![]() April 30, 2013 - 8:51am | A dull brain wrought with things forgotten...-Shackspear In the Frontier we have the mysterious cybot- a cybernetic construct of living tissue and metal- one has to ask just what living tissue goes into a cybot? Science fiction has typically answered this with either a brain or as in the case of the Terminators- skin. I dont see much else making sense (not that either of the above options make much sense either). So what is the nature of the ill defined Frontier Cybot? The rules only list Missions and Functions for extrapolating a robot's behavior and give no special case for the cybot. This implies that the cybot functions exactly like any other robot. So why would you put a human or any other species brain into one? a standard robotics processor is probably going to have a longer life and easier time reprograming. I've always characterized it as that the brain is wiped of conscious memories and that its connected to the regular robotics processor and the net result is that it allows these high level robots to think more creatively then otherwise possible. I'd be curious as to other peoples opinion on that. Another idea hit me- the sathar are into removing brains, putting them in a jar and hooking them up to stuff- Volturnus obelisk. It would seem clear that the sathar personality is still preserved in this disembodied brain. So I was also thinking that perhaps cybot tech came about in the Frontier because sathar tech had fallen into Corporate and or military hands and the Frontier Cybots were reverse engineered from sathar tubed brains. That said I think there would be story potential to explore this development of the cybot in the Frontier. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() May 1, 2013 - 4:02am | A cybot is simply a cyborg. They can have fully organic bodies and computer minds, or organic minds and fully mechanical bodies, (Their bodies do not need to be anthropomorphic,) or any amount of each in between. "Cybots are living beings that have mechanical bodies." (SF2: Starspawn of Volturnus) Supported by the fact that their bodies have a STA score of 100. "Baralou has the appearance of a young, female Yazirian, but is actually a highly sophisticated cybot...Like all cybots she is a combination of organic and mechanical components." (SF5: Bugs in the System) Again, her body is fully mechanical as demonstrated by her 100 STA. However, it goes on to say, "Unlike normal robots, however, her special bio-electronic circuits give her a limited intelligence (INT/LOG 25/75) and the ability to perform the functions of an astrogator at level 4. She has no other skills, however, and her artificial personality (PER/LDR 25/20) is poorly developed." So she has organic components in her brain. "The Eorna have captured some of these beasts during your absence and implanted control devices in their brains, turning them into at least partially controllable fighting cybots." (SF2: Starspawn of Volturnus) Thus showing that the beasts are fully flesh and that they are simply implanted with control devices. Judging by the evolution of the material, "cybots" were originally called "slavebots". "Slavebots are cybernetic combinations of living beings and machines. The biological part of the slavebot is the remains of a captured enemy. Most of the brain has been replaced by a cybernetic implant. The slavebot is controlled by a disembodied Sathar brain kept in special liquid solution...The Sathar brain is linked to a radio transmitter that sends coded signals. These are then received by the slavebot so that direct control is possible." (SF1: Volturnus, Planet of Mystery) "Cybodragons are huge lizards that have been cybernetically altered. Many parts of their bodies have been replaced by machinery. Each of their two eyes have been replaced by the Sathar equivalent of a laser rifle...The cybodragon uses other sensing machines to serve the same functions as normal eyes." (SF2: Starspawn of Volturnus) "Legrange's Cats...These two cats are part robot and part real cats. Their normal functions have been enhanced by the addition of mechanical legs which secret poison through their claws. The cats also have a small rocket pack fitted to the base of their tail which allows them to propel themselves through the air to attack." (SFAD6: Dark Side of the Moon) Their stats also give them albedo fur, but STA of 50. So the way to roll up a cybot is simply to determine what parts of the cybot are organic and what parts are not organic. Then determine the stats accordingly. I think their design should be kept freeform. You design them the same way as you design a robot and a creature, together. If you make a cybot PC, then you make them the same as you make a robot and a PC. You just limit each contribution by what part and how much of the being is replaced. Cybernetics rules are not necessary. All you need are the robot design rules. View my profile for a list of articles I have written, am writing, will write. "It's yo' mama!" —Wicket W. Warrick, Star Wars Ep. VI: Return of the Jedi "That guy's wise." —Logray, Star Wars Ep.VI: Return of the Jedi Do You Wanna Date My Avatar? - Felicia Day (The Guild) |
![]() May 1, 2013 - 8:20am | Here are the guidelines I would put down for making a cybot: 1. Choose your cybot's base race. 2. Determine how much of your cybot is organic and how much is cybernetic. 3. Roll up the stats for the organic parts the way you would for a PC or creature, leavng out any stats that will be replaced by the cybernetic parts. Also determine any skills retained. 4. Add cybernetic parts, programs, missions and functions the same as you would for a robot. To turn an existing character into a cybot, simply start at step 2 and skip to step 4. You should end up with a cybot like this one: CYBOCATS Type: Cybernet Robot (Lion) Body: Lion, Anthropomorphic (Lion) Level: 4 Number: 2 Limbs: 4 anthropomorphic (Lion) legs MOV/Travel: 10/120 Parabattery: Type I RS (IM): 90 (9) STA: 50 Attack: 70 Damage: Mechanical claws (2d10 each) + poison (S10/T10) Defense: Albedo Fur Equipment: Rocket pack fitted to the base of the tail Programs: Security Lock, Attack/Defense, Self-Defense, Computer Link Mission/Functions: To defend their owner and follow orders from his computer implant. Description: These two big cats are part robot and part real cats. Their normal functions have been enhanced by the addition of mechanical legs which secret poison through their claws. The rocket packs fitted to the base of their tails allow them to propel themselves through the air to attack. RENA Type: Cybernet Robot (Yazirian – Female) Body: Type Anthropomorphic (Yazirian) Level: 6 – can control robots of levels 1-5 Parabattery: Type 2 Limbs: 1 anthropomorphic (Yazirian) robot arm with glide flap, 2 anthropomorphic (Yazirian) robot legs. Handedness: Ambidextrous MOV/Travel: 10/120 Eyes/Hair: Golden/Brown with blonde highlights STR/STA: 75 (25 right, 50 left)/75 DEX/RS (IM): 85/90 (+9) INT/LOG: 55/60 PER/LDR: 40/60 Attack: 90 Damage: 2d10 punching per limb – or by weapon Equipment: uniform, A/S implant, infra-red goggles, vibroknife & 20 SEU. Left forearm has a laser pistol connected to beltpack, shoulder houses an albedo screen connected to beltpack, 50 SEU beltpack. Programs: Security Lock, Attack/Defense, Computer Link, Administration Mission & Functions: Rena is a fully aware cybot with a partially robotic brain and body. Personality: Stiff and Logical. Skills: Military 4, Environmentalist 2 Description: Rena has the appearance of a young, female Yazirian working as the assistant of Torok Rel, but is actually a highly sophisticated cybot with 60% of a Yazirian brain. Though her personality has been sacrificed she is fully autonomous and self-aware and experiences a very small degree of emotion. View my profile for a list of articles I have written, am writing, will write. "It's yo' mama!" —Wicket W. Warrick, Star Wars Ep. VI: Return of the Jedi "That guy's wise." —Logray, Star Wars Ep.VI: Return of the Jedi Do You Wanna Date My Avatar? - Felicia Day (The Guild) |
![]() May 1, 2013 - 6:34am | By the way, SFAD6: Dark Side of the Moon has directions for dealing with cybernetics that simply says to use the surgery skill. There was never any need for any special cybernetics skill. No special drawbacks for cybernetics and no skills needed for dealing with one's own cybernetic implants. It was simple and uncomplicated dealing with cybernetics. View my profile for a list of articles I have written, am writing, will write. "It's yo' mama!" —Wicket W. Warrick, Star Wars Ep. VI: Return of the Jedi "That guy's wise." —Logray, Star Wars Ep.VI: Return of the Jedi Do You Wanna Date My Avatar? - Felicia Day (The Guild) |
![]() May 1, 2013 - 7:29am | So would you characterize cybots as a development prior to the main age of adventure or one that is developing during the PCs carreers? I'm kicking around the idea of having cybots being an up and coming tech and the centerpiece of a story line. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() May 1, 2013 - 8:08am | Well, replacing body parts is already available now. Fully cybernetic limbs are now hitting the market thanks to the military. The interactivity between brain and technology is coming nearer to perfect. I'd say 50 years from now we would most definitely have publically available implants of every kind. People replacing at least part of their brains with processing units would quickly follow, especially those who suffer brain damage or tumors. So take that as you will. If cybots are just "up and coming" in the Frontier, then the Frontier is way behind the times. We can already grow organs of any kind in a lab, even a pumping heart, and have cybernetics that can interpret brainwaves. View my profile for a list of articles I have written, am writing, will write. "It's yo' mama!" —Wicket W. Warrick, Star Wars Ep. VI: Return of the Jedi "That guy's wise." —Logray, Star Wars Ep.VI: Return of the Jedi Do You Wanna Date My Avatar? - Felicia Day (The Guild) |
![]() May 1, 2013 - 5:20pm | I usually mandate a selection of the basic organs that support a brain, be it organic or artificial...i.e. heart, lungs, and a circulatory system to support the living/preserved brain. But the whole concept of bionics and cybernetics is pretty open ended and it's tough to draw the line as to where one ends and the other begins. |