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    Darkonnia's D&D High Tech Handbook

    Project: d20 Conversions
    File Name: DnD-High-Tech_Handbook.pdf
    File Size: 3.52 MB
    File Type: application/pdf
    Updated: February 24, 2014 - 1:26am
    Submitted: Malcadon
    This is a file form called the D&D High Tech Handbook (note that the site and a number of the files are NSFW, but this file is safe). It is a small file, but it contains races and equipment form Star Frontiers, ShatterZone, Gamma World, Metascape, Blackmore, Buck Rogers XXVc RPG, (WEG) Star Wars, Space Master, and DragonStar. Of the races featured in this booklet, there are Dralasites, Vrusk and Yazirian form Star Frontiers. The inclusion of this file on this site is meant as simple reference for conversion.