![]() May 5, 2013 - 9:13am | In D&D 4.0 DMG 2 it discusses alternative rewards and suggested item components that let the players assemble and make their own magic item. its an interesting idea: So what if the players came across a copy of Galactic Technology magazine with an article about an scientist that developed a process to get better engine performance from atomic drives? They could opt to try to run down the NPC and see if their ship's drive could be modified to the process. naturally he'll want money and some items fetched to do this. could be a tech diagram to modify a PGC model laser rifle for burst fire but it also requires a particular crysal for the lasing chamber and this crystal is rare and only found on Volturnus in the Burning Lands? it could be a strange artifact that is in pieces that could be reassembled. its old tech left over from the eorna civilization from before the Day of Doom when the sathar crashed that civilization. its no longer made anymore but if all the parts were assembled the item might be reactivated and used to replace something the PCs already use from Frontier tech but the new item is less wt or uses less energy or is more effective in some way. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() May 5, 2013 - 9:21am | Suggestiongs from the DMG: 1. help from an NPC 2. harvested ingredients: rare and difficult to obtain 3. Forbidding sites There might be a skill challenge associated with assembly- idea for a tech character i recently say a copy of Han Solo at Star's End and that reminded me of the plot involving a lost army of killer robots- perhaps the item is a discontinued combat robot that might be desirable for the PCs to put back together because it has double the normal number of STA than the standard robot models or some other tweek to its perfromance. Perhaps its a damaged deactivated mechanon but the dont know that. In fact the robot that must be put back together theme could have a table of results that is rolled on once its reassembled: 1. its a outdated combat bot but imprints on the technician and serves him as a sort of SF frankenstien monster. 2.) its a mechanon, 3.) its an AI android built by some alien scientist but has laid abandoned till the PCs activated it it has the mind of a child and follows the PCs trying to figure out its way in the world, 4.) its a killer robot and tries to kill the PCs 5.) the robot's memory banks holds a holographic message which plays after its reactivated, "Help me Obi wan, you're my only hope!" and etc. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() May 5, 2013 - 6:23pm | Star Trek was never really big on robots, unless you count the Enterprise being hooked up to a supercomputer and going around trying to kill the fleet. Add that one to the list please. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() May 6, 2013 - 1:04pm | Yeah, those are good ideas for rewards that go beyond the standard gold, EXP and magic/high-tech prizes. Although, rewards in role-playing games can take on more diverse forms:
May 6, 2013 - 8:42pm | I think we had this discussion once before. Malcadon hit on somethings I remember from before, like reputation. I like the mechanon idea. Finding an abandoned robot who turns out to be an old model machanon who's memory is messed up. That sounds like a good plot lone to follow. If the gm planed in advance, created an artifact or high tech item, then broke it into bits for multiple adventures, the pc's could find each piece then in the end have that tech item enhance something for them as you all have pointed out so far. Make it a side adventure to the current one, but once the item is put back together, it influences the story arc in the end. If the pc's don't ever get it all then the story goes a different direction. |
![]() May 7, 2013 - 2:47pm | So you are in a contest with a vile monster and you put on this ring you found nearby to help with your escape and you know the rest. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() May 7, 2013 - 5:18pm | So you are in a contest with a vile monster and you put on this ring you found nearby to help with your escape and you know the rest. artifacts- a lot can be said about them- they have have story even if the players dont know it otherwise its just what's behind curtin number 3 in my opinion. Take the sword known as Sting- we all instantly know what it is and its story and as far a magic items go its not much to write home about except that it does have story I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |