![]() February 9, 2014 - 11:01am | There is an evolution of an idea here: 1) The Clan shadow created by Daron Paton http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/5976 the original link seems to be dead but it was discussed enough in this thread 2) clan centered religious practice as discussed in this project where the tales and songs of the honored dead are recited at clan gatherings 3.) the roles of music, dance and drama as proposed in various places. Idea struck on the way to church that Shinto or Shintoism would make a great model for yazirian belief pre dating the developement of the Family of One. Particularly the fact that it is seemingly fragmented and disorganized with Imperial Shinto being classed as different from folk shinto from sect shinto from shrine shinto. Yazirian belief would also be similarly fragmented due to the clan centered nature of their society where clans continents apart would seemingly have different practices (in details) but similar in form. In fact the whole folk, sect, and shrine aspects of shinto could be incorporated into yazirian belief. The actual beleif structure is that the spirits (sha'ka means spirit/soul) of the clan dead remain close to the clan and they should be honored as they are very present with the clan. the way they are honored is through song, stories and dance. hence the reason the honor code states a dead warrior without song is a tragic hero. Daren Paton's Hir kal (clan shadow) mirrors the shinto belief of kami that bear a grudge or seek revenge after death and become evil spirits. The sha'ka of yazirians that were not shown gratitude for their heroic deads are like the kami that bear a grudge and those wronged somehow in death are like the kami that seek revenge or a the full on clan shadow. Clan celebrations of singing and telling the old tales are all about appeasing the spirits and ensuring prosperity for the clan. Afterlife is about living on and watchin over the clan imperpetuity. eventually the honored dead that are at peace that they are not forgotten and that their clan continues and prospers will "fly" to the one tree, the garden of yazira, the happy hunting grounds etc. to rest with the spirit of yazira. this is the yaz analog to heaven. There is also a living "hell" where the disgruntled dead become hir kal and wander amongst the living bearing their grudge or seeking their revenge. Song and dance of clan celebrations is designed to both appease and or drive away hir kal. Clan eldars and chiefs functioned as "priest" in early history but eventually bards evolved in yazirian society and sometimes these have functioned as "priest". Almost invariably in the shrine centered form of yazirian belief the shrines were run by bard/priest who lived off the modest offerings brought to the shrine. truly great warriors that die sometimes become demi gods in the yazirian pantheon, almost patron saints of something they were famous for like Callistra in the Yazirian Warrior Bard article: http://frontierexplorer.org/book/yazirian-warrior-bard Callistra is of note that she is a demonic figure with near universal recognition as demoness of revenge, spite, hate and war (but not glorious or honorable war, pure all out destruction for the sake of destruction kind of war) Much like shinto belief does not preclude Buddism in Japan its possible for yazirians to both embrace the old way and the Fo1. Finally I like the idea of hi-jacking the shinto belief about impurity: certain deeds create ritual impurity that must be cleansed for one's peace of mind and good fortune. simple rituals involving water or smoke or incense can be performed to cleanse. the idea of impurity also can be the source of a yazirian being expelled from his clan About the only thing we need is a name for this belief system, Shinto mean way of the spirit The Honor Code is the Way of Honor so this belief might be The Way of the ? (spirit, song, ?) I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |