![]() March 30, 2014 - 2:21pm | Just curious if anyone has seen deck plans for the Palomino or the Cygnus from Disney's Black Hole? The Cygnus is pretty much analogous a star destroyer but the Palomino would make a good ship for SF. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() March 31, 2014 - 5:04am | From the size, it looks like it would Scoutship. |
![]() April 3, 2014 - 9:21pm | There are generic large scale plans for Cygnus on the Black Hole website but I haven't seen detailed plans anywhere. The Cygnus is one of my favorite Sci-fi spaceships of all time. It is one of the few believable mega-sized ships in science fiction. It was perfectly cast for the role of haunted starship, with all the industrial architecture and exposed beams. The star destroyer, in contrast, may have looked good set against the Imperial Storm Trooper March but wasn't very believable. It just didn't make sense in terms of size and shape and it was much too clean looking. The Cygnus was all business and built to do a job. The Palomino was roughly an assault scout sized exploration ship. David versus Goliath to go with all the Biblical references in the movie. |
![]() April 4, 2014 - 2:41am | @Mother do you have a link to this site? I tried googling for it and came up dry. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() April 6, 2014 - 7:50am | Looks like Disney's planning a remake: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/disneys-black-hole-remake-lands-433034 I don't have to outrun that nasty beast my friend...I just have to outrun you! ![]() |
![]() April 6, 2014 - 8:17am | I found a couple interesting links for you Jedion: http://www.therpf.com/f10/black-hole-uss-cygnus-photos-such-44075/ http://www.starshipmodeler.com/other/js_cyg.htm I don't have to outrun that nasty beast my friend...I just have to outrun you! ![]() |
![]() April 6, 2014 - 8:31am | And a few pictures: http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/051/a/f/uss_cygnus_ortho_by_unusualsuspex-d7761az.jpg ![]() http://simotron.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/6a00d8341bfd2253ef01543316c5db970c.jpg ![]() http://www.gamestencils.com/pics/blackhole.jpg ![]() I don't have to outrun that nasty beast my friend...I just have to outrun you! ![]() |
![]() June 6, 2014 - 10:05pm | Here's a set of deckplans I whipped out in about six![]() |
![]() October 31, 2014 - 6:59am | The Cygnus is on my list of creepiest spaceship designs ever. |
![]() October 31, 2014 - 6:41pm |
@Mother do you have a link to this site? I tried googling for it and came up dry. Sorry, Jedion. I missed your post. I was away for an extended time. The drawing at gamestencils.com is the one I was referring to. It's the best one I've see. I think in a lot of ways the movie Event Horizon was a tribute to Disney's The Black Hole, if not an actual remake. A lot of the ideas from TBH were lifted and used in EH. |
![]() November 1, 2014 - 3:47pm | @Tollon Nice work! Does the ship in the movie put the engines at a closer angle on the bottom as you did? Stability wise the thrust would be easier to control if the engines were each at 120 degrees from each other. If the movie put the engines at the closer angle on the bottom, then I say keep to the movie. -iggy |
![]() November 1, 2014 - 10:23pm | Due to my limited drawing skills I depicted them this way. The engines are supose to be at 120 degrees apart. |
![]() November 2, 2014 - 8:17am | Gotcha. I'll note it on my game copy. -iggy |
![]() November 2, 2014 - 8:49pm | I liked this ship too... this is one movie I do not have. The last time I saw it I was a kid. It would be a great ship to discover in the Out Black. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() November 2, 2014 - 9:39pm | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyULTU9smVQ Video of USS Cygnus "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
November 8, 2014 - 3:28am | A classic. I remember seeing it in the theatre when it came out. Very nice on the big screen. I adapted the Palomino to my game years ago, but I haven't ever managed to get the Cygnus into my campaign. I always though it was cool/weird that the woman could mentally link with the robot. Nice pics, btw! |
![]() September 11, 2018 - 3:19pm | Sorry to bump such an old thread, but I've been really getting into The Black Hole again recently. When I was a kid back in the 1980s, I read Alan Dean Foster's book of the film and absolutely loved it. The film itself scared the Hell out of me, (darn that Maximilian)! But now I love the film. I found Tollon's wonderful Palomino deck plans on Google Images, and I just wondered if the plans were based on any official images from The Black Hole, or if Tollon's just got an amazing imagination and awesome deck-drawing skills? Any info' would be much appreciated! |
September 13, 2018 - 10:41am | Sorry to bump such an old thread, but I've been really getting into The Black Hole again recently. When I was a kid back in the 1980s, I read Alan Dean Foster's book of the film and absolutely loved it. The film itself scared the Hell out of me, (darn that Maximilian)! But now I love the film. I found Tollon's wonderful Palomino deck plans on Google Images, and I just wondered if the plans were based on any official images from The Black Hole, or if Tollon's just got an amazing imagination and awesome deck-drawing skills? Any info' would be much appreciated! I've bumped more than my share of old threads. But with this one, I don't have any other info on it, but it certainly looks nice. Never saw this one before. Joe Cabadas |
![]() September 13, 2018 - 1:25pm | Yeah, I don't know how I missed this thread either... The film itself scared the Hell out of me, (darn that Maximilian)! It was a pretty big leap for Disney at the time, their first PG movie and casting horro film great Anthony "Norman Bates" Perkins (who I felt was almost as creepy in BH as he was in Psycho). I found Tollon's wonderful Palomino deck plans on Google Images, and I just wondered if the plans were based on any official images from The Black Hole, or if Tollon's just got an amazing imagination and awesome deck-drawing skills? It's the latter according to later posts from Tollon in this thread. He's part of the Deck Plans project so I am equally surprised he didn't submit them there as well. |
![]() September 15, 2018 - 12:12pm | I've bumped more than my share of old threads. But with this one, I don't have any other info on it, but it certainly looks nice. Never saw this one before. Yeah, I don't know how I missed this thread either... It was a pretty big leap for Disney at the time, their first PG movie and casting horro film great Anthony "Norman Bates" Perkins (who I felt was almost as creepy in BH as he was in Psycho). It's the latter according to later posts from Tollon in this thread. He's part of the Deck Plans project so I am equally surprised he didn't submit them there as well. (SPOILER AHEAD!) Thanks for the replies! Tollon certainly did a great job of adding some realism, as if the Palomino were a real vehicle that we could all go aboard and visit. Wouldn't that be a great day at the museum? The Palomino has always looked to me like an advanced descendant of an Apollo LeM! It's a shame that the ship didn't survive to the end of the film. At least we have the Palomino-2 ! ![]() |
![]() September 18, 2018 - 4:38am | 2018 interview with the screen writer of the Black Hole reboot if anyone in interested; you'll just have to skim past the questions on Pacific Rim. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() September 25, 2018 - 8:38am | 2018 interview with the screen writer of the Black Hole reboot if anyone in interested; you'll just have to skim past the questions on Pacific Rim. Thanks for the link! I'd read or heard some years ago that there was going to be a remake, but that plan was stopped once Disney bought Star Wars. It appears that in the wake of The Last Jedi's turmoil, they've decided to revisit The Black Hole after all. I just desperately, desperately hope they don't make a film so bad, it 'poisons' the original by association! If they're gonna redo it, I hope they do a good job. ![]() |
![]() September 25, 2018 - 10:46am | It helps when the producer has a story to go by. The problem with Star Wars is they're letting the writers make it up as they go along and the Last Jedi writer pretty much ignored what transpired in Force Awakens, hence the contradictions between TFA and TLJ. Abrams is retruning for the next instalment so hopefully he'll get a writer onboard that is hip to the previous work and return some consistency. |
![]() September 25, 2018 - 4:10pm | Shoudln't there be another command deck below the bridge? IIRC the science guys and journalist had a virtual copy of the ser to sit in. |
![]() September 25, 2018 - 7:41pm | Star Wars meets Black Hole? Personally I think TFA & TLJ could have been dumped into a Black Hole. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() September 26, 2018 - 11:04pm |
Personally I think TFA & TLJ could have been dumped into a Black Hole. TFA was a great flick, the problem was TLJ didn't follow the story. By itself TLJ could have been a good flick, but it just didn't pick up the TFA story. Disney didn't have an overall plan for the story as a trilogy, rather they simply had writers develop their own stories along the way. Hopefully with Abrams' return they can get it back on track. As it stands, the stand-alone stories (Rogue One & Solo) are much better tales than the "stand alone" trilogy tales. Disney needs to start treating their new franchise like they have done with Marvel* or Iger is going to piss his big investment away along with his career. * Marvel meaning the movie franchise. If you think Disney has borked Star Wars, you should try exposing yourself to Disney era Marvel comic books. |
![]() October 9, 2018 - 11:01am | Shouldn't there be another command deck below the bridge? IIRC the science guys and journalist had a virtual copy of the set to sit in. (SPOILER AHEAD!) Yes, I've been studying the DVD and referring to Alan Dean Foster's wonderful book in order to figure out this tough little ship! The top of the Palomino, where Dan and Charlie and Vincent sit, is sometimes referred to in the book as the command cockpit and sometimes as the command centre. In the film, the top of the command cockpit's hull curves inwards, emulating the inward curve at the very top of the ship's exterior. The centre of the command cockpit's interior is dominated by a huge console, 12-sided if I've done my sums right, including three raised sections; one each for the three pilots. Towards the end of the film, when Harry steals the ship, on the helm there are three images which seem to depict the Palomino's engines. I'm not certain about that, but they do light up as he activates the ship's trio of star-drives! Beneath the command cockpit is the lab where Kate and Alex and Harry sit. Just like the cockpit, at the centre of the lab is a large console. Again, each of the three crew-members has their own personal section of the console. Without a side-by-side comparison, it's difficult to tell... but I think this 6-sided console is smaller than the one in the cockpit above. I feel as though the characters could lean over it and shake hands, whereas I don't think they could with the one upstairs, (I might be wrong about that). However, the lab itself seems bigger than the command centre overhead, with lots of compartments and alcoves around the outer edge, plus gangways to other areas of the ship. If memory serves, the book makes mention of there being a compact gym somewhere on board! Yet lower still is the cavernous engine room, named both power centre and power central in the novel. This high-ceilinged workspace appears four times in the film; it's where we first see Dan and Kate amongst the pipes, floating upwards in zero-G whilst on their way to the command cockpit, it's where the first air break amidships occurs, it's also where we see Harry and Alex unsuccessfully trying to repair the Palomino as it tumbles end-over-end towards the Black Hole, and finally where we see Dan and Charlie and Vincent successfully repairing the Palomino with spare parts from the Cygnus. During that latter scene, Vincent lifts a numbered asymmetrical rectangular panel, revealing machinery beneath for Dan and Charlie to work on. Vincent does this whilst electromagnetically standing horizontally on a bulkhead wall! This asymmetrical rectangular panel is one of many in the power centre, all of which are arranged in a large circle, and each embossed with a narrow trapezium motif. Charlie stands in the circle as he works, whilst Dan is waist-deep in machinery between two of the rectangles! In the earlier repair scene, it was Harry who was buried up to his waist in the Palomino's greebles. ![]() |