jedion357 July 22, 2013 - 3:36am | I'm just bouncing out ideas as they occur to me: 1. the Hepplewhite company background should be fleshedout, it sounds like a subsidy of potentially a mega-corp but I'm also wondering if the name itself was an Easter Egg of some sort named after a TSR employee or someone else? Thus on background discussion could go forward on two fronts A.) expanding game fluff by working up a write up on the Hepplewhite corp B.) on discovering the real world origin or decision behind the name by the designers. 2. Back story on this particular crash: what was going on with this ship could hold potential for more investigation and expanded adventure opportunities. 3. Random Hepplewhite? investigation of ship crashes- ships crashing has to be a somewhat common occurance 1-3/ year so why not work up some tables for randomly generated hepplewhite investigations adventures- for example instead of the crash happenning in the wilderness on a planet it could happen at a settled area, in a docking bay of a station, between two ships, with a bit of space terrain- this would asteroid or bigger and not just a holing of the ship by a 3 cm asteroid, holing of a ship that causes a catastrophic fault would be a result too I guess, the classic drifting ship scenario where a cargo brought on board killed everyone could be a result as well. Other tables would include results for what happened to the passengers/crew; what was the ships mission; cargo etc. 4. Hepplewhite crash took placed on Volturnus right? well it seems that the designers were intent on filling in a lot of detail on the first planet to get painted in, Volturns. Why? 5. This goes with number 3: ship geo-morphs. Random ship decks for random crash investigations. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
jedion357 July 22, 2013 - 4:19am | Item #6 The fate of Rinny, the child rescued in the adventure. what is the fate of Rinny? Why was he aboard the ship? Item #7. What is the name of the ship? Hepplewhite is the name of the company so what is the name of the ship? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
jedion357 July 22, 2013 - 5:14am | Because of my work with two SF fanzines and now networking with RPG Review, I'm always thinking about zine content. So I suppose this idea was bound to happen sooner or latter: what if we expanded and developed a full blown modle with the hepplewhite crash as a kernal of an adventure hook? The Hentz /Fo1 angle I suggested in another thread could be developed. FE cannot produce full blown modules but we get around that with serialized adventures. Not sure what restrictions TSR placed on Bill for digitally remastered material or the SFman but those might be other angles for producing a module. Alternately, the module could be posted here in this project in the documents section or a PDF uploaded to the files section. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
Jaxon July 22, 2013 - 8:02am | LOL, sorry Jedian. I was just fleshing out some of the ideas in the original books. I didn't flesh them out too much, as you suggested though. |
jedion357 February 16, 2017 - 9:47am | OK so new inspiration modifies direction. Other plots afoot and major players with major stakes and Hepllewhite Inc and PCs will be caught in the cross hairs. 1. Mechanon uprising angle: mechanons shot down the ship. Angered by their view of the treaty with their eorna and new organisms being bio engineered by Bio-gen. Hepplewhite ship had the slime bug sample. 2. Bio-gen will be in crisis mode and sending Mercs to clean up mess and ensure nothing comes back to them. 3. CDC corporate security spook has suspicions about Bio-gen and uses his company's insurance division to have an adjuster hire a tean, the PCs, to investigate. 4. CFM may work behind scenes to help PCs I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |