![]() October 15, 2013 - 4:18am | If Zebs doesn't say then its simply left out. First we ever heard of Anker being colonized is Zeb's Guide which, in setting is produced by the University of Zebulon located on Anker. One Nagging question I have is why base a university there? You have a major redevelopment and rebuild happening on Volturnus so it would make more sense to piggy back that effort and put the university there. to establish one on Anker you still need to build infrastructure to support that. Ie a shuttle landing field and everything that goes with that. Then you have the fact that there is nothing to do here whether entertainment wise nor even local jobs for students. Its not a huge problem- there just has to be a reason for it. Perhaps the U of Z went here to build contained biospheres like Biosphere 2 out in the American Southwest which is now owned and opperated by a university for climate research. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 15, 2013 - 4:38pm | Now we should focus on developing a story about how the university of zebulon gets a whole planet. -iggy |
![]() October 16, 2013 - 4:24am | Now we should focus on developing a story about how the university of zebulon gets a whole planet. I dont know that they get the whole planet and there is the issue of it being further out from Zebulon as Volturnus is warm so Anker will be cooler. does it have an atmosphere? or do they live in domes? I kind of like the biosphere thing. Also the system is actually settled and the eorna have some form of government, even though one troop carrier could wipe them out in an afternoon providing they couldnt mobilize the natives. So assuming the Volturnus campaign went off as a success we can assume that the eorna survive as a political entity with an unknown amount of political pull. We also know from the Zebulon Guide that Volturnus has a governor that is a member of the UPF. So I generally take the view that Volturnus is a territory like Peurto Rico. The Eorna have not the manpower to rebuild their society to be a major player on the interstellar stage nor to the have the military capability to defend themselves nor the infrastructure to build the tools to defend themselves. and they are sitting in the middle of two major interstellar powers. I think the eorna cut deals with everyone and anyone for money and infrastructure improvements as well as signing a treaty to make Zebulon a territory of the UPF. the deals they would have been signing would have been in the forms of concessions and licenses- PGC wants to exploit certain mineral deposites they recieve a licenses for that but they pay X ammount and are required to build a mono rail line from the mines to the star port so that the movement of ore is elevated and does not interfere with the natives. Trans travel and other parties are recieving other concessions but in exchange they pay X credits and build a modern star port. Space Fleet is under treaty obligation to protect the system and thus they build a base with launch facilities either connected to the civilian star port or in another location. Land Fleet will have a storage depot of preplaced equipment. there would be a feeding frenzy of mega corps trying to jump in on the band wagon. The deals cut with the megacorps would have begun prior to the signing of the treaty with the UPF so the first governor will likely turn a blind eye to any new deals realizing that the eorna are trying to just get a leg up to rebuild their planet. The UPF as well will be doing some rebuilding. So how do we get a University on Anker? No other planet wanted the research facility that would be working on sathar specimens? or simply experimenting with dangerous organizms in contained environments. thus the eorna said Hey we'll license you a planet. Clearly there would be government funds involved. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
August 17, 2016 - 6:49pm | Anker is a vast empty canvas awaiting someone to populate it with some more information. Is it a small planet or a big one? Does it have a breathable atmosphere or just one any native life would like? The Eorna had to colonize it first before they achieved Void travel. Likely it had a heavy to dense population (see my discussion on revising the population codes). So it would have been targeted by the Sathar. Weren't there any Eorna survivors here? Did they devolve? Does it have a hot climate like Volturnus or a colder one or a temperate one? Did the Eorna terraform it in the past? Did it have its own Sathar listening post? Did the Star Devil ever set up operations here? Etc. etc. Joe Cabadas |
![]() August 20, 2016 - 6:10am | There eorna probably had a small colony outpost there. It was most likely attacked by the sathar and is ruins today. If there were eorna survivors on Anker their goal would have been to return to Voltunus if possible. If it was not possible to return to Voltunus then it's extremely likely they died out quickly as resources ran out. Side note: what do the eorna call Zebulon and Volturnus as these are clearly alien designations from a language known as Pan Gal? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() August 20, 2016 - 9:03am | Volturnus is most likely Eorn since they are the Eorna. As for Zebulon that is anyone's guess. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() August 20, 2016 - 9:15am | Volturnus is most likely Eorn since they are the Eorna. As for Zebulon that is anyone's guess. Or how about Georn, which is close to Gorn another more famous reptilian race but different enough. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |