![]() April 15, 2013 - 4:26pm | Its obviously early in the day and the information coming out of downtown is still developing but I just want to stop and offer a prayer for the victims, particularly those that we are hearing have had limbs blown off and for the family of the 8 yr old that died. I'm also offering what theologians call an imprecatory prayer that the FBI will get the ones responsible and that they pay for this. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() April 16, 2013 - 3:08am | With you and glad to hear from you. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() April 16, 2013 - 2:30pm | I ran breakfast to a MP company of the national Guard whose armory is about a good hour out of boston without traffic and when i showed up this morning no one was talking at all. The mood was somber and people helped unload the van without even a peep. The most communication I heard was the sgt. asking if I had something for him to sign. Its entirely possible that they were just coffee adicts that had not had their morning coffee yet (because I was delivering it) but I really felt it was just somber emotions connected to the events that required their being activated. Mood was different when I got back there for lunch but then i was detecting clear indications that the Lt was being a nudge about signing out equipment and that the process was going to take all day. I could be wrong but I think I rolled pretty good on my vrusk comprehension score while observing a couple of the non-coms discussing the situation about how and why the signing out of equipment was going to go. The Lt seems nice (she certainly was pretty) and she took time out of her laborious signing out of equipment to run and fetch the 1st Sgt to sign my invoice rather than do it her self or just delegate someone standing by to do it. I'm sure there is some arcane army reason that the appropriate sgt must sign the paper but there is no catering reason other than I want a scribble to show my boss that the delivery was recieved in good order. I probably could scribble a signature myself, really. And with one weekend/month and every other disaster having us deleiver food all the time the process of billing the state is pretty much streamlined without any problems. Occassionally a sgt will have paper work for me to sign for doing the delivery but its not consistently followed and that proceedure usually falls by the wayside eventually. At anyrate from what I observed on my second trip there today I'm guessing they'll make it to Boston in another day or two. I have a sneaking suspicion from my father's stories that he's been painfully aquainted with this sort of officer in his military career. Despite the fact that this 120 man company is gearing up the word around town is that the national guard is already being used to secure the 15 block crime scene so I'm guessing these guys are destined for that as well but it dont look like their going to get their fast. The party may be half over when they do. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() April 16, 2013 - 6:52pm | Could it be that 007 always wrecks his car just to avoid the paperwork of checking in equipment that he never properly checked out of Q branch in the first place? Maybe the wreck report is just a comment in his debriefing. -iggy |
![]() April 19, 2013 - 4:17am | Well, they got one bomber in a gun fire exchange with police and they reported that he had significant trauma to his chest- assumed to be from one of his own devices. There is a town on lock down and hopefully they'll have the other one soon. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() April 19, 2013 - 5:08pm | The next step will be a ban on backpacks, limitations of maximum 7 ball bearing capacity containers, and a nationwide registry for cell phones. At least that would be the case if we follow the parallel course of logic... |
![]() April 19, 2013 - 6:16pm | Well its over and he's in custody. @Shadowshack: Why you need high capacity ball bearing containers anyway ![]() But I'm going in to the store butt ugly early to warm up some pre-cooked food and deliver it to 140 National Guardsman. I hope they've set up enough coffee urns to brew for that many and that we got in more java boxes or what's suppose to be an idiot proof job will be giving me fits. However, I may just slip a 3-5lb. cookie tray into the delivery for the guardsmen to say thankyou for their service. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() April 20, 2013 - 3:58am | Oh Shadow you forgot, as we learned in the Terminator you can make explosives out of household chemicals. This probably what they did, so just like ephedrine containing products can only be purchased in limited quantities and only after your ID is checked so will moth balls and the other household items. YAHHH to the Law Enforcement in Mass. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() April 20, 2013 - 4:50am | YAHHH to the Law Enforcement in Mass. Its simpler than that, all those "extra care" and savings cards that you have to have in your wallet or on you key chain with the bar code so that you can get the sale, savings or special deal, people give their name and personal information to get those. This means their is a data base with your information concerining what you bought. Do you really think one of these institutions is going to protect your privacy when Federal agents are knocking on their door and saying things like "Dont make me go get a warrent" or "we're hunting a mass murdering terrorist do you want to be responsible for his next attack?" Heck they probably already have hacked these data bases in the past and can do so anytime they want. I have all those cards out of neccessity, but John Smith, John Brown, and Jim White are the sorts of names having thier buying habbits tracked and somebudy across town is getting junk mail intended for them as well. Drug stores around here will sell you their entire stock of moth balls without the blink of the eye, the 19 yr old cashier has not seen any terminator movie let alone the first and is more interested in sneaking a peak at the most recent text on her smart phone then actually considering how odd it is that you would need so many moth balls. And lets face it the number of people making crystal meth over explosives is so disporportionately high that its not likely for them to put moth balls behind the counter and require ID but if they did then bomb makers would just "smurf" the moth balls same as the meth makers do- send in a bunch of little smurfs to buy small quantities of the controlled substance so as to not raise attention. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |