![]() March 12, 2013 - 9:31pm | ...and followed me home.![]() ![]() One man's trash is another man's treasure. ![]() ![]() |
![]() March 12, 2013 - 9:37pm | The prior owner decided that to replace the missing passenger peg with some miscellaneous steel stock welded to the frame:![]() A few laps with the ginder took care of that knee smasher. ![]() Since the bike came with no front fender, I opted to grind the fender mounting nubs off the fork lowers. Left fork is stock, right is modified: ![]() Smoothed and finished with paint. More paint on the rotor, the pads will eventually scrub the overspray off. ![]() Airbox removed and pod filter affixed to the carburetor. More paint applied to the cylinderhead,and sanded off at the edges of the cooling fins. ![]() |
![]() March 13, 2013 - 7:59pm | That is awesome! Can't wait to see the finished product! |
![]() March 14, 2013 - 10:35am | It's going to be an experiment in not spending money. I essentially bought the bike for its motor and rust free tank to swap with one of my bikes that had aless than splendid motor (it runs but smokes) and a rust-lined tank. Having swapped the motors and tanks now it's just time to have some creative fun. I'm working on cutting an old fire extinguisher to use as a faux oil tank to hide the exposed wiring. |
![]() May 11, 2013 - 3:29pm | So I had some quality time with the grinder today. The rear fender got shortened and I lopped off the frame horns. I stripped that shredded seat down to the pan and it will get shaved down to match the profile of the frame and the rear lip is going to get knocked off as well. I need to whip up some bracket to properly position the fender on the swingarm, and I need to cut out a gateway for the chain on the left side of the fender as well. Total cost of build so far: $1.79 for some matte black spray paint, and I have officially veered away from "CraigsList bobber" status. A "CL bobber" is what I affectionately call those partially dismantled hack job tht the dudemen post in Craigslist far too often...the typical model has both fenders removed and the stock mufflers sawzalled off, and for all that innovative & imaginative "custom" work they ask above MSRP new prices. ![]() ![]() |
![]() May 12, 2013 - 2:04am | I hadn't read this thread in awhile and had forgotten wha it was about but I had to instantly click on it because of events at work yesterday. Its the first communion/confirmation/wedding season and catering is busy. I had two deliveries going to the say town 45 minutes away from the store. One had a very fragile whip cream frosting cake that we had to blast the AC in hopes that it didn't start to melt because the cake decorator had just finished it and there was no time to let it set in the freezer. We got to the house and there was a beagle running around and the people seemed unconcerned despite it taking 3 times as long for us to turn the van around and park making sure we didn't run over the dog. (I've never run over a dog before but I'm sure its bad for business.) My ride along was running stuff in the house while I set up the chaffers and he told me the beagle had jumped into the back of the van. I was instantly in a panic knowing we were screwed if the dog had poked his nose into the cake boxe which was open so that the lid would not crush the frosting decorations on top. luckily he was more interested in the hot bag we had transported the entres for this delivery in because greasy sauce had leak in the bag. I've only ever worried about closing up the van (and locking it) in the wrong section of town knowing how stuff could potentially disapear out of the van never really worried about closing it up in the suburbs. Well that's my "it jumped into the back of my truck story": BTW congrats on the bike, I'd love to see what you would do with a hovercycle sometime. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() May 13, 2013 - 3:55pm | Aside from the bu ku money, I can't say I miss the banquet/catering business. |