![]() February 17, 2013 - 6:20pm |
So I got a chance to play SF with my kids yesterday. Here's a short synopsis. (The group consists of two dralasites, a yazirian, and a vrusk). They left the Kurabanda village and started their journey to the pirate outpost. After three uneventful days, they reached the "Black Lake" as described by their Kurabanda guide. Wondering why it was called Black Lake, they ran an analysis on it and discovered the petroleum content. They decided it was either contamination from the pirates or a natural upwelling. They figured if it wasn't from the pirate outpost, they would be able to come back and locate the source and collect it. Tired of walking they spent the rest of the day constructing a raft and a rough sail of woven vines from the jungle. In the morning they set out to follow the coastline down toward the pirate outpost. Towards evening on the first day they were attacked by a flock of 30 winged rippers. One of the boys decided he wanted to try to capture one to try to tame as a pet. So he was using his sonic stunner that he had acquired onboard the Serena Dawn to try to stun one and knock it out of the sky. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn and missed every round the rippers attacked. His little sister, on the other hand, couldn't seem to miss. Despite her low skill with a laser pistol, hit on 7 out of 8 shots. After about 6 rounds of small bites and scratches from the rippers (enough to wear out the last of a couple skein suits) they managed to kill enough of the rippers to drive them off. As the creatures were flying away, the character with the stunner took one last shot and rolled an 02, finally hitting and knocking out one of the rippers. They quickly rowed over and retrieved it from the water. Now he has a very angry carnivorous bird he's trying to tame. He's been bribing it with the chocolate covered anchovies he found in the cargo hold. The night and next day passed uneventfully as they made camp and then continued to paddle toward the pirate outpost. They came upon the dry canal but decided not to investigate. As soon as the pirate outpost was in sight, they made for shore and set up camp for the night being careful to stay out of sight of the outpost. "No fire tonight boys," one of them, playing the Yazirian techie (with an environmentalist skill) said. In the morning they approached the pirate base and witnessed the robot come out and make it's patrol. As soon as the robot came out, the groups roboticist (the yazirian) decided he wanted to capture and reprogram it. When it went back inside, the yazirian ran up to the fence to ascertain if it was electrified (which he did) and see if he could turn it off (which he couldn't). He then retreated back just before the robot came out again. One of the boys had an idea, "Wood doesn't conduct electricity, we can use the raft to get over the fence." So after watching the robot make its patrol again they retreated back to their camp where the disassembled the raft and reassembled it into a longer ramp and carried it back to the outpost. Watching for the the robot, once it completed it's circuit and went back inside, they rushed up to the fence, laid the ramp up against it and clambered over it and into the compound. They then stood up against the wall of the building waiting for the robot to come out so that the Yazirian could deactivate it. And they managed to do this all without asking about, seeing, or being seen by any of the security cameras on the outside of the outpost. When the robot came out, the yazirian made a DEX roll to try to reach in and open the access panel to deactivate the robot but he missed. This brought them to the attention of the robot who shouted "Intruders" and brought his laser rifle to bear but in the close quarters missed. Seeing what the robotocist was after, the vrusk managed to get the access panel open as the robot turned to fire at the yazirian. They won initiative on the next round and the yaz was able to deactivate the robot. While that was going on, the two dralasites entered the building to find themselves in the garage. They quickly dragged the robot inside. At this point, the yaziran set to work on the robot while the others checked out the garage finding the jetcopter disassembled and in need of some repairs. Listing out the robots mission and functions he found that it was programmed to two circuits around the outside and then two inside and attack anyone without a Star Devil tattoo or insignia. He decided to change the "without" to "with" in the latter bit so that it would attack the pirates and not them. As he got to work, the dralasites proceeded into the next room, which turned out to be the store room. Along the way they unknowingly (no one looked and it was a silent alarm) tripped an IR beam alerting the pirates to their presence. Upon the discovering the storeroom the drals started opening boxes, while the vrusk went to cover the far exit. Back in the garage, the yazirian was not having any luck with the robot. Try as he might he just couldn't get the new function programming to take hold. Determined to succeed, he continued to work at it. One of the drals opened a small crate and found a power beltpack which he quickly strapped on. The other dral, played by my 6 year old, opened a big crate and found a bunch of food. She was quite happy and started stuffing her pockets. The next round the first dral opened another small crate and let out a contented sigh. He had discovered 5 T-19 charges. As the teams demolitionist, he was been quite upset that he didn't have any explosives but that was now remedied. The other dral found a crate of powered milk and juices. As the drals were opening the next set of crates the door to the room opened and another combat robot rolled in, having been sent there by the pirates. Prepared for just such an event, the Vrusk immediately unloaded a pair of laser blasts into it's body, putting a serious dent in its stamina, as the robot took stock of the situation. Completing opening the crates, the drals found 3 solvaways and 4 bottles of vitasalt pills. At this point they turned to face the new threat. On the next round, the vrusk dropped his laser pistol and pulled out his machete, realizing he had a much better chance to hit the unsurprised robot with the melee weapon than with his pistol and took a swing, connecting solidly. Just then two of the pirates rushed into the room and began to attack as well. Our demolitionist drew his sonic stunner and fired at one of the pirates but missed, the other dral fired her laser pistol and, her string of good luck continuing, connected two shots to the robot. The pirates and robot returned fire but fate was on the side of the adventurers and none of the shots connected. Meanwhile out in the garage, after several more failures, our roboticst finally managed to alter the robot's function to attack star devil marked characters. At which point he started dragging the robot toward where he could hear the fighting. One of his brothers asked him why he didn't just turn it back on and he said "It's just on the start of it's patrol outside, if I turn it on now, it will just continue with that and go outside and won't help us. If I take it in the other room first and then turn it on, it will see the pirates and attack them before trying to go outside." Back in the storage room the PC's again won initiative, the dral blasted the robot with her laser pistol once again and the vrusk solidly connected, slicing the head of the robot and rendering it defunct. Our other dral missed once again with his stunner. His bad luck streak continued as one of the pirates connected with his laser pistol, dropping the dral's STA nearly in half. Our yaz decided that dragging the robot in was too much work and so decided to try to alter the other function from patrolling the inside and outside of the building to just following him. On the next round the characters all got good hits in and the demolitionist dral managed to drop his target with the stunner. The other two got good hits in on the other pirate but not enough to take him out. Just as the round was ending, a third pirate entered the room and joined the fray. Once again all the pirates managed to miss (I was rolling really crappy). Lucky this time, the yazirian was able to quickly make the function modification without problems. On the next round, he entered the storeroom with the robot behind him to be met with a laser blast from the new pirate, severely wounding him. With the addition of the combat robot and fourth character, the PC's quickly overcame the two pirates before they could retreat. They slit the throat of the stunned pirate and quickly looted them and finished ransacking the store room. Ready to enter the rest of the complex, we ended there for the evening. On a side note, the yazirian is really excited about his new "pet robot". My print proof of Frontier Explorer issue 3 (the robotics issue) showed up yesterday and he had glanced through it. This morning I found him pouring over the "Programming Robots for Dummies and Dralasites" article. He had made a character sheet for the robot with it's characteristics, weapons, power, etc. and was looking at ways he could reprogram the robot to do what he wanted. Since the yaz had the robot, and the one dral had the winged ripper, my son playing the vrusk has claimed the jetcopter (even though he technically can't fly it). My 6 year old daughter doesn't really care. She was mainly just playing to be with her brothers. More to follow shortly. They are itching to play some more and finish up the outpost so we'll probably play some tomorrow (President's Day) if there is time. Ad Astra Per Ardua! My blog - Expanding Frontier Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine Managing Editor - The Star Frontiersman Magazine |
![]() February 17, 2013 - 8:05pm | Hah! I love the fact that your son was pouring over the programing article for Dralasites and dummies! Also surprised to see someone find a use for the chocolate covered anchovies! I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() February 17, 2013 - 8:14pm | Yeah I thought it was really funny when I came down this morning and he had the magazine out. He was quite excited with all the ideas it gave him for reprogramming it. He's reading over the actual SF rules for the robotics skill and the robot equipment right now. Ad Astra Per Ardua! My blog - Expanding Frontier Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine Managing Editor - The Star Frontiersman Magazine |
![]() February 17, 2013 - 11:10pm | Is he interested in roleplaying rolebots? Or just construct and direct them? View my profile for a list of articles I have written, am writing, will write. "It's yo' mama!" —Wicket W. Warrick, Star Wars Ep. VI: Return of the Jedi "That guy's wise." —Logray, Star Wars Ep.VI: Return of the Jedi Do You Wanna Date My Avatar? - Felicia Day (The Guild) |
![]() February 18, 2013 - 6:17am | Just constructing/programming them. Ad Astra Per Ardua! My blog - Expanding Frontier Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine Managing Editor - The Star Frontiersman Magazine |
![]() February 18, 2013 - 8:41am |
They are itching to play some more They're not the only ones. SF-1 is my fave of the AD modules, and reading that synopsis makes me want to play it again. |
February 19, 2013 - 10:42pm | By the way Tom, Happy Birthday! And that sounds like it was a lot of fun with the kids. |
![]() February 22, 2013 - 9:41pm |
So we got a chance to play tonight and finish up the pirate outpost. After looting the rooms and the bodies of the dead pirates, they turned their attention to the door to discover that it was locked with a contact recognition lock. Just about then the intercom on the room came to life and Willy "Whiz Kid" Malone called out to his comrades to see what was up as the sounds of fighting had died down. Pulling a "Han Solo in the detention block" one of the PC's answered back, trying to sound like one of the pirates, that the robot had malfunctioned and that they had it under control. He rolled an 18 for the bluff so I let it go. Our demolition dral, named "Upgrade" (a Ben 10 creature, he was named several years ago by a then 9 year old), grabbed one of the dead pirates, dragged him over to the door, and pressed his thumb against the contact recognition plate. The door recognized the print and opened revealing a video camera right outside the room looking at the door. After dithering for a moment trying to decide how to get by unnoticed (they were convinced that there were quite a number of pirates hiding somewhere as they hadn't yet seen any of the ones that got away from the fight with the Kurabanda), our yazirian, Zomboy (remember 9 year old giving the name, this is the twin of the one playing the dral), took a pot shot with his laser pistol, hitting the camera and activating it's albedo screen. At that point, the intercom came to life again asking what was up. They responded that they were still working on the robot as it was still malfunctioning. Now Willy could see into the room and there were two dralasites, a yazirian, and a vrusk – definitely not the three human pirates. He pretended to go along with it and told them to bring the robot back for repairs in an attempt to draw them out into the field of fire of the armed cameras in the halls. Thinking Willy had bought their bluff once more, three of them headed out into the hall leaving the other dral, Envirolena (named by the at the time 12 year old daughter who isn't playing anymore since she wants to play a Fantasy RPG, not Sci-Fi), behind to guard their backs. They stepped out only to be immediately fired upon by the laser gun at the other end of the hall. It hit Upgrade but only for a few points of damage (bad 5d10 roll). At that point Zomboy rushed the camera and took a stab at it with his spear but missed. Upgrade ducked through a door into what turned out to be the common room to get out of the line of fire. The robot, named ST37, followed Zomboy but since he didn't have any specific orders, didn't fire. The vrusk, E'mkz (E=mc^2, named by an 8 year old but modified by me) followed along as well but didn't fire, being armed only with laser weapons and suspecting that this one was shielded as well. The laser blasted Zomboy but he had looted the albedo screen from one of the pirates and so was protected (although his screen lost 8 SEU of power). On the next turn, Zomboy nailed the camera with his spear and it became inoperative. Upgrade moved through the common room to the door on the other side (into the radio room) only to discovered it was locked so he set to it with his axe. At that point Zomboy ducked into what turned out to be the barracks and began rifling through the chests of drawers. E'mkz ran around that room to the other door into the radio room only to find it locked as well. The laser gun over the door to the reactor took a shot at him but missed. Frustrated with the locked door, he took a shot at it with his laser gun but it didn't do much. On the inside, Upgrade had managed to hack through the lock and get the door open and entered the radio room. Zomboy continued to rifle through the pirates' belongings as Upgrade inspected the radio room and E'mkz tried once again to blast the lock to little effect (he only had the laser pistol set to 1 SEU). The laser gun got luckier this round and blasted E'mkz for about 20 points of damage. The next round just as E'mkz was about to take another shot at the door lock, Upgrade opened it from inside. Zomboy exited the barracks room and started walking around to where the others were. The laser gun fired at Upgrade but missed. Upgrade headed to the door to the lab only to find that it was strongly reinforced and he set to it with his axe once again. (It's funny but after all that time pining for explosives, when he finally had some and a perfect door to use it on, he forgot about them completely). The other two rushed up to try to disable the gun camera but both failed (Zomboy with his spear and E'mkz trying to loop his whip around it and yank it off the wall). This continued for a three rounds as the two were unsuccessful in trying to disable the camera and Upgrade continued to try to hack through the door. The laser gun fired once at Upgrade and missed, shifted aim to Zomboy and hit but the only effect was to drain 5 more SEU from his powerpack, and then shifted to E'mkz and missed just as Zomboy finally speared the thing. As Zomboy took out the camera gun, Upgrade busted through the door and entered the lab to find the dead Edestikea. Taking quick stock of the lab, and determining that there were no pirates, he joined the others as they entered the generator room. They looked around and then Zomboy and E'mkz, technicians, shut down the generator plunging the compound into darkness. Turning on their flashlights, they headed to the last door that was down some stairs to the underground computer room. Once again, Upgrade attacked the door with his axe until he busted through. As he stepped into the room, Willy who really had no place to go and had been waiting for them, fired at point blank range with his sonic stunner scoring a direct hit on Upgrade. Unfortunately for Willy, Upgrade had taken the sonic screen off of one of the dead pirates and the blast had no effect. Quickly crossing the room and clearing out of the doorway, Upgrade swung his axe and connected solidly with Willy's torso. Zomboy rushed into the room and ordered ST37 to blast the pirate with his laser rifle only to find that Willy was wearing an albedo suit. E'mkz finally turned up the power setting on his laser rifle to 5 SEU and fired two shots but missed with both of them. On the next turn Willy fired at Zomboy but missed and Zomboy, using his machete, and Upgrade, using his axe, finished of the luckless pirate. With the pirates all cleared out, they reactivated the generator and did a thorough sweep of the outpost, reading the notebooks in the lab, hacking the computer to get the information on the the Edestekia village and pirate base, and the information about the first Volturnus mission. They fixed the radiophone and the jetcoper, finished fully reprogramming ST37, and recharged their power packs. E'mkz, the team's medic, performed surgery on himself and Upgrade to get them back up to nearly full stamina and Upgrade went and recovered his captured winged ripper that they had left out at their camp outside the base. It tried to bite him (it's a captured carnivore after all) but he gave it some more food to attempt to win its trust. XP was awarded and Upgrade purchased an Animal Handling skill (a Bio-Social skill, details of which will come out in issue 4 of the Frontier Explorer) and Zomboy increased his Robotics skill to level 2. Now they are plotting their assault on the big pirate base. They discovered a map in the outpost computer showing the terrain between the outpost and the base and are very glad they will all fit in the jetcopter as it would otherwise be a very long walk. Ad Astra Per Ardua! My blog - Expanding Frontier Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine Managing Editor - The Star Frontiersman Magazine |
![]() February 23, 2013 - 2:46am | I think Upgrade is a perfect name for a dralasite, well perhaps a nick name. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() February 23, 2013 - 11:00am |
12 year old daughter who isn't playing anymore since she wants to play a Fantasy RPG, not Sci-Fi Welcome to my world, that desribes my wife perfectly. She tired of SF so the only gaming I do anymore is D&D. Which I still consider fortunate, D&D is a far cry better than no gaming at all. |
August 14, 2013 - 6:59pm | My kids want to stop playing Star Frontiers and start playing D&D. Oh well. As you say, better than no gaming at all. |
![]() August 14, 2013 - 7:13pm | Random idea: What if the kids from the Dungeons & Dragon cartoon landed in Volturnus instead? |
![]() August 15, 2013 - 12:45am | Well they probably would have limited it to 3 of them to represent the 3 PSAs and given them a yazirian and a dralasite sidekicks, the yazirian would bicker at the dralasite for his corny jokes and stupid comments for comic relief. Random idea: What if the kids from the Dungeons & Dragon cartoon landed in Volturnus instead? there kids would have been played straight but at the end of the show the dralasite would make a corney comment and everyone would have groaned then briefly laughed a little and fade to credits. It would have been a jock, a geek and a girl. the jock would have represented the military PSA, the geek the tech and the girl the bio-social psa. In this case the girl would have been treated as elves, dwarves and halflings were in basic D&D: as a special class. Boys can be many different things hence the jock and the geek getting some class diferentiation but the girl is just good to look at and smart and there for the boys to keep safe. the geek has no hope of getting with her either. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() April 10, 2014 - 7:36pm | MY KIDS ARE NOW GROWN. 19 AND 21 AND IN COLLEGE, but when they where younger I would run adventure for them as zero level character as them selves spending the summer in Grayhawk. the city visiting friends and such. they got in some trouble and explored a lot of the city- later they would play older characters but they knew Grayhawk inside and out. I would here them tell stories of thier adventures in grayhawk as thier summers away, when there frinds who heard these stories found out it was DnD game one was heard to say I wish I spend my summers in Grayhawk. |
October 22, 2014 - 1:25am | My kids really enjoyed Volturnus before we finally ended up switching to D&D. One of my favorite moments: they nicknamed the Edestekai "the peanut people". The name stuck. I don't think they ever memorized their correct name. Every time I'd say the Edestekai, they'd reply with, "Who?" "You know, the peanut people" "Oh, OK." |
![]() October 22, 2014 - 10:46am | they nicknamed the Edestekai "the peanut people". LOL easily related as one of my groups dubbed them "Mr. Peanut". One of the players even rendered one with a top hat and monocle. |
![]() November 28, 2014 - 10:03pm | Got a good llittle adventure in with my kids for Thanksgiving. The adventure is written up here: http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/8493 -iggy |
![]() February 15, 2018 - 6:42pm | I was playing a female Klingon, (star trek) and was captured by another player whom put me naked in the brig. Well he had androids do his maintaince while he and his first mate, the only living crew), took a shuttle to the space station. To do that the androids shut down power to everything which got me out of the brig. but I couldnt get off the ship. To play for time I was able to break into the ships computer but I couldnt change the programming, I did hoever exchange the word vulcan for klingon and vice versa. When they got back they realized what happend and began looking for me immediatly. HE kept telling the ships computer to scan the ship for klingons, and then locate them. "there are no Klingons on board." said the computer. this went on for at least an hour. |
![]() August 19, 2018 - 12:47am | My sister (she's younger than me) has gravitated away from SF, for reasons I don't understand, but I remember one of my earliest adventures where she did really well: My dad had created a custom scenario where we invade this asteroid base that contains the handlers of the Sathar agents from the Basic Rule scenario. Our group (three humans, Vince, Raven, Ronin, and one dralasite, Octavia) were hired to get rid of the Sathar base on this asteroid. Naturally, Raven just charged into the room and started firing wildly like the maniac he is. Back at that time, though, Raven didn't have much of an arsenal: just a laser pistol, an electric sword, and a bow. Raven just started firing his bow at anything that moved, and didn't even bother to move into cover. All 5 spies were firing at him, but they had laser pistols (for the most part, anyway) and his albedo screen was barely getting damaged. Ronin managed to take out one of them with a roll of 20, and Octavia hit one with a laser pistol but it was set to 1d10 and did minimal damage. What shocked me, though, was the fact that Vince, our main technician and robotics expert, was doing so well. He'd brought a robot that he'd acquired on a previous adventure (not Volturnus), named GR-36. He stayed in cover behind it (it was a level 4 maintenance bot that had been fully reprogrammed and outfitted with a laser rifle and a gyrojet rifle, one on each arm.) Vince managed to hit and stun a spy with a roll of 02, but his second roll (a 94) was so bad, our referee rolled a 50% chance of hitting the spy next to him. He managed to pass that check, and the pirate next to him was the one Octavia hit, but this time Vince's pistol was set on 5d10, and it knocked him down to 3. The robot took shots at the three remaining spies, knocking out one and killing one. Raven immediately sprinted for the far door, where the one remaining spy had ran through, alerting the other crew. Raven burst through the door and was confronted with three spies, all with laser rifles, pointed at his chest. They all fired, missing only once. Raven's screen was rendered useless, but he threw a tangler grenade at the middle spy. It tangled all three of them, but there was one more in the near corner that Raven hadn't seen. He fired at Raven, but missed, and that's when GR-36 unleashed a firestorm of shots at him. He was wearing a screen, but after the first two shots on 20d10 with the robot's laser rifle his screen was destroyed. The gyrojet rifle didn't miss either, knocking him down to 3 STA points. Raven saw what happened, turned, picked up a chair, and attempted a WWE move on the hapless spy. He passed the check for picking up the chair, but when he tried to hit, he rolled a 98. Raven tripped over a tangled spy, threw the chair into the corner, and landed face-first on the concrete floor. The spy saw what happened, and doubled over in laughter, but that was when Vince put his electrostunner to his neck and stunned him. Raven, after taking 2 damage for his ungraceful fall, immediately ran to the far door again, where the spy who ran away from the first firefight had continued. He burst through, saw the spy at the far end of a long hallway, sighted, drew... and rolled a 01, instantly knocking out said spy (I like to think of it as an arrow to the knee.) The four adventurers and one robot moved to the far end of the hallway, but Octavia went back to disable all those "idiot collars" and secure any prisoners. Ronin and Raven followed the hallway, which turned right, and Vince went up a set of stairs to what appeared to be the second level. As soon as he reached the door at the top (which was open), he looked in and immediately closed the door, which didn't do enough. A fragmentation grenade bounced off the door and down the stairs, exploding halfway down. Vince wasn't affected, but he stepped into the doorway and returned fire at the three spies in the room. He shot dual pistols, and being a technician he wasn't doing so well, but amazingly enough he rolled a 02 with his second laser shot and 01 with his first gyrojet shot. Two of the spies went down in a heap, but the third shoved Vince off the balcony and into the hallway below, which made him take 8 damage (thank goodness for skeinsuits.) Unfortunately for him, though, he'd stepped into the robot's line of fire. He went down, even though the robot missed with the gyrojet rifle twice. Octavia then returned, and the three followed Ronin and Raven down the hallway. While all this was going on, Ronin and Raven followed the hallway to the computer room, where the last remaining spy was attempting to destroy the computer records. Raven's electric sword soon put a stop to that, although it took him four tries to hit him twice. In the end of all of the mayhem, we each got about 2,500 for our efforts, got about 5 XP points, and Raven scored a sweet groundcar that we found in the cargo bay of the base. I don't know where you're going, but do you have room for one more troubled soul? -Patrick Stump, Alone Together |
![]() August 19, 2018 - 2:48am | they nicknamed the Edestekai "the peanut people". LOL easily related as one of my groups dubbed them "Mr. Peanut". One of the players even rendered one with a top hat and monocle. So I fooled around with an edestekai graphic I found on the 'net to whip this out... ![]() |
![]() August 19, 2018 - 9:04pm | they nicknamed the Edestekai "the peanut people". LOL easily related as one of my groups dubbed them "Mr. Peanut". One of the players even rendered one with a top hat and monocle. So I fooled around with an edestekai graphic I found on the 'net to whip this out... ![]() I must say, that's probably one of the scariest, but most hilarious, aliens I've seen in a long time. Great work! Also, I find it rather funny that you responded to your own post from 4 years ago... I don't know where you're going, but do you have room for one more troubled soul? -Patrick Stump, Alone Together |
![]() August 20, 2018 - 1:13am | IIRC one of our members did the edestekai graphic, I know I saw it before here in a discussion. I simply photoshopped a top hat and monocle onto it. As for talking to myself, I'm officially old enough to do that now. ![]() |
![]() August 22, 2018 - 5:29am | As for talking to myself, I'm officially old enough to do that now. ![]() I find talking to myself is one of the few ways I can get a good conversation going. and i believe its a scan of original art from one of the modules that was colorized and the top hat and monocle adde. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() August 24, 2018 - 9:28pm | Raven again, I have a new story: Yesterday, I took one of the old modules to show to my gaming squad (we mostly played Risk and Trivial Pursuit). They seemed intrigued, so I took the character creation booklet and sheets to school today and showed them the basics. We ended up leaving school an hour after it was over, but we all wanted to continue playing so we regrouped at my house. After another hour, we had managed to have full character creation for all 6 of us (I already had Vince, so I used him). We then decided that we should play an actual adventure, just to test the gameplay, so I quickly thought up a module that I could referee easily. I told the characters that they were selected as trainees in Redwillow, Inc.'s space marine program. Their first real mission was to go to a nearby planet and neutralize the small shipbuilding plant there, as well as bring all the researchers from that base to the Raven. We had a demolition Dralasite, a melee Dralasite, a martial-artist male Yazirian, and a slightly psycho knife-throwing female Human, as well as Vince and Ronin. Our demo dral, whose name was Grogmar (or Grog for short) blew a hole in the wall of the compound, but because of a jury-rigged TD-19 charge the blast caused no sound. The hole was too small for any of us, but Grog and Toad, the other dral, managed to slip through the hole. Ronin and Indie, the other human, managed to use a rope to scale the wall. Vince, his robot, and Zarl, the Yazirian, slipped around the side of the compound to try and open the front gates. There was an empty guard tower in the corner of the compound, so the two drals climbed up and readied their weapons. Grog had a grenade mortar, while Toad readied a Sonic Devastator. Vince, meanwhile, succeeded in opening the gate, only to be met with three militiamen coming the other direction. Before anyone could react, though, Toad scored a direct hit on the first militiaman in line, killing him as well as the second militiaman, and taking out 2/3 of the third's HP. Zarl sprang into action, punching the stunned man with his shock gloves, taking him out in one punch. Meanwhile, Ronin and Indie entered the actual base itself by a side door and were met by a group of five militia. Ronin took out one with a needler and one with a tangler grenade, but was hit by 68 points of machine gun fire, taking his stamina down to 49 from 75 and destroying his screen. That's when Indie stepped into the room, and somehow managed to get two hits with a 25% average on her laser pistol, set to 5d10. She managed to take out the machine gunner, and the other two militia missed their shots. Toad, meanwhile, had climbed down from the tower and was moving into the building. Indie stabbed another militiaman, who had been trying to alert the main company of the break-in, in the back of the neck with a critical hit, killing him instantly. Toad fired his Sonic Devastator at the one remaining militiaman... and hit him, killing him and blowing a hole in the wall behind him. The hole led to the main office, where two senior officers and the captain of the guard waited, heavily armed and armored. Ronin's doze grenade took out both senior officers, but the captain didn't go down so easily. When Grog, who had gotten down from the tower, stepped into the room, he hit him with his heavy laser. Thankfully, Grog had an albedo screen, and so he wasn't affected. Grog's machine gun missed, and Toad stepped into the room with his sonic devastator set to 20d10. The captain only laughed, as he had a sonic screen. Toad shot him, even though his instructions were to take him alive, and managed to not only kill his screen, but knock the captain himself down to 4 STA. After that, the captain surrendered the base to our forces, and we looted the base. There were lots of guns, a groundcar, a hovercycle, a groundcycle, a glijet, and a HS 2 starship that ended up being the basis for the Stealth Bomber. This original prototype, after being studied by Redwillow, ended up being given to the four marines as recognition for their work. I don't know where you're going, but do you have room for one more troubled soul? -Patrick Stump, Alone Together |