreement brokered by the PCs to gain the mechanon's help to resist the sathar in the Battle of Volkos. The Mechanons call this agreement "The Life of Volturnus Treaty" They consider it binding on themselves, the eorna, the other volturnus primitives, and the core four of the UPF's sapient species (assuming there were dralasites, yazirian's and vrusk represented in the PC party- humanity is of course covered by the presence of Col. Jamison but any member of the core four not present in the PC party could be hand waved to be present thru the presence of another NPC) The mechanons are not favorably disposed to biological life forms but this clause of the Treaty: What Is- Is what will be. Thus if the mechanon civilization was putty pressure on a life form within the ecosystem they would take steps to preserve that lifeform and not allow it to become extinct. and at the same time they would kill off other life forms that are in their way but not in danger of extinction. Members of the UPF or the eorna killing of all slithers on Volturnus or all cybo slugs would be viewed to be in violation of the Treaty and the mechanons would mark and record these violations. But one mega corp doing some experiments that look to be along the lines of creating new sapient races and another mega corp that discovered a mechanon body and had managed to recreate the personality matrix in a UPF style robot would become the triggering event where the mechanons consider the treaty to be void. Or rather the mechanons marked each treaty violation where something was wiped out (like a sathar creature or something else through development) and they sent an envoy to the eorna to inform them of the treaty violation. In the dialog that ensues the mechanon says "What is- is what will be" and the eorna repeats this phrase back to him. What the eorna never realize is that the mechanon consider this act of them stating the phrase and the eorna repeating it back, is a renegotiation of the treaty, essentially a new treaty, binding on all of the original participants. The eorna simply think that its a re-affirmation of the original treaty. Thus as things go on from the mechanon perspective the eorna and the UPF are repeated treaty breakers and when the big trigger comes they decide enough is enough. the mega-corp doing experiments that look like eorna bio-engineering of new sapients could be something along the lines of working on the snapes from the bugs in the system module or the Vihm. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |