August 19, 2013 - 8:11am | Planet: Ken'zah Kit System: K'aken Kar Militia: 2 assault scouts Doliin Bay (small Space Station) UPFB Ken'zah Station (Fortified Space Station) Ken'zah-Kit is a company owned planet. The government itself is Ken'zah Inc. It's sole purpose is the betterment of Ken'zah-Kit. Ken'zah-Kit is a Vrusk heavy planet. They do not allow weapons to be carried by the population. The main industry of Ken'zah-Kit is agriculture. Ken'zah-Kit allows the import of commercial & industrial items, as well as the export of agriculture items. One of the jobs of the Ken'zah-Kit Militia (K.K.M.) is to stop all inbound freighters containing agriculture goods. They are directed to UPFB Ken'zah Station. The K.K.M. maintains a presence here. Those ships directed here are thoroughly searched. No risk is taken to allow pests or disease onto Ken'zah-Kit to endanger the Agriculture Industry. Ken'zah-Kit has a history as being the starting point of the Second Sather War, within the Frontier. This has intensified the K.K.M.'s other job - defense of Ken'zah-Kit. (A third Assault Scout is on order, after the conclusion of the SW II.) The K.K.M. is Vrusk dominate. The K.K.M. is a division of Ken'zah Inc. The Managering Director of Defense hires the Colonel, who is in charge of the K.K.M. There are then Majors that are hired or promoted to fill the different department head positions, ex: Logistics, Finance & Personnel. Logistics consists of material and supplies, the purchasing, storing and issuing of said supplies. Finance supports the purchases of the Logistics department as well as pay for the militiamen. Finally, Personnel consists of hiring and assignment of personnel. Captains are under the Department Major to fill the different section heads within each department; ex: Logistics: Procurment, Materials, Property, etc. The individual Assault Scouts have two crews for each ship. Each crew does a 10 day rotation on/off. This allows the ships to be manned at all times without wearing out the crews. A typical crew is commanded by a Lieutenant (LT). This individual is the Pilot for the ship. Under the Lieutenant is three Lieutenant, Junior Grades (LTJG). One LTJG is in charge of Engineering. The other LTJG is responsible for Astrogation. Both of these positions are important and require intensive training. The third LTJG is in charge of the boarding party. The crew typical consists of one enlisted for: Engineering, Energy Weapons & Rocketry Weapons. The boarding party consists of one Sergeant, one Corperal and six enlisted. The Sergeant & Corperal each have a four man squad. Typically, they carry: one military skeinsuit, one albedo screen with power beltpack, one electrostunner, sonic sword and two tangler grenades. K'zen (Osprey class Assault Scout) Officers: 4 Crew: 3 Boarding Party: 8 K'ar Kit (Osprey class Assault Scout) Officers: 4 Crew: 3 Boarding Party: 8 The size of the Ken'zah-Kit Militia is roughly 500 personnel. 60 of these individuals consist of flight crews. Another 80 personnel consist of boarding parties that are assigned to the UPFB Ken'zah Station. They perform daily, intensive searchs of inbound freighters. The remaining individuals are support staff and officers. |
![]() August 19, 2013 - 12:10pm | Nice write up, Jaxom. I think we can assume that he order of battle listed in the KHs campaign game is the combat effective elements that would impact that game. Thus this militia could also field a flight of shuttles with boarding parties and potentially fighters. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() August 19, 2013 - 12:28pm | I commented on this thread in the whats in a name thread and I like the name KKM as a strictly Pan Gal translation of the vrusk name. This militia however has a nickname of Scarabs or Orange Scarabs. The Scarab is a large (essentially a D&D sized giant beatle) that is a major aggricultural export of the planet. the militia symbol is an orange and black stylized rendition of the scarab. Write in a scare where accidental imporation of an agg good almost wiped out the orange scarab and this becomes the watch word for the militia's vigilence. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() August 20, 2013 - 2:20am | With this force, I would rather have them go with a name like "Guard" then "Militia", as they are a corporate-owned force, instead of a normal citizen muster. |
![]() August 20, 2013 - 3:12am | Since this is a Vrusk dominated planet a name like House of Ken'zah Protection Service might be more appropriate. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() August 20, 2013 - 4:14am | Ken'zah Protection Service might be more appropriate. Since this is a Vrusk dominated planet a name like House of I like this.An equally good nick name would be House K or House, over the proposed "Scarab". That said I would modify the company name to be House Kacken as the system is more likely to have a name its known by long before its colonized and the colonizing agency being a vrusk trade out or conglomerate might name the planet after its company name since at that time of colonization the planet might still have a designation of Kenzah Kit IV (4th planet from the primary) When it became neccessary to establish a militia its name may have then be chosen from the system name to assert its authority over the system as a whole thus: House Kenzah Protective Service. Somewhere there is a glib one liner waiting for a PC to spout, "Not in my house." refering to pirates or sathar coming in system to do what they do. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() August 20, 2013 - 7:46pm | Vrusk do not use glib one liners. That's why we keep Dralasites around. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() August 21, 2013 - 4:09am | Vrusk do not use glib one liners. That's why we keep Dralasites around. Now that was funny. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() September 7, 2022 - 3:23pm | How important is the Astrogator position if the ship never leaves the system? Sure the astorgator will do the in system navigation and we can presume that they also do the scanning and dectection work but could they not be a Ensign instead of Lt jg? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() September 9, 2022 - 4:45pm | Creatures of Ken'zah Kit Cauri SFman 21 "Trade Goods and Commodities of the Frontier, Part Three" Lemmaru "SFman #17 ""Kar'tix XagXin's Field Guide
to Frontier Creatures, Volume II""" Lethle SFman 21 "Trade Goods and Commodities of the Frontier, Part Three" Mastarine SFman 21 "Trade Goods and Commodities of the Frontier, Part Three" Rik'ta SFman #17 "Kar'tix XagXin's Field Guide to Frontier Creatures, Volume II" T'koom SFman #19 "Creatures of the Frontier" & SFman 21 "Trade Goods and Commodities of the Frontier, Part Three" Tyleri SFman 23 "System Brief: K'aken-Kar" Flora Chi'chat'l "SFman #17 Trade Goods
and Commodities
of the Frontier, Part One " Poranger "SFman #17 Trade Goods
and Commodities
of the Frontier, Part One " Rr'chint "SFman #17 Trade Goods
and Commodities
of the Frontier, Part One " I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |