July 20, 2013 - 10:22pm | This is from the rulebook but, just fleshed out. Hepplewhite
Crash Hepplewhite Inc has
recently lost a shuttle. The players are hired to locate the craft, rescue the
crew and discover the cause of it missing. The players will receive: Find the ship 200 credits Find a crewmember alive 100 credits Find a crewmember dead 050 credits Discover reason for crash 100 credits Players are drop by aircar one hex above #1 on the region map. XP AWARDS Recover Emergency Beacon 1XP Defeat Slither 1XP Recover 2 bodies & defeat rippers 1XP Recover 2 bodies & Rinny 1XP Recover Black Box 1XP Discover ship was bombed 1XP
![]() July 22, 2013 - 2:12pm | Just noticed that the hex map lacks a scale and it does not seem to be listed anywhere. However, the description of area 4 states the PCs can see the winged rippers circling at area 5 which is 4 hexes away so it does not seem that the hexes have very large scale. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() July 22, 2013 - 2:25pm | The feel of the sample adventure is that its some unspecified time after the Volturnus Campaign. Since the ship is several days over due and some local authority has commissioned the PCs to go look for it and provided them with an air car. This suggests to me that Volturnus has become settled. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() July 26, 2013 - 10:34am | Are you sure of the "feel" of the sample. Being a short sample adventure this would be the type to bring the PCs together after rolling up characters and a way to learn the rules BEFORE sending them out on the Volturnus campaign. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() July 26, 2013 - 4:44pm | Are you sure of the "feel" of the sample. Being a short sample adventure this would be the type to bring the PCs together after rolling up characters and a way to learn the rules BEFORE sending them out on the Volturnus campaign. Clearly because of the presence of Rippers (native to volturnus) its on Volturnus . the fact that the PCs are given an air car and not a interstellar ship means that they are on Volturnus, IMO. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
August 4, 2013 - 8:11am | There is nothing that supports that as there is no mention of the Volturnus campaign nor timeline. |
![]() August 4, 2013 - 9:40am | There is nothing that supports that as there is no mention of the Volturnus campaign nor timeline. I infer that its Volturnus because of the presence of the Rippers which are native to Volturnus. It is possible that they were cargo on the ship and have simply congregated about the bodies but I feel then the presence of the slitherer in the sample adventure also points to Volturnus. The slither is a sathar attack monster and we know that the sathar abandoned their attack creatures on Volturnus (and this includes more than just the quickdeath and slitherer those are two of the top 3 best known) encountering a slitherer and rippers in one day is not that surprising on Volturnus but on another planet it would be. Logically there would need to be an explanation for the rippers and an explanation for the slitherer if this was another planet. To me saying both were cargo is a stretch, though its possible. its just simpler to say that this is Volturnus. The the fact that its a missing ship and some authority has dispatched the PCs with an air car and not an interstellar transport suggests its an on planet authority at a space port wondering where this over due ship is. That would have to be the situation after the Volturnus Campaign unless the dispatching authority is the Star Devil pirates which significantly changes things with this sample adventure. If you were running Shadow Shack's pirate Volturnus campaign then including the Hepplewhite crash in the campaign is interesting. Its only logical that there will be a star port at Volturnus in the future after the campaign and that such a star port wont have much infrastructure in the way of a satellite net set up that would have let it track a ship coming in and thus know exactly where to send a search party on the very day of the crash within hours instead of "Gee this ship is 2-3 days overdue we should send someone to look." Of course the pirate sitiuation is the same- they wont have a satellite net and will do most of their tracking of ships by a picket ship in orbit which will not have great records of the ship going down if its not placed in the right spot in orbit. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
August 4, 2013 - 9:49am | The Rippers could be a metaphor for "vulture". Rather then creating a new creature - they just pulled it from the Volturnus info sheet. The Slither - that is different. It is a Sather creature. But, you could still place it on another planet. The Rippers are a type of vulture and the Slither - a random Sather plant. You could even put a bounty on the Slither. Show up at Star Law with the dead body and receive 1,000 credits. |