![]() November 11, 2013 - 5:13pm | Was going to call this 2.0 but that seems so over used. chat here got me thinking: http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/7824#comment-32729 About a potentially new series in the Frontier Explorer. Warriors of White Light was not a traditional module in that it was a series of encounters that the referee could use in any order and any number to plug into a bigger campaign. the reality was probably that most poeple used all the encounters as a mini campaign or acampaign launch. Warriors of White Light is interesting in its modular format and how the encounters are like a weekly episode of Star Trek or the old BSG. So the 2.0/re-enlisted idea is just that; new quick one session encounters like those in the original that can be used with the original module or used in the same way as the original module: plug ins for your campaign. These encounters should be short and easily modifiable to any militia, Space Fleet, a security/mercenary force (corporate). they are ideal for the FE's format where we can publish whole modules but we can serialize adventures and it this case it would just be a new encounter each issue. The call is for you to submit an encounter but if you lack time or desire to write it up you can suggest the encounter idea to the FE staff and we'll see about getting it written up. Dont heistate to site deck plans or other resources in the FE or SFman zine that are publically available as the emphasis is on quick short encounters for publication though submission could include deck plans, maps art and whatever. However, there are lots of resources in print which can save you time and effort. Dont forget the maps in the original box set either. So the call is for you to submit an encount I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() November 11, 2013 - 6:01pm | In the above sited thread I was intrigued to go look up the Junk Ship from SFman #13 which is a sub-orbital automated drone that collects and cuts up space junk with its laser power torch, I think we should presume that its a more powerful version than the one in the engineer's tool kit. The fact that they are automated with a mind of thier own so to speak suggested immediately the classic "rogue robot" encounter ala Assault on Starship Omicron from the referee screen but with a new twist. The junk ships swarm and begin cutting up the PC's ship. Writing it for the Royal Marines: the PCs have no initial warning of the coming attack. When the ship is swarmed by 1d5 junk ships (I think the dice will almost roll a 4 or 5 by referee fiat just to give the PCs a challenge). The robot brain controlling these ships has been hacked on Clarion station by agents of the Liberation Front (anti monarchy terrorist group) and the target is all the militia ships in orbit. the terrorist have also done something to take out the weapons on Clarion station bomb the radar or hack the tragetting programs. Encounter can play out either as KHs or AD: if junk ships are cutting on the assault scout the ships weapons cannot target them but they can be used to target other junk ships moving in for the kill. The part that would play out as AD encounter would be the crew going EVa to stop the junk ships cutting on the Assault scout. Playing out the encounter: either playout the KHs and AD sections of the encounter separately or fudge the KHs turn to allow AD style action during it. For example the time it takes to don a space suit is longer than is possible in a typical AD encounter or combat but not during a KHs turn (10 minutes). Characters may travel within a ship and perform some action or two that the referee deems reasonable within the 10 minute KHs turn. for example someone in his bunk can travel to a gunnery station and use the laser battery for one of its two shots that it would normally get off during a Khs turn. Another character can travel to the suit locker and don his suit and move to the air lock in one KHs turn. Going eva would be slowed down by the use of pressure doors so a PC could exit and move the length of one deck. Already exited PCs could travel half the length of the ship and do something or travel the whole length of the ship. AD combat with junk ships will be handled differently. PC are looking to do structural points with small arms and or explosives. Chracters will get close enough such that they wont miss but can opt to shoot from one or more decks away (shooting from a distance should be treated with individual die rolls to his for each shot). Shooting from up close requires a skill roll but a successful skill roll means maximum ammount of damage from the ammo expended (usually the whole clip) but a failled to hit roll means the damage from the whole clip is rolled normally. The ROF for small arms mean that in the time PC can pretty much empty and change a clip so an attack will be 1 minute/clip thus a PC that reaches a junk ship could expend 10 clips. I'm going with 1 minute/clip since the PC gets what is an automatic hit on a non moving target so he's traking careful aim to do the maximum damage and changing the clips would take time. Other special rules: no ship may use more than 1 ADF or 1MR/ turn with crew on eva unless the decision is to cut the EVA crew loose and for the ship to run for it. the initial attack by the junk ships was planned with malice of forethought and its against the engines to prevent militia ships from escaping. So the encounter starts with all milia ships taking engine hits and at least 1 junk ship cutting into each engine. Secondary target is weapons systems. Goal it to cripple the millitia. Resources: Assault scout maps in KHs box or FE. Junk ships in SFman #13, WoWL module for a list of equipment on board the Osprey (how much ammo is available will be crucial) Continuing the Adventure: investigate the hacking and track the terrorist. with several militia ships severely damaged it would be a bad time for the sathar to show up and...surprise! they do. Can the badly outnumbered and out gunned militia hold off the worms- random mechanic for dock workers and ship's crews getting their ships out of dock during the battle. Easily reworked for any militia or space fleet with a new terrorist group. or for a corporate security force with the hackers backed by another corp. Then there is the timing of the sathar, was a sathar agent behind the attack by the terrorist group? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() November 11, 2013 - 7:27pm | Awesome ideas as usual Jedion... One of those rock hound ships would be a great location. Perhaps out by the wildcat miners near the old pirate base? How about a jump tug or able hand salvage ship? There's a salvage operation going on near the asteroid belt when the tug goes quiet kind of thing... |
![]() November 11, 2013 - 9:41pm | One of those rock hound ships would be a great location. Perhaps out by the wildcat miners near the old pirate base? How about a jump tug or able hand salvage ship? There's a salvage operation going on near the asteroid belt when the tug goes quiet kind of thing... Write it up. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() November 11, 2013 - 9:57pm | Toying with a very basic encounter idea much like the cargo inspection one in WoWL. Medical Emergency- Militia needs to render aid in the outer system basic idea is to have a table of medical emergencies that could be roled on, and or a table of other complications. Its a fairly simple and straight forward thing just need 1d10 medical emergencies 1. pregnancy, labor 2. possible blue plague occurance 3. comatose ship's crew man (who just happens to be vital to the operation of the ship ie a pilot or engineer on a civilian ship) 4. severed limb 5. alien xenomorph doing a face hugging and chest bursting conversion of the crew 6. zombie nanite virus 7. alien symbiote 8. and 1d10 other complicaitons. 1. engines malfunctioning 2. Life support malfunctioning 3. ship holed and decks decompressed- crew trapped unable to reach space suits or life boat 4. computer fried 5. hiding from pirates 6. wanted criminal on board 7. illegal cargo 8. nothing 9. 10. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 3, 2019 - 8:09am | Medical Emergency- Militia needs to render aid in the outer system basic idea is to have a table of medical emergencies that could be roled on, and or a table of other complications. Its a fairly simple and straight forward thing just need 1d10 medical emergencies 1. pregnancy, labor 2. possible blue plague occurance 3. comatose ship's crew man (who just happens to be vital to the operation of the ship ie a pilot or engineer on a civilian ship) 4. severed limb 5. alien xenomorph doing a face hugging and chest bursting conversion of the crew 6. zombie nanite virus 7. alien symbiote 8. Radiation sickness- radiation sickness rules in SFman # ? Engineer fell sick others affected. source is not the engines if atomic powered. 9. Urgent surgery required- appendicitis in a human, accute spiroliatic phnemonia in a vrusk, Copore Alienum Cystosis in a dralasite, etc 10. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |